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VIP Member
I agree with everything you say. I was in the position of having to call on the youth mental health team when my son was 16. He jumped from a railway bridge but fortunately people got him off the track in time. I got help the next day but only because it was classed as an emergency. I found that they had a way of wanting to deal with the problem and if my son didn’t agree that was it. I managed to get him to appointments but again if he didn’t give the responses they had been taught to expect then we were on our own. It was a tough few years and a further attempt by taking an overdose. I didn’t even bother with the mental health team then just dealt with it on my own. It was his head of year at school and his rugby club that gave me the most support and between us we got him through the worst of it. During this time I was made aware of how many boys actually have mental health problems and tried to commit suicide. It is heartbreaking. It does happen to girls as well as my sister committed suicide.
I lost my son to suicide two years ago, he had made several attempts and we were in the dark about his mental condition as he put on a brave front hiding his torment from us. I’m happy for you and your son, I hope that he is open and let’s you know if things are getting too much for him. Now that I belong to the club no one wants to join, I try to distract myself and stay busy, and the famous 15 make me laugh they’re really not such terrible bunch ❤
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett, can you tell us, what is the real reason for no progress in the grande salon? Money, the ceiling needing more support or replaced, heating, Amaury just can’t handle it, Stephanie just wants it to go as slowly as possible…?
As I've reported before, it is my understanding there are structural issues that need to be fixed first and they are serious. Cuz Armoir can't fix those himself so he is left doing minimal things they can do until Stephanie Jarvis figures out a way to tell her patron friends she needs way more money to be able to properly continue the renovations. I am not sure she will walk that route though. She might as well choose to ignore the structural issues (she has done that before) against all advice (done that too, multiple times) and force Cuz to ram the paneling in just to be done with it and move on to the following disaster of a project. At this point there is no way to tell, because she's no longer reigned in by any common sense around her. She has become used to the fact that (some of ) her fans will love her no matter what.
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Ah, seems I’ve forgotten my manners. My sincerest apologies. So, I used to watch CD. She appeared at a time where I needed the distraction. I was suffering from depression. I was also a Patreon for a short while.

But something felt off. Small things that didn't add up. And at a time where I needed support she decided the best way was to make fun of my gift. It's not a big thing but I was so hurt. I thought I did something good and kind. I use these tablecloth weights myself. Frivolous and fun.

I’m an English teacher at the moment. My dream is to move to France, to a chateau. Hence watching CD. Now I’m just tired of all these owners begging for money. You can’t afford it, don't buy it.

I used to defend her as well. But I think I did it more for me than her. I would never have imagined me being that stupid. Lesson learned.
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Just some random thoughts. There are few things that have been nagging at me, I’m starting to think something significant is going on and we literally have no idea what it is. All of the following have my spidey senses activated:

1. Annalise has disappeared.
2. Dan is quite ridiculously, at this point, not explaining himself or his crazy ass project at all.
3. PhiPhi is mocking Mummy.
4. Percy looks ill.
5. None of her old friends are shown coming around.
6. Anne Marie isn’t working on anything we’ve seen, but still needs a break. Again.
7. She isn’t talking about Christmas at all yet.
8. She hasn’t shown her rooms much.
9. She’s not showing contractors or consultants.
10. She still has no merchandise or shop site.
11. Nothing has been done in months.
12. She doesn’t give much of schedule for anything.

It’s like someone reprogrammed her. Or she’s up to something and managed to keep it under her hat (I call it pulling a Dan). It’s also odd to me that he used to do dailies, and now he can hardly be assed to get a video out once a week, and he no longer has a job and would certainly need money. You’d think he needed to grow his channel? I’m just getting a vibe. What do you all think?
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I’m hesitant to say this (because as soon as I do, something will happen!)...but we haven’t seen any flying monkeys here for a while. I wonder if that means SJ’s minions are finally waking up to her bullshit? They see the mass exodus of past figures (Teabag, Dan, FRK, Selmar, Taty, etc.), they see the lack of progres, they see the trips, the frivolous spending…and eyes are starting to open? Or…maybe SJ’s ostracized the ones in her circle who were her flying monkeys? One can only hope!

Open invitation to Stephanie Jarvis…why not join Tattle as yourself and address the criticism and questions? If everything is legitimate, you have nothing to fear. Honestly, you really have nothing to lose by coming here to “set the record straight!“
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T Rex

VIP Member
Good evening, lovely Tartlets and Tartgents, and those who shop at Target! I've been down for the count for the last few days with a nasty sinus infection (it's been ongoing for the last few weeks- ironically, not the Rona nor anything contagious- but brought on by bad allergies.) Between red tide, hurricane debris that has still not been picked up in my neighbourhood and things that are now in bloom, it's wreaked havoc on my immune system to where it has literally created its own petri dish with "green goblins", and I was prescribed a Z-Pack (super-dose of antibiotics) and have to actually take my Allegra every day now. No fever, no aches, 3 negative COVID tests- just a lot of uncontrollable coughing, blowing my nose, and lack of sleep. I am on the mend now- I spent yesterday in my pyjamas in bed catching up on the vlogs (so many of them), and ironically, did wish my sinus infection upon Snorts whilst he was attempting to make goulash (allergies my arse!) Now to catch up on your witty posts- the lot of you 15 have been quite chatty! 😂
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I’m a whittle bit sick. I may have over done it by cooking. Now that I think of it I may have poisoned myself with my own food.

