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Stephanie Jarvis and Philip Janssen can not control the narrative.
Yesterday's gift grab live chat did not go as planned. TICK TOCK🌋

Jason Dubey Hello

Jason Dubey Wow, so the whole World is in turmoil yet again! US stock market lost 600 points this morning. Not sure how it is now. What a disaster

SharonSmilesPhotography the Laladers are the best. thank you for thinking of Ukraine!!

Jason Dubey @Brenda M Hi Brenda! It's hard to be chipper with everything that is happening
Brenda M @Jason Dubey I agree been feeling anxious feel better chatting but the unwelcome visitor still lurking God save us all
Jason Dubey @Brenda M It is unimaginable

Jason Dubey @Angela Pa Honestly? I'm am sick to my stomach with this Pootin crap
Angela Pa @Jason Dubey Covid was not enough we needed that too on top of everything.

Jason Dubey @diana Elizabeth Bashford This is really bad. I think it is also dangerous for Steph and Co to get political in any way.
Diana Elizabeth Bashford Please remember to press the thumbs up button

Jason Dubey @Angela Pa Very very scary.
Jenny Willow @Jason Dubey I fear this is just the start. We hoped that as covid declined their might be respite. sadly not.
Jenny Willow I have lived in Russia and sadly whilst I am utterly horrified by events I am equally not surprised.
Jason Dubey @Jenny Willow It's like the elephant in the room. What a catastrophy.
Jenny Willow @Jason Dubey Perhaps a Russian bear disguised as an elephant!
Jason Dubey @Jenny Willow No joke!

Penny Howard Jason Dubey ,that is why I love this channel because we can come together all over the world and just be friends
Jason Dubey @Penny Howard Yes, I agree. I was in tears driving to the gallery today, just knowing what is to come.

Val Slater@ Jason Dubey, Steph is human like the rest of us and can't ignore the inhumanity of it all. She can't win as she been criticised in previous comments for enjoying herself in Venice despite Ukraine
Val Slater@ Jason dupey you are entitled to your opinion but I think they show the reality of life which isn't black and white and that like the rest of us they have flaws but remain good people at heart

Jason Dubey @Val Slater Yes, I know her. But they are not making a lot of mistakes.
Jason Dubey @Val Slater I meant to say, but that doesn't mean that they are not making a log of mistakes. For example, the relationship drama and now getting political is NOT going to help the the mission

siamgirl31 I’m sure with the LaLande touch, it will not, and does not have to be political, just humans caring for other humans. Especially the children

Jason Dubey Well, on a positive note, we are doing Chagall's bible etchings for Spring in my gallery.
Jason Dubey @Linda Elliott In the art business, qualified people don't walk around when it is less than 30 degrees

M Parker Hey, before we get started watching, I've had an idea kicking around in my head for months and I thought I'd present it today:
Jenny Willow @M Parker Now you've got me intrigued
M Parker what do you think of a Natie Appreciation Month?? Where those of us who want to shower her with cards and those who can afford with little gifts, and we send them throughout the month we choose?
M Parker As a thank you for all her hard work for keeping this channel sorted etc
M Parker It wouldn't be cards and gifts to open on Cadeaux, but just for her personally. Could arrive anytime throughout the month
M Parker Oh, good, I'm glad you guys like the idea! I just think she would be so surprised and touched
Diana Elizabeth Bashford @M Parker sounds like a great idea and I make cards
Brenda M @M Parker that is a fabulous idea Natie is the powerhouse behind Lalande
M Parker Speaking of organizing (it might be TMI, but for completely unknown reasons my text kept insisting on Speaking of Orgasms &I honestly don't know why but that made me think of Marie's Orgasmic Figs

Percy Attfield Good evening to all.
Philip Janssen Hi everyone!!
Philip Janssen Oh huh? 8 minute countdown? Very strange
Jenny Willow OK let's chat amongst ourselves for another 8 minutes then...
Jason Dubey Who made that mistake
smolpuppyo'love hello there m wonderful (mostly) loyal lalanders I adore you all

Philip Janssen @donny Slader I’m with you on the countdown, must be a glitch as we didn’t set it to have such a long one
Philip Janssen @Céleste R None of us, must be a YouTube glitch?

siamgirl31 Does anyone know if we rewatch the old videos if it still generates ad revenue?
siamgirl31 If we rewatch all of the previous cadeaux show will that generate income for this month?
Patricia Jamieson @siamgirl31 I think it does so I am going right back to the 1st Cadeaux at the chateau and like and comment on each one and watch all the ads and I'm sure it helps
Angela Pa @sismgirl31 good idea I also play the vlog on my family member’s phone to hike up viewing traffic.
Helen Neave My first live chat …… would it be possible to set up a system where we can donate ‘ live ‘ during the premiere?

