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There is a H

Exactly. As you say, the Dr admitted she was wrong. She was crying at the inquest. It shows the enormous stress Drs are under in these situations.
I’m sure medical staff try to distance themselves and remain as objective as possible, or they couldn’t do their job, but most do have sympathy and empathy, although they might not always show it, and can become emotionally involved.
Do these people not understand what a Drs job is? It’s not to give false hope in an impossible situation. It’s not to prolong suffering and death. It’s to put the best interests of the patient, adult or child, first.
Anything else would go against medical ethics.
To understand things from a surgeons/doctor's point of view, a few people from earlier threads recommended reading Do No Harm by neurosurgeon Henry Marsh. I've read that book now and highly recommend it. You will definitely understand brain stem death, vegetative state and so on afterwards.

I'm reading another book now by a pathologist which has a graphic description of what happens when a person hangs themselves amongst many other interesting cases and it's called The Seven Ages Of Death by Dr Ben Shepherd. He mentions his involvement with the police, coroners and mortuary assistants. I've always respected medical professionals but just reading about their complex emotions and jobs adds that extra layer of empathy for them from me. The trauma they suffer is immense. It's morbid reading but very educational.
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Salted Caramel

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I have no doubt Archie would have been troubled whoever he grew up with but it can't have helped being raised by an obviously narcissistic, controlling mother
Sadly, on top of those personality traits, by all accounts she was a sex worker (allegedly) and the family are involved in criminality. He was being brought up in this atmosphere and not being shown the right kind of love and attention.

Photos of Archie with his older brother showed that he was being molded into being a mini thug or gangster. There is also that mention online of Archie assaulting another child at school the last day of term. Then during the holiday he was found hanging by his negligent mother.

I do wonder if he was on social services radar.
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There's a little girl local to me who's undergoing some very unpleasant medical treatment at the moment. Her parents started a crowdfund for private treatment, which went way over what they'd asked for in just days, mainly because her parents are very decent, well liked people.

I've just had a little look to see how she's getting on, and it's like night and day compared to what happened to Archie. Her parents are taking turns to give detailed, calm, factual updates. There's pictures of the medical setting, but she's not in any of them. They're complimentary and respectful of the medical staff.

It really is a masterclass in grace under pressure, and a beautiful acknowledgment that while they appreciate how badly people wanted to help their little girl, they're not going to compromise her privacy or dignity as a "thank you". They really are fantastic parents.
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You must be from the town I live in.
Was lovely seeing all the kids in ‘be more FAB’ T-shirts to celebrate her birthday.
was amazing how everyone all got behind Florence.

Poor HoLi, in her quest to drag Archie’s funeral out, everything was so rushed that she wasn’t rushing saying goodbye, that she’s just been upstaged by the Queen. Bet she wishes she has the funeral last week.
who’s betting the funeral has to be moved to next week for some obscure reason?
After all, the eyes of the UK and media are going to be on the Queens journey from Edinburg to London and not HoLi and there’s no way she’s gonna be happy with that
You weren't joking were you! 😖


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Apparently she's asked the government to put out a statement saying the bank holiday is a combined Queen/Archie special.
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She hasn’t posted on AA, well no one has since this released and I suspect they won’t. This is what they do every time there’s updates they don’t agree with, they don’t post it to the group and pretend it doesn’t exist. If anyone posts it or references it they are jumped on. If it turns out it is her behind that road rage Incident she will do her best to bury that too. She always tells AA that the media lie, courts and hospitals lie and wait for her to announce anything as it’s the truth. It’s very cult like.
I think at this point though we have coroners and police agreeing there's no evidence, even her own lawyer is saying that non of her claims are evidence based.

It's hitting a point where not every single person/agency can be lying and against her. She doesn't have a shred of evidence, not one.

