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VIP Member
Fanny should know this. Think of patreon, it's the number of low level patrons that bring in the monies, not the few high tier patrons, I think.
You'd be surprised how many people rejects this. I am often contacted to look into someones business plan. When I start firing questions they say: i don't know or never thought about that before.
When some company suddenly experience growth and I get in touch with the mananger and I suggest something: their respons? " but we have always done it this way" and refuse to change their working out of my garage behaviour.

They literally contact me to seek advice, which I give and then they go on to reject EVERYTHING.
10% is actually take my word for it and change strategies.

I don't care wether they do or do not take my advice, I bill them my hours and move on.
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Lady Lindy

Chatty Member
Thank you for your stories @MRShavershamsdress & @KyBourbon. They are absolutely important, especially when we want to talk about homophobia and queer history!
It absolutely revolts me that Michael Petherick cries victim about his lost subscribers. Has Michael ever been alienated because of his sexuality? Has he been the victim of gay bashing? Has he ever had to live in fear, because of who he is?!
Lest we forget Stephanie Jarvis who without any moral decency perpetuate and maintain homophobia in the world by letting Ivo and Frank be discriminated, then hypocritially celebrated Pride - what an ally, not!
Today, Nov 20th, is Trangender Rememberance Day, a day for me to remember all the brave people to paved the way through sorrow, pain and blood for me to be able to exist, albeit not entirely without fear. Something none of those châteauverse grifters could ever relate to.
#Kybourbon and @MRShaversamsdress, I missed your stories in the last thread and found them utterly heart breaking having read them here. The treatment you both received was so cruel. Sending love ❤
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In her early days she alluded to the fact that she stayed alone in the shithole at least one winter and was freezing all the time. She also stated that she was basically living on spaghetti. Ah, those were the days! This was after daddy had died. After her eight year depression stemming from Daddy's death, she woke up one morning and was completely cured of her depression! She even had the audacity to tell her audience that if they were suffering from depression, they should not give up hope because one day they will wake up and voila! Happy days are here again. Pissed me off as I have a brother who has been suffering from clinical depression for 20 plus years and has tried everything to 'cure' it. I'm sure many of her viewers suffer from depression and need to seek professional help not go to sleep every night hoping that the morning will bring relief. Another example of her cluelessness and recklessness. 😡
I’m pretty sure her “depression” stemmed from being out of Daddy’s money. It just took eight years for it to sink in and for her to pull herself up again as she was going to starve if she just kept watching tv and laying in bed.
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Anytime I've seen people using a cherry picker they have applied Health and Safety Rules and wear a safety harness that is clipped on.
The Dump crew, as always, were beyond negligent and not following the safety instructions in using the rented cherry picker to do their sightseeing, delivering tissues, climbing in and out of windows, joyriding, etc. F4F even expressed a desire to have Phi Phi deliver a cocktail to her window via the cherry picker. The actions they take, as usual, are in total disregard for safety. F4F, Anne Marie, Dan, and this occasion Phi Phi, routinely use equipment as toys to play with, instead of serious industrial equipment (remember Anne Marie, Dan and Fanny going up in the digger last Christmas in the courtyard to do something with the lighting around the fountain, weren't some of them standing in the digger bucket)?

They were using no fall prevention system, which normally would have a full body harness and a lanyard which would be attached to a suitable point on the cherry picker basket. No one had helmets on. At a couple of points in the video, they had 3 people crowded in the basket, all with no helmets, safety straps, etc. Any person could have fallen over the railings and been seriously injured. They may have exceeded the number of people safely allowed in the basket at one time or weight limit for the cherry picker with 3 people in the basket.

Anne Marie and Maria with no safety harnesses, no helmets, went up to F4F’s window, where she unsafely and without any fall protection climbs out her bedroom window to the cherry picker, now crowded with 3 people without fall protection in the basket. Just her movements in climbing over the railing of the picker basket, with the number of people in it, could have caused the basket to become unstable.

Phi Phi climbed through the window to get into the cherry picker, with no helmet, no safety harness, and was leaning up and over the cherry picker sides to clean the Dump windows. He was at a great fall risk.

Half assed following of safety rules for heavy duty equipment. Avoidable and unreasonable risk of injury, that's so Lie Lande!!
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Their mistake was telling their recollection of the truth to people who couldn’t keep quiet and have repeated another person’s story. Tattle has certainly exacerbated their issues - let’s not absolve ourselves from having a role to play in speculation and accusations.
Yet someone took it upon themselves to contact F and I in the hope of stirring up trouble for @Clara Burnett. Surely this is completely against the rules of Tattle.
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What a mean spirted little arse Philip is. Fireplace gets put in Amoury comments to Stephanie how nice it is going to be sitting in heat, says Molly will take over in front of fire. Nex minute the little lord makes it a dining room so no one can lounge around in heat, Molly cant enter room and he gets heat from his room and when he is at the dining table and prior whne fluffing doing tablescapes
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So the chimneys were not inspected before the burners were purchased? Well, of course not, that's silly. What do you bet that the chimneys are not fit to be used? Full of soot and what not, cracked stones and bricks, missing stones and bricks, etc. So stupid, it's unbelievable! Now there will be a pile of log burners joining the pile of toilets, sinks and bidets.
So poor 'cuz will be schlepping wood for the log burners all day with no time for the grande salon!