Jason Dubey Did anyone see the house size boulder that fell from a cliff onto the Hwy 50 over Echo Summit? That is my route to work.

Patricia Jamieson was shocked and a little sad that Dan and Annalise have seperated but will co parent and be friends

Jason Dubey @Linda Elliott No, today I'm caught up. People are really spooked about Poopootin's war, and the stock market just crashed. Thankfully I have money.

Chateau Unwrapped! Hello everyone!!! I have no idea why there was such a long countdown for the premiere - I'm sorry about that!
Gerald Grady Good evening lovely Lalanders
Chateau Unwrapped! @Gerald Grady Hello darling Gerald!!!
Gerald Grady Stephanie has a heart of gold Linda
smolpuppyo'love I wholeheartedly agree with you Gerald, Stephanie has a beautiful heart
Gerald Grady Good evening Philip

Joy Eddlemon @Phillip Jansen where is Sabina from?? Ukraine???
Philip Janssen @Joy Eddlemon She is from Denmark!

alanna gilmore @Karen S I always watch my Patreon updates! She is so generous with everything in her life!
Chateau Unwrapped! @Alanna gilmore

jannebu Could the video be demoniticed? I can't see the donate botom and I saw several people saying they didnt get the ad beforhand @Chateau Unwrapped!
Philip Janssen @jannebu It’s monetised! I got an ad :)
jannebu @Philip Janssen great to hear. I never gets them sincs I have premier, but it was the coment and lack of live donation that got me woried
Philip Janssen @jannebu :)

Philip Janssen @Judy Nail I’ve got rehearsals in the Netherlands for the musical I’m starring in in April and May!
M Parker @Philip Janssen yay it's back on!
Philip Janssen @M Parker It is! I’m so excited!!

Laura Claudia @Philip Janssen It is sooo cute! ❤
Philip Janssen❤ @Laura Claudia

Philip Janssen @Joy Casto I’d love to do more crafts!
smolpuppyo'love false labels hahaha

siamgirl31 @Gerald Grady I would probably faint if I ordered a taxi and you were my driver
Gerald Grady Today siamgirl131, I was taxi driving big fans of Ed Sheeran, round Framingham, He was at the same School as Stephanie

Laura Claudia @Chateau Unwrapped! Stephanie, did you get a haircut when away? Your hair looks great!
Chateau Unwrapped! @Laura Claudia No, I just used my airwrap today (we filmed this this morning)! I'm seeing Annalise to save my hair next week

June Matthews I was hoping Marie was coming back to the chateau! News anyone?
Chateau Unwrapped! @June Matthews Marie was here last week, I missed her by one day! But she's coming back to France, so we're hoping to see each other soon

Jason Dubey @Chateau Unwrapped! Thanks for trying to hold up the smile. We are in deep shit. Stay safe and for your own safety please don't get political.
smolpuppyo'love great advice @jasondubey

Chateau Unwrapped! @Jason Dubey The world is in a dark place at the moment. To be fair, though, I don't think that supporting Ukraine is being political, I think it's naturally responding to a humanitarian crisis
Jason Dubey @smolpuppyo'love Thanks@ I am smart when I try

Jason Dubey @Chateau Unwrapped! It's more than a crisis, I'm afraid.
Chateau Unwrapped! @Jason Dubey Yes, it is horrific
Jason Dubey @Lisa Akinlabi Thanks. Im trying to hold back the tears

Linda Elliott @ Jason Dubey has something happened to you o er there?
Jason Dubey @Chateau Unwrapped! You know I have a lot of respect for you, and I am not trying to be overly critical, I am just saying please be careful for the sake of your own safety, and the others.
Chateau Unwrapped! @Jason Dubey ❤ ❤ ❤

Jason Dubey @Linda Elliott Well, it is happening to us all right now. If you follow the American stock market the news is NOT good, and may get really really bad.
Linda Elliott @ Jason Dubey I am not ruled by money, I have my freedom and I am lucky to be able to breathe fresh air. I feel deep remorse for everything happening in Europe at the moment ….. I feel helpless

Sue Gordon @Chateau Unwrapped! You are so professional Steph! Part of who you are.

