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@Sandton I was on here from the start and engaged a lot and it was fun and interesting, but then it turned nasty and boring so I left for a while. Now I have a different name and new lowly status.
It was worth coming back to get Clara's insider inputs and for the light shone upon Jill Scott's criminal past. Now Michael's vlog just blew up so I'll stay a while to see how that pans out. I'm interested to hear more about Angel and her past. I read she had trained as an accountant and ran some vintage themed companies but didn't know she ever mixed in arty circles.
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Jesus, did anyone here accuse her father of this?
yes, if you read back on the threads there is a ton of speculation. Some of it in good fun and some super uncomfortable to read. Saying his paintings showed they had an inappropriate relationship. Also digging into the lives of people who have never been in the videos. The rule on tattle is to report a comment, let a moderator handle it and keep scrolling instead of calling it out. But I don’t know if that deletes the comment? Or just sends a warning to the commenter?

To be 100% honest - I used to be on here with a different account name. But one user who has seemingly disappeared off the platform would accuse everyone and anyone who commented somewhat sympathetic of being a spy. And then when I commented I was uncomfortable about something they posted they reported me. That user then went on to post a now deleted tirade about who on the thread was from LaLande and who wasn’t. They are gone now, can’t even search their name, but there are for sure some people on here for darker purposes than gossip.
To each his own obvi, not telling anyone how to post! Don’t report me! Just pointing out that as much as Michael and Stephanie are putting their lives out there, some people do (or did) seem to have vendettas here.
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I agree with him that some people post hateful things here. Some people are *obsessed* with taking them all down. People say they're going to call the authorities on Stephanie all the time. I joined cause I wanted to gossip about Mason being a sungazer and call out Philip for taking advantage of Stephanie.

I think a lot of the COVID Christmas criticism against Stephanie was fair. She should address it. Tattle probably saved the Pethericks a lot of time and heartache if they continued to get more famous and then the dailymail found Sadie's old posts. Also didn't this website save Stephanie from the clutches of Brenda and help her streamline her social media presence? So it cant all be bad.

Gossip can be fun and I would think most public figures would like it. But ya the internet is wild and some people do not have good intentions.

I hope he took legal advice before he released this, as he should have before he did the artwork he is telling the story of.
Draw a line under it all.

The success of his YouTube channel is on the back of the channel 4 series as there are only a small number of episodes of the series and his are gap fillers during lockdown as people need distraction
I think he's fine cause a) he didn't say names b) if they sue him that opens them up to discovery and having to prove they didn't steal the designs c) I think his success is on Stephanie's back actually.
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When did Hanni suddenly disappear from the videos and did she join here to give SJ the Clemmie treatment? My money's on that.🧐

I think Gerry takes SJ on a yearly trip because he doesn't want to travel alone, and she seems to be a good travel partner. Isabelle would be a nightmare to travel with. My own mother, with no college degree and a clerk at an elementary school, has managed to travel pretty extensively and paid my airfare a couple of times. Gerry being a business owner probably makes a little more than my mother and certainly more than me since wages in the US have stagnated for so long. I honestly don't understand the constant travel scrutiny when you could literally just drive to most of the places she's travelled in the time it would take to get across Texas (thee WORST drive, btw).

