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thanks everyone,I am reeling at the minute, but I keep telling myself everything that is happening is taking me to where I want to go. Even if its been horrible, I did hold my ground though, but they hugely ganged up on me. Its really left me pondering on the state of the world and how it has come to this where we are not allowed to have a different opinion than the main narrative, obviously we are seeing it everywhere not just CD patreon account. What shocks me also is how they can be so horrified at my suggestion of feeling duped and i was really polite , but they still attacked like a pack of dogs it was actually quite weird. I would paste it all here but i've closed everything down and frankly I never want to go back , the only thing that bugs me is they think they have won and that makes me mad 😠 it reminded me of girls bullying at school do you remember that, I do. And finally I have been hoovering frantically my house with the song "i am going to wash that bunch right out of my hair". I feel psychically attacked need to sweep my house and get rid of it all. I was thinking that if SJ was genuine as she portrays she would gave called her pack dogs off me and said we are all entitled to our opinion. But no I bet she is gloating. Its all so sad. What has the world come to?
Sorry if i am posting in wrong place, I have no idea how this forum works. But thank you for the likes, feel a bit teary tbh.
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Clara Burnett

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Will the family mafia put an end to the relationship with Amaury or wil he be persuaded to leave with her?
She will try to get him to go with her for sure, but I doubt he will. He's pretty happy with the way things are going for him and doesn't need her drama to ruin these opportunities. I could be wrong, but it seems to me they are not in that part of the relationship just yet, where one could demand things from the other... It will probably depend on how Stephanie Jarvis will handle the whole thing and we know she's not great in navigating conflicts.
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Wow those threads go so i am stick to the house, yes ...also bitten by the virus, i have time to catch up...

Dan and Annalise...i think its hard for any couple to have children before your house is even in a dump with two is also hard but with children it is extra difficult..They need a lott of time and structure..and Dans latest vlog shows again what a bad state that house is in...and what level his buidingskills are..I feel for Annalise to have to live there with two small children...also with electrical heaters...i must cost a keep that place warm..How and why they split up is also speculation..but i think it has a lott of factors..mostly to do with his vlogging and being around Lalande..Its always nicer to party and drink, go on holidays/work than go home to a dump like that and many things needs reparing or sorting out...but i think they both better had thought through what it means to start a family in a foreign country, with hardly money nor income..buying a dump, thinking we will fix this in notime.. a mistake they all make..Having a stable finished home/house is always a good base to have your rest after days of work..Many couples split up during renovations...Imagine living in a house with leaks all the time..i would go mad...I sometimes wonder if they made the decission to have children there together..i never had the feeling Dan is so keen on being a always looked to me, he felt it like a burden..not a joy..

Offcourse Madame Fanny has to put her nasty snout in this situation...she seemed to enjoy it a lott...what a nasty piece of shit...

I bet that guest from Ukraine was already on the roll to come over...another volunteer they can milk out to the bone..
Get well soon, Le Comte! xx
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Lady Avonlea

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I am in complete agreement with Stephanie Jarvis! Grabeaux did feel particularly frivolous this week, but than for me it always feels frivolous.

- Natty & Fanny both particularly grabby today
- two different authors sent their novels to Fanny in acts of desperate self-promotion
- two needlepoint pictures (nicely done) but completed in 2010 and sitting in a drawer unused for 12 years
- an ugly vintage dress from a bad 1980's soap - but how does is fit Fanny perfectly???

This week's summaries are attached.


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Someone mailed US scissors, odd right because we earn thousands of dollars each month, why would we not already own scissors?

People sent US books, odd right?WE already have libraries in the winter salon, Ollie’s art studio, attic and yet OUR home overflows with books in OUR bedrooms, lie on pigeon stairs and how can I forget all the cookbooks.

I am leaving for a week, SJ said she needed some “me time”. She told that to Nic, Potts, x-husband, Mason, and many volunteers, odd right? I hope Petheric doesn’t come by, she did mention needing a new hair dresser.
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I second that emotion.
I think her master plan is, and it's not dumb, gite the place out, charge €2300 a pop per week, leave Amaury in charge, and buy a palazzo in Venice. Dan mentioned something about fitting a swimming pool this week and I don't think it's at chateau Price. @Le Comte has always said the only way you can make money on those places is as gites, and to do that you need a pool.
So that's what's happening. SJ has written her ticket out. As it stands, the reno is saved for Channel 4, and that is her entree to mainstream media. That's all the whole Potemkin village chateau is now, auditioning for MSM.

