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Thread suggestion: Rosie's off for brunch, Indie's desperate for lunch but Joe's busy doing his 10,000th ab crunch
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Thread suggestion ;

Meanin15 : Indie’s desperate for grub, Rosie’s on Pornhub. Joe’s still getting on our wick, he really is quite the prick!
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Am now getting worried that this montage will end with a pic of Rosie’s head in the fridge.

It’s proper creepy stalker level shit this (even if they are married). Expect to see Joe Wicks the Netflix two part documentary soon.
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I think I’m about to vomit about his 😉 face about reconnecting with Rosie in their hotel room. She’s had a baby a month ago, give her a break you vile man
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They are so unrelatable. How many parents on maternity pay can afford a night in a posh hotel let alone doing it after just 4 weeks. After all that baby boy went through before Christmas I can’t believe they’ve left him already. He’s only been home 3 weeks and is still adjusting to the outside world.
I’d also never dream of lumbering my parents with night feeds.
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Forward facing car seat at 18 months? Yikes. Hopefully new Mini has space for two rear facing seats.
Forward facing seats aren’t ‘unsafe’ - extended rear facing is the safest but people shouldn’t be demonised for their choices when it is still a safe choice (if they are strapped in correctly, wearing no coat etc). My child screams blue murder if they’re rear facing so it is safer IMO to have a happy forward facing child, strapped in correctly than a hysterical rear facing child who would be a distraction to driving.
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I wonder if he ever questions himself, am I doing the right thing? Should I try something else?

That's what I find so nonsensical about promoting yourself as an expert, DURING the weaning of your FIRST child. If this was supernanny or someone who's raised 5 kids successfully to adulthood, or a proper qualified and experienced dietician, it would make sense. But it's like me saying let me show you how to climb Mount Everest, while I'm climbing it for the first time, with no prior experience of mountain climbing. How the fuck do I know if there's a better way, and how it will end?!

It's crazy to me that someone with no experience can hold themselves out as an expert, all while doing a live experiment on their first born... I guess that basically sums up Instagram influencers in general though and the worrying influence they can have.
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I would never ever have left my newborn after 4 weeks 😮 most likely was 4 years 😂
Re-connect with Rosie ! Keep it zipped up you idiot !!
I really don’t understand how she can be breastfeeding and have a night away I know I couldn’t just because of milk supply and feeding being so difficult in those early days !
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Yeah I thought the same you can have no idea what your kid will be like in 5 years let alone 25 🙈

Also I'm pretty sure all the posts are Rosie this weekend so that was her.

Also posted about a G&T - I'm pretty sure she can't be breastfeeding at this point ?? (I would have one drink when I was breastfeeding but not when they were this small and could feed at any point only if I knew I wouldn't be feeding for a while)

Also noticed she used 👌 as well 🙈

Come on Rosie we want to be on your side help us out 😜
You’d have to drink so much before it would get through the milk in enough quantity to impact baby that you’d be incapable of looking after baby. A G&T is absolutely fine if BF. Happy to diss many of her life choices including life partner but not on board with judging her having one drink while BF.
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‘Theres always time to fit in a workout’
Proceeds to stick Indie in front of the telly. Mate, there’s time for hookers and beers and a box set of 24 if you stick your kids in front of the tube. Not really a groundbreaking tip and also, don’t just stick your kid in front of the telly.
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Oh my god. Marley is FULLY NAKED in those stories. I cannot even fathom this level of irresponsibility. You can completely see his penis. On not one, not two, but THREE story segments.
I am appalled.

Joe, come on man. This is irresponsible. Your son is completely naked on this. If nothing else this is a hideous betrayal of his right to privacy, which as he is too young to consent, YOU as his parent have to protect. Not allow thousands of people, who you don't know and who may have nefarious motives, to view his naked body.
This is not ok.
Nobody is impressed by your incredible parenting by teaching Indie with flashcards when you are simultaneously exposing your son.
Even besides the fact that you have also been telling everyone your house is cold due to the gas being off. And there he is, a tiny newborn, who's been poorly, kicking about naked in the cold for the world to see.
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With holding food & obsessively controlling a toddler’s diet - check!
Freezing cold house - check!
Lack of routine - check!
Manic behaviour by a parent - check!
Untidy home - check!
Unsafe practices like allowing a toddler to sit on a work surface surrounded by knives and portable hobs - check!

