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Chatty Member
Why don't people start putting comments of one of Potts youtube v logs asking about the Shittoo accounting and why projects haven't been completed? Turn up the heat on the main grifter and the co-horts.

Stephanfraudie lies as easily as she breathes. You couldn't trust anything she has generated concerning the accounting of the Shittooo funds. That is why you use the accountants' reports. Stephanfraudie doesn't like what the reports show, and she is trying to create her own accounting record to reflect what she wants to show, not the truth.

I can hear her now, " sadly, the accountants reports show me to be a complete fraud so I must unfortunately generate my own manipulated false set of records to show my Patreons. I am just exhausted having to work on my fraudulent accounts you have no idea, I need a drink, a brocante trip, and a vacation, pronto. I wonder what the new volunteer has made for dinner."
I agree. It's not uncommon to use Quickbooks for example if you have a smaller business--it's very intuitive and easy to use. You can track expenses, pay bills, etc. You then hand over the GL's to the accountant. If she actually expects anyone to believe that she is capable of inputting this data when she cannot keep her receipts in order... Further, how is she separating the Association accounts from the other entities and bank accounts? My answer is she isn't. It's just all in one big slush fund. What a farce.

I doubt that she has the money set aside for the lake. Her body language gave her away.

Where are the financials for the association, Stephanie Jarvis? What have you done with all that money? Do you have any left?
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Chatty Member
Alright Tattlers, tagging the next time zone. Keep the hellfires burning, We don’t want Fannys feet to get cold.
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VIP Member
Fanny Mathematics problem:
I spent £500.000 on a chateau 16 years ago.
I spent another £300,000 doing it up
I sold a 10 per cent interest in it - but none of that money was reinvested in the chateau
I had it valued and it was still worth £500.000 last year
I have since received £500,000 to spend on the chateau and two years later, I cannot account for any of it, save what I spent last week which was £8,000 euros.
I can't afford the fukard and heating.
Question: How can I get more money out of patrons to solve this problem?
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Uh yes it is... it's right here :
So, PHILIP went into the campervan to talk to Selmar and Tatyana?! wtf. Stephanie Jarvis really is a 12 year old child incapable of de-escalate situations or managing emotions within her team. My god. Talk about the wrong woman with the wrong job. She should not be a ‘boss’, ever. Ignorant woman.

Do you guys think there will be a reaction video? I will not be surprised if she just gives it the silent treatment untill it goes away and the next hot topic comes along… or maybe she will create a destraction herself.
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Dear Patrons, should I pay for water or heat? I cannot afford both.
SJ you need them both, what you don’t need is to pay Snorty.
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Selmar & Tatyana
13 minutes ago
@Justice Thank you Justice. People has to understand. That I do not want to hurt Stephanie and Issabelle. They where always kind and nice to me and I love them. The first 6 Monts where great at the Chateau and I was verry Lucky to be there in Lockdown and not in Holland.

Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel and enabler of tear worthy bullying towards Selmar sunk her claws into Selmar, as did Mummy by the sounds of it. More emotional blackmail. Selmar will always be manipulated by those two...
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
What a truly terrible human being Stephanfraudie is. She deliberately set up Selmar and Tati for failure, humiliation, and ridicule.
At the time I had thought it odd that she didn't delete the barrage of negative comments as she does on her other vlogs. Now I understand why.
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Well-known member
One major issue i want to raise for Stephanie and her followers, is that the majority of us here, I’m willing to bet, have either been Patrons, sent money/gifts at least once, amd started out as fans of the Chateau Diaries.
Its too easy for Stephanie to say we are a group of jealous trolls, how about we have a headcount of who was actually a fan in the first place? Im able to admit i was a low tier patron for a year, bought a gift but never sent it, and considered being a volunteer.
Comment with
👍 if you were a patron
❤ If you sent a gift
🤣 if you sent money in a live chat
😮 if you considered volunteering / staying / visiting there
🙁 some combination of the above
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Of course! I forgot about PhiPhi ... and please never use Phi Phi and "nimble fingers" in a sentence every again! Ewwww. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

And update on Justice for Selmar video: over 2000 views now. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Nutti watched it!
yessss....there goes Nasty Nutties facade...crumbling to the ground :D ...just like the rest of that doomed shithole...filled with lyers and cheats...
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VIP Member
Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 23.24.21.png

