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I’ve just read in a different thread that the picture of the puppy that Archie apparently sent her in one of his last messages, claiming he wanted it, is a picture first found on google in May. A month after he was hospitalised. After the lies she’s told it’s hard to not question everything she claims but is that too far of a stretch? The only reason I can think to make it up is to justify using the GFM for a puppy 🤔
Tomorrow's post will probably be along these lines:

"Hi lovelies, did u no that one of the last fings Arch said to me was mum I know you hate your car, I wish you cud hav a shiny new one. Such a fortful little man. Always looking after his mumma. Suppose I'd better get down 2 BMW then. Its wot e wud of wanted innit 😍 💜💜🚗
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She's not to blame. It's everyone else's fault. 🙃
Seems like she’s the sort of person who doubles down then doubles down more. She’s like a perpetual Fibonacci spiral of self destructive denial.

These sort of personalities have no scope for reflection, no openness to nuances. Her rigidity in her own ‘them and us’ narrative is so entrenched and, to be honest, she doesn’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to change that.

I’ve met folk like her before. There’s certainly a socio-economic aspect to it and the lack of critical thinking skills can be seen to the nth degree with her and her ‘army’.

H is the type of woman you’d not want to get on the wrong side of if you lived locally to her. Her rigidity in her own world view cannot be challenged (and any, even gentle, suggestion that she is mistaken is met with anger).

I really believe that critical thinking skills should be pushed more from an earlier age. Curiosity should be welcomed and changing your viewpoint (when presented with more facts) should be the norm.

This whole ‘Archie’s a fighter’, ‘loyalty’, ‘we always know best’ rigid belief/moralistic framework Hollie and her army/peers have is damaging and divisive and reflects a massive problem with the general population today.

There’s evidence to suggest that people who can change their minds/stances are more intelligent than the rigid thinking loyalty mongers (that’s evidenced by situations like this).

Previous posters have added that doctors and those that work in medicine don’t like to state absolutes but have clearly stated (with multiple sources) that Archie has no brain function and no hope of consciousness. The 1% Hollie and her gang have latched on to is in reference to past adult patients whose ‘recovery’ was, at best, to a vegetative state. And even that, I believe, was from only one clinician earlier on in Archie’s admittance to hospital.

But even with ALL the evidence presented to Hollie et al her rigidity in thinking and ‘fighting’ narrative, combined with being a bit thick and being surrounded by thick family and friends, she refuses to listen to the experts.

ETA a very apt quote from Jonathan Swift:

‘You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.’
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I've been following Archie's story and reading on here for a while. I joined Archie's FB page to see what is said etc on there. I've just seen this posted and to say I'm infuriated is an understatement. I bet if the child of this parent desperately needed an organ they would gladly take it but won't donate because apparently that's all the hospitals care about. Absolutely sickening.


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So is Tracey Archie’s sister? Cause she admits he’s brain dead. I’m not being rude but how does she think he‘s going to come back from that?

Hollie might say she knows best but actually in a medical sense she does not. What happened to Archie Is tragic but so is this circus she is creating.
God the spelling gives me an aneurysm 😫
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This isn’t about another child.. another child having use of his bed has nothing to do with this. Neither does the cost. Archie is just beyond help and keeping him like this is wrong.
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"Archie's parents should not have to spend the rest of their lives wondering whether future medical advances may have one day saved their son."

When? In 10, 20, 50 years time? Today is what we have, now, the present. There is no "Tardis".
We could all wonder that for a million different things. I.e my Mum died from bowel cancer/chemo - should I spend the rest of my life getting pissed at advancements in cancer medicine?! Wondering in 30 years time when something radical is out whether I should have demanded she stay on life support just incase that happened? What a crock of shit lol
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super grateful

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I just can't understand how she can sit there, knowing this is going out live for anyone to see, having a judge say 'the family are in agreement that Archie won't recover and the only option here is death, the only argument is how and when he will die', and then go on Facebook and say 'he will recover / he is recovering / they are lying / he's not dying / etc etc'. Is she missing something??
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Sitting there almost all day everyday when someone isn't awake is not easy, in fact its fucking hard She will also be angry and upset and will want to let off steam.

when your loved ones goes to bed tonight go sit on a chair and watch them no phone nothing just sit and watch them. and imagine doing that every day almost all day
I sat with my son for 4 months in NICU, I didn’t feel the need to update Facebook (specifically an ‘army’). And neither do the majority of other people sitting with relatives in NICU/PICU/ITU atm 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I understand wanting to save your child and fighting for them. I get going to the ends of the earth for them. But there’s something about Hollie that doesn’t sit right with me.