I took a fairly deep dive into neighbor Frank's blog, and he's probably manic depressive, an admitted alcoholic and maybe a little bit of a hypochondriac. He's super handsome though, his musings are not too terribly pretentious, and it looks like he and Stephanie are both Leos. Rather than being an expert on restoration and permaculture gardening, he is still googling how to battle powdery mildew. In two years they still haven't found the septic tank, but they decorated a cat cave because Ivory was allergic, but now no longer is, so the cats are allowed inside and Frank took over the cave. There are a ton of Lalande/SJ/Mummy easter eggs in his writing, particularly in the winter months when he stays in bed until noon for warmth while his partner takes the dog out. He even managed to make the new puppy post about her somehow. He's definitely working out his bitterness about the past and she's not the only persona non grata in his writing. There's an older sister, a ex that "shall not be named ever again" and he mostly complains about the French unless it's food or sunset related. It's honestly a great read and he should write a novel about his experiences there so they will have the funds to move forward restoring the house and maybe back the camera away so the sustainable garden isn't just closeups of flowers. I love everything they are planning, but I wonder if he'd be disgusted by the fact that I found his public blog in here.
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Just watched the vlog from MP - and the Oscar goes to....
He’s balling his eyes out over spilled milk. He signed over his rights to his designs. And now he’s crying about it. Ok the employer may have been a bit mean with her words, wow, imagine that an employer being a bit mean and unfair. Never happens. Take them to court Michael. Say you signed the copyright over under duress. Make a case. Grow a pair and take them to task instead of whinging about it in your vlog. Maybe you have taken legal advice. Maybe you’ve been told you haven’t a leg to stand on and you were an employed artist as a lot of artists are and don’t get the credit. They get paid for their work. A family member is a concept artist for many incredibly successful films and shows. She literally designs the fabulous look of these productions. Concept artists don’t even get credit on the credits at the end of a production when the credits roll. They don’t own the work they produce for the productions they are paid by. They can’t take that artwork and use it for other projects. They are paid to design using their imagery and talent and they hand that over to the show owner / production company and take their payment for same. That’s what Michael did and now he’s pissed off because he thinks he’s been used and that his designs have been practically stolen from him... which is not the case. If he’s not worried about being sued he should be. Vicious money could be involved if he’s taken to court and not mentioning names is not covering his ass at all, I would think that his description of the production, the ex boss, the artwork and how it’s been used is enough evidence to deduce who he is referring to. If they took him to court and they win he’d be paying their legal costs and probably some compensation etc. Might not go there though if she did indeed say on TV that she had done all the work herself. Be interesting to find that episode and see what actual words she used. If she said it was her design then that could be ok. My design, my concept but had an artist with a better hand than me put it down on paper. As for his mumbling about Tattle... zero mention of his dealing sister disgusting rants..
having said all this if I’m being a bit harsh I do hope he’s ok, he did seem a bit fragile, but that could be acting as that is what they all do... who knows.
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This is my take on life a la la land: I think S.J. is over botoxed, looks like she is wearing a mask. I think she intentionally gets filmed on the morning of big events looking a mess then her transformation in the evening has more WOW. I think she and Philip are an item, at the moment because of the level of casualness between them. Only a lover would be confident enough to say "that painting took 10yrs off you!" Cheekiness comes often closeness.
I think it was Dan's wife who has the illusions of grandeur. I think Gerry works and saves all year so he can take S.J on holiday otherwise she wouldn't travel with him. Very sad.
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My view would be that she got overwhelmed by it all in the past and it was easier to ignore things and do something else. Not the most ideal way to behave but we don't always do the right thing. I can recognise this as to a much lesser extent it is what I did with my hoarder husband . A catalyst is needed to get things going. In her case it was firstly ETTCDIY and then the pandemic. In our case it was covid and the thought of someone having to clear out our house if we were no longer here
She's not overwhelmed with anything. She's lazy af, hence the "volunteers". It took her 15 years to organize a laundry room, and she had Tomaz do it? Instead of going on this silly trips to the charity shop all of the time, she should concentrate on the major issues. She's got the money, she's 45 going on ten.
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Sometimes I wish I had never discovered Tattle as it has destroyed my simple mindless pleasure in the vlogs, although it was beginning to pall as the lockdown ones became ever more tedious. I never liked the look of Isabelle and I barely tolerated Gerry's jokes (although he seems a decent bloke), but the shine for me went off with the start of the second gift grab channel and the increasing false hilarity and painfully staged parties.
I wonder what was the breaking point for other posters?

