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Sunday Girl

Well-known member
Ive been away from all this for a while, i had to it was making me so angry. Just been catching up and thankfully things seem to be going awry for the horror. And how peaceful is the world without having to see/listen to/ hear about that lying chav! Loving the SM ban if that’s what it is
Is it possible the fella they were chasing had been following her or taking photos? maybe for that fruity website or sm? She really did think she was untouchable and could do what she wants, ooops.
Im glad the coroner isn’t entertaining the TikTok gaslighting effort, we all knew here it wasn’t. I still think all this show since that poor kid was found has been pure over compensation to show that she is/was a caring mum, when in actual fact I think Archie had told her what he was going to do and she may be ridiculed him and sent him to bed, something happened with that rabbit, all connected. Maybe he didn’t mean to actually do it, please god a kid that age didn’t really mean it, maybe he wanted to prove to her that he wanted to, make her care?
This day and age it’s all about the photos you post online, this is the new life, this is how ppl portray themselves. It doesn’t seem to be about actual caring and being there anymore, it’s all about showing photos of their new room or trackie you’ve just bought them. Talk to them, give them a cuddle, listen to them, don’t post photos pretending you’re a caring mum, be one.

If he had told her he wanted to, or had previously tried something similar, would it make a mum neglectful to not seek medical advice? She also left him alone that day?
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Just seen two videos of Archie that stood out to me. Hollie seems to be oblivious to simple children's safety. One video he's riding an electric scooter which in the UK you have to be at least 16 to ride (Last time I checked it was 16 anyway) he was 5 in the video and he was also riding without a helmet. In the other video he was dancing in the car (He will have been about 6 or 7 at the time) sat in the front and with no car seat. If she couldn't have followed simple measures to keep him safe as a little kid, she definitely couldn't have kept him safe when he was struggling mentally. It seems this poor boy was failed from the start 😔
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Who the fuck films their dead child WTF. If my loved one was dead on the floor with paramedics working to save their life the last thing I would do was document their final moments by filming the whole thing.

And just as the coroner ruled it was an accident the coroner also ruled there was nothing wrong with how Archie was carried out. So fuck off Holly if the coroner made the right decision about it being an accident then he also made the right call about how he was treated.
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She said this in the inquest ‘I was saying ‘please don’t leave mummy, I love you, little man’. I repeated that over and over again, I just didn’t want him to leave me.’

Maybe I’m being a little unfair because I can’t comprehend finding your child in that situation but I find the repeated use of ‘please don’t leave me’ quite telling of how she saw her son and their relationship, he was the one who had to meet her needs.

I think I would say please don’t die and be thinking of him, not thinking about me at that stage. I probably wouldn’t even be able to remember what I said so maybe she’s made that bit up. But who knows, maybe I’m reading too much into it.
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Guard your children with your life .. I am speechless. That child was crying out for help and she didn't give a fuck about him.
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Don't be surprised at the findings as I said on the other site this is common in a child suicide.

When ruling a suicide you have to have clear intent and will and a bunch of other things. A child simply does not have the executive function to have this. It was not going to be ruled suicide because children rarely are since they lack the executive function to fully understand the repercussions of their actions. They lack the ability to know the finality of their decisions. They also are quite impulsive it is very rare to have a child actually knowingly and fully choose to commit suicide in a fully cognitive way.