Wonder whether the Children's Parliament will have her back?
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Hollie Day

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Beautiful words 💜😍🍑🇬🇷🌚💯🤌🏼
They could have written a poem specifically relating to the loss of Archie or about the grief of losing a child, but no. He's lost somewhere in there among a word salad of digs, accusations and lies . Poor boy.
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Not Morning Dog

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I thought the whole Princess Diana thing was creepy too,all those people bawling and wailing for somebody most of them had never met.Let`s face it,she was a selfish cow as well-she knew damn well what she was getting into marrying into the Monarchy!
The worst thing about Diana's funeral was watching two little boys lose their mum and have to parade behind her coffin past millions of people, all because of Royal pomp and ceremony. That was sick. The public mourning of her was like some wired mass grieving hysteria.

Diana knew what she was getting into as do all the others that marry into the Royal family. But she didn't deserve to be treated the way she was by the Royal family, nobody of any social standing deserves to be the victim of domestic abuse. I also wouldn't personally I wouldn't call her selfish, she did do charity work and work with HIV/aids and leprosy patients. Maybe that's part of the "benevolent" front of royalty. To be clear though I'm no fan, I firmly believe we should be a republic.

It's not so unusual to shed a tear for the passing of someone we don't personally know. I few on this thread have said they cried a little for Archie's, perhaps more so for his cercumstances.
Also I have cried a little after the passing of a couple of musicians. I may not have met them but they gave me happy memories, were a key part of my formative years and I felt I could relate to them. So their death was a loss.
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This is so eloquently put and I agree about the inappropriate adult/parent-like burden placed on children with this type of upbringing. The whole case has been so dreadfully sad. Even if Archie hadn't killed himself, he surely faced a troubling and severely dysfunctional adolescence and young adulthood, had he even made it to maturity. He didn't deserve his lot in life, as many children of narcissistic and emotionally damaging parents don't. Above all I'd have wished for better parents for him. xx 😪
yep agreed. The tragedy wasn’t just that he died - the poor kid didn’t have a shot at life really. He was doomed almost, from the moment he was born.

the thing is, I think the same could probably apply to Hollie. She’s a broken and damaged individual, probably with a lot of trauma and abuse in her own life to make her into the individual she is. She’s a monster in this story but she’s also pretty tragic herself.

imagine if;
1. The law and society recognised that emotional abuse was just as damaging as physical abuse towards children.
2. Then social workers and police would have a lower threshold to remove children from homes like this.
3. Imagine if social services were properly funded and respected as institutions. Imagine if foster homes were reformed beyond the dysfunctional system we have now - putting a child into care could be seen as a positive instead of a last resort.
4. Imagine if society got out of this weird mindset that a child is “owned” by its parents and the parent can discipline as they see fit, so long as there aren’t actual bruises. Imagine if we adopted a more communal attitude to child rearing, instead of seeing it as a deeply private affair. Imagine if we weren’t reluctant to involve ourselves in questionable behaviour, making excuses for “stressed” parents.
5. imagine if we had proper funding both into the research of personality disorders, into treatment and safeguarding. Imagine if mental health provisions were properly funded, and education wasnt only seen as the reserve for the ultra academically gifted who would make a profit from their degree - ergo making this field unappetising for many who might be able to make huge strides.
6. imagine if women, in particular, weren’t conditioned to believe motherhood was a hallowed state - that being either sexually attractive or a mother were the two main avenues for validation in the world. Imagine if they felt they could achieve a sense of worth and self through other avenues. Imagine if people were encouraged to actively question if they are capable of providing the emotional and physical needs of a child, instead of it being seen as a solely personal choice.

