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Serene Serena

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There’s no way Archie’s organs will be suitable for donation. It’s disturbing to realise his poor body is dying, his brain is dead, yet his bloody mother is whipping her acolytes into a frenzy and insulting the medical team caring for him, telling people he just needs to wake up.

I’ve said this before, it’s like a horror film but it’s actually happening.
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Lord, the people of Reddit aren’t much better. There’s a guy arguing on a thread that he would rather be alive as a vegetable then dead, then went on to insist that Archie is alive because “his heart is still beating, his alive, end of” some people ought to do themselves a favour and get back to school.

The sooner this parade ends the better. Parents like this and Ashley Cain/Saf need to fade into the background and allow themselves to grieve properly instead of putting it all over social media. Stop the showboating, shut down the GFM and do the decent thing. I’m glad the legal system is pushing back against them, Hollie is acting like a spoilt kid who can’t get what she wants.
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“grow a new brain?”

if only that could be a thing. Lord knows some of those people on AA need it.
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Someone on the FB DFA page posted that if people thought that page was full of trolls, they should read Tattle.

How very rude of them. I've found these threads to be really interesting from both medical and legal points of view.
Overall the threads have been pretty balanced. Lots of sympathy for the family even though the majority don’t agree with what they are doing. Also mostly based on fact in the court documents rather than blindly believing what people write on Facebook pages, When someone came on alluding to Hollie doing sex work etc it was quickly shut down both by tattlers and the moderators.
DFA has become a horrible page, I stopped looking at it because the page was constantly attempting to goad the family and get them to react and comment on their page and then mocking them, whoever runs it is revelling in the attention the page gives them. If they think the tattle discussion is worse, they are deluded.
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Chatty Member
I understand wanting to save your child and fighting for them. I get going to the ends of the earth for them. But there’s something about Hollie that doesn’t sit right with me.

I’ve seen a lot of comments on Facebook suggesting ‘any mother would do the same’. If your child was lying in that hospital bed and you were going out of your mind with stress, grief, worry etc, would you seriously have the time to have your hair redone, put on a full face of makeup? Could you bare to be away from him to give multiple interviews?

I know I couldn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ She has stripped Archie of his dignity with pictures she has posted of him. She genuinely disgusts me
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I have always believed this statement and it is testament to the strongest love.

If you love them let them go.
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Also the effect of all of this on other kids hearing or reading that doctors want to kill him and so forth.
Imagine how frightening that sounds to people who cannot separate truth from sensational rubbish.
She doesn't care because she only cares about herself. I was quite disgusted at her on TV yesterday saying 'nobody else is fighting for that little boy' - how that will make others in her position feel, those who did the right thing and did not 'fight' a pointless and undignified 'fight'. She is lucky that despite what she thinks of the doctors/nurses/lawyers/judges in this horrible debacle, they are all far too compassionate to take legal action against a mother who has lost her son, no matter what venom she spits about them. The way she is talking about all these people is appalling, as if there's really some conspiracy for hospitals and lawyers to go around 'killing' children or taking life away needlessly.
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Sitting there almost all day everyday when someone isn't awake is not easy, in fact its fucking hard She will also be angry and upset and will want to let off steam.

when your loved ones goes to bed tonight go sit on a chair and watch them no phone nothing just sit and watch them. and imagine doing that every day almost all day
i did exactly that for a week before my mother died in hospital. Pretty much 24/7. I was not on my phone. I knew my time with her was drawing to a close and I focused on that. What was hard was knowing she was dying, not sitting there with her.

And some people update you every 5 mins when they have a Dr appointment You are not them, they are not you.
You just said we didn’t know how hard it is. A bunch of people who have experienced it are telling you what they went through. Not sure why you feel the need to downgrade that.
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So the newest hot take from Facebook is that the ‘evil doctors’ want to ‘kill Archie’ because…immigrants? Facebook never changes. Apparently this guy here thinks we should be checking passports when someone’s rushed into A&E. 🤔 Also ‘some people have in the past been in the same situation & recovered, despite their family being told it will never happen.’ This has been said by the ‘army’ hundreds of times over because no one is bothered to look up the difference between ‘coma’ and ‘brain stem dead’. I feel like there should be a disclaimer on every news article explaining this because it might prevent some of the bullshittery being spread by Hollie’s supporters. Although, I’m not sure a lot of them fully know how to read so it might not be effective.
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Has anyone seen the screenshots of comments from neighbours/people who claim to know of illegal activities that were going on in the family home?

