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Eugh the armies thing needs to be banned. I hate this describing Archie as a fighter it's not a fight. Archie sadly sustained a catastrophic hypoxic brain injury the boy he was has already gone. He's already died!! Letting his body peacefully go doesn't mean giving up a fight, it means giving him dignity and respect.
I agree so much. I hate that term ‘fighter’, when my mum was dying people would regularly trot out the phrase “she’ll be ok, she’s a fighter” it’s an absolutely thoughtless cliche. She wasn’t a fighter, she was utterly terrified and broken and knew she had no chance of survival. My friend (aged only 39) who had cancer was the opposite- completely positive and determined the whole way, despite all the pain- he still died .. because his cancer was incurable.
Life can be hideously unfair but sometimes there is nothing anyone can do to make things better.
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I believe Hollie has submerged herself in this Army to avoid the dark reality that her twelve year old son has killed himself. It’s something to concentrate on, something to distract her from what it all really means. It screams denial so loudly that I’d be inclined to feel sorry for her if she didn’t try to drag down the doctors and nurses who have cared for her dead son for over 4 months.

Cases like this shouldn’t be determined and appealed by those who scream the loudest. And that’s all she’s doing. Screaming. She’s blaming everyone but herself for what has happened. She’s appropriating blame from the moment they carted him off in the ambulance instead of looking at why he did what he did. It’s like his obvious suicide attempt has been brushed under the rug and things only started to go wrong once he was in ‘their’ care.

She needs to disappear and grieve privately. I’m flabbergasted that the Army can read the court transcript and continue to support her fantasies of him waking and eating chocolate cake. And I hope some new law is passed that stops parents from continuing medically pointless treatment. This is becoming a worrying trend.
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Chatty Member
Ugh i feel so bad about the poetry and everything else mainting Archie will recover on the fb group. This is helping no-one, least of all the family. Feel like the longer this is dragged out, the harder the emotional crash will be.

Come on Archie rise and shine we all know your just resting and taking your time.
Open them beautiful big blue eyes and give everyone a lovely surprise.
A long hard battle has/is being fought, with mum dad and Ella having to go to court.
Come on champ prove them right. They won’t give up without a fight.
Make tonight that special one when you wake and say hello mum.
Your family are an inspiration and so loved by a majority of the nation.
They cannot please a scumbag few but they thought they would leave those ones for you.
You can put them in their place as they made themselves look a complete disgrace.
Come on Archie fight fight fight come back to your family and hug them tight
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That judgement was so compassionately written. It was clear that the judge had spent a lot of time getting to know Archie's history. He could surely have made the report a lot more technical and wordy, but instead he gave a heart-rending account of Archie's life - both pre and post incident - which was relatively straightforward for anyone to understand.

I'm betting Hollie hasn't even bothered to read it.
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I could not go to that hospital and look those doctors and other medical staff in the eye, knowing how i'd trashed them on social media.
I take my hat off to those professional medics who are treating this boy under extremely difficult circumstances, knowing his parent is trying her hardest to belittle and discredit everything they've worked and studied hard for.
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A bit of Nutella should bring him back to life :rolleyes:

View attachment 1421362
You know, part of me wishes the doctors and nurses would just up sticks and say "have it your way Hollie - bring in your Facebook huns with the Nutella and the choccie cake, and the lip balm, bring in the homeopaths, the reiki folk and the spiritualists. Let them perform their miracles".

The Army page has me wondering. Is this sort of thing unique to the UK and other English speaking countries? If a smiliar case happened in France, do you think there would be a frenzied group of women urging the mother to waft a little bit of Camembert to his lips?
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As I see it the decision on organ donation is quite simple.
If my husband or my children needed an organ transplant I would be more than happy if one became available.
So if I’m happy to take, then I should be willing to agree to donation if the situation arises
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VIP Member
Ugh i feel so bad about the poetry and everything else mainting Archie will recover on the fb group. This is helping no-one, least of all the family. Feel like the longer this is dragged out, the harder the emotional crash will be.

Come on Archie rise and shine we all know your just resting and taking your time.
Open them beautiful big blue eyes and give everyone a lovely surprise.
A long hard battle has/is being fought, with mum dad and Ella having to go to court.
Come on champ prove them right. They won’t give up without a fight.
Make tonight that special one when you wake and say hello mum.
Your family are an inspiration and so loved by a majority of the nation.
They cannot please a scumbag few but they thought they would leave those ones for you.
You can put them in their place as they made themselves look a complete disgrace.
Come on Archie fight fight fight come back to your family and hug them tight
What is wrong with people?

