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Lochness Monster

VIP Member
I thought that the editing etc was Phillipa's job? Now I'm confused. Seems like he does absolutely nothing to contribute!
I thought that the editing etc was Phillipa's job? Now I'm confused. Seems like he does absolutely nothing to contribute!
Goodness no!
Philip is so very busy.
He gets up,puts out F4F clothes, even tho she stays in her 100 stars crushed robe for hours…

Then spends a while doing his nails and hair before giving orders to the cook.
A quick duck pate and jam sandwich before he is off to give orders to the new mystery handyman…. In his high heels. Does he have no outdoor boots?
Ah that is because Stephanie told us he was an indoor member of staff…. And an interior designer.
And then it’s off to measure some warped panels that don’t fit the big room.

Exhausted he goes to his desk to edit gift grab .
Then it is time to chase a hedgehog.
After all this he eats supper, if he is not allergic to it, and then it is relaxing time in his room on the ‘ they saw you coming’ auction website, and he buys himself another glass to drown his sorrows.
And off to bed.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
I have to say I don't blame Fanny for travelling she is trying to escape the perpetual boredom of Chateau Diaries, we can hardly watch each flog for 1/2 an hour a week and that is her life. Stuck in the middle of nowhere with a boring brigade of hangers on. Not a genuine soul in amongst the lot of them, they live in a compound of their own making- doomed to a life of play, rinse, repeat-not an original thought amongst them. She buys things, travels, buys things, buys people all the time trying to give her hollow existence meaning, she is bored because ultimately she and the life she has carved out is boring and empty. Discuss?
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We’ve never seen Philip’s closet. I know there’s not enough room in Stephanie’s closet or bedroom for Philip’s things even though they do share some items. I think he really lives in that other nearby room, where his lady desk is kept.
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Just Grift Wood

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Zed Blackworth
11 hours ago
Do you use any of your own money to renovate? I just wondered because if you can afford a new Tesla and possibly a 43ft yacht why are you asking patrons to fund your renovations? I love your content but it doesn't sit well with me that you are getting others to fund your restoration-if you can't afford a house or a lifestyle don't buy the house surely is the answer. You have chosen to shut the b n b which could also have helped with the project. Does it ever make you feel a bit uneasy? Not being horrid just asking a genuine question? As I say love the vlogs and have no problem with you earning from ads and sponsorship but why patron if you can afford a little yacht and luxury cars?
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How To Renovate A Chateau

6 hours ago
Hi Zed, thanks for to concern. Patreon is not a charity but a subscription model like Netflix only on a voluntary basis. People support channels not because”they are in need” but to reward them for their content. I believe our patrons appreciate though the fact that we use the money from patreon to help with renovations. Without patreons we wouldn’t stop renovating but very likely stop making videos. Hope that helps.
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I lost my son to suicide two years ago, he had made several attempts and we were in the dark about his mental condition as he put on a brave front hiding his torment from us. I’m happy for you and your son, I hope that he is open and let’s you know if things are getting too much for him. Now that I belong to the club no one wants to join, I try to distract myself and stay busy, and the famous 15 make me laugh they’re really not such terrible bunch ❤
I am so very sad to hear this and wish I could think of something to say which would help you but I don’t think my words would help. I met a few young men with mental health conditions through those years and it breaks my heart to think that many try and put on a brave front as you son did. My sister also battled mental health conditions for many years and eventually succeeded in taking her own life 15 years ago at the age of 41 leaving a husband and a 7 and 14 year old.

