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They may have more than memories...
Anna and Phillip have posted this 👇with a video clip. Please check and re-check the girls and yourselves for ticks. The girls had exposed skin whilst in the forest.


We’ve just returned home after a magical weekend spent with our lovely friends Stephanie @stephanieejarvis and Philip @philipjanssen at beautiful Chateau de La Lande @chateaudelalande .

It was the perfect Easter, filled with delicious food, a party, meeting so many lovely people, glorious sunshine, and an epic Easter egg hunt and we honestly had a hard time leaving yesterday.

After we were unable to travel last year, it was wonderful to finally discover Stephanie’s chateau and see what she and Philip and their amazing team of Lalanders are achieving with their mammoth restoration, the scale of the work, what they have already achieved and hearing about what they have planned is so inspiring.

It was so nice to catch up with fellow chatelaines and Youtube creators and share notes on the trials and tribulations of being custodians of these historic homes, the never ending maintenance and restoration work, and the juggling of running them as businesses and creating vlogs at the same time.

If you don’t already do check out Stephanie’s Youtube channel ‘Chateau Diaries’ where she shares daily life at Chateau de La Lande and this week’s easter vlog.

Thank you Stephanie and Philip for an unforgettable weekend.
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Congratulation for naming the thread @OhIDontKnow...

Most liked posts from the previous thread.


New member

Friday at 7:31 PM
Hello all from a longtime lurker,

I am finally almost caught up, and since that will probably last about 27 minutes, I'm taking the opportunity to quickly introduce myself. I'm a 50-something wife and mom. I live in California (but use minimal emojis and have my own YT account!) Once upon a time I was a professional classical musician, and one of my many complaints about CD is the use of uncredited live and recorded music in the videos. I was so glad to see someone mention the (probably) unauthorized use of the Verona opera performance footage the other day. Fanny should know better, even if she never got around to using her musical training for much!

My 'finding Tattler' story is very typical ... heard about the 'hate site' on MPK's crying vlog, popped in and out a few times, gradually started lurking and loved the hilarious, articulate, right-on-point comments here, etc, etc. Such a relief that I wasn't the only one who objected to SJ's tacky gift-opening channel. While I do think she has natural charm and is capable of being a good interviewer, the fake life, creepy love and shrill laughter get old fast, and there's a ton of disturbing stuff behind the crumbling facade of both the alleged 'chateau' and its 'chatelaine'. I quit watching for a while until FRK left, and boycotted the shirtless cuz clickbait, but the last straw for me was the monkey poo episode. Whoever came up with that idea (the alleged YouTube manager?) went too far. I haven't watched CD since.

When I realized I was spending more time reading here than watching the flogs, I created an account so I could view attachments and react to comments. This is my first (and possibly only) post, as I may have to retreat back into lurkdom. But I hope I'll have the fortitude to make it through tattler probation. I haven't read every one of the threads, but I do make frequent and appreciative use of the Wiki button and search bar, so I at least promise not to ask stupid questions!

Deeply appreciate that we're all here for different reasons, and I have no agenda except continuing to enjoy the clever wordplay, creative video and photo work, and knowledgable perspectives on all things chateau-related. And of course the bonus content on gardening, beverage choices, heavy equipment safety and makeup tips! Hoping to eventually post enough to become a recognized member of the warm-hearted and supportive community here. Sincere thanks to all fifteen of you for many hours of enjoyable reading. This is the real 'life, love and laughter' site :)

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Clara Burnett

VIP Member

Thursday at 8:09 AM
Lady Avonlea said:

Today's patron video - so many things to shake your head at!
  • Antoine - poor child having to go for a stroll with Fanny - I'd call him in for dinner too
  • Infection - Fanny drinking throughout her stroll - Clara Burnett said Fanny drinks when on antibiotics
  • Wine - had ice in the wine glass - no chilled wine in the new fridges or have they drank it all already?
  • Bad back - Fanny wearing high healed boots to stroll around the grounds (does the woman not own a pair of trainers?)
  • Reading Soup Recipe from 1894 - boring
  • Soup - Fanny just had a spoonful of soup before heading out for her stroll- but time to pour a drink (no wonder her health is deteriorating)
  • Tools - chainsaw just left sitting on the ground (no respect for tools or safety)
  • Garden - 1,200 plants arriving next week - how much will that cost? And that's just the beginning! (Davy has to be getting a cut)
  • Garden Design - Fanny's been looking at Davy's garden designs for over a year and she's only just figured out the Jardain Anglaise is shaped as 2 semicircles???? The woman is an idiot!
  • Kim - has been ensnared to cook for Easter weekend - can't believe she enjoys this, but for some reason she keeps returning
  • Bookshelf - placing in the hallway is a fire hazard . Guests need clear egress so that won't impress the Fire Marshall.
  • Bookshelf - every wall at HMN has wallpaper, so based on Fanny's logic that bookcase won't fit anywhere - therefore SELL IT
  • Hoarding - Encyclopedia Britannica - time to take to the charity shop (and not sure they'll even take them)
Click to expand...
Teaching Antoine some work ethics seems sensible and wise, but by allowing Stephanie Jarvis to use him once again for her flogs it actually shows the disgustingly low morals his parents have adopted. The Larkins should protect their son from exposure on the internet at his age, but instead they think it's a good idea to pair him with a person who has not worked once in her entire life and has the most distorted ideas about children and how to approach them. Shame on Nic and Marie, again.