I have to admit that I found the video from Marc and Amy's chateau very interesting, not because of Fanny, they could have done it very well without her, but at least she kept relatively quiet as she is so much less intelligent and informed than they are. When she is commenting, she still flaps her wings about like an old crow and looks old enough to be their mother. Snorty was surprisingly quiet behind the camera. They both look so silly and awkward when with other chateau grown ups! That cape and yellow wellies looked ridiculous. Although Amy is sometimes a bit loud, they both work hard, are genuinely interested in their chateau and the land. They have also both done interesting work in the past. SJ and Snorty have done nothing with their lives in comparison. I can't help thinking of Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther films when Marc is speaking but he and Amy are considerably more likeable than their recent visitors!
The best part was Snorts kept silent with no voice over nonsense!
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Well-known member
Yes, in France, for new installations, they do now line the chimneys with the pipes you talk about and the convoluted type as well (for bendy chimneys).

You also need to have a yearly certificate stating the chimney has been swept by a professional sweep, otherwise it invalidates your insurance. (Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but been AWOL...
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Nicolas Foreskin already has 36 Patrons! I’m thinking of joining at the Golden Shower level! But for $6 per month he might spit in my general direction 😆

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Signed limited edition print by Nicholas?!? Did he and Billy get a two-fer on that expensive copier?!? Fairly-no-longer-a-twink is gonna go the Michael Petherick way and copy someone else’s work? The only artistic touch he has is blending his bronzer into his foundation! God knows gurl needs some powder for that forehead!

Those two should really hook up together !!! :ROFLMAO:
Oh honey, two bottoms can’t do much together except go shopping!😏
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C'est moi

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Patreon Flog.

She has just made out her and Phi Phi are editing at 1am in the morning and two volunteers still cooking until 1.15am and she just has a Scotch. Phi Phi serving her a Scotch and saying how mellow it is he is such a sycophantic turd.

Then morning of Thanksgiving or day before volunteer still cooking. Fanny is intermittent fasting so can't eat till four but busy working so won't need to eat.

Annalise arrives to do her hair. Maria is doing Patreon Christmas cards and Angel is cleaning candles and getting warm in dining room. Fanny wants to go darker blonde for winter. Phi Phi has lit a fire in his study so Annalise and Fanny goes up as Phi Phi has gone to get pizza. Phi Phi office is what was ear marked for Michael Petherick. Fanny says tomorrow is shiny knob day she is pissed and saying she is going to be polishing knobs.

Phi Phi wants Fanny to go ginger. Annalise has stayed so late so is staying the night.

Maria is leaving. But coming back for summer. Kirsty is growing yellow courgettes for summer and acting all simpering and girly which doesn't suit her. Then long discussion about Phi Phi's allergies.

Kirsty is splitting oregano bushes (are you still awake). Kirsty is going to build a substantial herb bed outside kitchen door but Fanny needs to consult Davy which means that is a no.

Phi Phi comes into the gardena and weaves blackberries through the arches that's his work for the day. Back to his office or as we all know his bedroom.

Oh Lord I am bloody losing the will- a fucking chat and name check with all the DAHHHHHHHLING chickens.

Fanny and Phi Phi at super market and had to buy jump leads which also needed charging. It was the Mercedes that needed jump starting so bloody ages ago and Gerald is there they have been away. Timelines are really fucked as is the content we are back in October.

Amaury and Phi Phi have been doing lots of re jigging of paintings he is so talented. He's hung a painting inside the Roger bed- he is being so vile.

Then her an Antoine and Fanny playing with Scooby Doo in Egypt it is more than I can stand Fanny playing the biggest child

Seriously this is insulting and nauseating and no mention of any renovations or the accounts. Seriously filming her doing a Scooby Doo voice how low can you go you ridiculous woman

She has moved a sofa to where the sideboard was in the dining room all will be revealed in tomorrow FLOG. How will any of us sleep-it is a bigger cliff hanger than the end scene in Battle of the Bastards
WOW! Above and beyond the call of duty @Just Grift Wood Above and beyond.

Have you noticed, and I'm sure you all have, tattle says jump and f4f's asks how high.

Only the other day one of our number (it's a fluid thing, 15/16/17...) mentioned that Annalise hadn't been around in ages and... voila, Annalise turns up.

If Annalise stayed the night, where were the boys? If not with her then something must have already been organised (the french don't do last minute, imo). So possibly not last minute decision!

