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Ok so which shittoo member (member being the appropriate word) is M Parker. Is it actually Nutti herself suggesting that she gets showered in lots of lovely gifts for all the hard graft she puts in every day. That disgusting shitshow who are an excuse for humanity wouldn’t know a days work if it slapped them in the face. Try a 12 hour shift in an under staffed, under resourced NHS hospital. If I am wrong and M Parker is not from the shittoo there is no hope, as these people will NEVER see the truth.
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@Violetlovespink how very sad for you. You seem like a nice person, which I am sorry to say, is most likely the bulk of her followers who have consumed her cool aide and in most cases just happy to feel special in her majesty’s eyes.
Really, I’m so very sorry for you and people like you who feel they must apologize for even answering a question asked of them for being too long.
Unfortunately, it’s lambs like your self who go to slaughter. I am part of the lioness pack who would rather rip someone to shreds than walk away from a fight. Oh well. That’s what makes the world go around.
That said, Madame x is a member in good standing of the duplicitous part of society who relish and prey on the lambs like you.
She will come to justice one day.
Karma is indeed a real bitch.
Thankyou. Not much of a lamb though. Ive always been known as violet (not real name obvs but I like it :) is the one in the corner with her foot in her mouth. I think at the root of all this for me is lack of integrity. I will ALWAYS fight on behalf of the under dog. I will always point out abuse (abusive childhood etc blah, blah) I despise seeing people step on the underdog. That view is not popular in CD or life to be honest. This isn't the first time I have got back lash for pointing out things lacking in integrity at CD, hence stopping patronage previously. I also said last week, that the fact she was asking viewers to like and subscribe was falling for the youtube bs and that youtube dont care about her and that shes their golden goose and they have many golden geese and will ditch her whenever they fancy (he,he see, I am like the human truth speaker, ha,ha) ⭐

@Definitely Maybe and how unfortunate to feel like that for merely answering a question asked of them. On top of being pounced upon by the savage hordes of brainwashed patreon flying monkeys. I’d almost consider becoming a Patreon for one month to savage them right back & put Madame in her place. That utter snipe of a bitch.
aww bless you all. Thats why I got teary, not because of them, but because you all were nice when they had been so bloody horrible. 🌸
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Is Natalia Oliveto pregnant? The unflattering Venice costume, pics with Amaury’s hand on her stomach, the welcome to the family toast, her questionable outfits back at Stephanie Jarvis’s partially owned Chateau de Lalande (ridiculously huge puffy vest & scarf on the kitchen utensil vlog and loose flowy top on gag)… On the other hand, she is shown drinking what appears to be alcohol a lot and she was on painkillers a few weeks ago…Also, I’ve heard Natti is a bit of a bully…

You have to admit, even though Lalande is probably cold inside, this is a bit much. Kind of like when soap operas try to hide an actress’s pregnancy. Soon we will see Natti constantly holding big boxes or standing behind large plants.
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Knowing that some of the members here were former Patreons, I want to apologize in advance if what I'm going to say may offend anyone, thas is not my intent, but this is the main question that has been puzzling me for a long time now, even before I found this forum. My question is: why on earth would anyone send their money - not to mention expensive gifts - to perfect strangers who thought it could be a great idea to buy crumbling castles or manor houses in France, but didn't have enough money to restore them or keep them? If you have the money to buy them in the first place, then you should also make sure you have the money to restore them. If not, just don't, instead of begging around. It's not a vital priority after all.
You want a castle in your life to show that you are a rich castle owner in France? Then don't rely on strangers' money. As far as I know, Patreon is a form of funding interesting projects in return for some advantages, like being part of that project, getting something that's been produced etc. But just getting back some videos where you can watch things that you can already watch on thousands of videos on YT seems silly to me. Is it because in this way the Patreons have the impression that they too own a part of those castles and this makes them feel important and gives them some form of emotion? I can't really understand. YT is brimming with milions of wonderful videos on wonderful things, like culture, literature, history, art, entertainment, movies, science, discoveries, you name it. Why should you shove your money on pretentious wannabe people you don't even know? I can understand Patreon projects where you help new talents or artists or inventors with their ideas, but this... And, if there weren't things like Patreons, or buy-me-a-coffee or the likes, we wouldn't have people like SJ and her gang, but also like many others, who, like her, lack dignity and self-respect.
I also think that it is somehow sad, if not hilarious that people have the pretence of seeing the truth, their real life, to hear them speak the truth etc. Our entire society is based on make-believe, on appearance, on lies, on fake news thanks to the mass media and virtual reality. Everything can be altered. Our entire society is based on smoke and mirrors. Why should they be the exception? If you want reality, if you want a truthful relationship with people, just get away from YT, from your smartphones and talk to real people in your family, in your neighbourhood, with your friends, at work, in shops or in the streets. That is real.

