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Hollie may have got the verdict she wanted, but I wouldn't want to have to live with her conscience.
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She actually might be on her way from a place further away. She maybe on her way back from a Brianna Ghey vigil, or from the river bank where she investigated the Nicola Bulley disappearance.

Grief tourists infect everywhere.
My Cousin is part of 'Archie's Army' and she has dragged her kids to the Priory Park vigils. The only connection is that her kids went to the same primary school as Archie. I asked them how well did they know him - they can't even remember him - which is no surprise as he was excluded for 2 years!
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I've been following this thread from the start, but haven't commented for many reasons.
What I want to say is that a verdict of poor Archie's death being an accident doesn't surprise me. When I attended the inquest of my Husband, who had very obviously taken his own life, I was asked (prior to the ruling) if I would be open to a verdict of suicide. Apparently this is very common. There's still a lot of stigma around suicide and coroners are reluctant to make a finding of suicide without the full support and agreement of the NOK. If the family make it known they would not accept a suicide verdict, it would be ruled as accidental or misadventure.
As frustrating and unfair as Archie's ruling is, it does not surprise me.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I agree, unfortunately. I think everyone involved knows this was a suicide, but have decided it's less trouble for everyone if they say maybe it wasn't. It happens a lot that they record obvious suicides as accidents.
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It seems the whole family are shite , so the lad didn't really have a hope in hell of growing up normal and settled, and a productive member of society.
I'm just waiting for the media circus when all the police info comes out
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I think attachment disorder has been mentioned. It would not be easy to assess him in view of his home situation and nature v nurture. Precious little nurturing,it seems and no real stability.
He was constantly being made to perform and act the fool for Hollie/Lisa's social media likes and shares. Looks like he was constantly being made to do gymnastics, box, MMA etc from a toddler barely able to walk. How much of this was on Archie's initiative or forced on him by Hollie/Lisa. We will never know how much pressure and stress he was under to 'perform' in his first MMA fight (who makes their children fight other children?). Did Archie constantly want to have a never ending PE lesson or did he want to play with kids his own age?
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Rachel H14

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You can find what ever you want to find on the Internet if you look hard enough. Even children have it figured out.

Archie was too young to have access to TikTok (13 years old minimum) or WhatsApp (16 years old). Hollie knew he had accounts with both, and just left him to it.

Parenting means more than just giving your kid a smartphone.
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It's Hollie's version of a shrine for a little boy who was angelic but that little cherub was in reality a very troubled nearly teenager who needed proper guidance, love and attention from his family. It would have helped.
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What is the latest with Hollie/Lisa / Archie's Army?

Thank god someone (the coroner) is starting to speak sense and put to bed this whole "TikTok challenge" theory. Did she or anyone from AA ever come out and say what this "challenge" was? What made her think it was a "challenge" anyway? It's easier to point the blame at something/someone else.

Looks like the truth will finally be uncovered.
Initially she stated accident.
Then she did consider the fact he might have intended it without thought of consequences.
Then Philip Schofield mentioned TikTok.
Then HD latched on to that.
Then Dermot O'Leary had to issue a public apology to TikTok on behalf of GMTV because there was no evidence of a TikTok challenge.

Unfortunately, HD and AA and general public took it and ran with it..... which is how we ended up here with TikTok involvement even though it has been denied for MONTHS.

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Chatty Member
Initially she stated accident.
Then she did consider the fact he might have intended it without thought of consequences.
Then Philip Schofield mentioned TikTok.
Then HD latched on to that.
Then Dermot O'Leary had to issue a public apology to TikTok on behalf of GMTV because there was no evidence of a TikTok challenge.

Unfortunately, HD and AA and general public took it and ran with it..... which is how we ended up here with TikTok involvement even though it has been denied for MONTHS.

There are so many stories it's hard to know what's true. I seem to recall Hollie saying a police officer mentioned the TikTok challenge and he thought it might be the case.

The long ramble from her mate is sooooo hard to read. I felt like I was learning to read again.

I'm pretty disgusted at the evidence of Arche's low mood being written off as a bad day. Poor kid was probably ignored if he ever tried to raise it. I mean, they're demeaning it now, so I expect they did while he was alive. It's very indicative of the way his mental health was viewed.

It's good to hear the coroner is unlikely to take any of her nonsense.
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I'm sure he would have wanted a mother who noticed him and recognised his distress. Who gave him her time and put him first.
If she had given him a fraction of the time that she has spent screeching about him since he died - when he was alive - maybe things would have turned out differently. Poor kid.
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There's a lady on the AA group that is still making so many of these pictures. I find it very creepy.

View attachment 1822280
The grief tourists of Archie's Army - a new level of insanity. My Cousin is part of that group. She never met Archie or his family before his 'accident' with the ligature and the banisters but has got involved and attended vigils / memorials (imagine my surprise when I saw her on video at the Priory Park event). I can't even comprehend the mentality of joining that group and actively believing everything Holly/Lisa says, disbelieving the experts and facts and actively arguing with complete strangers that everyone else was wrong, the NHS 'murdered' a recovering child etc. I hope one day she gives her head a wobble - I think she has been enjoying being involved in something that has been in the news and the social media validation she has received.

She is clearly trying to prove something because why else post photos of his grave with all the decoration unless it is for others to see.

