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I remember my golden birthday- 19. I sunk a bottle of Thunderbird, got awful heartburn which made me sick. It all culminated in me crying as it was my last year as a teenager 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️
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I think Kail is just a mean girl and dislikes her ex’s new partners. Remember she absolutely hated Vee and was awful to her for years before she finally got over herself and became friends with Vee. I remember feeling sorry for Vee as they had to move closer to Kail as she decided to move so far away with Isaac when she married Javi. Vee was pregnant at the time and lost her support system, I’d say it was very hard on Jo too in the grand scheme of things. Kail has always been a selfish person in my opinion
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Kail with all her faults really has broken away from her childhood she’s giving those kids a really decent childhood
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Has anyone seen the stuff on twitter with Tyler and Catelyn? She posted bits of his Only Fans and now he is defending himself..I saw too much of his dick and wasn't expecting it 🤣
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What’s crazy that not many people seem to mention is Malik thought he was Creed’s dad too and even offered to take him on as his own regardless. So that poor guy was around for years and had this done to him twice 😭
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Agree I think its was so made up she hated him for a bit too but he loves his Daughter and little Stella too.
I can’t believe that devion started badly and didn’t come around for nova but the fact he treats Stella the same now is amazing. He’s really turned it around I just hope he can stay away from the gambling
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Just went to look haven't got that far yet but they have just posted a screenshot of Jenelles story of how biased the investigation is and that she can't trust cops 🙄😆
She had blamed her Mum for leaking stories and now blaming the Sheriffs office. Her lawyer will be on the phone to her today!
She is just so deluded.
Funny how the ex of David sells a story now 🤔
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Id read something about Jen and Larry paying the judge off (previous to this probably for other demeanours). How can they think it’s the right thing to release him early especially with the company he is keeping?

Exactly why he’ll never learn. 🤦‍♀️ good old mummy & daddy. What a bunch of drips
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The lady doing the Amber timeline on TT has just covered the horrendous episode where Matt tries to convince Amber to marry him. I feel a bit sorry for Amber here although she has entertained Matt after many red flags. I missed the bit the first time around that Matt said to the female producer “I don’t care who you have to give oral pleasure to, but keep the Amber/matt wedding thing off the tv” 😳😳 the fact the producer doesn’t bat an eyelid makes me think that Matt was just generally unpleasant 24/7 but I can’t believe he said this and nobody on the team told Amber immediately. He was a tw@t after at the meal too. Awful
I agree she should be asking for help from others. I think there is more to her backstory than she is telling. Her brother I don’t think was mentioned before and his death is a bit mysterious. I think she is someone who has been let down by others multiple times in life (Bar being a prime example) and she has felt the need to become defensive and hard as a result. She’s strict with Holly, but if you consider how Bar turned out, and possibly her brother and other family or friends we don’t know about…she may have very good reason to fear the consequences of not raising her child perfectly.

She’s also got an ambition to be a nurse…which doesn’t exactly match her attitude, and she has taken on the care of her younger sister even while she it at college, has her own child to care for and her marriage is falling apart. I think underneath the attitude is a very caring woman, but she struggles to show it. Her arguing with people and pushing away potential friends is a self-defiance mechanism, she is hurting from other things such as the situation with Bar and doesn’t know how to cope when someone like Chey doesn’t speak about her in a positive way, she sees it as an outright attack not plain criticism. As she’s also on tv she doesn’t want to be seen as weak and not sticking to her principles so I think that’s why she is so adamant that she won’t back down from an argument. A lot of this may stem from her mother, Tea. If you watch the family reunion episodes where the fights happen…her mother is basically winding her up and egging her on and joining in with the fights (and she’s supposed to be a church pastor!). She has learned somewhere in early life that to survive as a black woman you need to be tough.

She’s also I think makes a fair point in regards to Chey. I think the initial argument was for stupid reasons and not necessary…so Ashley is at fault there. But the ‘making up’ efforts that Chey and Zack have decided to do all on camera all seem contrived and fake, so I think she is correct to shut it down. She’s also right on point with her response that they don’t need to be friends or speak to each other just because they might see each other at a reunion show, they could just politely ignore each other and have peace that way. It’s also a bit of a cheek that Chey wants them to get along when the whole thing started because Chey said they didn’t need to be friends (because they are both black)…which was a fair comment but then why is she later then so keen to make friends? The two of them have such different lives anyway, Ashley has some preconceived ideas from her upbringing about what it means to be a ‘black woman’ and Chey doesn’t conform to that, Chey is from money and hasn’t experienced life in the same way. Chey is also correct in the comment that sparked the initial argument that they don’t need to automatically be friends just because they are both black, Ashley is used to generally only making friends with other black girls with the same ideals as herself, which can be seen from her friendship group. They are never going to understand each other.

In the UK we maybe don’t fully appreciate the racial element of what the issue is between these two, the US still has black and white neighbourhoods, suffers from racial prejudice on a bigger scale than here. From the recent 2 TM series I think that it’s clear that Ashley has experienced it (or at least been on the sidelines of it, or been taught about it) and Chey has not.
I really like your breakdown and summary of these girls it’s spot on
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Sounds harsh but her appearance in general annoys me. I think she’s naturally quite pretty and has potential but really let herself go. She still experiments with her hair cuts/ colours as if she’s 14 too
Yeah this is what annoys me. She needs to sort her hair out 😭 the best I ever saw her hair was when they got married and it’s been a shambles ever since. Every time there’s a reunion I see her hair and roll my eyes 😂
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Im always baffled that her Mom is an addict. Addicts found my way never have that much booty.
I never thought of that before! Whatever she takes she must get some serious munchies 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣

I honestly don’t know why she lets her parents near khloie when they have a bad addiction. It’s a recipe for disaster in my opinion and poor khloie will grow up thinking it’s normal
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I'm not so sure this story is true (could be David and Jenelle selling stories for money) BUT if it is true - it means Jenelle has a new man. Girl would never kick David out unless she had a new one lined up. God knows she never puts her kids first, only men.
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😂😂 ffs MTV get her a hair stylist
And clothes and make up, I’m sure she’s wearing my top from 2009 🤣. The other girls look so much better in comparison. She annoys me cos of her potential, her daughters are so pretty cos she is naturally
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Leah is really pushing the fact she isn’t homophobic, can tell she is horrified her dad said what he said and she’s like damn I better prove I support the LGBT+ community. If anything she is going a bit OTT though and seems forced by dragging her kids into it. Especially putting a flag in her garden 😭😂
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What’s the Victoria’s Secret texts about/too? The part where it says “mom is giving me money” is that the ex?
That’s Maryssa’s mum he’s talking to. The ex said one Christmas after a fight she saw a Victoria’s Secret bag under the tree. It was a bag of poo he had wrapped up and her whole family saw
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I feel sorry for the poor kid, as much as a living foster family would be great he’s so used to the f’ed up family he’s been with it will take him so long to even feel safe and build up trust wi the anyone.

Such a sad situation, I feel bad saying it but he probably would have been better off being put up for closed adoption from day one, atleast he would have been spared from all this dysfunctional Jenelle vs Barb shit day in day out
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Cory is a man child. He’s too much.
What I’m struggling the most with though is how in the name of the wee man, did Jade and Sean manage to 45k over their wedding budget?
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