P.S. I have never been a subscriber to any of these channels. If I want to watch them, I just look for them. And I use a device that allows me to erase all the ads, so that not a penny of YT revenues goes to them.
For me it’s simple. I wanted more content so I became a Patreon. I wanted to see the shithole fixed up. I believed she cared about it and was working on it and supporting her would help make that happen. It was all a lie. She’s a beggar that doesn’t work on her home.
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CD vlog : refugee from Ukraine.

3 hours ago
That was not much of a contribution and not even out of your own pocket longterm either Stephanie, particularly compared to the cost of the trip to Venice. This is a perfect time to close down the gift grab and suggest your patreons send money instead of gifts to the Red Cross. You would gain a lot of respect if you did this.

Jacqueline Reynolds
2 hours ago
You cant tell people how to spend their money. Shut the channel down and people will still send gifts, most do it in appreciation of the Diaries being a bit of light during the past two years, when many were shut in at home. People that want to contribute to aid as well, will do so. You also do not know if or how much Stephanie has donated privately and that is her business
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He has a reputation as a bit of a player, so Natti is a convenient bed partner for him. Is he really committed to what appears to be a very possessive relationship with her? He might be relieved to see the back of her. (It would be very awkward for him to give her the elbow while they are both under Fanny's roof.).Nutti is conveniently available now but I am sure he'd soon hook up with the next willing volunteer to pass through those grimy doors.
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Well well well Natalia cannot take the heat

On her Instagram she’s disabled the comments for every single post from the beginning. She can dish it out to poor Selmar who’s been pressured into deleting his Patreon flog, but she can’t take it.
See you in the live chat Nutty….

You just know they're all running around like headless chickens at the HMN - I never thought I would say this butttttt #TEAMSELMAR

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Dan the man inviting Annalise for coffee how could she say no with the camera in her face. He bushwhacked her in order to show how grown up they are and they are cordial even friends maybe. To fit the narrative. Certainly didn’t look like that on her side of the table. The only reason to do that was salvaging HIS rep. Someone had to have been reading here and or the comments on the vlogs. Damage control.
Something that had bothered me for a long time in addition to the disrespect he showed her but also how he filmed her. Go back and look at the vlogs around the timeline. He films her from the most unflattering angles. I remember thinking if that was my husband he’d be digging for that camera. Also saying things to her when she was driving. She never said a word but I kept thinking something was off.
Sandbagging and manipulating his partner of 13 years on camera. Thats a Stephanfraudie move. Śo LaLande!
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All the meaness, bullying, shit stirring, vindictiveness, lying, stealing, and manipulation of weak, unstable peoples lives starts with SteohanMe. She is reprehensible.
Agreed - which is exactly why we don't need it spreading here.

It was given to the new "only gay in the village", Snorty has his study there, not that he studies anything.
Don't you know he's a star! He'll be demanding white orchids and only blue M&Ms in his dressing room before long.
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What we know is that Nutty is taking care of all the arrangements necessary. From what I've gathered it's in response to an email request, so hardly through the official channels.
Is this a case of a Ukrainian national who knows of The Chateau Diaries has contacted the chateau direct to ask if they can stay with them, as they are fleeing the War raging In their country.

I wonder if the individual has asked to Volunteer at the Chateau and the offer has been accepted and Stephanie Jarvis is dressing this up as an act of charity

In any case, this appears to be an offer of accommodation to some one in need, but at what cost to the individual.

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I'm late to the party but here are my two cents.

A break up does not happen overnight. Ussually it takes months if not years to come to the decision to seperate ways. Life happens, we grow, develop new interest an suddenly realize we want different things from life. I wish Annalise and Dan all the best for the sake of their two boys.

Now back to important things.
Sooo Natti, that fake ass lazy snake has finally been named and shamed by Selmar. Well, well, well. I wonder how SJ is going to handle that.

Also did Annmarie take notes of square meters per room for the heating system? They need to hire now in order to have a proper system by the winter. Is it really happening??

Another annoyance while I type, why insist in fireplaces while it has proven that they are not efficient and cools a room because of the drafts? Yes it might look nicer, but a proper woodburner can heat a room uncomfortably warm. Keep 1 open fireplace and that's it!

It's Tuesday my dear tattlers, SJ is 'working' on the accounts. Shitting her self. Can't wait to read what her excuse is tomorrow.