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Happy Thanksgiving weekend, Tattlers! I'm thankful for all the juicy gossip you've shared this past year. I'm also thankful for Philip's hair loss and for Yorick's glorious visit to the chateau. I am NOT thankful for David's extended absence.
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Mmmmmm........ not selling enough tea and candles hey Tartan Tight Pants!
Not enough, apparently.
They have to split the sales between him, Vanessa, and the manufacturer. Definitely not enough to pay for the elegant Edwardian lifestyle he dreams of. The Comte is right. It seems that there is no sugar daddy interested in his charming ASMR voice and heavily made-up face. His last resort is to beg from sugargrannies on pension. Patrons up from 11 to 83 in five hours!

Nicolas Fairfraud watches Stephanie Jarvis and thinks--if she can travel around on Patreon money so can he! Yeah, why can't we all? :ROFLMAO: ✌
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Consider this question inappropriate but I happened to see Tattle has this topic as I follow another one. One thing that has bothered me about this vlog is the relationship of Stephanie and Phillip. It seems quite clear that he is either bi or gay but mostly I think gay. That is great with me could care less but are we to believe they are really a couple or is this some method to increase clicks etc. It seems too odd to be believed. Maybe this has all been discussed many times but I am new. Thanks.
The thought has never crossed my mind. What ever gave you that preposterous idea?
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VIP Member
Thank you for your stories @MRShavershamsdress & @KyBourbon. They are absolutely important, especially when we want to talk about homophobia and queer history!
It absolutely revolts me that Michael Petherick cries victim about his lost subscribers. Has Michael ever been alienated because of his sexuality? Has he been the victim of gay bashing? Has he ever had to live in fear, because of who he is?!
Lest we forget Stephanie Jarvis who without any moral decency perpetuate and maintain homophobia in the world by letting Ivo and Frank be discriminated, then hypocritially celebrated Pride - what an ally, not!
Today, Nov 20th, is Trangender Rememberance Day, a day for me to remember all the brave people to paved the way through sorrow, pain and blood for me to be able to exist, albeit not entirely without fear. Something none of those châteauverse grifters could ever relate to.
Thank you @ComtesseRose for calling attention to Transender Remembrance Day. We hear the more sensational stories about gay bashing, shootings, beatings, and the murder of gay people. But what a lot of people don’t think about are the subtle slights, off hand remarks, micro aggressions, and exclusion that many (if not all) gay people have and do experience. It can be very traumatic, affecting your self esteem and confidence. I think a lot of gay people develop a wickedly good sense of humor and wit as a response to these everyday slights. Yes, I was also disgusted when Michael played the victim and used homophobia as an excuse for his lost subscribers. I don’t know his past experience with homophobia, but he definitely used the term to garner sympathy and turn the narrative away from the real reason people unsubscribed…blowing his money on rent boys, hotels, and partying in Madrid. He has a loving, supportive family, friends, and thousands of subscribers who don’t care about his sexuality. Over the years, Michael has perfected the art of excuse-making while simultaneously making himself the victim. His false claim of homophobia to excuse his lost subscribers is a slap in the face to the real homophobia experienced by so many.
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Fanny and her woodburners....three in the entrancehall :eek: one in her boudoir and one in the marquisappartment..That appartment is on the other side of the building?? Does she even think she can heat her whole farmhouse with three of those small woodburners..the heap has lotts of singleglass windows...lotts of outsidedoors....:rolleyes: cold corridors...and stairways...the heat is gone in no time...I have the feeling she has only three chimnies that are in working order..i guess the rest isnt even fit for a fireplace...let alone a woodburner...

Offcourse she didnt sweep her flues...not even one time a year....thats not romantic.... Btw i dont think her burner in her boudoir will burn much...all that wood up those stairs...and the ashes back down....the dust...its a huge task...i dont see Fanny or snort doing that a whole winter...Maybe Maria or Pavlina?? how good is life to volunteer at a chateau....

I remember that my father was very happy when in 1970 gas came to the costed a fortune because they had to dig a few kilometers.....he always hated it when we wanted to light the fireplaces,...or even burn a candle...he was always afraid of fire..the work involved and the dust...,the heatingsystem before ran on oil...and before that it was cole..the oiltanks were constant empty..and the heaters werent also very good in those days...i remember the bedrooms were always cold when i was young..Even in the cottage we stayed in in on the windows...We had some very harish winters in the eighties with more than -20C...The water in the toilets was frozen..and the staff had a huge task to keep the pipes from freezing.. i dont want those winters back...

well...when they are so well off...he should hire Amy a housekeeper, one who also can cook...:rolleyes: when you have money your place shouldnt look like that......and you should serve guests a decent meal...
She will probably put out a basket attached to a rope just like she did in the early Covid days when she was in quarantine. Instead of chocolate anyone passing will have to put a log into the basket so she can haul them up one at a time.
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Those pink stems are worth at a minimum $50 a stem. 16 of them = $800. Guesstimate for all of the glassware sent, probably $3000. I’m probably a bit low. I’m a dealer. I know.
Any bookies here $50 they brought them for themselves.
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