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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Not important, but in the last thread someone (Lady Avonlea?) posted a horoscope for Squirrelboy. It was Libra, but he's Virgo.
I thought his birthday was October. I recall being embarrased that we were both Libra's,, so I'll be relieved if he's a Virgo! Can anyone confirm?
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
No to defend the pethericks.but .i would like to sit next to pa..i even wouldnt mind if he kept his cap on..maybe i should give him a hint to take it off..i bet we should have a good conversation..i also think the food is better at Begmania...that whole lalande gives me more creeps with their false and fake pretentions.... to be so a matter of fact all those chateauowners lack style and class..the only thing they can do well is grifting and begging for money..
In the videos he doesn't seem like he'd be much of a conversationalist ... but back in a live he did with Michael he mentioned the only thing he misses from the UK is the pubs, and it seemed like by that he meant the social life at the pub, so maybe he would be interesting.

Pa is helpful and hard working, but it feels like he's emotionally distant from his kids. I don't sense much warmth and nurturing in that family at all, except for Sadie with all the animals and with Ernest.

No Dan vlog tonight? Wonder why that could be? 👁️‍🗨️
Is it just me, or does it seem like he been showing less and less of la lande over the last month? Could be he's working less hours. Though we know he's been there for plenty of meals as we saw him at several in CD.

I haven't watched any of Ryan's videos for months but just watched his videos on house buying and they are actually good. He's found some interesting places, covering a reasonable budget with plans on how to make the places work for him to provide income ... and none of the plans include holding festivals in a chateau!

He's working out mortgages, properties with businesses attached in villages. He also speaks fluent French so could run a business in a village.

Everyone likes a bit of house porn so I think he's found his niche; reasonably priced properties and Gangsta Grannies could afford! Not some chateau next to a cemetery that costs a fortune to furnish and heat.

As someone said before, Sillymar should get Ryan to find him a suitable place!
Same here, haven't watched him for ages, but I'm enjoying the house hunt stuff, he's found a niche I can follow. I love that he's not over reaching in his purchase price and sounds like he has some ideas and knows he needs a plan.
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Krypsback kiss

Active member
He will have a brooch of each of "The Big Five" and when he see's one he will put the brooch on...... " Oh look Fanny ..... a elephant! Where is my Elephant brooch I want to put it on !!!

Oh ,forgot ..... he will have a safari suit on of course!
And his granny's binoculars!
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Chatty Member
What do you have against Leos, vedic or not I am leo so is my brother
We are generous and chilled just dont piss us off husband is a Leo...calm exterior, quiet...holds his opinions to himself...extremely generous and easy going as can say something against moi...then he is a beast...kind of frightening. 👿
...and at that point...he has no filter.and doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks...nor what he one ever suspects it...until he erupts...I always careful...he can go one believes it...well, until shit happens...😎. Leo’s...deserve respect...and a wide berth...don’t fuck with them...or who they hold dearest...big mistake...✌
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VIP Member
🥇@Hemerocallis, you are correct.

View attachment 963438

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I do not think he will be riding an ostrich either, he is afraid of the chickens.
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He's such a Wus.... I thought it was just Gerry and SJ going to SA? when will we know for sure?

The event took place September 11, 2020. At midnight they celebrated BJJ's, 25th birthday.
September 12, 1995

View attachment 963512
Has he got heels on his boots?... he looks to be towering over everone else, even Amaury..
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VIP Member
We’re the shutters Amauri was working on finished, or do they need to be added to the 31 projects started but not quite completed, mentioned or grifter? (Refer wiki)
Rory ..... I know you are passionate about the Shutters ! I thought they decided to ditch them??? The Chateau "will look better without them" Fanny and that lady architect said some time ago. Or... has that changed again???
I did like the look of the blue shutters on the old wreak.
Still ...... you will not see them much when and IF those courtyard trees start growing.

Morning All :love:
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Rose Cafe

Well-known member
Having Maaike at the shitoo is odd, but having her mother there is downright strange..
I think we here forget that the general population or those who don't see the grifter side of things, still see Laland as a fairytale castle tucked away in the rural France ...a place many would love not only visiting,but staying in for awhile...Maaike's mom showing up stay is not thaaat surprising . Especially if it's to watch after the place while they are in South Africa. Seems anyone SP could trust to do that are gone themselves.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
As I said before, there are many different types of stylist, I guess that it is surprising to people not in the fashion/commercial/film & tv world that a stylist resume and past work are more important than their look for some stylists :unsure:
In my Hollywood days, the stylists I always came across tended to wear utilitarian "smocks" with lots of pockets filled with safety pins, tape, lint rollers, etc. This was always on-set (music video shoots) though and not in daily life.
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Reader's digest

VIP Member
I wore red shoes to my first communion (that full crimson red). It caused a bit of a scandal at the time.
Given one third of the table (Potty, Ruth, Nic, Marie & Antoine) did not know the another third (2 volunteers, Miracle Bubble Girl, MBG mother) the game was probably a good suggestion to have something to talk about in common other than grandparents and musical theatre.
I am sure in the past with ok’d friends these murder mystery dinner parties would have been a hoot.
stephfending again : I like murder mystery since sometimes it takes forever till it's midnight and one can finally go to bed. Also there have been always strangers to any party I was especially nye so adults should handle that. Anyway most people in my age don't do any nye parties at all or any parties and only watch TV programme so I would have gone to Stephanie's, too. Hopefully there was some dancing, too. And at least she tries, this was some heavy cooking and decoration/dressing , my friends only open bags of chips/crisps and order pizza with beer and if you are lucky there are paper napkins. In the end it's a private home and not a gala dinner.
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VIP Member
Heh...I suppose most of us have someone in our past who we were physically not suited to...or maybe you? ;)
I ran up against two in my day. There was no way that was going in there. One was an absolutely gorgeous doctor. I had to uh uh him straight away.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
I'm reading a book on daily life at Versailles.theres a whole chapter on the ways you could identify people of quality vs.trash In borrowed or second hand clothes .there were many pretenders....If the fact miss Havisham can't turn her crumbling flop house barn into a clean habitable rodent free environment for 30k a month wasnt proof enough (you can't fix a borderline personality with money.). Finding out her pretentious granny gift grift name. "cadeux" isn't posh but common rube speak is PARFAKT ..the more her world unravels the Marie Antoinette fantasy morphs into a lazy eyed stygian witch presiding over flop house squalor ..
Fascinating! What book is it, please?
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
Also, I think they realise running a B&B, weddings, events place is actually hard work, and all but one of the Methricks understands hard work. So, instead, they'll rent out of the chateau as self-catering.
Plus with 2 little kids taking up Gwen's time it makes sense not to do the wedding business. It would be way more labour intensive then just renting the whole place out and self-catering.
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