I so agree with this post. I freely admit I was hooked by TCD way back when-it seemed a harmless bit of escapism. The increasing amount of gifts was disturbing though. Who does that? Why would you send a complete stranger (who lives in a bloody Chateau) presents that must cost a fortune in postage? Some people are sending very expensive gifts as well. I simply can't understand what would prompt them to do that. The cadeaux vlogs are becoming painful to watch. Sj is earning so much from Patreon now it really behoves her to announce to the would be gift givers to donate to a charity in future. She could even choose different charities to benefit from this. This tacit encouragement of gifts really does give a poor impression.
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But what does Philip actually do??? His 'helping' the men with the floor tiles was embarrassing. He can't, or shouldn't, cook. Doesn't appear to clean. Has no projects of his own. Just flounces around in SJ's shadow doing pretty much nothing apart from occasional filming and way too much snorting.
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Clara Burnett

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She showed her true colours a couple of times. Couldn’t stand her from the outset...
She would receive the old gardener dressed in her night robe, an elderly guy of who she knew he had a huge crush on her, for coffee in the kitchen, to receive all his free offerings from his private vegetable garden, even after she started dating Percy. The poor guy was even there when she met Percy for the first time, because she took him on a trip to SA. She certainly played with his feelings.
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That explains why we in the US can not get a handle on this Covid.
Did anyone else notice SJ looked different on the latest CATC? At first I thought she had something stuck in her teeth as she kept making odd mouth/facial movements but then I wondered if maybe she had some work or botox in the last few days.

View attachment 391817
Anyone here cashing checks?
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Well that was obviously very painful for Michael to make, and excruciating to watch. I do feel for him, as temperamentally he isn't up to exposing himself and his life on a public forum. But it was too much of a pity party. He says tattle is 99% lies. But it is not false for us to say the cottage works have been a complete bodge all the way through. It is not false for us to call out his mother for erasing all negative comments in YouTube and Facebook. I am astounded by the number of people who are supporting him in the comments and think his videos are worth watching, let alone the patrons funding him.
Agreed, I actually don’t feel sorry for the guy, He is pretty naive if he thinks people won’t delve into his family life etc , if you put it out there in the public domain then you are going to get the good, the bad and the ugly.
Regarding D&A I’ve never like her, she seems like an avaricious monster behind the sweet Mother Earth persona. I hope this goes to one of the British rags and knocks her down a peg or two.
Chateau Diaries has lost the plot in my humble opinion and has alienated me with SJ ‘s tone deaf ‘greedy is good’ attitude. We’re once I had some admiration for taking on a project of magnitude of lalandes restoration it become blatantly obvious that she doesn’t give a feck about the fabric of the building or any historical accuracy, its all for show !
But hey we all still watch and that gives them a revenue. Are they entertaining.... yes ..... do they deserve sympathy.... no
I’ve lost my business , income and lifestyle due to the pandemic I don’t want sympathy, but I’m not living in a multimillion pound chateau crying into my Spode cup ..... if it’s that bad Micheal delete YouTube and get a job ?
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Sometimes I wish I had never discovered Tattle as it has destroyed my simple mindless pleasure in the vlogs, although it was beginning to pall as the lockdown ones became ever more tedious. I never liked the look of Isabelle and I barely tolerated Gerry's jokes (although he seems a decent bloke), but the shine for me went off with the start of the second gift grab channel and the increasing false hilarity and painfully staged parties.
I wonder what was the breaking point for other posters?
There was never a mindless pleasure phase for me, but there were episodes I enjoyed. Mostly the tours of the rooms and garden. I hadn't ever seen ETTC so I had no idea there was already a bitchy mummy narrative. I didn't dislike her dynamic with her mother, but in a lot of the episodes I first watched, it's only the two of them and they work well together trading the camera back and forth. They have a schtick. Isabelle's camera work wasn't even bad for a 70 something. She's better than Billy Petherick is right now in some of those early videos, probably because she's lighter on her feet. I was paying attention to things like that. Also who was uncomfortable being on camera, how SJ was often able to put them at ease. I never once thought "oh she's poor," I just thought it was a great idea. A giant coffeehouse that's also a bar and a bnb. But then I always go through a phase where I like something, it blows up online, and then I go looking for who hates it. Who has really decided, "Oooo this bitch..." and I always find them, and it's usually all women and a Heathcliffe or two (but usually gay ones, so I appreciate that he watches because he wants to fuck her.) Then I read everything and decide if these newly famous people have done anything unforgiveable, or I keep watching and wait for them to do something unforgiveable. That usually doesn't happen though. They just hire more people, their lives become more opaque, more commercialized, and then they move onto something else. By that time I've already moved on too, and I read about it six months later. I'm really an unfan of everything at heart. My friends hate my Anthony Bourdain speculations, but I think the worst of everyone even when I have an actual celebrity crush. I could never put my energy into to hate watching anything, but I like reading the perspectives of people who do.
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Did anyone else notice SJ looked different on the latest CATC? At first I thought she had something stuck in her teeth as she kept making odd mouth/facial movements but then I wondered if maybe she had some work or botox in the last few days.

