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Lady Rosalie

Chatty Member
Off topic for a moment, but a "how Tattle Life works" bit of house keeping, if you don't mind helping me, so that newer people don't have to ask over and over!

At what level of post numbers can you see the "report" button? and the "edit" button in wiki?

New Members are those with 1-19 posts -
Members are 20-99 posts
The 2 above don't see the "report" button, or have access to edit wiki
Can someone who is at one of the following 3 levels tell me if you have access to the "report" button and to the "edit" area of wiki?
Active Members are 100-249 posts @Gibbson ?
Well-Known Members are 250-499 posts @Fennelbug ?
Chatty Members are 500-1000 posts @OhIDontKnow... ?
VIP has
VIP have 1001 plus posts - has the "report" button and access to edit wiki

I'll put this info in wiki too ... as it has become an FAQ ....
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How many expensive “gifts” do you think she has received and doesn’t show on air? Lots.

How many of the “gifts” are product placement for companies that Stephanfraudie either receives goods, services, or money for presenting on her channel?

How do you know she actually donates the exact amount she says to each specific charity? She never shows receipts or letters from the charities confirming her donations and/or amounts of donations. Why are these not posted at the end of the video every month for viewers to see?
Oh Bingo on every point you state graciemckitten !!

I have always thought she gets sent more $$$ luxe gifts that we do not see...... I could see some stupid person sending Fanny her old Chanel bag.... and "old" they are but still worth $$ on Ebay etc and we know a Squirrel that LIVES on Ebay !!!
I wonder what his shop is called?? Mmmm.....
perhaps its called "Stuff in Grandma's Attic" ???? Must go see ! o_O

Nope- we see no receipts for her goodly giving to charities every month.

Now we get into "Product Placement" ...... why a company would reach out for her Chateau that is filthy I do not know but I could see her getting her little muddy mitts on products like Champagne, Wines, food of all sorts and clothing that does not come from a Op Shop !
I am waiting for her to flog travel suitcases etc when she starts that stupid Travel Show with that zonky Tracing Oliver !
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9 minutes ago
Is Natie pregnant 🤔 ❤❤

Info by Jack Dotson
38 minutes ago
How is it going with Natalie‘s apartment?

Chateau Unwrapped!
25 minutes ago
Slowly as Ian the Builder is away for the next few weeks!

county kerry
43 minutes ago
Prefer your program to be apolitical !

Chateau Unwrapped!
25 minutes ago
I still believe it to be apolitical. This is a charity channel, and there are people in need

Chateau Unwrapped!
1 hour ago
We are waiting to host a woman from Ukraine, hopefully she will be arriving next week

Barbara Grace
2 hours ago
Where oh where is your friend Mr Petherick ? He is so sadly missed.


Stella Marie Poetry and Green Arts
1 hour ago
Billy says he will be posting soon


Chateau Unwrapped!
1 hour ago
I miss him too! ❤
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I’ve actually just come home from 4 days in Venice. I recognised the route and the private water taxi SJ caught to the airport costs €130 euros as opposed to the Vaporetto for €15. SJ obviously doesn’t do cattle class on other peoples money. Everything is incredibly expensive there (we did it on a budget a which was a REAL challenge) and I recognise 99% of the places in her vlogs and even with freebies she certainly didn’t care about value for money, the opposite is true. She went for opulence every time, she must of haemorrhaged money, no cares in the world! Why would you though when someone else is paying?! 😡

(Example of the cost of a cuppa there, I had to take a photo because I couldn’t believe my eyes 😆)View attachment 1110546
I can honestly say with great clarity
Stephanie jarvis has never paid for one thing in her life

with her Own money 💰

never 👎

your pics were amazing jellybeans here ❤
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It was the bloody smile on her face while doing it !
Oh I do hope someone does that to her when whatever happened at the hospital comes out !
oh, now that was private :cautious:
Yep she is such a bitch no need for this video at all. She was very happy to be spilling the tea. She was so hyper and repeated herself, it's not her business at all. I agree it would be amazing karma for someone to tell the truth about her hospital visit,
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My 2 cents on D&A's relationship kaboom ....

