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It just reminds me...... to back in the day....

I married her, I can do with her what I like because she's mine.

I married her, I can have sex with her whenever I like, it's not rape if you're married.

I married her, she's my property, she can't do x, y and z.

And so it goes on and on and on.

I thought we were beyond that shit now.
some parents (too many actually) see having a child as an extension of themselves, as a status marker or as a mechanism to have their own needs met. Or a combination of all of the above.

Imagine that you don’t have much going on for you. Average looking? No education? No career? No real accomplishments? Have a baby and you achieve the social status of “mother”. (Fatherhood isn’t thought of in the same way - but that’s a whole other can of worms).

Everything can be hidden behind the “motherhood” status, because society still sees it as the ideallogical female state. It’s still romanticised. Its why women still experience judgement when they decide they don’t want children. It’s why HD has escaped any real scrutiny - because politicians and the media are reluctant to go up against the hallowed sacredness of motherhood, because she has cashed in on this status big time. She’s referred to as a “grieving mother” more than she’s referred by her name in most headlines.

these types of people don’t see their children as separate entities to them, with different perspectives, emotional states, different realities. They are an extension of them and as such, they own and have rights to said child.

for every loving and selfless mother, there are probably just as many who spawned a child for very superficial and selfish needs, people who aren’t fully capable of loving another person, who don’t have the emotional capacity or self awareness to raise a fully functioning adult.

with HD, you can see in her communications with her other son - in which she is wildly inappropriate - her children exist to meet her emotional needs, bordering on speaking to her elder son like he is her adult partner. Psychologists call it “parentification” where a child might be burdened with adult problems, or expected to fulfill the parents emotional needs. It stems from a place of entitlement and extreme emotional immaturity. Another reason why a parent feels they “own” a child. They’ve created this other being for their own uses, how dare someone suggest they don’t own them? They are entitled to them!
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Hollie Day

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So it seems to be pointing to that he took his own life. Lisa's own made up narrative has been blown apart. She'll be fuming.
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It's given me the creeps for a while now.
It's given me the creeps since the word go, but not because I think there's anything sexual there.

I just get the vibe that she was living vicariously through him, and putting him in adult situations he should never have been in because she liked having a good looking son and wanted to show him off. Those pictures of him flexing with his trousers pulled down to his pelvis make me cringe, as does that picture of him sleeping where it looks like he's naked under the duvet. He was a little boy, for Christ's sake.

I think because she monetised her sexuality, she just lost all sense of what was reasonable or appropriate.
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Bystander CPR has a depressingly low success rate, unfortunately, and very few recipients will ever return to their previous neurological state even if they survive the initial event. If CPR had been started and he could be defibrillated within the first 2/3 minutes and they lived 30 feet from the hospital ... maybe we would have seen a different outcome. Outside of that, no not really.

(It's frustrating to see the public is still continually misled like this; we've been given the impression - largely by TV - that CPR has something like a 75% success rate which is just not reality)
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I know I've mentioned my grandson before (meningitis, encephalitis and a massive stroke), when he was in PICU. We as a family had daily meetings in a private room. They tell you the latest news, and then....ask you if you have any questions. If anything no matter how small needs explaining again, in "non doctor" speak they will go over it again. HoLi would have had these meetings too, because I don't believe it would be any different in different PICUs. 2 nights in a senior consultant suggested grandson needed a craniotomy, but he was going to consult with the Neuro team who knew more about these things than him. Come morning and the Neuro team meet with us and said they couldn't do it because it was too dangerous for grandson with his sepsis not under control. That meeting was an hour long. Everything was explained, scans were shown.
Never once we made to feel they were ignoring our concerns. Everyone was patient, and showed us understanding. HoLi would have had similar meetings, she just choose to ignore the doctors. I don't know what she really expected from them. They don't play God. They can't bring back the dead. They had done everything they could and it still wasn't good for her!
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*I wonder if any of those doctors who dealt with AB on his initial A&E admission regret not 'calling' it there and then. 😔*

probably not. In this kind of case A&E’s job is to get them stable enough for specialist neuro assessment.

you don’t call a head injury in a kid until all scans have been done, neuro has assessed, and they’ve had a few days for the full extent to become apparent (see theTBI’s who have “recovered” after being called).

Dr’s give a kid every chance. Kids brains are relatively plastic and can do very weird things so it isn’t over til it’s over. If dr’s are even suggesting switching off it’s because everything has been done.

on a slightly different note I saw a comment somewhere on one of Archie’s articles where some poor soul talked about her brother being declared brain dead and taken off life support 24 hours after a massive brain injury. 54 years ago. She’s now tortured by the “what if’s”, following this new narrative than termination of life support is murder and people can recover from brain death given enough time.

i really feel for all those out there who made the right call and are now suffering on the back of this case because HD only did “what every parent would do”. No, she didn’t.

especially those who pulled the plug because quality of life would have been non existent. It’s still the right thing.
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HD keeps saying that Archie was only hanging for 3 mins as if this makes a massive difference.

She can't really know unless she timed it.

He obviously wasn't breathing when he was cut down obviously no need for CPR.

She's failing to take into consideration that he wouldn't have been getting efficient oxygen during CPR whilst waiting for ambulance.

He had a GCS of 3 when paramedics got to him.

He had a cardiac arrest at Southend.

So even if he had only been hanging for 3 minutes, his brain suffered without enough oxygen for a period of time after that. She doesn't seem to understand that it wasn't just the hanging episode that caused the trauma, it was trauma, after trauma after trauma (although he was pretty much gone by the time paramedics got to him).

