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VIP Member
He comes across as so immature. I think it’s really off that he’s buggered off and left Rosie with a toddler and a newborn
A least with him gone she only has 2 kids, when he is around it must be like looking after 3!
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Omg please make it stop!! Not more of his bloody story
I am enjoying nosing at Rosie’s outfits though, she has a fantastic wardrobe.

And hes off again 😂😂😂
How is he saying it’s part 3, I thought we were on part 4576 😂

He’s not doing a good job here is he.

Started off “We went to Mauritius” , “We went The Maldives”, “Went to South America for a month”, “Here’s us in the Galápagos Islands”, “Vegas”, “Italy”.


Here’s me in the back garden in my skiddy undies, Indie met a dog and we went the local swimming baths.

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The pair of them are being very liberal with truth about breastfeeding. No idea why.
Never believed that indie just lost interest in breastfeeding either, Rosie was either pregnant or they were trying.
I've breastfed two babies for a very long time and none of it makes sense to me. No idea what they're doing, but breastfeeding mums just don't get to up and leave newborn babies for hours at a time, let alone days.
Why dont they just be honest? What are they hiding and why??
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Up every 2 hours? Is that not normal for a newborn?!! Christ my son went through a stage of being up every 40 minutes at one point!

Also just seen his stories on his no bike mates 😂😂. Embarrassing how he admits he thought they would come over licking his arse at how nice his bike is. My dad was a proper biker. Money cant buy you respect in the biker community Joe!
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I did find it slightly odd that he did a second exercise session of the day before his Italian dinner out so he could have a blow out. I don’t watch many of his instas but is this what he normally does so he can stay “lean” seems a bit disordered to me.
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He sounds unhinged at the moment, more manic than usual. He’s sliding into a parody of himself; the point which you stop imitating David Brent/Alan Partridge and start to become him without sounding ironic is probably when you should rein it in.
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Just watched latest stories first off he suggested that Rosie have the same portion of shepherds pie as a toddler wonder shes got her figure back! Poor woman must be hungry.
Then Marley on the edge of the sofa, with Indie toddling around and he encourages her to stroke his head while she has a remote in her hand. Toddlers need much closer supervision around babies.
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So today a bit of real life happened did it ! Toast for tea !! Some of us have 3 kids to look after and still manage to provide a cooked meal every night ! Why couldn’t he rustle up a gusto as they are so quick and easy and you get everything delivered !So he tells us all the time !! He should of done sandwiches for lunch and had the cooked meal at dinner ! Rosies been away on the longest brunch ever ...
I couldn’t even begin to think about being away from my newborn for that long !
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He’s at it again - “loved seeing you keep fit whilst pregnant with Marley” - what a weird thing to say? It’s normal for a fit active person to want their person to also be that way, but not something you keep saying over and over again! You might think it once when you first meet, but he’s definitely got some weird obsession with her being fit and attractive. What if she’s struggled and couldn’t get out of bed and put on weight?
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Chatty Member
I’ve been wondering if they use donor milk you know. Because very early on, he showed a freezer full of breastmilk that would have been incredibly difficult to have after a week on top of feeding a baby. Plus it’d be so hard to leave an exclusively breastfed baby this soon too without having to do a lot of pumping (which is a pain when away, as you’d need a fridge, steriliser, a ton of equipment, etc). Dunno. It’s just odd
I've thought for a while that she is not breastfeeding, at least not exclusively. A mother's milk supply hasn't been established at 4 weeks. It would be both difficult and irresponsible to leave a newborn baby for any extended length of time at that age when you're breastfeeding.

It doesn't matter how Rosie is choosing to feed her baby but it's not right for Joe to be lying about it. That really is unfair on all the new mothers following him, breastfeeding or not, for a myriad of reasons.
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Chatty Member
Ewww the thought of him and Rosie boiling water by the pan and sharing a shallow bath 🤢🤢 is he trying to be too relatable or something!? Why on earth can’t they take it in turns to pop to a relations or friends for a good soak- especially as he’s always got sweaty nads from working out in his shorts and socks in the living room! I cant believe I used to find him attractive he actually makes me feel a little ill now
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He's so obsessive with it! Inspecting her bowl and checking and reporting exactly how much she's eaten, it's weird 😣 he does treat her like an experiment and book material, not his loved and adored first born
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I think he’s stuck in a “weaning” time warp. I agree with the comment above about the food always being all mashed up. Feel like a bit of a knob saying this but weaning is a “journey” and it progresses with the child, so his thing about offering something and then “staying calm and offering it later“ bollocks is the principle to use when offering first tastes. Not feeding a hungry toddler who’s an experienced eater. Each to their own but he pisses me off preaching when he’s talking fucking shit 😂
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That really pisses me off that he needs time out for dinner and time away from his 4! WEEK old baby so he and Rosie can remain “strong” is the relationship that bad they can’t manage being with their newborn for 4 weeks ??
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