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Some people are capable of educating themselves on things close to their hearts, becoming experts and having a greater understanding.
Hollie I highly doubt is one of these people. If she does manage to glean anything, I t’ll all be confirmation bias, finding the single article from some discredited crackpot to back up her ideas.
It’s a crying shame that this woman still has a voice some people listen to. It’s the evils of social media when any lunatic can express their beliefs to other equally uneducated, unstable nutters and spread lies and hate.
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Chatty Member
She’s in denial, it must be too overwhelming for her to accept the truth. Poor Archie, it really is heartbreaking 💔
It’s a dreadful situation and I hate that her behaviour has completely absolved me from feeling any sympathy for her. I’m only sorry for Archie.
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Hollie, of course, attended this

It's very odd that the article reports she stated "We've got his phone now, so let's go back and see what this child was into."

The police forensically searched his phone and iPad. That involves looking at posts that he deleted, but they can be recovered from the phones memory. And the police found nothing about on line challenges. So does Hollie think she can find something that a fully trained data forensic specialist could not?

I also read that Hollie did not allow police access to her phone, on which there were messages between her and Archie that she did not want to be made public for what ever reason.

Latching on the those that have lost their children to online challenges is publicity seeking for herself, not for any other reason.
She needs to lower her head in shame & fuck off. The cunt caused endless trouble for the hospital , the medical staff, filled the media up with bullshit , trousered misguided well wishers donation money & is a fucking embarrassment at the cemetery.
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Not to come across horrible or offensive if that's how you choose to grieve, but...

If that was someone doing that to my grave, I'd be cringing and wishing they wouldn't do all that.

Isn't it upsetting anyone else visiting their loved ones grave with it all there?
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She’s basically spelt it out without saying it that the hospital made some kind of error so they tried to kill Archie to hide the evidence. “It was in THEIR best interests for him to die to cover up what they had done”.
The woman is a card carrying member of the conspiracy theory club (she used to post about 5g and covid) which coupled with her thirst for always fighting battles, it’s a dangerous combination. Add in a mix of just having a low IQ and boom - fucking nightmare for the hospital.
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View attachment 1746281

And now with musical tat.

Is this really the dignity that Archie's family think he deserves?
Looks like they’ve covered the whole thing in plastic, even the flowers. Looks a real eyesore.
It’s brutal to think that little boy is in there though, if only he could have been found in time and given the support he needed 💔
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What's your point

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Came here to say this, but you've put it better than I could!
Actually thought I was a bit harsh after I posted it but jesus she is disgusting. Her son is dead, why can't she just say what happened to him instead of all the lies and deceit?

Heart breaking that a 12 year old boy had such a crap upbringing that he took his own life (I am a 1000% sure this is what happened) she couldn't even give him dignity in death and had to parade him on social media for everyone to see.
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Chatty Member
I know coroners can be handy with the words they use, my relatives didn’t say suicide, if actually said h*nging by ligature (still makes me feel so sick) but apparently wording can be changed. A friend of ours wife did it and they had it changed from suicide to asphyxiation as they didn’t want to have to present the certificate to banks etc with that written on it.
I don’t think we are getting any further with the acceptance of suicide deaths. I had to delve so deeply into mental health to try and gain some understanding or I’d still be trying to blame someone else to this day!
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She keeps posting video with the caption of how close it was to his “accident” because she is trying to frame the narrative that look, he could not have possibly been depressed or suicidal because here he is looking happy!”
But because she’s a thick cunt she doesn’t realise (or want to admit) that happy people die by suicide all the time all the time. You don’t have to be visibly walking around moping and crying to want to do it. Lots of people say how loved ones last days and even hours they appeared happy.

Hollie absolutely strikes me as a person who would say mental health was a weakness “what have you got to be depressed about? Look how much I do for you!”
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These are said to be the various accounts that Hollie has given regarding the events on 7th April.
  • Original story was that she was in the house and didn't see Archie for 10 minutes or so, then came and found him hanging by the dressing cord. She then states she cut him down and he fell 8 feet and she ran out screaming and a neighbour came and did CPR until paramedics arrived. In this original story he was without oxygen for 40 minutes.
  • Later her story would change that he was only without oxygen for about 3 minutes and she did everything herself.
  • Another story involved her walking out of her room about 5 minutes after he played a joke on her to find him laying on the floor at top of stairs where she undid the cord and started CPR there.
  • Another story involved her coming home finding him hanging.
  • Two stories involved no rabbit, but them coming home from dinner and suddenly he's on the hallway staircase. The only difference in the accounts is one she does CPR and one she runs around outside until she finds a neighbour to do CPR.
  • Some stories involve a joke with a rabbit before hand, some do not. They either end with her being all happy about it to her screaming at him about it.
  • “I’ve left the room after a couple of minutes …. well not a couple of minutes like a few minutes. I’d had a phone call and just pottered around really”
  • “A couple of phone calls, well …. uh … two phone calls had taken place. A couple of text messages and then… Sorry, so when I’d made the first phone calls he’d come into my room on the last phone call and then I’d put the phone down. That’s when we had the conversation about the rabbit.”
  • Another version has the bunny story gone and that she was out of the house and came home and Archie was laying on the floor with the cord around his neck.
  • Her newest version of the story is the most perplexing yet. Now it states that he was playing with the rabbit tripped and somehow the dressing cord around his neck attached itself to the banister and hanged him.
Only Hollie and Archie know what really happened, and one cannot talk, the other cannot lie straight in a bed.

