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Archie is no longer here to disappoint, contradict, reject or rebuke Hollie, so he has become the ideal child for her.
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What's your point

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I'm not surprised by the verdict though I do think it was suicide.

The whole things is terrible and you know it is so hard to have any sympathy for Hollie even after losing her child because its bad enough that she seemingly did nothing about Archies depression in the weeks/months prior but for me the worst thing she has done in this whole mess is put him through an undignified death for the sake of a social media campaign. He should have been allowed to die with his loved ones round him the day of the incident not paraded for all to see.

Then to allow the bad mouthing of the staff that cared and looked after Archie in those weeks more than she had ever managed in his 12 years is unforgivable.

Don't get me started on her lies, I hope she slithers back into the dismal life she is living and we never have to hear of her again.

RIP Archie you deserved so much better.
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i Am a paramedic and have been for a long time
Paediatric cardiac arrests are all of our very worse nightmares
Cardiac arrests through hypoxia ( lack of oxygen ) are almost always irreversible
Definitive care is never EVER away From a hospital setting
In most cases is someone has been ‘down’ for a long period of time , everything is done on scene and If there is no improvement then the resuscitation is called on scene
Archie was a child which is why those poor paramedics on scene did everything they could and ran with it
I can only imagine what they went through on that day and have done everyday since
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Todays ITV Anglia. Chrisitan Concern supporting taking the case to UN.
No you fucking deluded stupid cunt. Your son did not have his right as a disabled person violated. He was never a 'disabled' person. He was a dead child held in suspended animation, in a twilight zone - neither fully dead or fully alive. His brain was dead and rotting and slithering down his spinal column. He was a corpse that you refused to allow to fully die. Archie died shortly after he tied his dressing gown cord to the end of the bannisters and then tied a ligature placed it over his head, lowered himself down and let go during his 'prank that went wrong'. For how long is she and Christian Concern going to keep this circus going.
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DS Gore has also gone through various message exchanges between him and his mother in the months before he was hospitalised. This included messages from Archie where he said he was “so depressed at the moment” and another where he referenced wanting to “give up on everything”.

This is not the narrative that his mother has been playing out.
DS Gore revealed that of the many groupchats he was part of, it included one which was called “I’m depressed”.

What exactly more did this woman need to see to open her eyes? Her son told her he was depressed, he was in groupchats (at 12, on an app for over 16s) that said I'm depressed.

I'm so sorry this little man died, it's horrendous, but the only people who should be looking at themselves is the parents. The poor boy literally spelled it out for them!!! How clearer could he have gotten?
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"DS Gore said written authority permission was given by Ms Dance, but in a bid to protect Archie’s privacy - as he was still being treated in hospital at the time - she did not give permission for them to examine Archie’s text messages."

Massive red flag. She exploited her child and had no regard for Archie's privacy throughout his time in hospital in any other regard other than his text messages. The contents of his texts were obviously a concern for her!
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What annoys me and to be honest, as horrible as this sounds, makes me less sympathetic to these individuals, is how they lie blame and gaslight and accuse hospitals and courts of victimising them no matter what they do.

Connie calling it inhumane is a good example, because they also call it inhumane and cruel when the court is involved right at the last minute - Meaning the parents spend part of their child’s last days dealing with that. As far as I’m aware, this baby is not on deaths door, but due to the nature of the type of mitochondrial disease she has, which we only have 15 cases of on record she *will* be at some point and the hospital have applied instead of waiting until the 11th hour - surely that is a kindness if anything, as when that time does come, the parents will be able to focus on her and themselves, and won’t have false hope.

I also find Connie blaming the hospital and court for her PTSD annoying. You do not have PTSD because of the court or hospital. I have no problem beleiving you have PTSD because watching your child have multiple seizures for hours on end and then die would cause that in most people.

It’s the same as how they will say things like the hospital/court are playing god, shouldn’t be up to them to decide if the child lives or not, they’re taking them/their chance at life away. No they are not. The horrible circumstances that brought you to seek medical attention “decided” that and will be what, very sadly, will take your child away from you.

What the hospital/courts are doing is deciding how that should be managed.