Le Baiseur

Chatty Member

Thursday at 5:34 PM
Princess and the Pea said:
Does anyone with another identity on here not call out Caroline Gooder aka Stephanie Jarvis and tell her to shut the hell up. Fanny is blowing her cover there by constantly piping up to answer any negativity. As I said before the choice of alter ego 'Gooder' when Jarvis is anything but 'Good' eh? 🤣
Create a profile called "Carolyn Better" and take her to task.

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Le Comte de Monte Cristo

VIP Member

Friday at 10:54 PM
Lets talk about Selmar..i watched that high tea in the was all very akward..How old are these people...around 80? I think they are very lonely, and they want a nice soul around..nothing wrong with that..but i have an strange feeling about it all..i also have the idea they are in the same flow like Selmar...who goes to a high tea dressed up like a musketeer... :oops: have to say i like the mistake about that...and i wish them well..i only hope nobodies feelings gets hurt in the progress..

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The Sichuan Diaries and Chateau Chat uploaded a video today. PS: We need to add Chateau Chat to the wiki list of chateau critical/gossipy channels.

Welcome to all newbies, flying monkeys and lurkers - always remember to check the wiki page, if you might have a question, you think have been answered.
Happy tattling.
Nu igen.png

And Happy Easter from Philip and Peppa Pig.
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Sara the Sewist -

"Blue and yellow, how French!"

Could these people be any more OUT OF TOUCH!?!?!

You idiots have had a Ukrainian in your house for weeks and that's your first thought on these colors? Why even include this comment, unless you're really that clueless?
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When I was around 20 - decades ago. I worked for a company that had 2 totally separate branches of the same company. Every Christmas the company held a combined works dinner/party, really lovely events. And, might I add, all paid for by the partners too.
After attending his first function, my direct boss - we had a fabulous honest/respectful "working relationship" and I loved working with him.
He was unattached/early 30s. However, I was attached so nothing untoward was going on.
He came back into the office and actually said that he had enjoyed the evening but felt that the "girls" from the other office were displaying a little too much flesh but that the women from our office, although more covered up, were far more appealing for having done so.
To my mind, sex appeal isn't about putting everything out on display, it is primarily all about, "the suggestion of" what may lie beneath.
Would be interested to know what male members here feel about that statement please as it obviously made an impression on me. TIA. :love:
The women who "had it all in the shop window" - Fanny, Nati, Dana,Tess - seemed to be the ones constantly oozing desperation, unlike Anna, Marie Larkin, etc who are the ones who actually display self -confidence and self-esteem.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Old Selmar has had his own easter egg hunt - I guess he wasn't invited to CLL...........
OMFG, I lasted 13 seconds. Seeing him creep into the room with a basket of eggs to hide was too cringe for me. If a strange ramen-haired man moved into my elderly parents house and filmed them hunting for Easter eggs I'd be on the phone to the authorities stat!
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You know snorts is editing when he gives a nano second to male talent

When it truly shows him as the weed he is

Who is this handsome ……. tartlets??

Yep snorts you aren’t even in his league - the jewelry can’t even save this pic

The foreheads getting bigger !!!!!
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Congrats for naming the thread @OhIDontKnow and thanks once more @ComtesseRose for the new one.
I’m just catching up, but for now, would like to say Happy Easter to you all.
Let’s hope this Easter Bunny doesn’t turn up at the HMN this weekend 🐣🐣🐣
I am far behind but I had to tell you that is the scariest Easter bunny that I have ever seen. LOL I would have been screaming too.