Difficult job for her Barrister.
The thing that pisses me off is that no medic wants to see someone die especially a child but it's science his GCS was the lowest it can be. He had spent a long time without oxygen. People cannot magically be brought back and live like nothings happened, there's no instant "cure" for hypoxic brain injury. It's shit, I blame the media many tv dramas portray CPR as being a quick pump on the chest and people are fine , or people emerge from comas months years later miraculously healed with no after effects . There's still so many things in medicine we cannot fix this is one of those.

There should be a public health campaign about the reality.
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Chatty Member
Monday 18th September - Southend Echo

I'm sorry but why is she allowed to do this? Why are they giving this woman more media attention? Also, why have the media since the case first came into the news and papers, completely washed over what Archie's life was like before he ended up in Hospital, they portray him how Hollie want's to portray him. Why don't they show the truth for once? A depressed 12 year old wanting help, posting about depression on his social media and listening to Music that mentions mental illness. They mentioned it briefly after the inquest but after that they haven't bothered. Sorry but the fact they keep letting Hollie in the media annoys me, especially after what happened with Archie and what she put him through. Makes me so angry. Looks like she's still blaming social media too 🤦‍♀️
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Chatty Member
TBI is correct as a cause of death on a death cert in that situation. Suicide would be the mode/manner of death
I haven’t been on the thread for some time but the bbc link up thread regarding the coroners inquest says this

The inquest in Chelmsford heard that Archie received a voice note days before he was found unconscious which told him his mother had wanted to have an abortion.
Det Sgt Tiffany Gore told the inquest officers found a voice note from 3 April in which a young male voice said: "Oi Archie, do you know why you're angry?
"Because your mum wanted you to be an abortion."
She said that a second audio note on the same date said: "You and your mum are the ones sat there all night using."
Another "heated exchange" was found dated 15 February 2022 with "a number of voice notes" in a second young male voice, she said.
Mr Brookes said it could be characterised as a "heated exchange of bravado" where threats were exchanged.”

wtf??! Has this been discussed before, maybe I’m late tothis but the voice note about his mum wanting an abortion when pregnant with him is pretty damning that he then ended his life a few days later
Yes when they checked his phone they found threats like these on WhatsApp, I think from two different people. They also found on WhatsApp that Archie was in some groups with names like "Help" and "I'm Depressed" they also found a WhatsApp message from Archie that read "That's why I'm so depressed all the time and I don't cut my wrists but I have tried and thought about killing myself"
He also sent text messages to Hollie in the Months leading up to his death saying things like he was " so depressed at the moment" and he referenced in another that he "wanted to give up on everything" Then of course on top of all that there is his TikTok posts where he also posted about being depressed. It's clear he was struggling a lot and he needed support. It is all very sad :(
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I doubt whether she was particularly bothered. Her life seems to be all about me me me...

Too late now to play the doting mother. You've been well and truly rumbled,, Hollie.

It's not easy to get mental health help for your children but Hollie was loud and gobby and if she'd wanted to fight for Archie and get him help then she would have made her mark purely by being a nuisance and being aggressive verbally. To me she's the sort of parent who will turn a blind eye to problems if they don't interest her but who will play the tragic parent if the worst case scenario actually happens.
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I’ve followed every thread with the cynicism that everyone else has / has. But reading her last post someone screenshotted a few posts up….. I wouldn’t wish losing a child on my worst enemy.
This. I always maintain she’s a violent and stupid cunt but I can’t help but feel for her in terms of the grief.
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Salted Caramel

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I've just seen a video HD has happily posted on FB to show what a "little monkey" Archie was. If you've not seen it, he basically gets from upstairs to the room her pole dancing pole is in 🙄 without having feet on the floor. He hangs off the stairs onto one door, then another door, then upside down onto the pole. Once there he seems to get stuck and says he is going to fall on his head and whines that his legs hurt. Hollie carries on filming and laughs at him.

The fact she posts videos like this she thinks are funny given the circumstances of his death is absolutely mind boggling to me.
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A friend of mine, lost her son in a remarkably stupid accident, he was ten.He was on life support for five days. On the cold bed, his head had been opened in a way because of swelling. They asked the family to donate his organs , his erstwhile father refused. The day they switched off his machines the doctors told them a couple of days before is was over. My friend had this notion in her head that she would hold her son in her arms as the machines were stopped. And he would die being held. On the day it happened the room suddenly filled, without warning with doctors and nurses. My friend was escorted from the room, and as she left it she could hear the machines stopping. She didn’t even return to kiss her son goodbye. It was like an ambush. The family had been under scrutiny from the moment the child arrived in the hospital in a coma from the injury. They were watched 24/7. The cctv of the accident clearly showed a three year old boy fatally injuring him. The paramedic lied in a police statement, then at coroners court told the truth and fucked off to Australia for a new life. The death of a child is a shit show. Whatever this mother does to try and come to terms with it, is okay by me. Glitter coffin, social worker, physchiatrist, whatever. All the best to her. Tik Tik needs to go
This all sounds really sad, but not at all similar to the Archie case. She kept his dead body like a vegetable for months and accused the professionals having to care for his body of trying to murder him. TikTok had nothing to do with his death, he was depressed and she refused to accept this. It’s not the same in any way.
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