I agree about tattle being the perfect entertainment at times,the famous 15 are really a wonderful bunch.
Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs. 💕💕💕
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It is sad. Very sad.
In our town they have put higher fences up by the railway line and the local council are funding Suited look outs on the bridges,not the health service. The mental health response is if they are going to do it they will find a way. Absolutely dreadful as this galvanises not deters the thoughts.
The emergency number for emergencies…. Is an answer machine.
So few places in the uk to get the help needed and to stay well.
I agree with everything you say. I was in the position of having to call on the youth mental health team when my son was 16. He jumped from a railway bridge but fortunately people got him off the track in time. I got help the next day but only because it was classed as an emergency. I found that they had a way of wanting to deal with the problem and if my son didn’t agree that was it. I managed to get him to appointments but again if he didn’t give the responses they had been taught to expect then we were on our own. It was a tough few years and a further attempt by taking an overdose. I didn’t even bother with the mental health team then just dealt with it on my own. It was his head of year at school and his rugby club that gave me the most support and between us we got him through the worst of it. During this time I was made aware of how many boys actually have mental health problems and tried to commit suicide. It is heartbreaking. It does happen to girls as well as my sister committed suicide.
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Stephanie, these comments are proof that your loyal fans are so delusional…you can say anything and they’ll defend you while sniffing their precious Patreon cards. So…how about it? Come to Tattle as yourself and face the 15 of us here head on! Tell your truth…set the record straight! Bring the accounts and throw them in our faces! Prove us wrong.
But please don't bring Philipp.
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I watched Billy’s vlog from yesterday where he discussed his insurance woes on the convent. First, I had to get over the way he said “everythink” throughout the vlog. 🙄 once I got over that…😆 In the US, if a bank lends you money (a mortgage) to buy a structure, the bank requires insurance on the property. If the property isn’t insurable, the bank won’t lend you the money to buy it. Billy said he had an extremely hard time getting the convent insured. So, either the laws or rules are different in France, or he paid for the convent “in full” and didn’t need to borrow money to buy it. I recall he said they spent $500K to buy the convent. If they paid that total in full, with no borrowing, they could have easily funded the gardeners cottage restoration. Michael’s gofundme account claimed that Gwen and Billy didn’t have the money to spend in the cottage. My guess is that was totally untrue. They just didn’t want to spend money on Michael’s folly.
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Bettina H
15 hours ago
The patreon card i got ages ago still smell amazing
16 hours ago
Received my card a couple days ago -- thanks so much for that! You all looked fabulous in the dresses!
21 hours ago
My patreon card arrived this week, I think the whole street knew I screamed in excitement, its got pride of place on the dresser and smells lovely Xx
Stephanie, these comments are proof that your loyal fans are so delusional…you can say anything and they’ll defend you while sniffing their precious Patreon cards. So…how about it? Come to Tattle as yourself and face the 15 of us here head on! Tell your truth…set the record straight! Bring the accounts and throw them in our faces! Prove us wrong.
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In Maria’s words Snorts requested Greek night, told everyone to dress up and spent two hours polishing plates for street food. He’d even written name cards dictating where people should sit for dinner. The tacky cat dress had jewellery laid out next to it on the bed. He’s really got himself into pole position;
Telling the cook what meal to prepare,
Telling the staff to dress up,
Telling the staff where to sit,
Telling his gf what to wear,
He appears to be sat at the head of the table with F4F opposite and the staff either side of them,
To top off the appearance of stately grandeur he’s wearing a gold pocket watch chain and I’ve no doubt that a expensive gold watch was tucked inside his waistcoat pocket. I’ll go even further to say it’ll be a Hunter.

Little Lord fondle toy boy really is the master of all he surveys and appears to have all the power within those damp walls. Well played Snorts 👏🏼

It's all very little gay boy playing dollhouse
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member

I hope some of those in attendance have since had the opportunity to check out her YT grifts and actually summon her to the tax man.
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No Thanksgiving at the farmhouse this year? Has anyone heard anything? I can’t believe PhiPhi would miss the opportunity to put his masterful tablescaping skills to work! Plenty of candlesticks that need tin foil! And how will he fold the napkins this time? 😆
Philip has been secret messaging me through Reddit and he’s been sharing some Thanksgiving tablescape ideas he’s seriously considering if they are indeed going to be at Lalande.

