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‘You can’t out train a bad diet’ :unsure: well why you always using working out so you can binge eat more food joe?
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Bellend has shared a DM he got and not blocked out the girl’s Instagram name. Am sure she’ll be well chuffed that 3 million people possibly know about the state of her relationship just so Bellend can portray himself a some sort of love doctor 🙄
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Up every 2 hours? Is that not normal for a newborn?!! Christ my son went through a stage of being up every 40 minutes at one point!

Also just seen his stories on his no bike mates 😂😂. Embarrassing how he admits he thought they would come over licking his arse at how nice his bike is. My dad was a proper biker. Money cant buy you respect in the biker community Joe!
I thought the exact same thing, every 2 hours is a good night for us 🤣 he really is clueless! Acting the superhero that he still manages to exercise on such little sleep... but is it YOU that’s breastfeeding all through the night Joe? No, so stop preaching to new mothers that they should still make time to fit in a work out while surviving on broken sleep. We don’t need a 20 minute circuit, we need a nap.

Also if you’re really that sleep deprived you shouldn’t even be riding your precious bike around.
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I'm so disgusted by the weanin15 stories of poor Marley lying naked on the floor, with a flimsy blanket on him which he can easily kick off. Words can voice my disgust at this. Why the fuck would you leave a 5/6 week old naked on the floor, with a flimsy blanket over him, while you teach your an 18 month old words/numbers whatever at like 9pm when she should be in bed. I'm not a mother, but I would love kids, and it seems like basic common sense not to leave your baby naked on the floor when apparently there's no heating in the fucking house! WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT.
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Chatty Member
I'm actually really shocked that they have left that poor baby. A night away every now and then can really do you some good if you get the chance. But 4 weeks old?!??

That baby has been through so much. He's still adjusting, bonding, cluster feeding. It is such an important time for mother and baby. But no, they're off having shag in a posh hotel.

And more importantly WHY would you even want to be away from your baby that soon. You will never get that precious new born time back.

I swear to god, if he tried to play the super dad parenting expert again after ditching his 4 week old for a date break 😒

The guys a bit of a smug prick to be honest.
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Thread title - man bun, baby bath for one, stop force feeding crap cuz indies eating none
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My ex used to do this to me after abusing me to gaslight me into staying with him. “This when I knew I loved you” ... “and then we went to X and fell more in love “ ... “I always loved you in this outfit” ... “my son loves you like a blood parent” etc etc. It’s making me fucking sick watching him do this.
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Please god no... there can’t be any more, I was hoping that the ‘old phone’ would have given up the ghost by now!
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He's so obsessed with how Rosie looks. And his whole ethos seems to be that by looking thinner and fitter you will be happier. I think it's unhealthy how obsessed he is just with looks.

I wonder if he would ditch her if she put on weight or her boobs get saggy.....
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So one moment Joe is telling us there is always time for exercise, and lack of time is just a figment of our imagination.

The next moment he's saying he skipped a work out for a g&t and FOUR slices of marmalade toast?!
Have some respect, and empathy for the people who have forked out for your plan (and funded your lifestyle!) Who are at home watching that and trying to stay on track with their diets and probably feeling inadequate. prick.
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Of course he’s got the energy to exercise and cook all these meals because there are two of them at home every day nearly all day ! Try one partner working long shifts and the other partner being left at home with a baby breastfeeding and looking after a demanding toddler them lets see how you do !!
what they have is not real life !!
Most new dads are working then spending every spare minute helping their partner out when they are home !
Also he makes out you can just work out at home etc but he has a ton of exercise equipment in his house he doesn’t have to drive to the gym !
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I’ve been wondering if they use donor milk you know. Because very early on, he showed a freezer full of breastmilk that would have been incredibly difficult to have after a week on top of feeding a baby. Plus it’d be so hard to leave an exclusively breastfed baby this soon too without having to do a lot of pumping (which is a pain when away, as you’d need a fridge, steriliser, a ton of equipment, etc). Dunno. It’s just odd
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What a strange look back. He’s not presenting like a trip down memory lane for his followers is he? Everything seems to be reminding Rosie of all their good times. I think you’re right, something is amiss. I can’t imagine a blissfully happy new mother legging it off to a ‘brunch’ and not coming home for ages! Although I don’t blame her tbh, anything for a break from his voice 🙈
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He clearly posted that montage as he’s going skiing and Rosie is pissed off he’s most women would be with 2 children under 2!
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He was only saying two days ago that Marley was poorly and had been up most of the night and now they are leaving him !!!
Me thinks it’s all got too much for Joe Boy !
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