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Chatty Member
I've just watched the interview on GB News. She tells Eamonn she's with Archie "24/7", except she's not is she, because she's sat beside him doing an interview.

What benefit does she think these interviews are going to bring? Ridiculous waste of time. This poor boy, my heart breaks.
I think she's got new extensions and colour too, and I can't help thinking the makeover was for the cameras.

She must drive the nurses nuts. I bet she attention seeks there too.

I'm literally disgusted with her. I've got to that stage where I keep chuckling at the stupid shit she says. He put on 0.4kg apparently yesterday. I'm suspecting he's due a purge, or maybe his t shirt was heavier than last weigh in 🙄.

I shouldn't be laughing at her stupid utterances, but I can't help it. She told some news channel Paul was having an 'anagram' yesterday.

I guess I should read in to all this that she can't actually help it because she's as thick as mince, but at some point even the biggest village idiot would see every single professional was in agreement. So I'm back to her simply being an attention seeking twat.
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I know I'm very late to the discussion on this but has Archie's mother ever thought about the type of death life she is consigning her son to, even if he had minimal consciousness. I've never been a mum and I can't imagine anything worse than having to organize your own child's funeral (even if they've grown up) but I would hope that I would know when to let go, even if it tore me to pieces. If you're thinking about what's best for your child, you have to consider the life they will have...or, rather, not have. Just been reading some of the comments on The Daily Mail website in response to his father's health issues. They beggar belief (although I should have known what to expect). If medical evidence is as suggested, they are actually wishing torture of this boy or the desecration of his body. At best, they're looking for a modern day Lazarus. Letting go is often the hardest but bravest thing to do. Not saying this is for every case but his really does seem utterly hopeless.
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Well-known member
This woman is absolute nuts. Poor boy never stood a chance with her.

The hospital haven’t killed your son, Hollie. He killed himself either by suicide or misadventure.

Poor poor Archie, what a life he must have had with this woman.
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Serene Serena

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It's not euthanasia, to allow a child who is brain dead, to stop breathing. It's the only respectful way to proceed. Archie attempted to kill himself on April 7th, and failed. He has subsequently made no recovery whatsoever, in fact his poor body is deteriorating rapidly. Hollie Dance is using this tragic event to garner publicity and make money. Archie has almost been relegated to the sidelines. The sooner this dreadful scenario is drawn to a dignified end, the better.
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OMFG, can she do this???? I feel sick having read that letter. Even in his last moments, Archie has no privacy or dignity does he :cry:
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Can you imagine, Facebook General Hospital?

Where rows and rows of hopeless cases are forced to remain alive on the orders of their relatives.

Their beds covered in dozens of teddies, balloons, tinsel and vaping devices surrounded by relatives taking endless selfies with the patient and making videos of the nursing staff every time they need to do something.

Doctors would need armed guards and stab proof vests on every morning ward round.

The place would be full of argumentative, hostile people, kids running around and music blaring constantly.

If a patient has the audacity to actually die the Riot Squad will need to be called and dozens of relatives will gather outside to denounce the staff and call for 'direct action'. Oxygen cannisters and stolen CPAP machines will litter the entrance and lie amongst empty KFC and McDonald's wrappers. The stench of weed will permeate the air and soiled nappies will be thrown at passing ambulances.

Be afraid, be very afraid 😱😱😱
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Chatty Member
Hollie and Ella have said they don’t believe in dignity in death for Archie. She wants him to have a chaotic death. Beggars belief as to why.
Well, as it's said in the post, if 'only God' had the right to take life, God would have taken him when the poor kid (allegedly) tried hanging himself. It is only through medical intervention that he has any current 'existence' at all and it's not one I'd wish on anyone.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
So is Tracey Archie’s sister? Cause she admits he’s brain dead. I’m not being rude but how does she think he‘s going to come back from that?

