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Chatty Member
Ok. I’m going to make some unsolicited observations about Michael. First of all he originally moved in the chateau to help with reno work. It was just the three of them working together to make it livable. Then came mom and dad, sister and niece and those cute babies. He then was hanging out with princess and got the YT bug. Why not? He wasn’t doing anything else to make money. Slowly but surely that relationship ran its course as they always do with her and down the drain he went. He has a fling with a gigolo and spent all his money and ended up with ADHD back at the home with the fam. Whatever is happening now with patreon, dishes and YT, maybe is a good thing. As much as I wanted to see the gardeners cottage finished I don’t care who does it. He’s a young man with a future of living in a cottage with his dishes and dogs next to his parents. You have to admit that’s kind of pathetic for a young man. Hopefully he will get some therapy and get on with his life. He appears to be talented so let’s see what he can do. JMHO ❤
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Green Fairy

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Wow those threads go so i am stick to the house, yes ...also bitten by the virus, i have time to catch up...

Dan and Annalise...i think its hard for any couple to have children before your house is even in a dump with two is also hard but with children it is extra difficult..They need a lott of time and structure..and Dans latest vlog shows again what a bad state that house is in...and what level his buidingskills are..I feel for Annalise to have to live there with two small children...also with electrical heaters...i must cost a keep that place warm..How and why they split up is also speculation..but i think it has a lott of factors..mostly to do with his vlogging and being around Lalande..Its always nicer to party and drink, go on holidays/work than go home to a dump like that and many things needs reparing or sorting out...but i think they both better had thought through what it means to start a family in a foreign country, with hardly money nor income..buying a dump, thinking we will fix this in notime.. a mistake they all make..Having a stable finished home/house is always a good base to have your rest after days of work..Many couples split up during renovations...Imagine living in a house with leaks all the time..i would go mad...I sometimes wonder if they made the decission to have children there together..i never had the feeling Dan is so keen on being a always looked to me, he felt it like a burden..not a joy..

Offcourse Madame Fanny has to put her nasty snout in this situation...she seemed to enjoy it a lott...what a nasty piece of shit...

I bet that guest from Ukraine was already on the roll to come over...another volunteer they can milk out to the bone..
Sorry to hear you caught the plague M. le Comte. Take care of yourself 😘
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Maple fairy

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Just watched the gift grab, mainly on ff. At the beginning SJ is blubbering about the $ she is donating. She says something Nutty’s reaction at one point looked down and away. Looked very much like a tell that SJ was lying. No camera man? I thought they had two on staff.
The comments are unbelievable her fans have fallen for the whole story of how generousshe is🤢
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Natalia Oliveto's shittoodays are numbered for sure. I'm curious who she will take down with her on her way out.
I'm fascinated to see what will become of Natalia. I think we all better buckle in for some serious deflection in the next few days, followed by Natalia's shit hitting the proverbial fan. Can't wait to see her sink her claws into Amaury to try and save her. He won't - he's invested too much time and money into Stephanie.

Also adore that Selmar and Tatiana came to us first in the guise of Swedish Scullery Maid? Finnish Footman? Swiss Sous Chef? French Maid? and after they got chased away by the BS hunting unit of the Tarlet Police Force, the pair changed tactics and came clean on camera - should have been the way to begin with. Oh so juicy though. I wonder what prompted the deletion of Selmar's comment - did Stephanie Jarvis intervene again?

She will try to get him to go with her for sure, but I doubt he will. He's pretty happy with the way things are going for him and doesn't need her drama to ruin these opportunities. I could be wrong, but it seems to me they are not in that part of the relationship just yet, where one could demand things from the other... It will probably depend on how Stephanie Jarvis will handle the whole thing and we know she's not great in navigating conflicts.
Only initiating them....
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Liar liar Fanny's pants are on fire. Last two CD vlogs she has unnecessarily said she is cooking for FIVE. Silly Fanny keeps forgetting to count Dan..... Not...... she is purposely misdirecting.
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The Simple Life