  • Hollie's Testimony
    • Hollie states Archie was bullied at school.
    • He was "taken out" of main stream education.
      • She fails to state that his behavior was so awful that he was excluded and it took 2 years to find a district to take him.
    • She has him in MMA and gymnastics every day.
    • She knew he was on Tiktok and Whatsapp while underage.
    • She states he wasn't down he was just bored.
    • She states that he was told he did not have what it takes to be professional.
      • She then states he proved them wrong by winning a gold medal.
        • Thing is she also admits his first match wasn't until the week after he hung himself.
    • She states the EMS should have drove an him to another hospital an hour away instead of to one 5 minutes away.
  • Investigators states that he was making suicidal comments on Whatsapp and messages in the week before his death.
    • Hollie denies seeing any of this.
  • There is hints that they thought he was self harming or had self harmed.
    • Hollie states he would strip his clothes off when he got home so she would have seen it.
  • Hollie's story about finding him has changed again.
    • The bunny in bag exists, but she instead of getting mad talked about going to the movies.
    • When requestioned her story changed again.
      • "I think he climbed on the bannister and probably fell, causing serious injury to his neck, resulting in unconsciousness."
  • She has backtracked on her it was a Tiktok challenge thing and now states she does not beleive so.
    • In the same breath she states the police know he was on TikTok and that he was on it the day before.
      • It has already been confirmed by police he was not looking up any challenges.
  • She states that Archie was against anything loud or bullying.
    • Videos in the OP will prove this wrong with him being into gang shit and stuff as well as being quite loud.
  • Hollie states when she found Archie she ran outside screaming for help instead of calling 999.
    • She states she then went inside and called 999.
      • Neighbors and EMS reports conflict this it was NOT Hollie who called.
  • Neighbor's report is he heard screaming found Hollie outside.
    • Hollie never started CPR or called EMS.
      • Neighbor started CPR and called EMS.
        • He says it took 4 mins for EMS to arrive, against Hollie's stories of it taking much longer.
  • Paramedic Testimony
    • Archie had no spontaneous breathing even in response to CPR.
      • They got a brief return to circulation, but it immediately went away and never returned.
    • Hollie complained about lack of neck brace.
      • EMS stated that he was already in a good position and it would involve more movement and risk of injury to put a neck brace on him.
    • Hollie's complaint about him going to Southend was brought up again.
      • EMS states that with Archie being in cardiac arrest the best decision was to get him to a hospital ASAP and that a hospital an hour away was not even in their protocols.
        • Hollie wanted them to drive an hour with a child in cardiac arrest instead of 5 minutes away.
    • EMS stated that when Tom arrived a verbal argument began between him and the police.
      • ""She added that at one point, a brother of Archie had arrived at the scene and “there was a loud, verbal exchange with the police” before Archie was taken to hospital."
    • Archie had a "pulseless electrical rhythm."
      • This is an unshockable cardiac arrest.
        • This is probably the polite way to say Archie was already dead.
    • Hollie never called Paul to let him know what happened.
      • He found out when Archie was unreachable for a planned phone call.
        • Finally he got through to Hollie who told him Archie was "up the hospital."
  • Archie arrived with his eyes already fully dilated and nonreactive.
    • "Archie was “critically unwell” and had a “build-up of acid in the blood” which is “commonly seen” for people in cardiac arrest, which is treated by oxygenation, ventilation and fluid resuscitation."
    • Coronor confirms that the EMS made the right choice in where he was brought and that his injury was a catastrophic hypoxic-ischemic brain injury which would not be affected by his head/neck being moved.
      • This type of brain injury is caused by oxygen deprivation and decreased blood flow to brain.
        • There also is a comment that shows her time period is longer then she states.
          • "He stated the time it took for his mother to find him led to the brain injury being caused."
    • Archie had no brain activity or response to external stimuli on arrival or at any time during his hospital stay.
      • He also never attempted any spontaneous breath or showed any cough/gag reflex while on ventilator.
      • “There was no coughing or breathing when on the ventilator. This was not a survivable injury"
      • There was no reason to do surgery because it would change nothing his entire brain was already dead.
    • Archie was "on the brink of death" the entire time he was in hospital.
      • “Archie was on the brink of death when he was in Southend and remained on the brink of death for the next four months and was kept alive by completely artificial means.”
    • Tom accidentally admits Hollie knew something was up with Archie's mindset.