1) There are actually statistic out there that say that marital (relational) satisfaction takes a huge nose dive when you have children. Much as those little people are cute and you love them they absolutely change you as people (I think especially mothers), and the relationship dynamic has to take a huge switch. Having children really changes a lot of us women, and a lot of our men don't like the change. And then there is how to figure out the care load of children and home. A lot of relationships don't survive the changes needed.

2) Dan might want all the comments on his vlog to stay kind for his boys to read in the future ... HOWEVER ... those boys will have eyes, and they can watch all the vlogs they and both of their parents are on, and they can see what we've seen. They will see the way their dad treated their mother during the kitchen reno at their house. How he pushed his agenda on design, how when they went shopping he wouldn't even let her buy a simple plant. They will see Annalise talk to Dan in stores and at home, and he completely ignores her. They will see that. AND I half wonder if Annalise got a different view on it watching it on video, and seeing people comment on it.

3) Dan's shift to his daily vlogs and all the pushing to do renos for content ... me thinks that Annalise saw less and less of him and had less and less support and became a vlogger's widow. Dan seemed to become obsessed with vlogging lots. And he became more and more cocky in his vlogs. I'm just guessing, but I bet this created a lot of tension. A woman doesn't want her man so busy all the time and so focused on a hobby or making an income, or even a reno, that you don't have time for decent family life and couple time.

4) I think all the above things came to a head, I think Dan got to the end of his rope and found sympathy in the La lande crowd. And I think he just stopped wanting to put effort into his relationship with Annalise. So he moved out, over to La lande, the cesspool that it is. He had lots of friends over there. And I personally think they were all friends at that stage. But, they welcome him in and instead of encouraging him to go home and work it out and think that he may need to change some patterns, they likely did the opposite.

5) Annalise does not look happy in the car when he asked if she wanted to come in for coffee. She is trying and he's got the damn camera on her, so what can she say .... I don't think she sees la lande as a place of support for her. I think that she's hurt because HE left and moved out and didn't stay and work things out.

6) She looked happy cutting his hair ... because frankly, she knows that hair cut makes him look like a cartoon ... so if other women want to bed him looking ridiculous, well .... she also knows she can take those sheers and have a big oops and make him bald!

7) I'm not convinced there was another woman prior to moving into La Lande in September .... maybe ... has there been since he moved in? maybe .... but I can tell you, if I was Annalise, I would NOT enter that building if there was something going on. I can't imagine having my ex in vlogs hanging out with other women the way he has. But then I think she is a much nicer person than I am.

8) And I do think it is karma that his van his broken down! LOL ... other than that it now means more driving for Annalise ... but for him I'm laughing about it.

* thought now off my chest *
Very well said, buggered if I'd drive him about that would be an outright no 🤬 way. Neither would I cut his bloody hair either, the temptation would be too great. She's way more nicer than me. There'd be no turning back for me after this that's for sure. He needs to get his act together and get the damn house finished, for them. The garden looks like Steptoe's scrap yard, it must be depressing for her. I just hope all of her firends/neighbours are there for her. I wonder if Kirsty will continue working at the Shitoo or has she told Fanny to shove it.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I don't THINK so. I remember a while back he showed where he made a $500 donation to something that he showed on his laptop, and Fanny had said she wanted him to match it for her. I think that was when he paid her back. I could be wrong.
You're not wrong. At least, that was what they wanted us to belief. But so was the whole debt thing to begin with. Trotterboy said 500 euro's but who knows how much he actually owned her. Let's not forget who loves money above all, even above willow patterns and Spode trash.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
is that me you're talking about 🤔 sorry I am not in on all this stuff yet. I could log back in today (unless SJ has blocked me) But I left a big long comment to the haters this morning and I can only imagine the vitriol they have now left me. If i read it i am likely to blow my top, and I am really trying to calm down after two days of it. I shouldn't be in here really either but I am allowing myself because you folk are the first folk who have been nice to me in two days, so i am allowing myself the luxury. Remember I have been bottling all this up for 2 years. Im like a bottle of pop so sorry i havent taken screenshots i didn't know to do that. And like i said sorry it was a long post. 😊
Maybe one of the other patrons here could go back and do the screenshots for you?
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Active member
If that is indeed her intention, and I agree it is, then she blatantly lied to the Marquis. I distinctly remember her saying that he did NOT want the chateau broken up into apartments. She said she would not break it up into apartments. AND she convinced him that she had no intentions of fixing up the chateau and flipping it. She convinced him the chateau was where she wanted to be.. This is why he was OK selling to her. That and he had given his word he would sell to her even though a last minute bid came in from a family whom he preferred to sell the chateau to. And yet divying up the chateau into apartments is exactly what she has been doing...
I also remember her saying that she absolutely did not want a listed chateau (so she could vulgarize it as much as she wanted) and lastly I read somewhere she did not intend to keep the chateau but wanted to fix it up with Nick and unload it...
Lie, lie, lie...
She has lied and duped long before she duped and lied to her patreons...
Buttercup has always had her crosshairs fixed on Venice. Ultimately who cares what she wants to do with her pile. But it is unfortunate that she lies and dupes to advance her schemes by taking advantage of people's good nature, generosity and yes, stupidity.