View attachment 391817
Anyone here cashing checks?
What on earth do you mean Morfeg, are you calling us TROLLS? We just analyse a bit, have a laugh, uncover fraud etc...:ROFLMAO: Worse than being talked about is as we know, not being talked about. Phillip has dreamt of fame so long, now he has it, we regularly talk about his snorting, crossdressing, and inabilities. No WAY he is nailing LOTML though, I refuse to think about it...but then I see the Fokker in my minds eye, and I know anything is possible...
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Well-known member
I agree with him that some people post hateful things here. Some people are *obsessed* with taking them all down. People say they're going to call the authorities on Stephanie all the time. I joined cause I wanted to gossip about Mason being a sungazer and call out Philip for taking advantage of Stephanie.
☝100 percent agree with this☝
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Incognito Chatelaine

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It was told by our fellow Dutch tattlers that Prince Snorts Alot was waiting tables before Lalande and his on stage photos are from school/local church/amateur theater plays. He's an aspiring actor. I guess he's been trying to get into acting schools for years without success. He was made redundant (because of Covid restrictions the restaurant closed) and he was lured in to CD to gain 'experience' and some fame.

When the restaurant opens again, SJ will send him packing. At the moment, he's the only one who's happy to play with her (Marie performs in front of the camera only after a couple of drinks) and barely tolerated before new volunteers take his place. He doesn't see his departure coming, led to believe everything is dandy. He'll be another sad character feeling betrayed and used in the string of many SJ's casualties.
For Dutch understanding, Philip is not attractive, charming or eloquent. He definitely does not have a good body and he is not particularly tall (average height for Dutch men is about 6ft.). His (Dutch) accent is not particularly impressive either. He is, what Americans would call, a nothing burger. I have absolutely no idea what she saw in him, really, I don't. Selmar is a bit like a homeless guy with a campervan, but at least he is not offensive and he seems to be sincere. I can sense that he does not like Philip very much in his interaction with him, but he does his best to hide it, for SSB's sake perhaps? We wouldn't want to upset she who shouts from the balcony, now would we?

You have to question how BJJ was offered an opportunity to volunteer at La Lande as he has no skills or capabilities and loads of allergies requiring special foods, addigional catering costs. I mean there was an 80 year old electrician. Kat could cook but she had to apply twice. You can only conclude singing and acting were the criteria.
Re Marie cooking 5 days a week. They should just make breskfast and lunch DIY, only group meal is dinner.
I will bet Marie is counting the days until she can get out of there...
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Just to give a bit of perspective about SJ being an opera singer. She completed an opera degree however never sang professionally, as far as I can tell. Her level of singing is on average with someone who has had the same amount of training. To actually have a chance of having a career she would have needed to spend several more years in serious study, either in a young artist program, the fach system in Germany and Austria, or with a private teacher.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I get the impression he’s a permanent feature (for now) , so surely he must be SJ’s current “squeeze” or why? I notice the others particularly Marie refer to them as “ you two” an item. @Clara Burnett what are your thoughts?
I still believe Philip is gay. Makes it easier for her to control him.

"Hello lovelies, this page have been created after some time of reciving several requests to create a gofund me or a buy me a coffee page. Therefore, If you would like to support me without becoming a Patreon, this is your option. Your support will allow me to continue to inspire and create beautiful content on my main Instagram account, @mariewiik1. "

What bugs me the most about the gold diggers is that they claim that making a patreon or buy-me-a-coffe-account wasn't their own idea, they were asked to do so because people are just dying to give them stuff.
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