I’ve seen a lot of comments on Facebook suggesting ‘any mother would do the same’. If your child was lying in that hospital bed and you were going out of your mind with stress, grief, worry etc, would you seriously have the time to have your hair redone, put on a full face of makeup? Could you bare to be away from him to give multiple interviews?

I know I couldn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ She has stripped Archie of his dignity with pictures she has posted of him. She genuinely disgusts me
Fucking hate people saying "any decent mother would do the same" so you're telling me if a mother was a grown up genuine adult who put their trust in medical professionals who KNOW what they're doing and agreed with them that prolonging her childs suffering and keeping them on ventilation when it will do nothing for him, and agrees it's kinder to let them go...that they're a shit mother?? No...they wouldn't be a sensible loving mother who would be putting their CHILDS life before their own. They wouldn't be getting all dressed up to come on tele and tele everyone that doctors are lieing about absolutely everything, they wouldn't be convincing people that they know he would recover even though medics have said he won't, they wouldn't be spending their time on social media acting like utter chavs who argue either absolute everything. They would be say by their child's bedside spending every last minute they have left with them and giving them a dignified peaceful death. Not plastering pictures of him in nappies and taking selfie with him. Now that's what a good mother would do. I'm so sick of the while "she's fighting to save her sons life" like they are trying to kill him. There isn't a life to save for goodness sake!! He is brain dead! It's heart breaking but thats the truth! You can't miraculously recover from catastrophic brain injuries like his. I just wish the barmy army would have a few brain cells between them to understand this. You can't fight something that isn't there!
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ECHR but she can also go back to Hayden with the 40 page document about him ‘breathing’ and present it as new evidence and ask for it to be reheard. I think she also mentioned going to the UN. Don’t know what that’s meant to achieve mind 🤷🏻‍♀️
To be followed by the RSPCA, NATO, BBC, M&S, and other organisations with capital letters.
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I just foolishly started to read the comments on the DM article about today’s hearing. I’ve had to stop as my blood-pressure was going through the roof! People are so stupid. Comments like, ‘if I won the lottery I would pay for his treatment”. What treatment ffs? No amount of money can raise the dead.
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As far as I know Archies not having that much treatment and his mum Is a professional now as she’s seen all what’s needed. If they can make all the special machines for disabled children why cant Archie have his own machine to help him breathe at home?? I’m baffled.


It's just mind boggling. You're not the only one baffled Alyson.
From what I gather, it just involves continually monitoring and operating like 25 machines for 24 hours a day. Changing drug doses hourly based on the information provided on the machines, looking at his little body for signs of further death, keeping lots of pipes and tubes clean and using your 5-25 years of education and experience in making rapid judgements.
My friend Brenda next door can roast a chicken in her microwave so I'm sure Archie's mum could recreate an ICU in her lounge.
I don't know what is joking anymore sorry.
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Chatty Member
I really believe that critical thinking skills should be pushed more from an earlier age. Curiosity should be welcomed and changing your viewpoint (when presented with more facts) should be the norm.

Amen to this - the amount of people in AA who say they won't read papers from the court judgements because they're "pro death" or "lies".

If you're so confident in your beliefs you should be able to read opposing views and explain why they're wrong or not credible, not be scared of them.

The amount of disinformation I had to sift through during the pandemic was ridiculous, but AFIA I didn't come out brainwashed....
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Sitting there almost all day everyday when someone isn't awake is not easy, in fact its fucking hard She will also be angry and upset and will want to let off steam.

when your loved ones goes to bed tonight go sit on a chair and watch them no phone nothing just sit and watch them. and imagine doing that every day almost all day
The difference is you know your loved one is waking up tomorrow. This family have only 48 hours to sit with him now, I know what my priorities would be. Being with him, being with friends and other relatives. Not riling up some grief thieves who have never met the kid
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Serene Serena

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There's no hope for Archie, his brain stem has herniated into his spinal cord and is necrosing. There's no way back from a brain injury that severe. His lungs have dead tissue in them, and his gastrointestinal tract has stopped functioning, he has diabetes insipidus and he approaching total organ failure. Fortunately for him, he is beyond feeling pain, but it is absolutely horrific the way his mother persists with the notion that he will recover, given time. Her army of supporters aren't capable of critical thinking either.
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Serene Serena

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So I found this on the DFA page:

On the Barmy Army page the only thing Hollie posted an hour ago was that Archie had a good day and his stats are normal. No mention at all of the appeal rejection.
She's probably in denial that her son's ventilator will be disconnected fairly soon and her son will no longer be alive in ANY sense of the word.
She is going to be adrift, with no structure left to her day, when Archie has, at last, been allowed to rest in peace. I can see her continuing to whip up fury in her acolytes, though, then there will be the big, streets full of weeping mourners, funeral. I'm not a fan of Hollie Dance but she is going to need support, genuine support, not her illiterate army's support, when it's all over.
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