      • "He said until concerns were raised by his mother about Archie’s mindset, it “hadn’t even entered his mind” as he always thought his brother was very happy."
    • Lauren has changed her story about finding him with a ligerature around his neck the day before to it was on his head.
      • "She described an occasion in the days before the incident when Archie was playing, trying to pull a door closed with a cord attached to the top of his head."
    • The headmaster is in damage control mode.
      • "Matthew Badcock, head of Earls Hall Primary School in Westcliff where Archie went, said in his statement that he truly believed the youngster would not try to harm himself. "
      • Seems the knife incident may be accurate. Archie had been suspended three times already in one month.
        • "The inquest heard Archie had been suspended from secondary school on three separate occasions, with the most recent being a two-day suspension on March 17 for a physical assault against a pupil. "
    • Police were given Archie's devices.
      • Hollie refused permission for his text messages to be read.
        • This is probably because he was messaging her that he was depressed and wished to end it all.
          • "DS Gore has also gone through various message exchanges between him and his mother in the months before he was hospitalised. This included messages from Archie where he said he was “so depressed at the moment” and another where he referenced wanting to “give up on everything”."
    • GDPR in UK hinders things since they really did not investigate everything on his devices due to "privacy concerns" and they had to access in "airplane mode" since internet history is protected and private.
      • They found no proof of any challenges or other videos, but stated the tokens for tiktok were expired for some items.
        • "“But we can say for certainty that Archie never videoed or photographed himself to prove that he took part. He never searched the internet for any blackout or online challenges, and never accessed YouTube for challenges, and we can say with certainty that he never communicated with friends about an online blackout challenge.”"
    • They found some abusive messages from April.
      • "Oi Archie, do you know why you're angry? Because your mum wanted you to be an abortion."
      • "You and your mum are the ones sat there all night using."
    • And an arguement in February.
      • "Essex's senior coroner Lincoln Brookes said it could be characterised as a "heated exchange of bravado" where threats were exchanged."
    • There was no suicide note.
    • Police are also kinda stupid to state this when it is VERY clear she did not keep her story stable and consistent.
      • "DI Weeks said there were no ongoing child safety concerns, with a consistent story told by his family throughout the process, with no unexplained injuries."
    • The coronor says his decision is made based on THAT day and not the prior mentions of suicidal ideation.
    • Cause of Death : Accident
      • (It was not going to be ruled suicide because children rarely are since they lack the executive function to fully understand the repercussions of their actions. They lack the ability to know the finality of their decisions. They also are quite impulsive it is very rare to have a child actually knowingly and fully choose to commit suicide in a fully cognitive way.)
        • "I think he did so without necessarily a good reason, 12-year-old boys don’t always have reasons,” Mr Brookes said. “I think it may just be a case of curiosity – what does it feel like?” He said that “something very similar happened the night before”."
          • He also confirms there was a ligerature.
            • "He said that he was satisfied that Archie “put his head in a noose or put a cord round his neck”."
    • Hollie makes statement outside the courtroom.
      • She even now is still stating the EMS did wrong after multiple people in court proved they did things right.
        • She is attempting to lay cause in his injury on this in a way.
      • She's back to the online abuse thing.
        • The police found that it was not online it was voice messages and voice chats he had between people on his phone, not a coordinated abuse campaign.
      • She still on her campaign trail that social media bullying is what caused all this and she is going to work on that cause.
      • She makes a comment that he had a complex start at five.
        • If he truly was 5 when he first got excluded that really questions the family life he was living.
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Saw this on another site. Notice how she's made it all about her. Again. :confused:
Yes all about Archie loving her. She’s basically admitted she spent her time seeking love from her parents and a man, and only now her child is dead does she realise he loved her. What about the love she has for him and her kids? She’s clearly incapable of genuinely loving other people. This is classic narcissism.
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I said it on previous threads but I will say again. The Archie case in particular showed the irresponsibility of the media when it comes to reporting these cases. i didn't watch any of her interviews but I read about some of them.

