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Sitting there almost all day everyday when someone isn't awake is not easy, in fact its fucking hard She will also be angry and upset and will want to let off steam.

when your loved ones goes to bed tonight go sit on a chair and watch them no phone nothing just sit and watch them. and imagine doing that every day almost all day
I have been there as have many others in this thread. My experience was not with my child but my grandparents.

The difference is I wasn’t taking pictures of them on the ventilator and splashing them all over the internet, I wasn’t asking people for money whilst claiming the staff are murderers and referring to them as the execution squad.
Its always heart breaking watching loved ones in Hospital. But it never ever crossed my mind to be posting accusations about the staff. My family members had dignity.
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Not saying I agree with dfa posts but hollie has lost anyones sympathy by slagging off our amazing doctors and nurses who work tirelessly every day. She has slated everything they do, which is blatant bending of the truth and lies, making them out to be bad when all they have done is care for archie and kept his best interests....meaning keeping him artificially alive when he has no chance of non ethical and not what's best for him. Our NHS has kept this poor boy alive for 4 moths, yet that isn't good enough for her. She wants to blame anyone else but herself so no I absolutely don't feel bad for her. She has rallied up the mob mentality cretins who don't give too shits about archie, all they care about Is jumping on the grief bandwagon to make themselves look a hero. They've come up with shit like barricading his door to not let doctors in. What planet do they live on?? Hollie has Instigated all of this when she should be by archies side not making this story public. Why would u post your child in a nappy?? Why would u take a selfie by his bed side?? I don't think this is about coping mechanisms I think this is about living drama and never accepting your mistakes always blaming someone else. How dare she do this to our amazing NHS who we are extremely lucky to have. She has her hair done and make up on for these interviews and trashathons of the NHS, is that what a grieving mother would do?? No it isn't and I will never buy the whole thing that it helps her cope. Absolute tripe. I dread to think what is next to come when the machines are turned off. I feel for the medics right now who are already stressed with their jobs. Shame on her
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The hospital aren’t executing or murdering your kid. What is wrong with this woman, I get grieving but come on now the hospital staff didn’t put your kid in hospital. The way she is calling out the nhs and hard workers is getting disgusting

Also she knows she has until Monday but instead of using that time to be with him she’s riling up her little army. Someone in the family needs to step in and tell her to use her precious time more wisely than with strangers on the internet who will be onto the next grief wagon before she knows it
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I feel sorry for the family too. Hollie has a lot of issues and she’s not equipped to cope with what’s happened.
We can judge her (and I am as guilty as anyone of that) but doesn’t change the fact she’s about to lose her active and lively child. How awful that must be. Her issues have made her like this and it’s likely inevitable that she has acted in the way she has.
I feel sorry a mother is going to lose her son but Hollie has acted in a disgusting selfish way. She's expecting and forcing medical staff to keep caring for a dead body. She then accuses them of starving and maltreatment. Hollie then posts pictures of her 12 year old wasting son in a nappy where all his friends can see. That will be the last image they see not one of him vibrant and alive.
If she truly had his best interests at heart, she would be letting his body go peacefully without all the drama. In court she has accepted he will die!!
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Serene Serena

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It sounds awful but I get the impression that Hollie is thoroughly enjoying this. She’s getting validation from her thicko army. She’s in the papers and on TV. Everyone knows who she is.

The poor dead child at the centre of all this has almost been sidelined. I wish she would stop posting photos of him in his hospital bed, it’s so undignified and disrespectful.
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Meh, it’s forty grand that the various family members will be fighting like cats in a sack to get their hands on once this is over. They’ll make a few stupid purchases - a fancy watch, a massive telly, a hot tub etc…, go on a couple of « dream holidays to make memories » and then they’ll be right back to square one where they were before.
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super grateful

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There are no comments in the article from doctors / hospital so impossible to compare to Archie.
Yeah I’m always a little suspicious of cases where people announce they made a miraculous recovery, drs informed them they wouldn’t survive, they beat the odds etc… In healthcare we have to be blunt and give people the cold hard facts, say that it is a devastating injury and there is a CHANCE of death etc, but you don’t just go around declaring people as brain stem dead for the fun of it. It’s a legal, well practised procedure. Unless there is hospital produced, medical, documented evidence that this person was pronounced brain stem dead and then suddenly wasn’t then I don’t buy it. Sorry. (Also to add, this applies to people who say “I was clinically dead for 20 minutes”). #NursingHasMadeMeABitch. Done.
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Sorry if I offend anyone but I cannot stand people who say “it’s gods will”
Why didn’t god prevent it in the first place? Why does he let little kids get cancer and die?
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I’ve read in a few places that there’s a lot more to Archie’s home life than meets the eye. But it could be hearsay.