Percy Attfield Good night to each one. Be safe and thank you for the many messages of support, here and the weeks gone by.

Jason Dubey Nice bright ending! Now I have to make a Fedex label. I feel a little better. See you next time! @Chateau Unwrapped!
Sue Gordon Hit the like button!!

Philip Janssen Thank you all so much
Gerald Grady Night night lovely Lalanders
Isabelle Jarvis Goodnight everyone thank you for being here! Love
smolpuppyo'love goodnight and prayers for you all
caroline gooder good night!
Philip Janssen @Denise T Steph just got kicked out of the live, but has asked me to say Yes, although she’ll leave the gardening to Mummy
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"This sad excuse for a husband" (your words not mine) is still the love of her life, as she put it in the interview with FRK. Might also be why they are trying to cope with family life together, just sayin'
My dad was the love of my moms life. She still left him because he cheated after 20 years. She was a very introverted sort of depressed person and he couldn’t get her to do anything with him. She never married again or dated much at all. They are civil. She never confronted or said a bad word to the woman he cheated with, they married and have been together for 30 years. He was a good time guy, pretty self centered and irresponsible. She took care of the kids and didn’t work for many years. I still resent him. I kind of understand, but I still resent him.
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The last few days have been explosive but the best was served cold.
Selmar’s Patreon blog has blown the rotting windows out of the Shitoo. This is bigger than ‘am I arn’t I’ squirrels luverrrrrr’. She had to respond surely 🤔
I’m guessing if she does it will be along the lines of ‘we all love Selmar and think he’s amazing, but as time went on it was apparent his skill base wasn’t keeping up with the work needed and he felt more and more isolated……………..’ 🙄
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Dan converted the van so he could come and go with the children. The vlog was dated July 21, 2021. Annalise's video with FRK was dated July 30, 2021 when she stated Dan was the love of her life. Hiding in plain sight, especially when you listen to the lyrics in Dan's vlog. All very sad.

Does anyone know the song at the beginning of Dan's wing mirror #46 vlog? Hard to hear all the words over the grinder and the song cuts in and out through the video but goes something like this:

I remember when we used to be in love'.......leaving this romance behind....but now you're I didn't forget you baby....drifted, drifted....I saw you walking and talking with another guy...and I wish you happiness and sometimes I wonder why....I didn't forget you baby.... when we used to be in love, nothing could every keep us from parting and leaving this romance behind.....but know you've gone and I all I have is time.....and now that you're not here I didn't forget you....I wish you happiness and sometimes I wonder why....but after all this time.....I didn't forget you baby....
Maybe he can convert it into a residence and have a van life YouTube channel and park it at the shitoo 🤣🤣🤣take over Silman’s spot
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Perplexed bee

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Oh wow, so the gullible grannies now have a dilemma, if they are patreons of Stephanie AND Selmar..wonder how that will play out? Stephanie could now have a topic for her next patreon vlog, and once again could avoid talking about finances. Will she go there?
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Chatty Member
What I took away from Selmar's video.
He and Nati had a hard time communicating. He didn't understand her *English*
He didn't like her tone when she talked to him
He wasn't in it for the money, he loves helping people
Always tension at Lalande
He likes to be asked nicely
Saw money coming in and wanted his part
Tati had a room worked out with SJ (I think he said for 3 months? Nati said no (not sure why she couldn't shack up with him in his van - also makes me wonder if Dan took her room - just a sidebar from me)
Philip came and rescued them - gave her a room
Nati told him "I hope to never see you again"
She attacked Tati in the kitchen with witnesses (story told by French Maid)
Nati got a warning.

Ridiculous to make that video and then delete it - ugh! These people - are there any grown ups at this place at all? What human the age of Selmar would settle for all of this!! So immature.
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Clara Burnett

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Something has been bothering me, niggling away. I've googled a lot but haven't found what I was looking for.

It's to do with Fanny's offer of accommodation to ONE Ukrainian refugee. Firstly, that's a bit cr*p, they could take quite a few easily I'm sure. Space wise I mean, I'm not daft enough to suggest they'd be enthusiastic about the idea. But her statement that the single female refugee in question specifically requested (and was granted) lalande??? WTF! Seriously? Hence my search. In all this chaos are we to believe that this is even possible? I can't determine how refugees are allocated accommodation, but I find it very hard to swallow that it's on a request basis to an exact address!