Archie was failed by his mother, but there are a lot of wider failures going on in this country that *can* and *should* be addressing. We can’t make Hollie dance into a good person, but we can take actions to make sure there aren’t any children who are born into the circumstances that Archie was.
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HD already plastering that story everywhere - luckily comparisons on new sites are being shot down in the comment section

The fact she still says Archie suffocated when they removed his life support… he didn’t. No air went in because his body was dead. He was not capable of breathing.
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Not Morning Dog

Active member
I got assaulted today at work on a ward I frigging hate but had to go because of short staffing. People like Hollie Dance and their entitled selves make life so hard for HCPS. I'm seriously thinking of quitting the profession for good.
I'm sorry you've had a shitty day. These people don't know how privileged they are to have the NHS.
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Chatty Member
HD is back again with the TikTok claim. I'm so surprised The Guardian has run with this - she's now saying in the weeks leading to Archie's 'injury' (her words, not suicide attempt or hanging from the bannister) he'd been making himself dizzy trying to pass out, and that he had a TikTok account so TikTok must therefore be accountable for what happened to him. I've never heard her mention before that for seversl weeks Archie had been choking himself to make himself dizzy. Is this her trying to detract from what really happened? What about her role in allowing him to have an account and not monitoring his use of it? HD also wants to question the role of the ambulance paramedics and first 24 hours of hospital care. Lots of blame being pointed in several directions. That poor boy. 😪
She has brought this up before in an interview. Archie apparently said to her a few weeks before " I can pass out" but I don't think it is a coincidence that also around this time Archie had been taking about depression at school and the school were concerned. She is literally just projecting, she knows she did nothing to help her depressed son, so he started crying for help online which she also ignored. She blames TikTok because she wants people to focus their attention on TikTok as a whole as she thinks if she does that people won't question her part in all this. She is very wrong. Also, what mother sees their child attempting to choke themselves and does nothing? He obviously started attempting with his hands then turned to hanging when that didn't work. Poor boy.
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At least we've been spared her being invited to take part in I'm A Celeb where she could have harangued Matt Hancock.

There's always Celeb Big Brother next year though..

She needs her own diagnosis now to excuse the road rage repeat offences. My money's on ADHD and PTSD like Katie Price
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So we're 3 weeks post funeral, a couple of months past *death*, about 6+ months since most probable actual death. We've had about 10 zillion deaths in that time (over estimating) including the Queens and a few unfortunate child deaths (inc murders) all of which have been handled with a lot more grace and dignity than this palava.

But she's still banging on like she's the only person in the world to have lost someone. Maybe the reason she gets trolled etc is because she keeps pulling this crazy bitch shit. Everyone can sympathise with losing a child but the rest of this shit show is all on her and is what turns people off.

*Bangs head against brick wall*
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It feels gross to even say but I bet Hollie has seen the Molly Russell coverage and wishes she'd taken that angle now. It’s rightly getting discussed at the highest level whereas Hollie’s non existent ‘online challenge’ and a 12 year old with unfiltered internet access hasn’t had the same impact.
If she’d have accepted it was suicide but misguided and glorified/encouraged by social media, even his favourite rapper’s lyrics, and talked about stricter rules for joining social media, age verification she may have affected real change. Of course that would have meant admitting she should have been stricter with his access and her own failings so it just wouldn’t be on her radar.
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Hollie Day

VIP Member
The Queen's death dominates the media and after her funeral the focus and media spotlight will shift to the King.
With the little coverage Archie's funeral got I'm guessing it might be the end of the Hollie Show.
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What made her say it was related to the challenge then if there was no evidence? I want to believe this is a mother who was in denial bit I suspect it's something more sinister.

The fact she's suggested it was that challenge is worrying. Is she covering something up?
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A bench too.

View attachment 1527379

I doubt it.
I enquired after a loved one died. Lots of parks etc don’t allow benches anymore as people were complaining it was depressing to be reminded of death when they visit.
It was also a bit of a rigmarole, so I didn’t purse it in the end.
I can’t imagine kids would be too keen on a memorial bench in their playground.
Could be wrong.
I know some people think you can just put a bench wherever you want (recent experience of someone assuming this, funnily enough, she reminds me of HD 🤣).

I am sorry you didn't get yours, I don't think they remind of death necessarily, that's what graves are for. Memorial benches are for sitting and appreciating all the life around you. I guess it's just different perspectives.

I'd be that cow in a red lindor dress because HIS FAVOURITE COLOUR WAS RED....... suck my lindor balls HD.


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