Acting like they’re dragging you to court as a punishment or a criminal is simply not the reality, they are telling you they don’t feel it is humane or ethical to carry out procedures on this human being, and you disagree. There is nothing cruel about involving the court at that time, and if you actually have a plan and evidence to show that your plan is better or at least ethical in regard to that human being, then the court will side with you - But then if you actually had that, all the lies and gaslighting wouldn’t be necessary.

These “armies” compound your upset because the lies and gaslighting work on them, they don’t work on the court. It’s why they will sit on Facebook insisting all day, as is happening on the current 20 year olds “army” page, claiming that he is moving more, claiming he is doing medically impossible things, yet only being able to provide proof of things such as reflex movements.

It’s why (this is mentioned in the judgement) when the doctors asked the family to demonstrate their claims and show them how they get him to respond in front of them, not just a video of a reflex movement where they then start videoing and talking so it looks like a reaction, they flat out refused to do so. Literally just “No” but they don’t tell the army that bit.

It’s why they’re then upset “I showed the judge so many videos” because the videos convince the “army” and they thought the judge would buy it too.

And they fucking KNOW what they’re doing. They are sat there watching him, they KNOW his hand was moving before they spoke. They KNOW they turned the video on and started speaking AFTER that started.

There are so many people who go through these things and don’t lie or make a spectacle of their relatives death, and they’re the people I have sympathy for when they end up reading about these arseholes.
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My sympathy lies entirely with Archie. I find it difficult to forgive what she did to him in ICU. (I'm ex ICU myself, I know what they were dealing with)

The reflexologist is something else. Must be hard to pinpoint the area of the brain on the sole of the foot when it's sliding mushily down the spinal cord 🤷‍♂️
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Why is it always such chavvy families involved in these cases? Parents always look like they’re about to announce a charity dog fight to fund Bulleigh-Excelle’s magic potion treatment from Abroad.
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Rachel H14

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Really, looking forward to visiting a dead childs grave? Unbelievable.
Hollie's group of friends are as deranged and as sick as she is.
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Rachel H14

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It's just sick, no wonder Archie was so troubled. That is not a normal (or healthy) relationship to have with your 12 year old son.
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From Hollie today, she really is in denial
Despite Archie being dead and buried (at last) she is still trying to spin the narrative he had brain activity and the NHS were trying to kill him on the first day of being at London - this was 8th April - the day after he hung himself - and was being given pain killers when he was supposedly brain dead.

They were still trying to save him at this stage and had yet to have a clear indication he was brain dead. Midazolam can be used in end of life care but is also used to induce a coma. We are all aware of the medical uses of Fentanol. The Court documents give an accurate timeline of his medical care.

Electric tracings of the brain showed no activity on April 14 and 20.

He had repeated brain scans. On April 15, a magnetic resonance angiogram showed no blood flow in any of the blood vessels in the brain. This was also seen in a repeat CT scan of the brain on May 11 and in another MRI on May 31. The scans also showed visible evidence of necrosis (death) of part of the brain stem.

You stupid fucking cow. Any electrical activity of his brain had ceased. It never restarted for the entire time you kept his corpse in suspended death. His brain swelled and rotted as it was dead and started to drip into his spinal column. You still push the narrative he had brain activity and the NHS was trying to kill him to harvest his organs.

When he was transferred to London they still didn't know fully what they were dealing with and were trying their hardest to keep him alive. It became obvious in the week after he was dead and was never coming back. You should have allowed him to die in April and yes donate his organs so at least some good could have come from his death and he would have saved many children across the Country.

But at least you have Archie's Army who will lap up every dollop of bullshit you throw at them.
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Rachel H14

