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I’m surprised they managed to get the funeral at st Mary’s. It’s easily the most sought after church In the borough. I know weddings are different but there is always a 2 - 3 year waiting list to get wed there and they are pretty strict on faith there. I think their new friends at CC probably pulled some strings.

I notice too that the wake is at the park by the tree that they have taken as Archie’s. Takes the piss out of everyone else there that has gone about it the proper way and paid for a memorial tree through the council. I would be gutted if my family members tree was near that! Can just imagine the chavfest that will occur there for the wake. Drug taking, drinking ect. They had 45k to play with that was apperently to give him the best send of ever and they chose to do it for free in a local park …… so they can pocket has much of that money for themselves no doubt. Couldn’t get any more brazen.
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I'm not sure if this article has been posted before:

"Professor Thérèse Callus, a family law expert at the University of Reading, considers the case of 12 year old Archie Battersbee and why the need is to inform, not reform the law, when making life-support decisions."

Her conclusion:

"Need to inform, not reform

If any change is needed, it is not to do with reforming the best interests framework in which such decisions are taken. Rather, it is about informing the public, and when it happens, the families involved, that it is not about anyone taking a decision on the value of life. It is about judges compassionately analysing the situation of the child in the light of all of the evidence and making a decision which, even if death may be the only outcome, is one which preserves both the child’s and the family’s dignity in death, just as in life."

Thérèse Callus is Professor in the School of Law at the University of Reading. Professor Callus has also provided Expert Comment on Archie Battersbee life support – who decides?
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She’s latched on to this unusual case now.
See, she’s more knowledgeable than trained and experienced Drs.
In Archie’s case 💯 % no.

View attachment 1529702

Some of the comments on her post! One person said ‘we don’t even own our own children’. What a strange notion . Owning your child! We are responsible for our children. We don’t own them!
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I often wonder - not just relating to AB - if doctors just try *too* hard?
The 'life at any cost' mentality that leaves patients and families in a never-ending limbo. I have seen first hand the 'successful' result of an horrifically head-injured person who was 'saved'. A genuinely Good person, intelligent, family-orientated, church-going, with high morals. That person to all intents and purposes died on the day their life was 'saved'. But no one - spouse, children, colleagues - could either grieve or rebuild their lives. They were left with a shell. A shell in 24hr neuro rehab (there was *no* 'rehab'), who couldn't communicate, who tried to assault visitors, masturbated in full view, had lost ALL sense of accepted behaviour, and lost ALL boundaries. This would never, ever change, and they would never leave their 'rehab'. They would have been utterly horrified at what they had become. But, hey - they were *alive*. It was a 'successful' medical intervention. 😔
I don't know whether there are Official protocols regarding children on admission with injuries that are unlikely to be 'compatible with life'.
In my view, 'Life' doesn’t simply mean, 'Has a pulse'.
I wonder if any of those doctors who dealt with AB on his initial A&E admission regret not 'calling' it there and then. 😔
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Sunday Girl

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I think she feels she has to show everyone what she’s going through, none of this private grief stuff for our Holly. ‘Look at how upset she she is, aww she’s still grieving it’s so so sad, look at poor holly she must be the best mum ever cos look how she’s more heartbroken than anyone else’. She actually makes me heave with all those ‘look at poor me’ photos and posts, who could/would post photos and videos at a grave? A funeral? A hospital bed?. I wonder if she’s overcompensating cos she feels guilty she didn't do more when it was apparent he was contemplating the worst thing ever? I'm probably being too kind as I don’t feel she blames herself at all to be honest. Her behaviour since has particularly abhorrent, the vile way she treated the drs and nurses, the entitlement she demanded, then the whole very tragic process of that poor boy in hospital all that time. Imagine if the poor kid had survived but was severely disabled, I reckon Holly would have demanded a special house was built for him and her, 24 hour care fully paid for, every type of device available and it wouldve all been videos and live stream of that poor kid with several GoGriftMes and CFs all in Archie’s name..
Ok I’m old, a boomer if you like, but I just couldn’t for the life of me imagine taking photos at anyones funeral let alone to someone so close, and it wasn’t just the funeral it was every single part of what happened from day 1, it’s all very tasteless and vulgar. Thing is, being classy and having a bit of pride are not admirable qualities anymore along with morals and manners, just like kids aren’t brought up to be grateful for anything whether it’s possessions, family or life in general. Ppl and kids seem to be all ‘what about me‘ nowadays and how loud and demanding you are.
Being classy/decent isn’t about money or being posh, its how you present yourself, how you act, how you treat others. We were really poor as kids and from a really rough impoverished area, our lovely dad passed away at 36, my mum was 27 with 4 kids under the age of 11, yes times were bloody hard and we had very little when we were kids, but we were (and still are) all very respectful with manners and decency and believe it or not an appreciation for what little we did have. Soz for long post couldn’t stop messlf 🫢
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When my 8-week-old baby was hospitalized for a hernia op, the ward sister said that very often babies who were set to be discharged on a Friday weren’t collected by their parents until after the weekend, due to the parents wanting to go out clubbing or partying over the weekend. Unbelievable!
Same as the families of the elderly relatives medically fit to leave the ward before Christmas who think of any reason not to take them as they don't want to have them cluttering up their home over the festive season.
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She hasn't posted in a month a now, she's had her lapdog post on her behalf. Suspicions are that she's on a bit of SM blackout especially as one lapdog said that she was showing HD responses to posts.... so HD doesn't have access herself.
I hope it's because police have taken her devices to look through.
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Some of the comments on her post! One person said ‘we don’t even own our own children’. What a strange notion . Owning your child! We are responsible for our children. We don’t own them!
This is the nail on the head, though. When you start going through the profiles of the more...shall we say aggressive...people who support causes like this, they're always the UK versions of the US 'you'll have to pry my gun out of my cold, dead hands' mob. They're all "this is mine, I own, my rights, my oppression, this is a conspiracy, experts are liars, science doesn't know anything, they're taking our jobs, fake news, re-post inaccurate 'meme', repost Daily Mail, Hun".