Hollie might say she knows best but actually in a medical sense she does not. What happened to Archie Is tragic but so is this circus she is creating.
Well, not we’ll. 🙇‍♀️

'It's called Neglagence ' 🙄
It’s negligence Jim, but not as we know it.
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VIP Member
Do you know what ?
They should ‘ form a barricade ‘ around him and not let anyone touch him.
Let’s see how long this tragic boy would last without the constant intervention of the poor NHS staff who are having to look after what is , essentially , a rotting body.
Beyond a farce now.

Can you imagine if we kept everyone alive 'just in case'? We'd have hospitals full of dead bodies and nowhere to put patients who can be saved!
I sat outside an A&E yesterday in my ambulance for 9 hours yesterday cause there was no where for my patient to go.
IMAGINE what would happen if we did what they wanted and kept people alive ‘just in case’
They are so removed from reality it’s unreal.
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We are bound by the UN when it comes to this type of disability case because we chose to be. It's optional.

I'm horrified tbh, Archie's Mum is repugnant. I see she's calling for the law to change, she doesn't seem to understand it or anything about her son's medical condition, so I'd love to know exactly how she thinks it ought to be changed.
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Another day another load of contradictions.

She said he's maintaining his body temperature but has also said he's also wearing some sort of cooling device.

She said he's heavily sedated but she did a video showing all his meds and he's on no sedation or pain relief whatsoever.
She labels her pics and videos as copyright and not be shared, screenshot etc, but she's given permission for the Mail to use them.

It's making me think of those people who leave their dead nan rotting in the bedroom so they can keep claiming her benefits.
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Chatty Member
The Southend MP even suggested people donate


Southend West MP Anna Firth has spoken out in support of Archie and his mum Hollie after the ruling yesterday.

She said: "Like her family, and the immense community behind Archie, Hollie is a fantastic mother faced with the most troubling situation any parent could go through.”

“Her fight has shown the strength of motherhood, and I truly respect her for her bravery.”

“Today’s news is incredibly upsetting to those who have followed his journey, and my deepest sympathies go out to all that have been blessed to have Archie in their life.”

“His story has captured the attention of our nation and has specifically shown the power of Southend’s community in supporting those around us. I was moved when the seafront lights were turned purple in support of his fight.

“Whilst times are tough, I would really appreciate if anyone could support Archie and his family through their GoFundMe.”

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Well-known member
I don't get how brain death is controversial. If his brain is rotting and he has no independent function, he is dead.
He's not in a deep coma, he doesn't breathe by himself and a machine keeps his heart beating. What more is there to do?
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From the Facebook group earlier today by someone who has never even met the family:

" Aww Archie please open them beautiful eyes, and show everyone, we love you Archie, I would love you to see the Beautiful Corner I created for you, it’s growing so fast, and I posted a pic of the fish I named after you Darling but don’t think it’s been approved yet, sending you your mum and dad and family all the love and prayers sweetheart xx"


What is wrong with these people?
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VIP Member
This sums up exactly what I wanted to say.

I can't begin to imagine how stressful it is for people to be essentially nursing and caring for a dead body.
I also agree that issues need to be examined that have arisen, both from this case and previous high profile cases.

The media need to look at their standards too. It's not right to 'interview' someone and basically allow them free rein to spout stuff without even attempting to balance it. They play a big part in encouraging these stupid people who form these 'armies' by allowing this to happen, imo.

As I said upthread who knows what damage is being done by allowing statements along the lines of 'the hospital/ judges want to kill him.' 🙄

Imagine that sort of statement being left unchecked. 😡
Imagine a young or otherwise impressionable person listening to or reading that. 😡
I think it's quite telling that the only media who are entertaining her are the lowest common denominator kind of stuff: GB News, This Morning, GMB, Daily Mail. The kind of media who focus on emotions and scandal rather than fact.

Apart from brief updates on the court judgements, the case is getting very little airtime from the likes of the BBC, Channel 4 News, etc.
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