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I fell for it because I thought she had put ALL her money into buying. She said 2020 was going to be the first year the BnB would make a profit and now with covid they couldn't have guests. Lots of people fell for it as we weren't in our 'right' minds (me too) because of the fear of covid in the beginning of the pandemic. She saw an opportunity to con people who wouldn't normally be conned. I'm lucky as I never gave her money or gifts, but I did believe her lies for a while, as it looked such a nice and friendly place.
Well, you have a point there: fear! Fear is the most effective way of manipulating people's minds, because it makes you weak and fragile. We were all very afraid - at the beginning. I too loved her vlogs and thought she was so cheerful and pleasant - at the beginning, but then something didn't sound quite right, so I began to pay more attention to small things and details and the picture wasn't so transparent anymore. By the way, if they were so poor, why did awful Mummy fly back and forth from SA, why not selling some antique furniture, vases, paintings, china, daddy's works etc? And why, with mummy engaged to Percy, didn't the rich old man help them?
Let's say that at first maybe she didn't think her little act would be so successful and rewarding and probably without Channel 4 she would never have achieved that popularity. She was just lucky with timing, but clever in seeing what potential the whole thing had. So, yes, she took advantage of fragile people and went on worst and worst.
Good for you that never sent her money or gifts. Another thing I noticed is that she gets the majority of her patreon money and gifts from the USA and not so much from Europe, apart from UK. Certainly not from countries where covid measures destroyed the economy and made many people redundant and in need.
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And just like his YT comments, his patreon video is now gone. Can the man find his spine already???

Lucky tattlers, I managed to download it before it was too late :cool:

View attachment 1111725
Really? Maybe he thinks his tools will be sent to Emmaus if SJ finds out about the video. Maybe she has already and he's on speed dial... text alert... Tools held hostage until you remove vlog.
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Natalia Oliveto's shittoodays are numbered for sure. I'm curious who she will take down with her on her way out.
savage just pure savage
There is an endless list of ppl doing silent exits … from Leland farmhouse

in terms of dealing with people - Stephanie Jarvis 50% owner of a farmhouse is actually a vampire sucking the life love and laughter out of friendships

selmar - video you’d have to have empathy with him …. You know when your been frozen out- but nattis treatment of them both was despicable- underhand and disgusting
Even if Stephanie hadent told her - selmar hardly rolled up looking for freebies …

sending Philipa out to soothe it over and not Stephanie … speaks volumes

@Clara Burnett it’s a vineyard tattle needs to buy you

a vineyard …❤
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So pleased with Selmar releasing that video. It has reaffirmed so much speculated here about Natalia Oliveto and Stephanie Jarvis.

Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel and enabler of tear worthy bullying towards Selmar hands off approach - smoke and mirrors technique - by using her mother and lapdog, Phyllis, to handle the mediation between Selmar and Tatiana with the despot Natalia is shockingly poor. She once again should be ashamed of herself - if she's capable. I'm guessing that what was said by Natalia Oliveto was relatively vicious in tone and nature to make a grown adult cry, but what gets me is Natalia comes away with just a warning after a slew of incidents, further highlighting Stephanie's true loyalty. Stephanie Jarvis is enabling a 40 year old South American bully to drive away a gentle and very naive man out of the HMN. The sooner that Natalia, Selmar, Phyllis and all residents at that HMN understand they are being played for fools by the master manipulator Mme Jarvis the better - the ship is sinking and the rats needs to run. She's using this Ukrainian refugee as a defence mechanism to outweigh her malicious actions. Stephanie can delete my Nicola Yule's comments but she needs to answer to this behaviour and why she is supporting it.

I'd also like to draw everyone's attention to a special friend in Selmar's video - anyone see that distracting belly button?

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 18.40.57.png
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I watched a few minutes. I stopped after "You're gonna see me, ME ME MEEEEE MEEEEE doing all these exciting things whilst Annalise looks after herself and our children. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Yup..."ME, ME, ME!" sounds very much like STEPHANIE JARVIS OF CHATEAU DE LALANDE, doesn't it? Dan's been Stephanized.

ME ME ME.png

View attachment 1111587
We are going to see the down and dirty *raw* side of Dan. He's going on trips, he will be visiting family, working and enjoying lazy days with friends. He's digging himself an even bigger hole. Annalise - I wish you all the best. I feel like you are going to need it.
Titling his latest vlog THE REAL DAILY VLOGS sounds almost like an admission that everything he posted over the past six months was all a facade...a lie. It wasn't really about him. Now it will be.