I’ll just have a lie down for a bit. I was trying on all the sparkly dresses then SJ was summoned to Paris and the time got away from me. People wait 7 months to see their gifts unwrapped what’s another week?

I’m sure I’ll be good as new. Bubble girl has called 4 times to check on me but SJ hasn’t. She was going to show the Nadiac kid his Great grandfather’s tv that’s in the attic but that was hours ago.
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Notice when Maria is cooking dinner, it's mentioned that unlike the guest dinners, Greek night will was going to be a "fun dinner." So revealing and Fanny is condemned by her own words - she regards guest dinners as a trial, a hassle she can do without. Watch the vlog again and listen to what she's saying. The implication is obvious... she hates the guests, she hates the effort going into feeding them, the time and trouble and she believes it's a waste of her money and is an obligation that in her eyes, she can do without. We've long been aware of the false front she puts on for her guests, now she's said it herself... it's much more fun without them. I sincerely hope a few ex-guests took note of her words, thought 'what a bitch' and cancelled their Patreon accounts.
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barber st

New member

I'm not completely new to the forum as I've been reading along for about the past year and a half (somewhere around there). I first came across Chateau Diaries in the pandemic after being furloughed (yay to working in the performing arts
). I thought it was incredible that these people lived in such a large space together, partying, and with so many things they could do. Granted, I always thought their tastes were awful but I can't remember when exactly I turned against the channel. I think for me it was their personalities and then eventually the lack of follow through on their plans.
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OMG...... just watched the latest CD.

Who cares about the Hidden Handyman...... I want to see the Hidden Account and the papers !!!

Congrats to you arwensgal1975 - VIP !!!
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Wait what? Another man and he is handy? I just spent two years getting rid of men. X-lovers, x-boyfriends, old Advent co-host, new gays, male volunteers, cheese makers. I even limit male relatives except for Percy, he smells like my grandfather.

Ok, the handyman will report TO ME, just like Cuz reports TO ME. He will fix what I tell him, how I tell him or he can be let go like Ian, Selmar and Dan.

Kitchen wenches will do what I tell them, cook what I tell them and wear what I tell them. I am a LORD after all.
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Fanny and company are definitely responding to this forum. I did a post about whether a handyman actually existed, and voila! the next video addresses the handyman.

Why not show the accounts Fanny . Did the handyman have the accounts?
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I called it! Michael is trying to push out a bunch of videos before year-end so 2022 isn’t a total waste. Then he’ll take his annual late winter hiatus from Jan - March, reappearing in April.

In his latest vlog, Michael priced milled oak lumber and said it was too expensive. So, instead he (or Gwen) bought a new wood planer so that he can plane and make his own oak lumber from trees. Not sure how much a planer costs, but hope it was worth it…he may not recoup the investment before he loses interest in carpentry and moves on to something else! (He doesn’t have the best attention span).

Michael shares all the paperwork and original sketches from 1904 for the woodwork and carpentry in Begmania’s West Tower. He even showed documents detailing the cost of every single piece of wood used. Can you believe it??? The Pethericks have detailed, handwritten accounting of the cost of every last piece of wood from 1904without the use of computers….and Fanny can’t produce accounts in 2022 using state of the art technology and software!!!

And Michael asks everyone to purchase a copy of a photo of Begmania…claims it’s to help keep the chateau alive for the next 100 years….




However, this is probably closer to reality…😆

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What!? I come here to gossip, and I am asked to do a, don't ask me. I have no idea what is going on. But, saying that, I can add something about that little elegant tosspot with the white gloves.
See, I recon he does not only shit elegantly, but probably also put the bins out elegantly. He probably prepares himself putting on a little hat and white gloves, buffs up his buttons so they shine, and put a little gloss on his smug lips. Then he pays attention to the plastic bag as he gently lifts it out, and hums a cheerful little elegant tune to himself. As he leaves the kitchen, he playfully skips , but regains his normal stride as he reaches the door. Now his task requires much attention and care. He puts the bag into the bin, making his right hand flap a little, to create an elegant wave. Then the real work begins. He swivels the bin around and grips the handle with both his elegant hands, preparing to push it out to where the binmen can reach it. He enjoys it! He knows this is indeed life, and this is his reason for beeing! Enjoying every step, he pulls the bin out and stops for a minute to reflect. He is gripped by an urge to recite Byron and Keats! This is such a magic moment. His elegantly gloved hands clap together in joy and he gives into temptation;
I met a lady in the meads,
Full beautiful—a faery’s child,
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild.

A magic night of putting out the bin. He leads his live with such elegance... we can only aspire to it... that is all I have to say.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
In Maria’s words Snorts requested Greek night, told everyone to dress up and spent two hours polishing plates for street food. He’d even written name cards dictating where people should sit for dinner. The tacky cat dress had jewellery laid out next to it on the bed. He’s really got himself into pole position;
Telling the cook what meal to prepare,
Telling the staff to dress up,
Telling the staff where to sit,
Telling his gf what to wear,
He appears to be sat at the head of the table with F4F opposite and the staff either side of them,
To top off the appearance of stately grandeur he’s wearing a gold pocket watch chain and I’ve no doubt that a expensive gold watch was tucked inside his waistcoat pocket. I’ll go even further to say it’ll be a Hunter.

Little Lord fondle toy boy really is the master of all he surveys and appears to have all the power within those damp walls. Well played Snorts 👏🏼
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