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His soul needs to be set free to start it’s next journey . Bless him.
I know the pain of losing a son as my boy took his life aged 15 almost 4 years ago
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I've been following Archie's story and reading on here for a while. I joined Archie's FB page to see what is said etc on there. I've just seen this posted and to say I'm infuriated is an understatement. I bet if the child of this parent desperately needed an organ they would gladly take it but won't donate because apparently that's all the hospitals care about. Absolutely sickening.
This may or may not be an unpopular opinion but I’m very much of the belief that if you wouldn’t be willing to donate, you should also be exempt from receiving.
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Who is she so obsessed with a 'couple of breaths? That doesn't Indicate he is recovering! What baffles me the most is why does she think doctors are lieing and don't care?? What would they have to gain to lie?? Why would they get into work and go nah sod that kid mannn just kill him off! It was exactly the same as Charlie guard and the Alfie Evans case. "They want him dead" seriously?? Can you hear yourself? Why would they want a patient dead?? I even saw a comment yesterday where they said they are apparently starving him....someone said "omg go to the canteen!!" Go to the canteen?? He's fucking brain dead you cretin!! He can't sit up and eat a bloody big mac then carry on being brain dead. This is the mentality of these absolute baboons on here. The fact that these absolute thick unstable people can come out with comments like that is beyond me. How dare hollie and all the 'army' says such horrible things about doctors who work tirelessly to save these poor children every day! It's disgusting! Their Interests are not based on the mothers feelings and wants, it's about the Dignity and suffering of this poor little boy. That's what their ethic is about, why would they make him suffer just because of the mothers wishes?? Apparently its disgusting how they are treating the mother. No its not, its not about her its about archie. When a patient can't speak for themselves they have to decide what's best for archie, the mothers wants don't trump that. Sorry for the sweary rant guys but this case along with the previous other two has really got me mad. These poor medics being slagged off in the media for doing their job right!! Fucking half wits
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super grateful

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I imagine handover isn’t good . Ive Worked 10 years in a hospital setting . Handover we always know what patients family are being awkward and we always make sure bank staff or staff that are new to the ward know . We also always make sure we are extremely careful in conversations as awkward families record without us knowing and try twist what you say . Like when Hollie said the nurse noted it . She probably didn’t . no doubt nurses are going in pairs that’s what we had to do with awkward families so they can’t accuse you of something .
With families like this (long term, difficult, argumentative, recording things, etc), we often do two handovers. 🫢 We would do one in the room in front of the family “yep, really good day, mum pleased with how he’s doing, had all his sensory interventions, visits from family, monkey teddies ready for a good rest after all the fun we’ve had in here hey Archie?!”. Then out of the room we’d do a proper top to toe handover, with actual medical / drugs / realistic / useful info. Don’t hate me.
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Right, she’s annoying me now. I’m done feeling sorry for this woman. Most likely, every single one of us on this thread has lost a loved one. We‘ve had to accept that they won’t continue with treatment, won’t give another round of chemo, won’t resuscitate, etc. It’s painful and we have to accept reality.

Why does the fuck does this Hollie bird thinks she’s any different or special that her child has the right to forgo the natural process of life?? They need to shut her down asap. Next time a parent finds their child hanging, they’ll use her arguments to demand their child is kept indefinitely on life support. Is this the future? You can’t accept death so you essentially force the hospital to keep your loved one ‘hooked up’ until YOU‘RE ready to accept the inevitable? It’s fucking insanity.

My immediate solution for Hollie (not Archie, ’cause this has fuck all to do with him) is that they allow her to take him. Take him, you’ve got the go fund me cash, so take him. Sort it out yourself. The NHS is killing him, so you have a go Hollie. Get the Facebook huns to rub lemon on his feet, smear Nutella on his mouth, stick leeches to his body. Go for it. Then you can’t rock up on This Morning claiming they want him dead.

There was a case a few years ago regarding a teenage girl who wanted to be frozen when she died.

If the parents have the means, let them do what they want. Don‘t clog up our hospitals and our courts with your bullshit.
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Hollie and Ella have said they don’t believe in dignity in death for Archie. She wants him to have a chaotic death. Beggars belief as to why.
It actually angers me that she says there’s no such thing as a dignified death for a child.
As a paediatric nurse, my colleagues and I spend every working hour striving to make sure our patients are treated with dignity and respect when they’re coming to the end of their lives. In fact I’m actually proud to work in a city with such a wonderful childrens palliative care team which is also supported by two amazing childrens hospices.
It’s sad that Archie hasn’t had any of this at the end of his life, instead he’s been used as a pawn in a media circus.
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The likes of Hollie and the army are everything that's wrong with this country. They hang on the every word of illiterate Love Island/Towie cretins, yet have no respect for people who actually have worked/studied hard to get where they are in society. Stupidity is celebrated and rewarded way too much in society.
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Apparently Hollie's going to buy a Rottweiler because Archie told her he was going to buy one in one of his last What's App messages (which she has neglected to post because it probably didn't happen). She's obviously got a shopping spree wish list and is mentally spending the GFM money.

