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Lady Avonlea

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Suggested🧵 - Chateau de LaLande is the Best Little Whorehouse In France😉

And given very very little screen time, not even a mention "look who has arrived...", "look who is here...l
Fanny only had eyes for the Fleuries!
Don't see Fanny putting up a picture with Steve & Sara for clickbait! 🤣
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Clara Burnett

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Now there's a :poop: show waiting to happen.
(Unless Stephanie part with him on good terms...)

Don't tell me it's all crumbling really fast now... 😮
But is it intertwined with the disagreement Lakrin had with Stephanie...?
All I know, because all people are willing to say at the moment, is that the disagreement is serious and not yet resolved. I am sure that when we start speculating about it here, Stephanie will do her best to show "nothing is wrong" scenes about how much they all really love each other, but the cracks are undeniably visible. Some of the actors and reactors in the ongoing quarrel will not be as easy to push aside as FRK or Selmar and are bound to speak eventually, if not in public than at least within the entourage. Also, the "fun" Easter weekend with old "friends" bears another problem for Stephanie Jarvis, as many of these fools now got to see the damage she's been doing to the place with their own eyes, after being "locked out" for years due to the Covid restrictions. They also got to experience the annoying pressure of living with that pink iPhone in everybody's faces 24/7 (and those of the other YTvloggers). They will probably all say how wonderfully exciting the weekend was (like the Fleuries already did on their IG) but the truer stories always follow with some delay.
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I wonder who the Fleuries were drawn to (if anyone) from the assembled company? I don't imagine Dana, Mason or Tess would be their kind of people. Steve and Sara would bore anyone to sleep. I can see them enjoying the company of Marie Larkin perhaps?
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It’s a new dawn at LaLande with new cast members.
Petherick has to be sidelined now even if he was available to come he wouldn't have been invited. Since wallpapergate he's tainted. Dick & Angel Strawbridge are big players for Channel 4 - they're prime time TV. The split by them from the spin off DIY programmes is deliberate. So Fanny would be daft to let Petherick into her filming as Ch4 wouldn't want to annoy them - they are described as "jewels in the Channel 4 crown".
I didn't enjoy it. The whole fakery of it being all lovely & cutesy when we've seen what normally goes on in that place. Cleaned up their act both physically by getting the place cleaner than ever seen before & trying to make it seem wholesome. Even the 'discovery' of the chocolate bunny shrine thing was fake. Imagine a grown woman shrieking with fake excitement, running to get chocolate like a 5 year old. Does she think that makes her endearinginly charming? Nah. It makes you look like a middle aged idiot woman. Hopefully the Fleuries were using her as much as she was using them. They've put in enough digs at her vlogs in the past - I hope they're more astute to be conned by jingle jangle kid bracelets & Fanny's old musty kids books.
Prince Charming poncing about - I mean, for goodness sake, I thought if you had a toy boy they had to be gorgeous - not just younger?
That awful garish jewellery - what was it, some sort of Cabochon jewellery party?
I fast forwarded as I can't stand to watch Fanny for more than about 10 minutes before wanting to barf.
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Nobody asked, but this is the first time I have enjoyed a Chateau Diaries for weeks, if not months. Every time it is a disappointment. But this time, give them their due, they had made considerable efforts with their welcomes, entertainment, egg hunt and Easter lunch and it all looked lovely. Rooms looked clean and well thought out. Nice touches for guests, Lovely weather for an outside lunch.
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Lady Avonlea