Hurra, Easter miracle! Mummy can see again on both eyes!!
Clara, have you ever heard of Mummy being blind on one eye? Funny, that she chose this moment to mention it....
Being a medical professional that entire thing made no sense about Isabelle's eyes. Either Fanny is lying or there is more to this story than revealed.
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And I stand by what I said regarding the Chateau Honfleur folks. I'm disappointed in them. Do I think they will lose viewership? Probably not. But I think they just may have lost little old me.
I will still watch the Fleuries. I do enjoy their content however I have cancelled my patron contribution and was sure to tell them why.
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Clara Burnett

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Rather grudgingly, which is a good start for a Monday, I thought the way the bedroom for the little girls (I know we avoid mentioning children but I just have to say that I think of those two as the Fleurettes) was kitted out - accessorised, is phaps a better word - quite thoughtfully.
I wouldn't call that thoughtfully, but exploitative: Stephanie Jarvis does not often host children, because she sees them as rivals in the attention seeking game she is constantly playing, so when she can't avoid the situation, she turns it into something more favorable by putting earlier received gifts on display, things she likes to receive more of and making it all look nonchalant and coincidental. Off camera you can bet she appointed each and every "nice gesture" to the visitors ("Look girls, I have put jewelry for you in those boxes...but only for tonights party, I need you to give them back to me because they are mine").
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Jeez, what is Arndy trying to tell us???? Is Squirrels a relative of Charles Manson???? Why is Squirrels taking the stand??? Crime against wildlife???? Crime against vlogs????

What am I Missing?????
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Ode to Marie the flower killer

Here’s your proof that Stephanie Jarvis at her most passive aggressive face

showing FRK :: The farmhouse flower chiller

All the Way from holland !!!!!
Stephanie Jarvis flower display
in her OWN words 😈
…………..Ridiculous …………….

Have to agree steph 😭😭 she can’t even get tulips 🌷 to stand there … bent over 😭😭

FRK … your weeds looked better than snorts comments … very spring like 👍 .. asshole

Ode to FRK ::: Title carnage

Trust me Marie in this instance
I’m laughing with you
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This is the self satisfied face of a farmhouse chatelaine

Free money 💵 - guest paying to stay
Free food 🍲 - guest brought
Free chocolates 🍫- guest brought
Free drink 🍹- co owners brought
Free footage - courtesy of guest

And patron and YouTube will pay month end
Parrrrfect … how to win at Easter 🐣
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In my experience, the "old money" wealthy are the most cost aware - basically, that's why they remain and protect their generational wealth - it's a given! They are property rich and money, poor.
It's only the novelle riche who squander, flash about and waste their new found wealth. Generally because they had nothing at the start of their lives so they need to demonstrate how wealthy they have become.
Even some nouveau riche individuals and families are not as flamboyant and excessive as the social-climbing Lalanders and other inhabitants of the chateauverse.

My great-grandfather always says (in Yiddish):
"Wealth is something you possess, not flaunt.
The moment you flaunt your wealth means
your wealth has possessed you

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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Dan is a wanker for what he's doing... Now he's dating Dana... Only thing I remember about Dana was a link to an Israeli trans artist ... The poster saying that explains Dana... Not entirely clear on all of that... What is clear Dan's kids are going to remember the pain of when Daddy left and wasn't at home anymore... And Dan the ass hat has videos of him going on dates at the time to forever prove what a selfish prick he is... Also for other classmates etc to view to bring up and add more pain to his kids... But hey it's all about him the douche...
Annalise is a hag for throwing Dan out and depriving those poor boys of a live-in, full-time Dad. It's really sad and selfish what she's done. Those boys will grow up resenting her and hating women. Dan works his ass off at the chateau and on the vlogs just so she can sit back and collect the YouTube/Patreon bankroll. It's clear she's spent too much time with the grifting chatelaine and has learned all of those bad habits. All Dan ever wanted to do was be a loving dad and family provider but Annalise's wandering eyes and loin lust ripped that all away from him. A tragedy in rural France, really, but WTF do I (or any of us) know?
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You will have plenty of help.
As the saying goes "form an orderly queue".

What's so funny about Jason Dubious-Dubey is that he chats in his own echo chamber. Bless his signed-by-Dali cotton socks, he just prattles on and on, only to be ignored. But is so self-absorbed he doesn't notice.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
thy to look at them together. Meanwhile, Anna & Phillip - I had hoped they wouldn’t stoop so low. I’m tempted to take a quick look myself, but . . . . .. . . . .I know Stephanie’s effervescence will be per usual over the top, too buoyant for words. Who sent them the Easter Bunny ears? Surely, not one of us!
They have been using those ears for years and years (and no, they are never cleaned).
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Active member
I will still watch the Fleuries. I do enjoy their content however I have cancelled my patron contribution and was sure to tell them why.
Ignoring all this stuff about Easter eggs hunts, crap food, odd people and strange attire. I am still at a loss to understand why ANY of you are paying anyone doing this grifting through Patreon? Please, please explain why. What are, even the Fleuries, doing for you that you send them money each month?? Watch them if you enjoy them. They earn money through you tube and advertising/sponsorship. The more people like you make payments through Patreon the more the lazy grifters will use it as their go to method of earning (not even earning) a living. JUST STOP.
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