Allegedly, Lisa’s precarious house of cards is to come a tumblin’ down when A is dead (again).
Claims of illegal substances being distributed from the family and A sometimes used as a courier ☹

This family have a history of violence and Hollie/Lisa has no critical thinking skills whatsoever. I really feel for the nursing and medical staff having to deal with her and her lies.
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I think a new approach is definitely needed as while these cases are relatively rare they are increasing. People these days are less trusting of doctors/medicine and also more willing to do what they view as enforcing their rights. Unfortunately, how those rights are actually understood seems quite thin and inaccurate. I see many potential clients who think they have a clear cut negligence case for example when it's never going to get off the ground. It would be beneficial when a case like this crops up that court time in the senior courts is cleared immediately so it can all be heard over a matter of days/weeks and start with the assumption that these parents will pursue every possible avenue, or simply fast track to the highest court. Personally I feel that having such a long appeal pathway kind of gameifies this process and it isn't effective or necessary.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
He’s not though, he’s dead. His brain is rotting. I think she knows this but is revelling in the attention and the go fund me cash
The fact he has necrotic tissue in his brain stem and lungs is chilling. He died on 7th April.

I can understand the parents, especially his mother, not wanting to accept that the child took his own life, and maybe it's easier to believe his death was accidental rather than intentional.

Prolonging things like this isn't helping anyone though, plus there's the fact the little boy is taking up a child's bed in Intensive Care, a bed that a child with a hope of recovery could use.
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I’m really struggling to fathom how these people manage to survive on a day to day basis? Do they work, look after children? I honestly am flabbergasted at the ‘thickness’ of the AA cohort. I’m usually lurking on the Ashley Cain thread but that lead me to here and in turn to kiwi farm which is ‘wow’! I’ve literally fallen down a rabbit hole!
I hope that the poor boy is laid to rest and that the shitshow that is his family disappear from the media for good.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I was just watching the GB news interview where towards the end she talks about him being a charmer with his ‘ex girlfriends’ as he calls them, and she’s still on talking terms with them. It reminded me of part of Justice Hayden’s judgment which goes into quite some details about him being a heartbreaker, good looking and that he knew it. that he could even ‘deploy’ his charm effectively?! The emphasis on his looks and charm makes me really uncomfortable for his age. 🚩

View attachment 1448202
Ugh. He was 12 years old. Still a child, not a horny teenager with heaps of girlfriends.
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Omg, this grifting off the back of a dead child is next level horrific 😳 these people are absolutely unbelievable.
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Hollie seems to be posting a lot of memories today. I think she is now saying her goodbyes to him even if she doesn't know it.
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I personally feel that, within reason, we're entitled to speak about Hollie and her family because of the public nature of the campaign. I can't cope with the woman, I think she's selfish and I'm feeling really disturbed by Archie's condition and situation, it's horrific and that now is her fault.

I do draw the line at poking the bear though. For me, discussing it here, even if I'm one of the guilty parties who've felt a bit ragey, is OK. I might drop the C word from time to time, regarding her and have completely run out of empathy but I think winding her up is tasteless, undignified (haha), and now I feel like both sides have created a freak show. Both are drama llamas and still that child lingers

Edited because I forgot to type the last word.. Easily distracted!!
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Can you imagine, Facebook General Hospital?

Where rows and rows of hopeless cases are forced to remain alive on the orders of their relatives.

Their beds covered in dozens of teddies, balloons, tinsel and vaping devices surrounded by relatives taking endless selfies with the patient and making videos of the nursing staff every time they need to do something.

Doctors would need armed guards and stab proof vests on every morning ward round.

The place would be full of argumentative, hostile people, kids running around and music blaring constantly.

If a patient has the audacity to actually die the Riot Squad will need to be called and dozens of relatives will gather outside to denounce the staff and call for 'direct action'. Oxygen cannisters and stolen CPAP machines will litter the entrance and lie amongst empty KFC and McDonald's wrappers. The stench of weed will permeate the air and soiled nappies will be thrown at passing ambulances.

Be afraid, be very afraid 😱😱😱
Don't forget to mention that Facebook General Hospital would be working on seriously reduced staff numbers because "NO IMMIGRANTS ALOUD" (sic).
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I don’t want to get kicked off the AA page so I just stay quiet and read stuff instead but I would absolutely love to comment on some of the posts on there just to tell the army how absolutely ridiculous they are.
Also sick of them saying how much of a fighter Archie is. Um… the machines are doing all the work huns, Archie isn’t ‘fighting’.
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