The fact this person has tried to write a "sincere" and "loving" poem, but chucked the word "scumbag" in says it all really.
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I find the grief tourists fascinating. What drives them to behave in these ways? I wish someone would write a book on it delving into the psyche. It’s always people from low socio-economic backgrounds and something about that seems to be the driving force. It’s utterly bizarre behaviour 🧐
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Deflect, deflect, deflect. My job involves helping people from low socio-economic backgrounds, like Hollie and the majority of the "army". Nothing is ever their fault. It's always the school's fault, the teacher's fault, the doctor's fault, the council's fault, the police's fault, the social worker's fault, the school nurse's fault, the government's fault. They refuse to take any responsibility for their actions, and lash out at anyone who offers constructive advice. It's no coincidence that most of these cases seem to involve people from that kind of background.
THIS. A hundred times. Zero accountability. It‘s never ever their fault. I was a teacher until recently and leaving the profession was the very best thing I’ve ever done. It‘s not the kids. It’s never the kids. I loved the kids. It’s the thick ass parents who try to hold you accountable for their failures as parents.
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For any mother or father, this is obviously heartbreaking...but....this is yet the third story of a mother challenging doctors and nurses with years of medical background about the medication they are giving etc...and apparently wanting them dead. Its absolutely disgusting. All the mother is doing is bringing out the mob mentality. These consist of extremely uneducated people who say shit like 'omg they want him dead they are going to execute him' 'why aren't they giving him oxygen...he needs it!" Like how the hell do they think they know how to treat a brain dead child?? Its absolutely beyond me!! Why would a doc rock up to work and think ahhh fuck it let's kill that boy can't be assed with him! Give your head a wobble!! My sister is a nurse on a pediatric ward and ive known yer come home in floods of tears because they couldn't save a child. They put on a brave face because they have to, but inside It kills them. To slag off these people who work tirelessly to save our children day in day out is vile. Same with the Charlie guard and Alfie story. She obviously can't accept that he has gone and why would she it's her child and my heart breaks for her...but why can't people accept that brains do not heal! Because you don't want to let go it doesn't mean that nurses should be blamed. Of my child was dieing no way would I have the mental energy to argue with people on fb and go on tele. Spend what time you have left with your son and to anyone else who feels they are a medical expert please go and get yourself a life and let the professionals do their job in peace!
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I would hate it if the ‘army’ showed up on the day they finally end this nonsensical ‘treatment.’ Hopefully when they realise that the hospital are going to stop treating a corpse like a patient they’ll find something else on Facebook to moan about and forget to show up.

I genuinely believe if Facebook didn’t exist there wouldn’t be half as many anti-vaxxers/5G truthers/plandemic uncoverers/reptile people hunters in the world today because there wouldn’t be such a large breeding ground for that brand of stupidity.
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Chatty Member
The only experience I’ve had of death is being with my dad when he passed away. He was rushed into hospital unconscious with high levels of carbon dioxide, he had COPD. We couldn’t go with him as it was in the middle of covid. The hospital kept us fully updated and I had to have a conversation with them about whether they would resuscitate him or not, I knew that with the height levels of carbon dioxide and generally how he was that there was it was likely he wouldn’t be coming home as well as he was before the incident, so I agreed for him not to be resuscitated but the hospital would obviously try all they could, they did and my dad actually made treatment very difficult mainly with the confusion etc that he was suffering.
The next day they called to say we needed to get there to say goodbye, when we arrived he was so peaceful, just sedated and on a little oxygen pipe, a lovely nurse had been sat with him so he wasn’t alone, I came and sat with him holding his hand and talking to him, and then he just stopped breathing and gently passed away.
I appreciate my dad wasn’t a child and he wasn’t my child, he was a man who had lived life to the full, however I absolutely adored him and he was my best friend too, but although everything in me wanted to scream just wake up dad, I knew it wasn’t right for him. Most of all that his death was peaceful and almost perfect. It didn’t frighten me, there was no panic, he was just sleeping and left. The staff were incredible, from keeping us updated to treating him with such dignity and never leaving him, to even breaking the social distancing and hugging us when he’d gone.
I really hope Archies mum gets to the point where she can just let her boy go, and peacefully, it’s sad and not easy but the gentle planned ‘switch off’ is so peaceful.