And reading that back to myself, maybe I need to re-evaluate. Imagine finding your child hanging, trying to perform CPR only to discover you don't really know how and you can't save him.

And that's what you're trying to cover up, the fact that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't bring him back because you didn't know how.
It was not only Archie’s breathing that stopped at his home, his heart had stopped too. He had both a respiratory and cardiac arrest.
From the time of the 999 call it took 8 minutes for the ambulance to get there. 8 minutes.
The paramedics were unable to restart his heart although they supported his system by CPR.
It was only at Southampton Hospital that his heart was restarted and circulation reestablished, they have more sophisticated drugs and techniques in hospital.
From the time of the 999 call to restarting the heart was about 36 minutes.
These established facts are in the court documents. No one, even HoLi, can say for certain how long Archie was hanging that is why no time is officially documented for this. What is certain is that both his breathing and heart had stopped.
Most untrained members of the public perform CPR inefficiently with only about a 10% success rate for out of hospital CPR.
HoLi’s 3 minutes just does not reflected the documented known facts.
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I've already seen people saying that there's no evidence for suicide so they don't understand and it must be some sort of SM challenge *scratches head* and obviously everyone's out to get HD because she dared fight for kid and she's a woman *scratches head again*.
It's worrying that these people roam freely in our society.
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Why can't someone in authority stand up to this vile woman? She doesn't become a protected species just because she is a bereaved mother..especially under these circumstances. Why can't the Health Secretary show some backbone and refuse to grant her an "audience". What makes her different from all the bereaved parents who have endured far more than she has in dignified silence and gratitude for the care shown by dedicated health professionals? Oh yes..she hasn't shown any gratitude, just aggressive, unjustified and unsubstantiated raging against a hospital who kept her son artificially breathing for so many months just to placate her and her wretched "army". It's incredible..Just shows it pays to be gobby and rude which is such a bad example to set when you're dealing with this type of person..
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Isn’t tik tok‘s minimum age 13? So Hollie knew her son was apparently practicing making himself pass out, what was her role besides observer? Why did she allow her child on a platform and not monitor what he was posting? Because I saw his posts and they were concerning and he’s not my child. Did she not care? I’m sorry but Archie’s death isn’t the fault of tik tok. She’s the parent, she didn’t act like one.
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Chatty Member
So she knew this but waits until he's dead to do anything about it. Awesome parenting.
It's all a load of shite. We have no idea what's true and what isn't. I mean we're here debating what denomination they are when actually it's all smoke and mirrors.

I don't believe for a minute she's at all religious. The only thing she worships is the spotlight.
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I agree. I don’t think she has any sort of mental illness.
She seems to be just an entitled, greedy, delusional, mouthy, bullying, thick cow.
There are a lot of them about, unfortunately.
Mental illness would be a cop out in her case.
She’ll probably crash at some point though.
I think she’s just thick. So thick she doesn’t realise how thick she is. She didn’t understand what the dr’s were saying, and she got into an echo chamber with other thick people who think “muvvers instinct” overrules any dr.

she was already a conspiracy nut. She doesn’t understand education and science so she really can’t see why she’s wrong. Once an idea sets in her head she searches out information to prove herself right, and she doesn’t have the thinking ability to accept she may have got the wrong end of the stick.
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Not Morning Dog

Active member
It's all a load of shite. We have no idea what's true and what isn't. I mean we're here debating what denomination they are when actually it's all smoke and mirrors.

I don't believe for a minute she's at all religious. The only thing she worships is the spotlight.
This. Their religion (or more likely lack off) doesn't really matter, it doesn't change what actually happened. It doesn't change the fact she neglected and did nothing to help her depressed and suicidal child. Or that she's told multiple lies about what happened. Or that she kept his brain dead body on a machine for months while it rotted and live streamed it for all to see. Or that she lied about and blamed the people caring for Archie's body. Or that she's grifted money off people so she can profit off her own child's death.

She better hope there's no hell.
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And so the clown circus rolls on....
....I'm thinking those toy clapping clockwork monkeys ....
Far be it for me to gossip...but...I walked past that designer dress shop in Sarfend today,called SketsRus, and rumour has it that they have made her outfit especially. Heres a sneak preview...classy or what?


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Like of all the places you really don’t have a crafty peek at the old wang chung sites is the House of Commons 😑 danger wank and a half that must have been
Be funny if a lot of those MPs (and maybe in the other House too!) already knew HD from viewing her online.....

HD keeps saying that Archie was only hanging for 3 mins as if this makes a massive difference.

She can't really know unless she timed it.

He obviously wasn't breathing when he was cut down obviously no need for CPR.

She's failing to take into consideration that he wouldn't have been getting efficient oxygen during CPR whilst waiting for ambulance.

He had a GCS of 3 when paramedics got to him.

He had a cardiac arrest at Southend.

So even if he had only been hanging for 3 minutes, his brain suffered without enough oxygen for a period of time after that. She doesn't seem to understand that it wasn't just the hanging episode that caused the trauma, it was trauma, after trauma after trauma (although he was pretty much gone by the time paramedics got to him).

And reading that back to myself, maybe I need to re-evaluate. Imagine finding your child hanging, trying to perform CPR only to discover you don't really know how and you can't save him.

And that's what you're trying to cover up, the fact that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't bring him back because you didn't know how.
I have done CPR at least 3 times and it was too late in each case. The 4th time was in back of ambulance on way to hospital mainly because his partner was present in ambulance and just doing it to look like we were trying. CPR does not work every time. I knew that when I was doing it so managed to get through it. If HD did actually do CPR or get help then she might have thought he would just come round and get up and walk..... As we know it does not work like that.
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