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  • Fanny pulled out all the stops inviting every warm body she knows for Easter - 32 people + others who couldn't come (missing Potty, Ruth, + Lady of the Chateau folks).
  • Fanny realizes how badly she needs the Fleuries 'YT Fairy dust' to rub off on her as the entire vlog was viturally the Anna & Philip show. Anna looked elegant in her black outfit vs. Fanny who looked like an aging grandma in tacky gold lace. Just the thought of the lovely Fleuries socializing with Tess Hoffman :sick: .
  • Interesting to see who was invited for the Saturday night party vs. others (ex: Sabine, Kirsty) who were only invited for Sunday & the egg hunt. Was Sabine helping Dan sit with his boys on Saturday night?
  • Speaking about MIA - Amuary definitely must have a DO NOT FILM clause in his contract. No shots of him, even with his parents. Things are not all Life, Love and Laughter at the shiteau.
  • Where was Scotman??? He was there for C4 filming, but did he leave before the Easter weekend? Very odd!!!
  • It certainly seemed a bit more like a family friendly affair this year, with Tante & Once, many kiddies & kicking a ball on the yard (they are listening to us). Lovely that Snorty and the children had puppies and lambs to play with.
  • Why would the silly woman not pre-test the fountain before trying to turn it on with filming???
  • Is Snorty's time up?
    • Fanny kept in the bit about Snorty giving away 1/2 the shiteau, but it's not his to give
    • Fanny didn't cut out Snorty with a drink in his hands in the woods (Me thinks the boy as a problem)
  • Sadly, I can't get this vision of Steve in bunny ears out my mind. :sick: Now he's just a 'bunny out of water'
  • Mummy's eye-sight - it's actually very good news, especially since it means Mummy can return France soon, sort out her daughter and kick Snorty to the kerb
  • The Fleuries place is clean and tidy and nice bathrooms (+no pornographic art) vs. the shiteau. 🤣
  • Anna & Philip, please do not go brocante shopping with Fanny and/or Snorty. If you must go with anyone, let it be Sarah & George from Chateau de Brives who have lovely taste more in keeping with your home.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Yes, who were these 2 interesting guests?
Joos Bos, a Dutch friend of Stephanie Jarvis (no, not just any friend but one with benefits, are you paying attention, Snorting Cameltoe?) and Nicolas Gasquet, a local French guy who came along with Tess Hoffman, who considers him to be a brother, much like the brother from another mother from Stephanie Jarvis.
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Clara Burnett

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View attachment 1207585

31 minutes ago
Happy Wednesday lovelies I wish I could find the words to describe how my last 6 months have been but I am not there just yet. Some may think I’ve been lost and to that I will say yes, I have been a bit lost. I wish I could explain and tell you everything but I just can’t do It right now. I will tell you one day though. Regardless, I feel as I am coming back. Back to my happy, healthy and confident self. I am still slightly fragile but thats okay. I guess none of this makes sense to you all, I just wanted to tell you that I am sort of back and that I am happy to be here. I am also so incredibly greatful to you all. I am not sure what I would have done without you, so thank you dearly for being here. Here’s to new beginnings and finding your feet again. Love Marie . . . . .
To me, this post from Marie is a sign she’s in the midst of recovering from narcissistic abuse. Feeling lost, lack of confidence, unhappy, unhealthy. It can take a long time to recover. I once had a therapist tell me sometimes it takes the same amount of time to recover from the effects of the narcissist as the person was exposed to the narc abuse. After my experience with a narc, I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again. In some ways I guess that’s good because now I can recognize the signals so I don’t let it repeat.

Marie says here’s to “new beginnings”…where have we heard that before? Michael Petherick. Let’s hope that Marie’s new beginning actually works out.
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I thought the lyrics were about Annalise! I am so naive I guess. I thought, Dan, you have three reasons...Thomas, Jack and Annalise who is WAY prettier inside and out than fugly Danna, Plain Sabine or Crazy ass SJ who is fooling you with her gushing love bombing.
Fess up you guys. What are yoh picking up on that I am missing???
I did say SJ and PhiPhi were doing the horizontal tango from the beginning and I still do think they are. Though she does use him more and more as a crutch to feed her insatiable neediness and ego feeder than a sexual partner....much to Short's relief. And they are both enabling each others ever increasing alcoholism.
The only truth is that, other than Clara who isn't going to say, none of us know what happened. Some are convinced that Dan is having an affair with Sabine, some cite Dana (God forbid :sick: ), others have mentioned Cat and some suspect Fanny herself. Now either Dan is a very busy boy and he's been having it off with all of them or we are just speculating until the truth is may be revealed. Annalise may have met someone else ( perhaps that's what some of Dan's recent music choices indicate) or one or both of them may have just decided that they are no longer happy or fulfilled in the relationship. Personally, that would still be my theory. Everyone seems equally convinced that they are correct.Whatever the cause, Dan doesn't certainly look either happy or well whereas Annalise seems to be be flourishing. Is this because she finds the breakup a relief or because she has started a new relationship? Maybe one day the truth will out but I don' t think this is likely to be anytime soon.
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Over at Manor and Maker's, their volunteer provided us with a glimpse of their property...