And I’m not saying this as someone sat with rose tinted glasses about the nhs, I’ve been a victim of medical negligence and have a worsened disability because of a surgeon believing he knew best, but yet put the X-ray the wrong way around, so I know full well how mistakes can and do happen and some are fatal. I don’t think this is the case with Archie and sadly think his mum is clutching at straws.
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Im ashamed to say this was me when I first read about it she was then on a church show that’s on, on Sunday mornings and I then found this thread. I’m an intelligent women and still believed her at first
I first heard about this case on either the BBC or ITV and it just didn't add up. You had the undignified pictures of his body, the mum saying it was a prank gone wrong rather than suicide, and all of these children and celebs filming videos of support, and all the presenters just taking this story at face value.

It makes me quite annoyed actually. It's like the boy is now being completely infantalised, rather than addressing the elephant in the room that children sadly do take their own lives, not because of a prank, or whatever the rabbit story is. All the conspiracy theories and bashing the medics just seem like a deflection, rather than facing up to the reality of what unfortunately occurred and why.

It kind of feels like she can't stop, can't prove those 'haters' right by giving her son a dignified passing. Having his body tampered with like this, is just not right.

Someone on here also mentioned the impact that this behaviour could be having on his friends, and children his own age, which is an important point, it's not just about the mother, it's about a young boy, an individual in his own right with his own relationships and identity. A boy they knew took his own life at a young age, that needs an educated, compassionate response, not being told that the NHS wants to kill children, starve them and steal their organs ffs.
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Joanne about to get banned…
And Sue!

Sue Walker
I think there’s a lot more going on than has been told on this page. I have watched today’s appeal and it’s an eye opener. All legal work is being done pro bono, the family have accepted that Archie won’t recover and want him to have a natural death .. meaning letting Archie have a cardiac arrest rather than letting him go with respect and dignity. The Army needs to be told the truth. You can watch tomorrow’s hearing live on you tube, Court of Appeal, Court 75 at 10.30. It’s open to the public to hear the truth !
I’ve been following this from
The beginning and the truth is coming out. I’m all for doing what’s best for someone and holding on to hope but don’t lie to the very people you are asking for support from !
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Just catching up after a day of looking after ventilated patients and their, thankfully, normal relatives. 🫣

Someone mentioned the interview Hollie did where she said about Archie playing with the rabbit and then falling, and landing into the dressing gown robe. I saw that and was V confused!! I know we’ve always said her story isn’t straight but it’s getting weirder and weirder. Also who’s dressing gown robe is hanging around their house in a way that you can fall, accidentally wrap it around your neck, then drop over the banister and it tighten? And what happened to the rabbit? I know ultimately the poor child is gone so the story doesn’t 100% matter but just seems such a strange thing to not be honest about.

As for Hollie taking him home and having private care in if she was allowed to - lol. Ventilated patients do go home in certain circumstances (SCI, MND, etc), but they need ICU nurses 24/7 and family members who can act as a second pair of hands in an emergency until an ambulance arrives, so they have to undertake rigorous training. (More so than the medical training Hollie has already completed). Also hospitals are still currently paying internal ICU nurses £40 (weekday) £45 (Saturday / night) £50 (Sunday) per hour on agency because they are sooo short staffed (covid PTSD and all that) - external agency ICU nurses are getting way more. Meaning community ICU nurses are getting even more! So Hollie would have to fund that, PLUS all the equipment. A hospital bed costs thousands, a ventilator costs thousands, the filters (plural) that need to be changed on a ventilator every 12 hours cost approx £50 each, PPE is required, drug giving sets… and so on…

Someone on the Facebook group asked if a medium could contact Archie and help him come back to “our side” which I enjoyed.

I also find the interviews quite cruel. The news channels and the likes of This Morning aren’t offering up real facts or engaging in productive conversation / arguments; they ask what happened to Archie, where he is medically (which Hollie tells in her own way) and what has happened at court (which again is all Hollie’s version). The presenters then have to sit and nod thoughtfully, or get upset with her and say how strong she is and that she has to keep fighting and she knows best etc. Odd journalism. Anyone watching at home who knows nothing about the case, and has very little intelligence to think about it with sense for 1 minute, would surely side with Hollie and assume her child is being “given up on” as she says. They are cruel to Hollie as they are enabling her, and cruel to her followers as they are not sharing the full facts.

And yep, found that thumbs up video both shocking and somehow not shocking - think it’s become apparent that this has all turned into a strange game for quite a while, sadly.

Incase no one has told you today, thank you for everything you do when looking after your patients.

Sending you all the love, that job cannot be easy at the “best” of times.
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Clearly not one word of that Judgement was taken in today. She really needs to be very careful what she's posting on social media. This is a High Court Judge.........
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An albeit small portion of the discussion of this horrific case has turned to people’s personal opinion on sex work. Even if Hollie Dance was on the street corners every night (which she wasn’t), it’s nothing to do with how good of a parent she was to Archie.
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