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These are said to be the various accounts that Hollie has given regarding the events on 7th April.
  • Original story was that she was in the house and didn't see Archie for 10 minutes or so, then came and found him hanging by the dressing cord. She then states she cut him down and he fell 8 feet and she ran out screaming and a neighbour came and did CPR until paramedics arrived. In this original story he was without oxygen for 40 minutes.
  • Later her story would change that he was only without oxygen for about 3 minutes and she did everything herself.
  • Another story involved her walking out of her room about 5 minutes after he played a joke on her to find him laying on the floor at top of stairs where she undid the cord and started CPR there.
  • Another story involved her coming home finding him hanging.
  • Two stories involved no rabbit, but them coming home from dinner and suddenly he's on the hallway staircase. The only difference in the accounts is one she does CPR and one she runs around outside until she finds a neighbour to do CPR.
  • Some stories involve a joke with a rabbit before hand, some do not. They either end with her being all happy about it to her screaming at him about it.
  • “I’ve left the room after a couple of minutes …. well not a couple of minutes like a few minutes. I’d had a phone call and just pottered around really”
  • “A couple of phone calls, well …. uh … two phone calls had taken place. A couple of text messages and then… Sorry, so when I’d made the first phone calls he’d come into my room on the last phone call and then I’d put the phone down. That’s when we had the conversation about the rabbit.”
  • Another version has the bunny story gone and that she was out of the house and came home and Archie was laying on the floor with the cord around his neck.
  • Her newest version of the story is the most perplexing yet. Now it states that he was playing with the rabbit tripped and somehow the dressing cord around his neck attached itself to the banister and hanged him.
Only Hollie and Archie know what really happened, and one cannot talk, the other cannot lie straight in a bed.

Difficult job for her Barrister.
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This was posted by Hollie on her FaceBook page yesterday
View attachment 1947491
I wonder what the "real truths and facts about Arch" are? Has she been lying about him? The reason she has been trolled is because she created the media circus, insulted and humiliated the nursing staff (and still does this to the paramedics), and openly supports Tom and Lauren's vile messages threatening others. How on Earth her handmaidens don't see this, I really do not know.

And I won't mention the (allegedly commited by Hollie) GBH with intent issue.
The coroner has put the bit about the catastrophic injury being due to the amount of time it took for Hollie to find him in on purpose. It caveats anything vile she's about to say about his care.
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This. I always maintain she’s a violent and stupid cunt but I can’t help but feel for her in terms of the grief.
It's a dreadful dreadful thing. The worst any Parent suffers.

That whole bloody circus... shit-stirring, money-making, trouble-making ...... anguish caused to others.......the trouble caused by crowds at the Hospital...... ambulances not being able to make the turn into a&e ............

Fucking appalling.
She caused it all.

It's awful what's happened but it's awful what she did.
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View attachment 1746281

And now with musical tat.

Is this really the dignity that Archie's family think he deserves?
If this is Sutton Road Cemetery then this might be a 'lawn grave' where nothing is allowed along the length of the grave. Any tributes etc are to be kept on a plinth where the headstone will be fixed. Obviously flower tributes after the funeral will be kept on the grave but then removed after a while. The film is in the dark but it looks like the surrounding graves are clear along the length. Normally there is a length of concrete where the headstone will be fixed. I think about once a year they will remove any tat, after first informing the grave owner, and store it for 4 weeks then dispose of it. I foresee merry hell being created when the Council enforce their cemetery regulations. At the time of purchasing the grave a set of cemetery regulations/by-laws would have been provided.
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Following the live feed posted above, and from the small amount of info posted so far, it seems apparent that Archie did have those suicidal thoughts, and that Hollie just hadn't picked up on it. She's in serious denial and has been for some time. It's horrific really.
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She's definitely posting it to cement the accidental verdict @TerrifiedofKittens

I actually think the coroner has her sussed. He's made it clear the length of time he was deprived of oxygen due to not being found is what killed him. He's made it clear there were mental health problems, 3 suspensions from school in quick succession (if that's his first year at secondary, that's 3 in 6 months, violence (he assaulted a pupil), poor impulse control , lack of boundaries, overindulged, parentified and deified by his mother while devalued . I even found the coat thing weird that his brother said about Archie asking where he got his coat from and planning to get himself one....not planning to ask Mum for one. He's also made it clear Archie was dead straight away and the mother did nothing but scream, He's then made it clear she knows nothing about medicine,..
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Still in absolute denial

She isn’t used to being told no - even if it’s the right thing to do for Archie. She literally wanted him to crash and die in an ambulance just so she could have her own way and “win”
BECAUSE HE WOULD HAVE DIED ON THE WAY DOWN THE CORRIDOR!!! Nevermind in the ambulance and a fucking helicopter. What is this treatment abroad that brings the dead back to life?! I’d be intrigued to know, I might dig my Nana up and get her in an air ambulance for overseas treatment.
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