She was allowed to appear on tv, spouting bile and rubbish - uncontested. I fully get that nobody wanted to be seen to challenge a woman whose son was dead, but being kept artificially alive while she went on and on about TikTok and whatever else.

But, to me, it's all kinds of wrong that they didn't try to bring any balance to the interview(s). At the very least have an actual medical or legal person on afterwards to explain the intricacies. Instead it was tantamount to rabble rousing and that is oh so very wrong and harmful on such a serious issue.

To use a phrase beloved of politicians everywhere - 'lessons have been learned' - but unfortunately they haven't.
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I honestly have never seen anything like that resting place for that poor boy I’m completely freaked out how they have been allowed to cover the grave with so much tat !!!!! i get she’s a grieving mother and Archie’s family and friends also are in turmoil but that grave is just awful. I wonder if they had been so full on when this poor boy was alive would he still be here now because it looks like to me he was definitely not on anyones radar how down and desperate he was. but that grave looks like something from ‘ only fools and horses ‘
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I’m trying to think why this sort of wording bothers me so much. I can’t imagine my mum ever calling it a date night if we were having special time together.
She always said it was a rehearsal for when he was older and had a girlfriend/partner of his own.
Well, he wasn’t older, he was a kid. Ideally he should have been at school, or at least socialising, with his own peer group, both boys and girls: playing football, hide and seek, playground games, swapping Pokémon cards, etc, etc. Without his mothers overbearing presence.
She was trying to present him as a ‘little man’, before he even had the social skills to be a kid.
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Not to come across horrible or offensive if that's how you choose to grieve, but...

If that was someone doing that to my grave, I'd be cringing and wishing they wouldn't do all that.

Isn't it upsetting anyone else visiting their loved ones grave with it all there?
Of course it is. It's disrespectful to the memories of those who are buried there and also to their loved ones. I remember reading of similar stuff about where Azaylia Cain (daughter of Ashley Cain who has a thread / many threads about him here) is buried. I seem to remember reading about a party being held there. No respect whatsoever for the fact that it's a cemetery not a bloody fairground. 😡
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pumbilical cord

Chatty Member
The grave is everything I despise about performative grief.

Poor kid. His mother's priorities have been off from day one.

I know Hollie was going on about spending Xmas day with Archie's grave, and that she spent time every day with his grave - how was that possible if she was at conference in Italy?
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The gifts being left at Archie's chav shrine include Rosie the solar rabbit £24.99 -
A bee toy prices range from £6 to £15.00
And a couple of bee solar ornaments price not found yet.

So a stranger who never knew Archie or Holly has spent over £30+ on tat as gifts for a corpse who will never appreciate them. Just what is going through this persons head?
Perhaps a better plan would be to give something to a local food bank, or charity for families that are struggling.
if people want to do something in his memory, make it do some actual good.
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No surprise with the verdict.

Yet another suicide hidden under the smokescreen of it being 'accidental'.

Holly has had her 'victory' that her son didn't mean to kill himself - although tying a noose around your neck and dangling off the banisters is obviously accidental.

Very telling she wouldn't let the police view his texts.

The grief tourists that are Archie's Army will move onto the next corpse that needs a rent a mob.
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You don't need a PHD in child psychology to be a mother who listens and is attentive to her child
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Spare a thought for the families of the people buried either side of this spreading mound of tat. They must be so happy their loved ones graves are being churned to mud as people walk on them.
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That post is so confusing. Firstly very few small children will be told they’re going to be professional gold medalist in any sport, cause they’re kids. Secondly, his gold medal was for participation, wasn’t it? Thirdly, as others have pointed out, babies aren’t born with the world against them, you raise them to be little shits and then they get excluded. The only people who can set kids up to fail is their caregivers, realistically.

As harsh as this sounds I’m not sure you can say in this instance Archie has proved anybody “wrong”. He didn’t become a professional gymnast and he was so depressed living with his mother that he sadly took his own life. I don’t see how that’s a win for Archie or for Hollie.

Also strange she would say he had no school at 5, why?
I would hazard a guess it was because he was a violent disruptive little shit who knew no boundaries and had no parental control. The teachers couldn't control him, the other children were scared to be near him and his parent couldn't give a shit and she was probably verbally abusive to the teachers. It was easier for the school just to exclude / expel him.

My Cousin's kids went to the same primary school yet have no recollection whatsoever of him.

At Chase High it looks like he had a one to one support meaning he was very disruptive and was probably years behind in reading and writing.
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Rachel H14

Active member
I know Hollie was going on about spending Xmas day with Archie's grave, and that she spent time every day with his grave - how was that possible if she was at conference in Italy?
Because she is an out and out liar. Not one of her Army has seen this, or choose to ignore it.

Archie's grave is probably the most disrespectful monument to a dead person I have ever seen. And will ever see.

At least Poundshops all over Southend are doing well out of it.
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