I am assuming then she will be donating all the go fund me accounts to the NHS? No? Thought not. I think it’s disgusting she’s blaming people for his dad having a suspected heart attack. Especially when most people have been very nice about the dad, people have been critical of her. The Dad isn’t the one trolling people online , positing pics of their son in nappies and sharing videos of Archie flipping the V.
Comparing keeping Archie on life support to death row prisoners 🙄🙄🙄

1. We don't have death row here
2. Someone being on death row doesn't potentially prevent another child from living. If anything it might help people survive because you know they are often murderers...
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I really think things going to get a bit messy. Some members of the FB group have posted about barricading the door to Archie’s room or making human shields around his bed fo stop doctors getting to him.
Let them. With the amount of intervention Archie needs, it'll probably only be about 20 minutes before they're begging the medics to come back in and help.
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Someone posted this on the AA page. People there are commenting "well-written article" and "great article, good on the metro." 🥴😶
"Archie's parents should not have to spend the rest of their lives wondering whether future medical advances may have one day saved their son."

When? In 10, 20, 50 years time? Today is what we have, now, the present. There is no "Tardis".
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Boring Monday

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BIB - Exactly.

Also the effect of all of this on other kids hearing or reading that doctors want to kill him and so forth.
Imagine how frightening that sounds to people who cannot separate truth from sensational rubbish.

Never mind age limits for being on social media, there should be an IQ test instead because she and her 'army' have the collective IQ of a teaspoon.
I think it was the comment that ‘brains can heal themselves’ that made me wonder how some people get their shoes on the correct feet.
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Some women on the army page has said that the same hospital saved her son from aggressive cancer but this has now tarred them and her memories of them and she’s only 10 stops away on the train and will go down there

what is wrong with these people
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This is a desperately sad and heart breaking situation for all involved. It goes without saying that family members, particularly the parents, are in an unfathomable situation no one would want to be in, however I find the mother's behaviour absolutely shocking.

My nephew spent several weeks in ICU after suffering a brain injury then six months in rehabilitation, all the medical staff were dedicated in their care. The thought that any medical staff are being abused and vilified while carrying out their duties makes me sick to my stomach.
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I think all the TV interviews she has been doing are quite dangerous. The ones that I've seen, nobody has really challenged her views at all. I presume they can't really because it is such a sensitive subject and they can't really be seen to be arguing with a grieving parent and so on. But they ask her why does she want to keep fighting and she comes out with all of these reasons like he's breathing on his own, he's doing this and that, and then they just say oh ok then, well you're clearly a great mum. Rather than challenging any of it. And then many people watching it who lack any critical thinking are just seeing this poor woman who is having her son 'murdered' by these horrible doctors! I just don't understand why she is being given so much publicity.
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I'm new to reading about this case in any depth... but is it the common feeling that his mum has probably fabricated all of this stuff around his faith and his wishes about what he'd like to happen in this scenario? I'm honestly not buying that in a family where nobody was christened and nobody attended church a twelve year old child was talking about their wishes on life support and saving up pocket money to buy a crucifix. It smacks of something made up so that his mum can try further block the process by claiming it's violating his religious beliefs or something? Apologies if this is already clear as day and well known!

I bet nobody apart from her has any recollection of Archie finding god or buying a crucifix. If so, that's really, truly abhorrent for her to lie and fabricate his beliefs in order to further her own aims.

What disturbs me is that so many say 'it's what any good parent would do'. No. It isn't. A good parent would listen to medical advice and stop prolonging this child's life without any benefit, given that his brain is starting to rot and numerous experts have explained there is absolutely no possibility of recovery.

I mean, I get that grief clouds judgment, and I don't know how I'd act in the mum's position, nobody does until they're in it. I can understand in a twisted way why she feels she's doing right by him. But onlookers who aren't personally involved and didn't know him and are just grief vultures are despicable for spreading this notion that she's just being a good parent. Imagine how that feels to the parents who were able to find the strength to put their child's needs first and allow them to die peacefully.
BIB - Exactly.

Also the effect of all of this on other kids hearing or reading that doctors want to kill him and so forth.
Imagine how frightening that sounds to people who cannot separate truth from sensational rubbish.

Never mind age limits for being on social media, there should be an IQ test instead because she and her 'army' have the collective IQ of a teaspoon.
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UN Has issued an injunction to stop the UK withdrawing treatment
So our highest court has no power, no jurisdiction? Utter farce. You'd think the UN had more pressing commitments to sort out....war in Ukraine, war and famine in Yemen, people smugglers, oppression of Uighurs in China, oppression of free speech in many other countries, mass shootings in US...and more.
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