Dan, get out of Lalande!
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Did Maaike Hillen, contract covid at Lalande or from Lalande???
More importantly, does she blame Philip Janssen for letting her arrive at Lalande despite it being a den of diseases?
She made her bed, now she can lie in it... with COVID!
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I was 16 when I met the love of life - she was 15. I joined the Navy at 17, she was still at school. We celebrate 35 years together this year, 30 of them married. It can happen. We have been very different people in that time but I know I'll never be happy without her in my life. She has endured separation many times and has brought into the world two amazing children who she often parented on her own when I was on deployment.

🎩 off to all the care givers and loved ones out there especially those celebrating International Women's Day today.
I think you speak for many of us. I doubt that any of us in long term relationships can say that there haven't been times when the going has been tough but have come through those times stronger because of it. Some, like you and Mrs Geordieboy have experienced separation, others have been challenged by work, financial strain, ill health, family worries or maybe pure exhaustion. (Our youngest didn't sleep through the night until he was 4 years old and started school and hubby was on permanent nights. I was pretty close to giving up!) I know that I am not the same 20yr old that Mr J married and the man with silvery streaks in his hair and glasses is not the blonde Roberrt Redford lookalike in a dashing uniform that I married - and we're stronger for it!
I hope that Dan and Annalise can be given the space they need to sort out how they want to move forward. If either read here (and why wouldn't they?) the cruel comments will not help either of them and will post likely cause further damage to a fractured family.
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I've just watched the gift grab and am nauseous. The entire episode was forced. Forced laughter, forced joy, forced enthusiasm, forced thanks. If I had that many sycophants compelling my attention for their own gratuitous yet fleeting moments, I'd find the world's deepest darkest souterrain to hide in - and I'd stay there, passage entrance blocked, until they all wandered away and died of shame. The people who keep sending these gifts have something missing in their lives. It's dark, and it's sad -- this need for attention from Stephanie Jarvis.
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Probably because the grandfather isn't a pro at "Lovebombing"
Philip Janssen @Judy Nail I’ve got rehearsals in the Netherlands for the musical I’m starring in in April and May!
M Parker @Philip Janssen yay it's back on!
Philip Janssen @M Parker It is! I’m so excited!!
Pipsqueak isn't just appearing in his play in a second rate theatre , he's "starring". Is there no limit to his ego? He and Fanny do make an excellent pair!

Annelise is getting paid she needs $- no big deal
Exactly - they both need to be paid!
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The Simple Life

Well-known member
I had understood that she was looking to buy a flat in London or had one with two friends and they realized they could buy a chateau in France for the same or less money it was a very compelling narrative at least that’s what got me hooked. The scales have since fallen from my eyes, knowing what I do now about her many properties
Yes, at first the narrative was that she had this flat in London and that her friend had another one and then they sold them and bought the chateau. That's it. Then slowly she added more details and it came out that she had another flat in London she still owned, that her parents had this Alzheimer nursing home (just imagine how much money they did on that) that Mummy had a house in SA and another in the South of France. And yet she still grabbed the generous grannies' money. Con artists are great at hypnotize people. It's a sort of spell. Well, until they are exposed, that is.
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I bet they will show up on an episode of Cadeaux, with MP as the generous giver
That would be sickening! Michael, if you’re reading here, please know that Stephanie Jarvis is not your friend. She’s a narcissist who uses people for her own needs. Do not lower yourself and return to La La Lande, or seek to get back into SJ’s good graces. SJ’s life is as fake and frivolous as the gay circuit parties you frequented. It’s fun for a while, or for a temporary diversion, but eventually the party’s over. You wake up one day and wonder “what have I done? The years have slipped by and I haven’t done anything meaningful with my own life. It was all just a fake party and hazy good time.” It’s a hollow feeling.
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She has become a huge liability now, even more because her true nature has become common knowledge an people will start to look at her differently. She might not go straight away, but her position has taken a huge blow. Her apartment too: it won't be ready any time soon...
It’s going to be interesting that’s certain. I always felt that the apartments were really for gites rentals but shady SJ wants to keep her patrons from that realization because in fact they are paying for them, as apose to renovations
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