Does that also mean she's resigned herself to his fate? She wont be able to look after a dog and be at Archie's bedside 24/7.
Reminds me of when Captain Tom's daughter insisted that it was his life's goal to have two weeks in Barbados.
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Just say they got permission to keep him on the machines, and just say his little body held out (artificially) for longer than anticipated, how long until she gets bored of sitting there day after day? Of making sure someone’s always available to be with him? Of not being able to plan anything or move forward? Just stuck. Without all the media and the groups? I doubt she’d have the patience.
I was just going to say this. We had relatives who went all out to make sure their loved ones ended up in precarious minimally conscious states where they were transferred to us. They started off visiting a few times a week then became bored and lost interest. You might see them once a month, often less. They didn't witness the undignified, painful and invasive things we had to do in order to keep their loved ones going. Christmas was a low point when they'd rock up with ill fitting, sparkly dresses or tight shirts which we'd be expected to drag on to the hapless resident ready to have their photos taken on Christmas morning then their relatives would piss off home or out for Christmas lunch leaving the resident to sit blank in front of the blaring TV in their itchy, uncomfortable clothing. An absolutely depressing and pathetic spectacle all round.
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Look at this one making out like she has some insight then her next message is hang on I'll ask Google 😂

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Someone on the FB DFA page posted that if people thought that page was full of trolls, they should read Tattle.

How very rude of them. I've found these threads to be really interesting from both medical and legal points of view.
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Chatty Member
I'm new to reading about this case in any depth... but is it the common feeling that his mum has probably fabricated all of this stuff around his faith and his wishes about what he'd like to happen in this scenario? I'm honestly not buying that in a family where nobody was christened and nobody attended church a twelve year old child was talking about their wishes on life support and saving up pocket money to buy a crucifix. It smacks of something made up so that his mum can try further block the process by claiming it's violating his religious beliefs or something? Apologies if this is already clear as day and well known!

I bet nobody apart from her has any recollection of Archie finding god or buying a crucifix. If so, that's really, truly abhorrent for her to lie and fabricate his beliefs in order to further her own aims.

There’s no way Archie’s organs will be suitable for donation. It’s disturbing to realise his poor body is dying, his brain is dead, yet his bloody mother is whipping her acolytes into a frenzy and insulting the medical team caring for him, telling people he just needs to wake up.

I’ve said this before, it’s like a horror film but it’s actually happening.
What disturbs me is that so many say 'it's what any good parent would do'. No. It isn't. A good parent would listen to medical advice and stop prolonging this child's life without any benefit, given that his brain is starting to rot and numerous experts have explained there is absolutely no possibility of recovery.

I mean, I get that grief clouds judgment, and I don't know how I'd act in the mum's position, nobody does until they're in it. I can understand in a twisted way why she feels she's doing right by him. But onlookers who aren't personally involved and didn't know him and are just grief vultures are despicable for spreading this notion that she's just being a good parent. Imagine how that feels to the parents who were able to find the strength to put their child's needs first and allow them to die peacefully.
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She decided to upload the letter….

What really stuck out to me was in one of the first points where it said they want to speak to the parents - preferably together. Maybe I’m reading into this too much but I’ve spent too much time working on intensive care units so am cynical. They’re totally one of those families that refuse to hear information all together so you have to explain the same bloody information to all the fragments of the family that don’t talk to each other. It doubled workload for everyone on the unit and is a nightmare.
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The don’t just unplug the ventilator.
They remove all unnecessary tubing, drips, etc. And the switch off all alarms just leaving the screen.
Then they reduce the amount of oxygen very slowly and gradually and the patient just drifts away.
It’s very peaceful and calm. You can sit with them, hold their hand. It’s not horrible, it’s actually quite reassuring.
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Chatty Member
Date is Monday.
How are thick people still able to be so appalling at spelling when their phones literally try to help them with the correct spellings as they type?

As for the content of that message, imagine a hospital, doctors and nurses wanting to kill a child because they were worried they might wake up and then they'd look bad... This woman needs investigating after all this, she's a danger to others.
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