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According to DFA she's put a gazebo up next to the grave. It was her birthday so she invited a few people over!
Even in death that kid can't get a single minutes peace!! She definitely has some strange relationship with archie!! Almost like she was in love with him and not as a son!!!

She just creeps me out
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HD is back again with the TikTok claim. I'm so surprised The Guardian has run with this - she's now saying in the weeks leading to Archie's 'injury' (her words, not suicide attempt or hanging from the bannister) he'd been making himself dizzy trying to pass out, and that he had a TikTok account so TikTok must therefore be accountable for what happened to him. I've never heard her mention before that for seversl weeks Archie had been choking himself to make himself dizzy. Is this her trying to detract from what really happened? What about her role in allowing him to have an account and not monitoring his use of it? HD also wants to question the role of the ambulance paramedics and first 24 hours of hospital care. Lots of blame being pointed in several directions. That poor boy. 😪
Ummmmmm, well she pulled that dizzy shit out her ass didn't she? Amazing how it only came to her now and not weeks or months ago.

So many other things I could say but she is really not worth it.

All these other parents who have been through utter crap this year, they've just dealt with it and then kept on.

Why didn't they fly him..... because it was too late maybe or theres a limited amount of resources.

She's like an old skid mark in a skanky person's pants that even Vanish won't remove.
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Salted Caramel

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I hope to God the inquest spells it out clearly that it was suicide so AA cannot dispute or misinterpret it. I suspect though without evidence of clear intention to kill hinself, there’s always doubt that it was a cry for help or he didn’t understand the finality of it.
Trouble is, the AA lot are the same women deciding it's best not to register a baby's birth to "stop it becoming the property of the government". They are thick as two short planks and highly susceptible to conspiracy theories. They will probably decide the coroner is in league with the hospital and NHS and it's all deliberately against Hollie.
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I hope it rains on that day, I want to watch her try and sue Mother Nature/God/Whatever for ruining her special day.
But the heavens opening would be because they’re crying for Arch.
Oh dear, I’m getting a bit bitchy now!
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Rachel H14

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The vast majority of the photos she post of him are some years old, very few of them are as he was at 12. There are a couple of him (that were published on KF) that showed him wearing oversized rings ( presumably purchased from Elizabeth Duke), flipping the bird and doing "gang signs" with his fingers, and looking to be going the way of becoming an archetypal chav.

Nothing gets the emotions going like photos of a 6 to 9 year old in us women. And those donating to her various grifting pages too?

She also said in one of her FB posts that Archie had the most "snoggable lips". Which mother thinks, and then says that, of the 12 year old son?

Something really, really creepy about that post.
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If you check her Facebook, her account has tons of weird superimposed images of Archie. She’s very ah, invested in him. The pumpkin one is really troubling and inappropriate. Poor Archie, if half these people devoted the same amount of effort and time into making sure social services were properly funded, resourced and managed - cases like Archie’s wouldn’t exist.

if archies army converted their collective energy into campaigning for better child social care and social change, the U.K. would be better for children.

but nope, they are weirdly obsessed and god knows the psychology behind it. I have my own theories.
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I am not sure if links are allowed, but this links to an article about a serious case review for a 10 year old girl who tied a ligature around her neck and died from it. Its a sad and difficult read and is very similar to Archie. The serious case review highlights that mum had a drinking issues, there had been violence in mums relationship, and that the child had been exposed to violent and sexual films/material. I have a feeling Archie may have experienced similar.

Archie deserves the same justice and I hope the serious case review fully investigates his circumstances.
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That coffin was for her, not Archie. Do you really think a 12 year old boy would want a silver glittery coffin?
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He wasn't her property though and she didn't have an "extra" 4 months with him. She effectively bed blocked a precious ICU bed and denied another child the chance of being nursed intensively when there was a chance of recovery.

This isn't about him being the perfect child. This is about her wanting to be seen as a perfect mum.