If anyone knows about this and can correct me, great, in the mean time smells like massive 🐂💩 to me.
What we know is that Nutty is taking care of all the arrangements necessary. From what I've gathered it's in response to an email request, so hardly through the official channels.

😂 See for yourself, you too Clara - a bit of plastering then wtf? A wing mirror.
I have no clue what you want me to look at or say...
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I’ve actually just come home from 4 days in Venice. I recognised the route and the private water taxi SJ caught to the airport costs €130 euros as opposed to the Vaporetto for €15. SJ obviously doesn’t do cattle class on other peoples money. Everything is incredibly expensive there (we did it on a budget a which was a REAL challenge) and I recognise 99% of the places in her vlogs and even with freebies she certainly didn’t care about value for money, the opposite is true. She went for opulence every time, she must of haemorrhaged money, no cares in the world! Why would you though when someone else is paying?! 😡

(Example of the cost of a cuppa there, I had to take a photo because I couldn’t believe my eyes 😆)View attachment 1110546

Ok Sasha, I visit Venice pretty often for work, and I'm not sure the location you are in in Venice, but a general rule of thumb is if a menu is translated into English it's a total no-go. You should have gone away from San Marco to avoid the tourist areas and you'll discover the prices drop dramatically.
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@Linus Thank you for capturing and sharing. He did a great job explaining himself and the situation. Is his distaste for the money because it wasn't earned with honesty and integrity?
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Lady Avonlea

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Sandbagging and manipulating his partner of 13 years on camera. Thats a Stephanfraudie move. Śo LaLande!
It's unfair of Dan to film Annalise when he asked her in for a coffee. The question caught Annalise off guard and if she say's no or makes a negative comment then she looks like a bitch. It's not unlike Stephanie Jarvis catching her mother off guard at dinner in SA and asking Mummee what she thought about Snorty. It's a dirty trick which Dan has learned from Stephanie.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if the Booth’s china is going to Stephameeee as repayment for the £££ he borrowed from her after the Madrid debauchery. Remember how much she admired the tea service early in their relationship. As to Potty, he strikes me as a put out to pasture rent boy. The bullet might just be the sensible choice if one is allergic to penicillin.
omg how many dinnerservices does that woman need... :eek: she probably forgets in thirty years time the one who has to clear out that dump..will send it probably a one way trip back to emmaus....🙄 how many complete services does she have...its all bits and pieces...

My guess is we will see teabeg with the service arriving back at Lalande when the squirrel is off to the Netherlands....performing his second rate question..who will drive him and the poooorcelaaaain to Lalande...
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It's unfair of Dan to film Annalise when he asked her in for a coffee. The question caught Annalise off guard and if she say's no or makes a negative comment then she looks like a bitch. It's not unlike Stephanie Jarvis catching her mother off guard at dinner in SA and asking Mummee what she thought about Snorty. It's a dirty trick which Dan has learned from Stephanie.
I thought that was disgusting thing to do...... its like he is slapping her face on the right cheek yesterday and now with "do you want a coffee??" video he slapped Annalise on the other cheek! Humiliating and hurtful indeed and played out all in front of a camera!
I would have been mortified and so embarrassed to see that camera come out and film me!

I just hope Annalise can take her two cute boys back to the UK and stay with family until setting herself up by herself.