I think this one gave off turduckin vibes








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Zed Blackworth
11 hours ago
Do you use any of your own money to renovate? I just wondered because if you can afford a new Tesla and possibly a 43ft yacht why are you asking patrons to fund your renovations? I love your content but it doesn't sit well with me that you are getting others to fund your restoration-if you can't afford a house or a lifestyle don't buy the house surely is the answer. You have chosen to shut the b n b which could also have helped with the project. Does it ever make you feel a bit uneasy? Not being horrid just asking a genuine question? As I say love the vlogs and have no problem with you earning from ads and sponsorship but why patron if you can afford a little yacht and luxury cars?
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How To Renovate A Chateau
6 hours ago
Hi Zed, thanks for to concern. Patreon is not a charity but a subscription model like Netflix only on a voluntary basis. People support channels not because”they are in need” but to reward them for their content. I believe our patrons appreciate though the fact that we use the money from patreon to help with renovations. Without patreons we wouldn’t stop renovating but very likely stop making videos. Hope that helps.
I can follow Phillipp's logic to a degree but his claim that without Patreon they would continue to renovate but cease to make videos does not make sense to me. By dropping videos he would also lose another source of income, namely advertising. Ergo: no B&B + no Patreon + no Youtube, thereby no advertising equals no renovating.
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@Clara Burnett, can you tell us, what is the real reason for no progress in the grande salon? Money, the ceiling needing more support or replaced, heating, Amaury just can’t handle it, Stephanie just wants it to go as slowly as possible…?
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“If I show the sky perhaps no one will notice that Cuz isn’t working on the Grand Salon. And then if I show the veggies in the garden no one will notice there’s no gardener. And if I show a volunteer in the fountain no one will notice everyone else that has ever worked on the chateau has abandoned it. And just maybe people will keep sending money. Those damn dresses from what’s her name sure didn’t pay any bills. Please subscribe and press LIKE. Emmaus. eBay and the local bathhouse are calling and they want Fill-Up’s tabs paid.” said the Chatelaine Dame d’ Ardwhore.
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VIP Member
I have to say I don't blame Fanny for travelling she is trying to escape the perpetual boredom of Chateau Diaries, we can hardly watch each flog for 1/2 an hour a week and that is her life. Stuck in the middle of nowhere with a boring brigade of hangers on. Not a genuine soul in amongst the lot of them, they live in a compound of their own making- doomed to a life of play, rinse, repeat-not an original thought amongst them. She buys things, travels, buys things, buys people all the time trying to give her hollow existence meaning, she is bored because ultimately she and the life she has carved out is boring and empty. Discuss?
I wouldn’t mind if Fanny traveled if she wasn’t collecting all that money on Patreon to do work that never happens. You’re totally right, though…she’s bored and shallow, so travel is a way to break the cycle. If she was actually making progress on the farmhouse and being a good steward of the $400K/year in donations she collects, I wouldn’t mind if she took a well-deserved vacation. It’s maddening when you think what an intelligent, capable person could do to the farmhouse with that kind of money rolling in. And probably get even higher donations as a result!
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Of all the things that need tending to, the gates just got fixed? After how many years? Have ya’ll noticed, she doesn't work. At all. In the early days she did, but not anymore. And since the handyman wisely avoided the camera, why mention him at all? Her last vvlog was useless.
I read in another thread, she was booted out of work away. What happened?
In short, she mistreated them and got kicked out of the work away program. She was working everyone a lot more hours than they were supposed to work. The work away people also complained about the food portions (apparently, Isabelle was very stingy with meals). And other perks that were promised (like outings, face time with Stephanie, etc.) didn’t happen or were a joke. There was one story where a female work away was assigned laundry duty and stuck in the laundry room all day. She was told she would be painting or doing other jobs, but all she did was laundry. At the same time, younger male work awayers were assigned painting; they worked half days, and then left to have fun. The female’s opinion is that the males were treated much better than the women. She felt bullied by Isabelle, but stayed until the end to fulfill her obligation. She was glad to finally leave and vowed to never return.
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