It's a pretty shocking state of affairs, to be honest.
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Well that's no shock from the Coroner - poor Archie. It still makes me sad to think of how low he must have felt :cry: 💔
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Apparently over the weekend she's been posting that he was breathing by himself . A video of him in April was included and some facebook huns were convinced his arm was moving even though you can clearly see his dad holding his hand
Yeh, breathe, breathe. What a load of shite.
Shamelessly latching on to the case of a baby who was pronounced brain dead then gave a few shallow, irregular breaths, but not enough to sustain life independently and still requiring ventilation.
Oh, Arch needed more time. Sorry, he was brain dead. No amount of time would have made any difference.
Sorry to put it bluntly but PICU beds are very valuable. Highly trained and experienced staff’s time is very valuable. Paediatric patients need a PICU bed after major operations, illness, or trauma. If no bed is available they don’t get the operation or treatment in a timely manner. Delays in treatment can lead to death. What part of that do you huns not get. F**king unbelievable.
God bless poor Archie, but he was dead.
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Do you think all the TV shows that wheeled her out will comment on this and apologise for blindly believing this womans lies about the tiktok challenge? Holly & Phil I'm looking at you....
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I have no doubt Archie would have been troubled whoever he grew up with but it can't have helped being raised by an obviously narcissistic, controlling mother
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I’ve just been having a little nosey on Twitter, and I came across this interesting comment from someone called ‘Trish’. She heard this. I hope she won’t mind me posting it here. I wonder if anyone else here can verify this?
Clearing his phone won't clear his phone. It just doesn't - as all the latest true-crime documentaries will confirm.
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Not Morning Dog

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It’s all a hotch-potch of rambling, incoherent, inconsistencies.
I think it’s the ‘parental right’ to supersede Judges, Doctors and others rulings in medical, and possibly, social situations.
This will NEVER happen. Parents don’t have ‘rights’ they have responsibilities.
Including the responsibility to monitor their children's social media by, for one thing, not allowing them to sign up when they are underage.
The inability to think things through just beggars belief.
It's surprising how many people fail to realise it's called parental responsibility not "parental rights". So often they try taking legal action only to be told by a solicitor that they have no "rights" and they need work on fulfilling their responsibilities. Then they quickly lose interest in their kid because it's too much effort.
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I honestly think that the process of death and dying should be taught in Secondary Schools.
Including the difference between coma, vegetative state and brain death etc with a little bit of medical ethics thrown in.
Mind you, there would probably be some parents standing at the school gates with ‘there (sic) brian washin ar kids’ placards.
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Sometimes the kids may be in specialist hospitals far from home so there is the cost of having to find accommodation nearby if there is no charity accommodation like Ronald McDonald House. Also, depending on their employer, they may not be getting paid while not at work so still have to pay out money for food etc. But there are definitely many people who milk it for personal gain.
When my 8-week-old baby was hospitalized for a hernia op, the ward sister said that very often babies who were set to be discharged on a Friday weren’t collected by their parents until after the weekend, due to the parents wanting to go out clubbing or partying over the weekend. Unbelievable!
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That weird CT guy, Aaron Sexton, said in an interview, when HoLi was standing beside him, that children are our property.
How in the hell do we own our children? Why would we consider them property?
How many times does someone have to say, we have responsibilities not rights
It just reminds me...... to back in the day....

I married her, I can do with her what I like because she's mine.

I married her, I can have sex with her whenever I like, it's not rape if you're married.

I married her, she's my property, she can't do x, y and z.

And so it goes on and on and on.

I thought we were beyond that shit now.
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