Lord knows I adore her - pop👏off👏sis👏let👏these👏bitches👏have👏it👏

Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 23.27.33.png

I hope she gives us some more gems tomorrow. She's my favourite Chateauverse character and she's a mere bystander. So pleased we also got Kathy's views up too. She's a credit a to the community. Long may she reign over us xoxoxo
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I cannot phantom how exhausting the life at Lalande must be. They are like acrobats on a pile of lies and it start to crumble piece by piece. Don't they want peace and tranquility? I bet they didn't imagine their life of fame with so many scandals everyday. Gosh I do love my boring and quiet live full of love and laughter ;)
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If only she knew what the day was to bring. (Yesterday's IG post.) I think that the scaffold around the fountain is looking more like the scaffold for the hangman's noose for the Life, Love and Laughter facade.
Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 13.26.41.png
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VIP Member
Selmar's latest vlog.

Interesting. He / they liked the comments except those which mention what happened for them at chateau de Lalande.

BUT they didn't delete them ! They're still up.

Someone even posted a link to the video.

Popcorn !!
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VIP Member
Jeeze, the con is hard in this flog. Dear Patreons, poor me can't decide between heating or the facade cos I don't have the pennies for both. (YES YOU DO). I can live in the cold with tepid showers, but I must think of others (LIKE PAYING GUESTS). But I really want the facade. (COS THAT'S COSMETIC!). But again, I can only pay for one, not the other. Help me dear patreons make the decision because I can not do it alone. (YOU SHOULD BE TALKING TO THE OTHER OWNERS).

Plus, the working soooo hard on editing, so many long hours in her bedroom, editing. It's your job. Suck it upl
Is editing code for day drinking, shopping on eBay, and making vacation plans? Just a thought. I think editing Stephanfraudie is not diligently editing 24/7 and claiming to do so is part of her I’m so busy, frantically rushing about in a frenzy to please you patrons. The realty is she most likely slept until noon.
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Chatty Member
I wanted to scream at the way Nutty was fawning over Amoury, constantly touching him. How can he bear it? Is her self-esteem so low she has to constantly mark her territory?
I hope Nutty Gluepot heard her boss Stephanie Jarvis of Chateau de Lalande explaining how independent Armoire is, as he lived on his own, worked on his own, etc. And dopey Armoire couldn't figure out why he got this stinking cold. That's 'cause your Gringa de Tolhuin doesn't stop fingering your face!
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VIP Member
How about…? (Let’s help SJ out)
“Both Natti and Selmar are so bad in English, they just got lost in translation.”
Stephanie has proven herself to be a clumsy businesswoman by making a person who speaks poor English the manager of her B&B, which hosts mainly English speaking guests.
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Well-known member
That idiot did not even have an excuse for the financials. She has a new $8k computer and software that she is going to use to do the financials herself? She's already spent 40K this year?

What an unscrupulous hag. No offense to hags intended.

Where are the association financials, Stephanie Jarvis?
No, not 40k this YEAR, 40K IN MARCH! and we are only 9 days in!
10k on the wood
8k on the laptop she can barely use (the other one had no space left, gimme a break!🤣)
1k MAX on Nik/his helper’s wages
20k max on equipment, probably half that as its all second hand
1k on Zara
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VIP Member
Nobody asked, but I would caution you all about getting excited about the Patron vlog due this evening. She has already said what it is about - the monthly update which means making no mention of the accounts and trotting around the chateau showing - well - not very much. The Selmar thing won't be addressed. His vlog was only seen by 53 people before it was taken down - a statement in itself. Dan can leave his wife and all the drooling fools (I was one of them) who watched his vlog say is, "we love you and believe it is all as you say it is, They are friends" choosing to ignore every sign Annalise is very unhappy - and he has a huge following. Selmar being bullied - they won't care. He is gone from LaLande and not coming back and they will reason there is two sides to every story. Especially as Selmar did not keep his vlog up beyond half an hour for his three patrons or have the spine to put it out on his Youtube channel. And it may just be that there are two sides to every story and he has been told that unless he shuts up they have footage of a temper tantrum or worse. So brace yourself for a "business as usual" vlog. JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION
Over 500 views when I watched it today. So it may become a bigger problem than she thinks. Who knows….. we may very well get the accounts today. 😂😂


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