Chatelaine Stephanie Jarvis, employer and sexual harasser of illegally employed volunteers, of The Chateau Diaries YouTube, Chateau de LaLande, and Chateau Unwrapped
If that is indeed her intention, and I agree it is, then she blatantly lied to the Marquis. I distinctly remember her saying that he did NOT want the chateau broken up into apartments. She said she would not break it up into apartments. AND she convinced him that she had no intentions of fixing up the chateau and flipping it. She convinced him the chateau was where she wanted to be.. This is why he was OK selling to her. That and he had given his word he would sell to her even though a last minute bid came in from a family whom he preferred to sell the chateau to. And yet divying up the chateau into apartments is exactly what she has been doing...
I also remember her saying that she absolutely did not want a listed chateau (so she could vulgarize it as much as she wanted) and lastly I read somewhere she did not intend to keep the chateau but wanted to fix it up with Nick and unload it...
Lie, lie, lie...
She has lied and duped long before she duped and lied to her patreons...
Buttercup has always had her crosshairs fixed on Venice. Ultimately who cares what she wants to do with her pile. But it is unfortunate that she lies and dupes to advance her schemes by taking advantage of people's good nature, generosity and yes, stupidity.

For her the end justifies the means...
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I am hiding my identity but I will go on record to say Natti is a bit strict. I think there is jealousy also. She doesn’t even like that Ruby hangs out in Annmarie’s workshop.

Is this disguise good? I witnessed the Tatiana, Nati mess and it was not pretty. Tears and foot stomping, I never heard so much cursing in so many different languages before.

You don’t know me, let’s say I’m kid 3, (snort, snort). I think Bubble friend should come back. SJ doesn’t need any guests, volunteers and definitely NO x-boyfriends. SJ, her famous actor boyfriend, Natti and Cuz should live at the chateau and Dave, Davie and Dan can work for us, I mean them. Less people, less problems, more money for me, I mean US, I mean them. No I’m not Philip. I mean I hear he’s multi-talented and nice but no I’m not, I mean I wish, I could only be so lucky. The chateau is so beautiful and SJ is great, really great!
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Lady Avonlea

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I’d love Annalise to take over the Patreon account and get qualified workmen in to finish that property, I’d also love to see her get a sledgehammer and smash that god awful island in the kitchen that blocks the way from the hob to the sink, he only put it there for his I’ll fated cookery channel. He has off handedly mentioned before that she does the painting so I think she is far more diy handy than he gives her credit for, and she’s not waiting for him to get stuff done I hope she comes into her own and makes some progress with the place.

She is by far a more interesting charismatic character than him, I’m not a Patreon to anyone but I would join her account, I love a bit of women doing it for themselves.

So pleased those women sent her the chandelier, there are some lovely kind people out there and I hope she holds onto that
That's one of the things which initially attracted me to Stephanie Jarvis and CD - I thought it was a bit of women doing it for themselves. Little did I know at the time and eventually my eyes were opened to the nasty truth. Here's to Annalise having a happy and successful life.
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Maple fairy

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Dan the man inviting Annalise for coffee how could she say no with the camera in her face. He bushwhacked her in order to show how grown up they are and they are cordial even friends maybe. To fit the narrative. Certainly didn’t look like that on her side of the table. The only reason to do that was salvaging HIS rep. Someone had to have been reading here and or the comments on the vlogs. Damage control.
Something that had bothered me for a long time in addition to the disrespect he showed her but also how he filmed her. Go back and look at the vlogs around the timeline. He films her from the most unflattering angles. I remember thinking if that was my husband he’d be digging for that camera. Also saying things to her when she was driving. She never said a word but I kept thinking something was off.
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BAck to Dan, I hope his intention to show ups and downs inappropiate talk etc dosen't include Annalise. yesterday we saw the put down and confrontation done the SJ way. Waiting waiting, coffee. If they have a disagreement hope it not shown. He knows most support her.
This was my problem with the separation and the minute I saw of today's vlog. It just sits uncomfortably with me.
It would have been more understandable to say he was taking a break and restarting the channel at a later date.

I must be old fashioned in my view that family life should remain private.

And moving forwards, Selmar really has got the boot in for Natti. It will be interesting to see how this plays out given they all sung a different tune previously. Damage limitation will be ongoing.
Steph must get exhausted micro managing them all- she will need a long lie down or another holiday.
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Brava on the new thread @MojoDublin and @oooLaLande glad the thread title sends a clear signal, that we are indeed watching Stephanie Jarvis, the part owner of the derelict farmhouse known as Château de Lalande, shown on The Chateau Diaries and Chateau Unwrapped.