The wood which got delivered for 10k! Double that amount has been spent on the wood for the attic and appartments, max.
That's a month of patreon income or 2 months of youtube income.
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Natalia Oliveto's shittoodays are numbered for sure. I'm curious who she will take down with her on her way out.
If she’s not already on her way out, and if SJ wants to keep her, SJ will have to mount a full blown offensive to paint Nutty as a saint. The thing is, SJ needs someone like Nutty to do her dirty work. That way SJ avoids uncomfortable confrontations and keeps her hands clean. If Nutty goes, either SJ has to do the dirty work herself or find someone else. The hardest part of being a boss is dealing with uncomfortable situations, sometimes delivering bad news, or dealing with a delicate issue. SJ hates doing that…I’ll bet she tries hard to salvage Nutty. It may not work…the damage is severe…but I bet she’ll try. And if Nutty does go, yes, I fully believe she’ll take down as many as she can on her way out the door.
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In the good old days we had the agony aunt columns for that. Now we have Steph and co gleefully cackling and snorting through the narrative. Bless their cotton socks.
Here's me practising my whimsical waiting for the missus to rescue me from the shed.
😎 🧐

🤨 😬


Those camera angles really help my relationship. Thanks Dan.
I was bending over in the garden the other day and my husband told me he decided not to take my photo, said he liked the view but was sure I wouldn't be pleased. Wise man it's only taken him 32 years!
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Dan and Annalise have been together since they were practically children. So they’ve grown up together. How can you know who you are when you’re 18, let alone know if you’re going to love the same person 12 years later? There are so many options out there and paths to take.

If Annalise can’t speak French how can she be working at the local school? Is she working in the kitchen, or cleaning. I find that a bit baffling.
When in France one begins to pick up the language through daily life interactions. Don’t assume she cannot speak French at all. She’s an intelligent woman and can get on fine (I hope and pray) without that stick figure Jack Spratt of a husband.
I finally built up the courage to divorce the Albatross alcoholic jobless husband of 30 years of mine when I was pushed to the limits of bankruptcy by his not working for the last 10 years of my 30 year marriage to him.
And this was at age 64!!!!!!
It was a nightmare from which I never thought I’d awaken. But….. I did thank God…… not without scars…… but I am alive and well and can speak of it.
So here’s to Annalises’ being snatched from the jaws of death by a thousand vlogs.
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Apart from the ones who are like her, or her flying monkeys, all the rest are very weak people with no personality, or who maybe have some issue of past traumas in their lives, hence a good source of energy supply. You know, like when a vampire sticks his teeth into your neck, there is a sort of ipnose and you are unable to react. Annelise is probably no exception, otherwise she wouldn't have been stuck with that Dan fella, whose real personality has finally surfaced. I have read in some previous posts that SJ ruined and corrupted him, as he was such a nice boy before. But you don't change a personality. What he is now was already there, just waiting for the right moment to show.
The early Dan videos are cringe-worthy the way he talks to Annelise and is so dismissive of her; he seems perpetually irritated. I knew he was a narcissist as soon as that kitchen was done and he used it to feature himself as a chef. He never filmed having a nice family meal after he was done cooking. (Then Fanny scooped him up as a chef for Lalande and vigorously fed his ego - no pun intended). He also occupies a good amount of screen time in his videos and thrives on being in front of the camera - remind you of anyone? He learned from the master; or mistress in this case. I knew then that Dan's relationship wasn't going to last if Annelise knew what was good for her. I'm glad she's out. I agree that people trauma-bond with Fanny (Lady Narcissus). Narcissists prey on people who have trauma in their lives and who have normalized being manipulated and abused. I don't blame them. It's like blaming an innocent. I do hope they all get the wool pulled off their eyes. No wonder the flower girl was so traumatized living there toward the end before she escaped from the chateau.
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Something has been bothering me, niggling away. I've googled a lot but haven't found what I was looking for.

It's to do with Fanny's offer of accommodation to ONE Ukrainian refugee. Firstly, that's a bit cr*p, they could take quite a few easily I'm sure. Space wise I mean, I'm not daft enough to suggest they'd be enthusiastic about the idea. But her statement that the single female refugee in question specifically requested (and was granted) lalande??? WTF! Seriously? Hence my search. In all this chaos are we to believe that this is even possible? I can't determine how refugees are allocated accommodation, but I find it very hard to swallow that it's on a request basis to an exact address!

If anyone knows about this and can correct me, great, in the mean time smells like massive 🐂💩 to me.
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I can’t get the Selmar video to play but I see it has already had 58 view. If the other 14 of you would stop watching it on repeat please, I’d like to see it too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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