I know I've mentioned my grandson before (meningitis, encephalitis and a massive stroke), when he was in PICU. We as a family had daily meetings in a private room. They tell you the latest news, and then....ask you if you have any questions. If anything no matter how small needs explaining again, in "non doctor" speak they will go over it again. HoLi would have had these meetings too, because I don't believe it would be any different in different PICUs. 2 nights in a senior consultant suggested grandson needed a craniotomy, but he was going to consult with the Neuro team who knew more about these things than him. Come morning and the Neuro team meet with us and said they couldn't do it because it was too dangerous for grandson with his sepsis not under control. That meeting was an hour long. Everything was explained, scans were shown.
Never once we made to feel they were ignoring our concerns. Everyone was patient, and showed us understanding. HoLi would have had similar meetings, she just choose to ignore the doctors. I don't know what she really expected from them. They don't play God. They can't bring back the dead. They had done everything they could and it still wasn't good for her!
Imagine if every parent did that when faced with news that they refuse to process because it doesn't suit their agenda.
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Well-known member
HD is back again with the TikTok claim. I'm so surprised The Guardian has run with this - she's now saying in the weeks leading to Archie's 'injury' (her words, not suicide attempt or hanging from the bannister) he'd been making himself dizzy trying to pass out, and that he had a TikTok account so TikTok must therefore be accountable for what happened to him. I've never heard her mention before that for seversl weeks Archie had been choking himself to make himself dizzy. Is this her trying to detract from what really happened? What about her role in allowing him to have an account and not monitoring his use of it? HD also wants to question the role of the ambulance paramedics and first 24 hours of hospital care. Lots of blame being pointed in several directions. That poor boy. 😪
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I have no doubt Archie would have been troubled whoever he grew up with but it can't have helped being raised by an obviously narcissistic, controlling mother
Potentially - he did have ADHD to the point that made life difficult but then how was that impacted by having HD as a mother? HDs insistence on keeping him in mainstream schools which weren't suitable for him didn't help.

He certainly had drive and focus. He probably would have excelled in his special interest and been happy had he been placed in a more appropriate family and educational setting which HD refused to do.
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here we go again

Chatty Member
She's a fucking awful human being and a worse mother. I don't think her abhorrent behaviour would have triggered removal to another family though and neither do I believe that he would have had a much better outcome being moved to foster care. I want to. But it sounds like that's so traumatic in itself who knows how his story would have ended.
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And again…..
She’s also publicly letting everyone know she’s a ‘good’ girl.
Why would you feel you had the need to do that? Unless you had a ‘bad’ girl reputation.

Yup, I'm all for close bonds with your kid but this is a tad odd and if it were a dad with a daughter everyone would be, yo, hold the phone, wtaf is going on....
I don’t want to be my child’s best friend, soul mate or whatever, I’m their parent. Father, mother. parent.
Parent is a different relationship implying some responsibility. My child has best friends (something that, sadly, Archie didn’t seem to have) conspirators in ‘crime’ etc and, now they’re older, soul mates or, at least, partners.
I’m always going to be their parent.
I’ve never liked that ‘my child is my best friend stuff’.
Sleeping in the same bed at 10, 11, just no.
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A local person said Archie's plot was on the end of a row next to some vacant land, the gazebo was on the vacant land.
Still. All these twonks defending Hollie. The land belongs to the council. You’re only paying for the fucking plot, not the adjacent ground.
Everyone signs a form saying they’ll abide by the cemetery rules. When did everyone not include her?
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Not Morning Dog

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Fancy asking a pub if you can high Jack their ‘porn star’ cocktail filled bottomless brunch event by sticking begging buckets around the place.
WFT are they even on about?

"Create awareness of the loss of Archie."...Errrm I think everyone is well aware. So aware that they're fucking sick of hearing from the bitch.

"Raise funds for family loss and costs" .... What fucking costs? They can't possibly have blown *sniffs* the Just Griftin' funds already? Between her lying habit and her blow habit, I think HDs nasal collapse is imminent.

"rum punch brunch at 1-3pm" ... Surely that's rum punch lunch.
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Chatty Member
Many people have lost children. Every one of those lives valuable. It's always very sad. But even sadder in the case of this poor lad, in that his demise was turned into somewhat of a circus.
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