I believe last thread is the fastest we've been through one. Given the big kaboom Dan and Annelise revealed. A lot of us had to process it. 💗 😔
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Just an observation…Fanny has “spun off” several YouTube channels. Michael Petherick, Selmar, FRK, Dan. But in just about every case, these “spin offs” have failed or haven’t taken off. I’m thinking it feeds her narcissism…in some weird way, she likes to see these people branch out on their own…even encourages it…only to enjoy watching them falter and fall. After all, there can only be one queen…in Fanny’s eyes, no one can do it better than her.
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She's not doing anything good and it makes me sick to my stomach to see her worm her way into this one, paying a minimal amount to get maximum pr. For god's sake, peoples lives are shattered and she has the nerve to use that to create more praise for herself? And when getting wrist slapped by Kathy in France Flog, called out for who she really is and for what she's trying to pull, she has the nerve to mirror the concerns? This time she really has gone too far and she knows it. This is no time for her toxic escapism, not a time to concern ourself with the petty feelings of Selmar, the petulant actions of that miserable Argentinian woman or even the sad epilogue of a once happy gardeners family. Stephany Jarvis has been taking personal advantage of the world crisis called Covid for more than two years already and it's been infuriating watching her get away with it. Allowing her to use refugees and their unbearable suffering to grow her la-di-dah pretentiously snobbish channel is crossing a red line nobody should cross.
My blood grew increasingly boiling as she noted that her blogs were a window of light to the world - or whatever. To compare the growth of her channel during a global lockdown when folks were wanting to see any scenery other than their own four walls - to this time of disturbing humanitarian crisis is SO delusional!! Stephanie Jarvis' shenanigans (I'm trying to be somewhat adult with my words here) are even MORE disgusting and tone deaf and selfish now! Normal global citizens aren't looking for rosy sunglasses or virtual travels right now! There are looking for ways to help! They are looking for ways to protect children, Moms, elderly as they literally leave their history, their roots and THEIR MEN behind perhaps to never see them again! PLEASE somebody tell her for me because I'm liable to just bitchslap her instead!!!
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T Rex

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Welp, I finally watched Fanny's latest CLL vlog. Vice finding a real storage solution (her above-the-door spice cabinet storage "shoe locker" was already abysmal, as no one can actually see what spices are contained, and are probably just only utilizing the ones that are stored on the shelf next to the stove for convenience sake), she destroys some pretty expensive Spode toile a viewer sent (which I suspect was sent to her to make something pretty for a room or the kitchen- like a pillow, or curtains) and uses it for utensils. Ugh, and the slaves volunteers who actually do the cooking/washing up are just going to chuck them back into one of the plastic bins. The dinner she prepared was abysmal as well, as she was remarking how expensive duck was as well as the Toulouse canard/sausage/beans in a can, and how you could cut it with another can of beans. (Well played- you live lavishly on holiday, yet cut corners to feed your paying customers.) I also watched her previous vlog (this gem also appeared whilst I was gone) where she found some random brussel sprouts in the garden, cooked them in a pan, boiled some expensive pasta, and discovered a pan of pasta Marie had made whist she was a CLL (apparently made with random scraps of what could be found in the pantry- peas, tuna, and pasta)- reconstituted it with stock, and covered it with random pre-holiday cheese that was laying around. ) The irony was in asking Nuti how the brussel sprouts were after dinner, "Oh they were delicious!" whilst Nuti still had a full plate of both pastas in front of her. SMH. No wonder the residents of the Shitoo get waay to overly excited about Macca's!
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Poor Selmar. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who was quite happy seeing himself as a knight in shining armor during the lockdown.
I would like to think that Stephanie and Isabelle were sincerely grateful to have him during that time. However, it appears that lot took advantage of him. I certainly would feel angry and resentful if I was working my (ahem) size 4 off, and not see one red cent only to be treated like staff...
From my POV I got the feeling Selmar was becoming persona non grata when Michael came for a visit and the two of them were holed up in the Chambre Perse or Bonne Mamman or whichever suite it was...
The least Stephi could have done was welcome (tolerate) Tatiana if only out of gratitude for all that Selmar did... She should have reined in the rottweiler. But flitting about was more important.
Looks like Tatiana and the Nutti mouth opened his eyes...
I'm truly sad he was treated so badly.
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Dan's latest (and short) vlog.

What was that ? He wants to copy the Chateau Diaries channel filming his daily life everyday, the ups and the downs, his friends and his work, blah blah blah... . ?

Really ? Do all these vloggers think they are that interesting with a so fascinating life ?! Unbelievable.
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SHAME on me for even having these thoughts . . . but this can't possibly be a stunt by Dan right? The views on his video yesterday are already up at 40k and his patreon is up. Then today they are laughing and having fun together. This just feels so weird to me.
I agree that showing normal family life is weird the day after announcing to the world they're split up.

In today's world, I find that kind of vlogging/viewing virtually voyeuristic. What line is crossed where the viewer knows too much and the family are the pawns in a money making venture of their own doing.

I cannot imagine the mindset even if it is six months later.

It's uncomfortable, it's emotional. I wonder what number the lesson is on his schedule that says 'let's create drama and attention!'

The Chateau Diaries lesson for the day is a poor example.
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Also sharing the spirit with Francesca: Will the refugee be featured in the vlogs? (rethorical question). Will she get a
share of the YT earnings from those videos? (non-rethorical question), or will that $ boost be used to purchase more
expensive booze and finance SJ's upcoming travels?
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