For her the end justifies the means...
How long do you think the Patrons are going to put up with this before they report her to the French government? The reason she skirts government regulations is that she doesn't actually advertise as a gite or BnB. She calls them "rooms" and "self-catering" apartments. This is also why she's not on Air BnB or any other vacation rental sites. Also, am I right in remembering that she formed a tax-free historic preservation fund for patron funds? Her patrons were recommending she do this because they didn't want their donations taxed. And I think she announced it at one point when mummy was still there. Otherwise, she has to pay about 50% tax on all gifts. That's also why she made Chateau Unwrapped a not-for-profit charity.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Just where was Selmar in that video? On a train, a plane or a coach or in a bunker? He looked very boxed in, on the defensive🧐 I wonder who twisted his arm to take it off Amaury,(slander against his beloved) Snorts doing the dirty work as before with Tatyana or a Patreon he shared with the CD. ?....And who pushed him to spill the beans? Tati to inject fresh blood into their channel ? Don't know if she'd made him rehearse it but for the first time his narrative flowed or maybe he was just 'Pissed Off from Suffolk'
Selmar looked to be in the front seat of his van. Don't think he appeared on the defensive and thought he was quite sincere and clearly feels hurt and aggrieved by the way some folks at CLL (specifically Natti) have treated them. According to Clara, Mummee likely asked him take down the video, but something tells me there's more of this story to be told.
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I was thinking he’s probably going to bin his YouTube channel, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as the premise was family life in rural France not horn dog life in France, although that may have appeal for some not what his original viewers signed up for. Maybe that’s why SJ offered him the cameraman gig and he’ll be working for her now. He really made a deal with a devil 👿
Dan loves vlogging to much to give it up. Thinks he's a genius, and Fanny tells him that too.
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Sorry if i am posting in wrong place, I have no idea how this forum works. But thank you for the likes, feel a bit teary tbh.
The circus monkey's of SJ come after everyone with a brain who dare to question her behaviour. Because dear violet, they truely believe Stephanie is 'overworked'

Just thought to let you all know. Miss Jarvis has spent at least 41 days away from the shittoo so far this year.
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I'm new here. I had a massive run in with SJ patreons over saying i felt a bit duped yesterday. Needless to say i was attacked big time including SJ
I feel horrible they were so nasty. Anyhoo Ive deleted it all. And just need to be away from it.
Shocking the a group of super fans advocating love, light, and laughter could be so nasty? I understand your pain. I am new and I welcome you and will not yell at you. Î will leave that to Stephanfraudies flying monkeys who occasionally get an account here under assumed names .Don’t worry, they are usually uncovered quickly and flame out in a few days.

It's interesting to note that Dan and Anneliese's 13 year relationship lasted a lot longer than any of Fanny's relationships have!
It lasted longer than Fannys 2 year marriage and 8 year divorce to end the marriage combined.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett Do you think the proposed Natti Appreciation Month, where she is showered with gifts and cards from all the Youtubers will go ahead now? I still think the fans will stick by her. It will be a while before the Youtubers hear Selmar's story. After all they don't all read here and he has so few patrons.
It's the accumulation of things that will start to crack the mirrors, I'm sure.
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