Grief is usually a personal, private thing. When someone says ‘i’m grieving! look at me! look at me!’ the issue is something other than grief. Guilt perhaps?
Definitely guilt. Await the inquest with interest. The Coroner has already dismissed the TikTok crap and the Police have hinted what has been found on his phone with Archie being in a low low mood. Hollie/Lisa has had the 'luxury' of being fully in control of the media narrative about a TijTok challenge gone wrong, about her son recovering and attacking those medical staff tasked with keeping a corpse artificially alive for months all backed and endorsed by her delusional followers of 'Archie's Army'. The Coroner's Inquest will mean she will lose control of the narrative and will no longer be able to set the media agenda. Once this is over and the incident with the car chase is out in the media then hopefully interest will fade, hopefully 'Archie's Army' will vanish and she can go back to her non descript life pulling tricks online for cash for her OnlyFans punters in her bedroom.
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Despite Archie being dead and buried (at last) she is still trying to spin the narrative he had brain activity and the NHS were trying to kill him on the first day of being at London - this was 8th April - the day after he hung himself - and was being given pain killers when he was supposedly brain dead.

They were still trying to save him at this stage and had yet to have a clear indication he was brain dead. Midazolam can be used in end of life care but is also used to induce a coma. We are all aware of the medical uses of Fentanol. The Court documents give an accurate timeline of his medical care.

Electric tracings of the brain showed no activity on April 14 and 20.

He had repeated brain scans. On April 15, a magnetic resonance angiogram showed no blood flow in any of the blood vessels in the brain. This was also seen in a repeat CT scan of the brain on May 11 and in another MRI on May 31. The scans also showed visible evidence of necrosis (death) of part of the brain stem.

You stupid fucking cow. Any electrical activity of his brain had ceased. It never restarted for the entire time you kept his corpse in suspended death. His brain swelled and rotted as it was dead and started to drip into his spinal column. You still push the narrative he had brain activity and the NHS was trying to kill him to harvest his organs.

When he was transferred to London they still didn't know fully what they were dealing with and were trying their hardest to keep him alive. It became obvious in the week after he was dead and was never coming back. You should have allowed him to die in April and yes donate his organs so at least some good could have come from his death and he would have saved many children across the Country.

But at least you have Archie's Army who will lap up every dollop of bullshit you throw at them.
The one that got me was “put some Nutella on his lips, that’ll do the trick” like chocolate spread can reverse brain death.
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So she’s basically been sat at a grave for 18 hours and lamenting how upsetting it is that parents are bringing small children to look at a grave on Christmas Day.

What a worry for her children to have her acting like this. Whatever therapy she’s got, it’s not enough.
And her behaviour is normal? Has she looked around at the tens of thousands of graves and noticed nobody else is spending days camped at a graveside covered in tat and glowing like a visiting spaceship. For whose benefit is this unusual behaviour for? Why is she upset on how other people cope with the loss of a child? I don't know anyone who posts messages online they are visiting a grave. Why are you letting the World know you are at your sons graveside for 18 hours? What message are you trying to convey?
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So todays post she says it only took Archie four minutes from leaving her room to be found completely brain dead?
What did the coroners report say?
We have to add on the time for Hollie/Lisa to pull him down off the banisters (where he may have landed on his head), run outside screaming run back inside screaming, for the neighbour to come out and investigate, for the neighbour to go inside Hollie/Lisa's home phone 999 and then start resuscitation, for the ambulance to turn up and take over resuscitation attempts - to be carried to the ambulance (by Police or ambulance crew who cares this was a child in urgent need of care so corners may have been cut to get him to hospital ASAP - (Police had to deal with his feral brother getting violent) and for resuscitation attempts to be continued once at Southend Hospital - to be transferred to London where they then attempted to determine if he was brain dead or not .

By the time poor Archie was found he had probably been dangling for more than 4 minutes. His brain was dead. There was no way back. By the time the neighbour started CPR it was too late - Archie brain had been starved of oxygen for too long.

Anybody can Google brain death and read extensively on the internet that permanent brain damage starts to occur after four minutes after the heart stops and it is starved of oxygen with permanent brain death four to six minutes later.

Just why she can't accept that the only person who killed Archie was Archie. It wasn't the Ambulance crew, an internet challenge, an experiment, the Police, Southend Hospital, the NHS, the Government or the Courts. Only Archie tied a dressing gown cord to the banisters, tied a knotted ligature he then placed over his head and then let himself dangle.
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Not to come across horrible or offensive if that's how you choose to grieve, but...

If that was someone doing that to my grave, I'd be cringing and wishing they wouldn't do all that.

Isn't it upsetting anyone else visiting their loved ones grave with it all there?
There's a cemetery I know of, that a family has spent reportedly 220k on a statue. Not sure if it's meant to be their deceased family member or what.
They also have someone there every single night (or a group of them with cans etc) , and it's made the family members of adjoining plots actually want to exhume their loved ones as they can't even visit them
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This is why thick twats shouldn't be allowed to start "armies" the poor lad was dead when he was found he had an un-survivable brain injury. I've worked with TBI and to be honest after so long without oxygen it's kinder to let them go , they will never be the same again or have any quality of life. Many have personality changes , angry , tearful and complex physical needs , many spend the rest of their lives in inpatient settings. If I had a long time without oxygen I would rather they let me die.
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