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When I was around 20 - decades ago. I worked for a company that had 2 totally separate branches of the same company. Every Christmas the company held a combined works dinner/party, really lovely events. And, might I add, all paid for by the partners too.
After attending his first function, my direct boss - we had a fabulous honest/respectful "working relationship" and I loved working with him.
He was unattached/early 30s. However, I was attached so nothing untoward was going on.
He came back into the office and actually said that he had enjoyed the evening but felt that the "girls" from the other office were displaying a little too much flesh but that the women from our office, although more covered up, were far more appealing for having done so.
To my mind, sex appeal isn't about putting everything out on display, it is primarily all about, "the suggestion of" what may lie beneath.
Would be interested to know what male members here feel about that statement please as it obviously made an impression on me. TIA. :love:
Oh I agree. We men like the chase. If a woman has charisma & confidence, it is a bonus if she does not show you the goods but dresses for her self. It makes you have to try harder to imagine what lies beneath. Too much on display is advertising in your face. A gorgeous woman does not need to do that, and she does not want to. And, let me add something that I have said before. It does not matter if breasts sag, bottoms have dimples, scars, veins, imperfections...if your attitude is cool and you respect yourself, if you come across as confident and in control, men will feel honoured to get you naked. What is Not hot is implants, injections, long fake lashes, hair extensions etc. I am sorry, it is just not nice. Be yourself, no apologies, - dolls are not for grown up men. I love beautiful women, but personality always win. You would laugh if you had heard the arguments in my home,- I have a wife that cannot accept that she is growing older.
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Stephanie Jarvis usually charges her "friends" a considerable fee for their stay for the Easter weekend. Yes: you need to have an invitation to come, but you still have to pay.

Different Ian. Welcome and our wiki is a great starting point!
Pretty hard to look like your winning in life if you have to charge your friends to come and visit. 🙄
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Just saw Kathy's latest rant.
All I wil say. I'm feeling my oats all day every day.
You are just such a hypocrite, Kathy. You love to rant about what you think is important to rant about, but are afraid to be burnt as a Tattler. You are a Tattler, Kathy, as we all know you read here and if you had the stomach for it would write here too. You are usually one of the first to comment on new anti-shittoo-channels that pop-up on YT. It gave you some status and some people started to expect certain things of you that you clearly feel shame about. Get over it. You once called our @MojoDublin an arse. Go look in the mirror and see if you can talk again.
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JP in SC

Well-known member
Tess and Stephanie should just pack their bags and whore around Europe looking for rich old men. They both want to be in their 20’s again, and it is beyond obvious they are trying to hold onto their youth, which is long gone - & the tighter they cling, the more obvious it becomes.
I got the distinct impression that Snorts is no more than a Lady In Waiting, holding up Steph’s dress as if he was going to help her into the mess. And please notice, Snorts may have given up his table decor career as others were setting the tables.
This was a wholly classless gathering except for the gracious Fleuries. Not an ounce of refinement anywhere. Zero. Everyone so pitifully aspirational.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett Is Annalise's presence at the chateau a smoke and mirrors thing, or is she genuinely part of the crowd?
I have to tread with care here as you know my objective not to talk about anything relating to Dan & Annalise breaking up their marriage, but what I can say without being to literal is that everything at the shittoo is always smoke and mirrors when Stephanie Jarvis is involved and nobody who considers him or herself part of that crowd has a genuine bone in their body. Generally speaking, if you feel the need to ask me a question like this, you probably know the answer already.
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I watched Selmars latest was a bit boring but in a way it made me is just the way life for a lott of people acting no pretense of fun and looked like our easterparty..all gathered around the dinnertable, good food and manners..well dressed for the occasion and normal behaviour...your life doesnt have to be a circus to be enjoyed...
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
But Clara, you said you are visiting yourself. It looks like a lovely time to be there - as long as the cooking isn't down to you - or the cleaning. I noticed no Ian and his wife. Has there actually been a fall out or has it just been agreed that Ian would be happier no longer being there?
Yes, but like I explained: the lovely time has nothing to do with the location or the main characters of her soap opera. If I can, I try to avoid being part of the shenanigans and stay the hell away from the excesses that are at the base of Stephanies parties.
As for Ian and his wife: my understanding is Tina is sensible enough to keep them out of the partying scene.
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