I did not like that beginning part of the vlog either ...... there he was "Waiting for her" to Finally turn up to drive him somewhere...... what a Bloody Cheek!!!
What a creep...... I think Fanny has finally meet her Perfect Match.
Watch out Squirrel , pack your nuts your going back to tip toe through the tulips !!!
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Apart from the ones who are like her, or her flying monkeys, all the rest are very weak people with no personality, or who maybe have some issue of past traumas in their lives, hence a good source of energy supply. You know, like when a vampire sticks his teeth into your neck, there is a sort of ipnose and you are unable to react. Annelise is probably no exception, otherwise she wouldn't have been stuck with that Dan fella, whose real personality has finally surfaced. I have read in some previous posts that SJ ruined and corrupted him, as he was such a nice boy before. But you don't change a personality. What he is now was already there, just waiting for the right moment to show.
Come on now. You all are giving Stephanie far more power than she merits. Amaury, Natty, Dan, and everyone else that works at Chateau (minus Snorts) are there to earn a living or for other purposes. You can’t make money working for a poor person and there is no reason for anyone to stay or come back repeatedly if the don’t enjoy being there.. If the money dried up tomorrow, those that need to make money would all be gone. As for this mystical power she is credited with of destroying relationships, I fail to see how she earns this distinction. Maria moved on because she wasn’t going to make money as a florist or a vlogger in the middle of no where. Beyond that she needs to figure her own shit out and stop drifting aimlessly from country to country. That isn’t Stephanie’s doing, that is 100 % Marie. Selmar was never going to be long term fit and he had his own dreams to pursue, which I hope he will do now. Dan and Analisse’s problems are not anyone’s else’s responsibilty but their own. Trying to blame Stephanie or putting the blame entirely on Dan as an emotionally abusive adulterer, who is cheating with half of the French countryside with the ever growing list of conquests being provided here, is quite frankly absurd. No one has proof of anything, just a lot of conjecture based on projection and perception, not factual proof. Annalise has all but been elevated to sainthood. Stephanie is many things, but what she isn’t is some powerful force destroying peoples lives. She avoids confrontation, she lacks the ability to focus and see things through and she lies to herself and to others. She is a child in a woman’s body and she lives in her own world of pretense and fantasy. That isn’t power, it’s weakness.
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Reader's digest

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I know I'm overthinking this but is this a Dan film project? He's going to teach us how to break up but still remain friends? Have several more videos that he thinks are interesting (like today looking out different chateau windows). Annalise filming with him in different locations. I'm actually looking forward to more, good on you Dan for getting me interested in you and your little fam again. Hope the end result is you are back together and this was worth it. Or, you actually can teach us how to break up and remain friends. 🤷‍♂️
To remain friends you actually had to be friends before. Dan never was very friendly towards A.
I think she could have lived with him overruling her since he worked to create a home for them. She moved countries and was willing to live in a dump for years. And then he went and was friendly with the whole château crew? Did he ever made something special for her bday like for Stephanie's "50th" ? No, since he would have filmed it for sure. All the drone shots on his way home must have made him late at least 30min every day.
All she got from the youtube chanel was a chandelier and it was not even paid by him
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I agree with you, I don't think it's a scam. What bothers me is how Dan & Stephanie have gotten in front of the situation & taken over the narrative.
As for Annalise, she might be feeling sad, overwhelmed and/or nervous about her future. She also could be feeling a little ganged up on by the lalande gang.
It’s all about control. Stephanfraudie and dan are both controlling. You saw how Dan was controlling with Annalise during their relationship. I think they are trying to intimidate
Annalise into going along with the LaLande narrative.

Control and manipulation…..That’s so LaLandei!
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🧵 StephenMe is a bottom feeder 😆 Works on so many levels…the grifting, the lies, the manipulation, using other people’s weakness or tragedy to her advantage, Philip is a bottom…😆
How about "StephenMe is a Bottom feeder, and Snorts is just a Bottom?😂
Is that too nasty for a thread?
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Lady Avonlea

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If that is indeed her intention, and I agree it is, then she blatantly lied to the Marquis. I distinctly remember her saying that he did NOT want the chateau broken up into apartments. She said she would not break it up into apartments. AND she convinced him that she had no intentions of fixing up the chateau and flipping it. She convinced him the chateau was where she wanted to be.. This is why he was OK selling to her. That and he had given his word he would sell to her even though a last minute bid came in from a family whom he preferred to sell the chateau to. And yet divying up the chateau into apartments is exactly what she has been doing...
I also remember her saying that she absolutely did not want a listed chateau (so she could vulgarize it as much as she wanted) and lastly I read somewhere she did not intend to keep the chateau but wanted to fix it up with Nick and unload it...
Lie, lie, lie...
She has lied and duped long before she duped and lied to her patreons...
Buttercup has always had her crosshairs fixed on Venice. Ultimately who cares what she wants to do with her pile. But it is unfortunate that she lies and dupes to advance her schemes by taking advantage of people's good nature, generosity and yes, stupidity.

For her the end justifies the means...
Yes, the original plan was to fix it up and flip with within about 5 years, but then Daddy died so she hung on to it and used it as a party pad. Sadly, after 17 years, she hasn't added any value to the shiteau while property prices in Venice have drastically increased.
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