If the Wicks family lived on a council estate, social services would be straight round with the above.

Also is Rosie taking part in the world’s longest, most drawn out brunch today. Bet Joe is letting the kids nap now so Rosie has to deal with them when she gets back. Pathetic man child that he is.
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I cannot believe how he is promoting use of a bottle as a way to get time away from your newborn! I don’t want to offend anyone, absolutely nothing wrong with bottles/formula/whatever, I used all of those things and breastfeeding so no judgement. BUT, clearly his post about bottles was meant to be advice to anyone breastfeeding, and giving frequent bottles/staying away from your baby that long can cause feeding problems for some people. Sure some people will have a great supply and will be fine, but lots won’t. Feeding might not establish properly or baby could develop bottle preference etc. I’m not saying people shouldn’t do it but he is just not qualified to give that advice to people and potentially cause problems with them because they feel they ‘should’ be making time for themselves as a couple when your baby is a tiny newborn. If people want to, fine, but you don’t have to at all! Loads of time for that once baby is a bit bigger and you have recovered from birth! A poor mum with a four week old does NOT need to see other people showing off about overnight breaks when struggling already with a little baby. It’s so irresponsible!
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Oh do fuck off Joe! Fuck off into the real word, for a day or two, before opening your mouth with yet another patronising preachy load of bollocks.
Go and tell all those full time carers of sick and disabled loved ones how they just need to go to bed earlier, and then go tell a parent doing their fucking best to provide for their family by pulling 14 hours shifts on minimum wage to sleep more. Maybe round it off by visiting a hospital and telling the junior doctors how sleep is the key, I’m sure they’ll thank you for that pearl of wisdom.
And while I’m at it, put a bloody t-shirt on. Your sweaty chest hair is knocking me sick 🤢

You think he could be so selfless? I don’t think for one second he could suggest to Rosie to have a nap. He is definitely going to have her doing postnatal workouts once the baby is 6 weeks.
Rosie is not some poor down trodden wife. She’s ruthless and really not the sweet innocent thing Joe likes to portray her as.
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They're too busy trying to prove the point that your child will eat what you give them if you otherwise starve them and do not allow any other option. And encouraging other parents to justify it to themselves that the kids 'aren't hungry' if they refuse - so if they are hungry enough they will eat it.
It's disordered eating. It's extreme.
We all want our children to eat well and get a good balance of nutrients, but children are in fact wonderfully capable of eating intuitively if given the chance. It's why we feed on demand and they self regulate their milk initially and they will continue to do with food if allowed.
The issue is that they are feeding Indie in an orthorexic way. If it's not "healthy" - she doesn't eat.
And it's easy to think that you can train your children in this way, but actually it just creates problems with forbidden foods. It's why Joe binges and has such a carb frenzy, which he loves to document so that we know he's 'normal' - read, he is anything but. Because he restricts himself.
And he restricts his child. And his wife - toddler portions to an adult woman who we are told is breastfeeding. Because aesthetics are more important to him. "Rosie's body is fire" remember.
If they gave Indie the freedom to choose, and unconditional permission to eat a range of foods, both nutrient-dense and perhaps some less-so, she would likely have a bit of everything. And eating in moderation is the key to a healthy relationship with food.
They don't however, they control it to the last letter, even restricting her access to berries because they recognise she likes them and she would choose them over 'x' or 'y' that they're trying to force her to eat.
If they were just doing this to their own child then there's little you can say, but they are influencers, advising others this is the 'way to do it' and even money spinning it into a book. I know they have a nutritionist on board, but it's not the food I take issue with necessarily, the lack of variety is an issue. I offer all the same foods to my kid, every veg, eggs, porridge, fruit, fish - along with a ton of others as she has open access to all foods and she will equally choose an apple to a bit of chocolate. Depending on how she feels. It's the controlling behaviour that bothers me.
Diet Culture. Start them young!
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Honestly I just can't even project how much he pisses me off. Why can he eat a juicy burger and chips and his young toddler get stuck with shitty bean stew or a vegetable omelette. He eats chocolate, snacks, junk food but his kid isn't even allowed a slice of bread. The pair of them are neglecting their child by withholding food and not providing a varied healthy diet. He's not healthy, he binges and then has to 'earn' his food. He wants to make his mind up with the sleep thing too. A few days ago he was all 'no excuses' now he's all 'oh sleep is a priority' absolute fucking prick. Detest the bloke.
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