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Chatty Member
My predictions for this new season:

Catelynn and Tyler will have some mental health issues, or their parents or kids will. Just anything that fills their airtime to distract from the fact that they are unemployed layabouts. Brandon and Teresa will be pissed off that they can’t stop talking about their failed open adoption arrangement, then Tyler will insist on talking about their being pissed off on National tv, and Catelynn will say unconvincingly that she still believes adoption is a good thing.

Cheyanne, Zak, Cory will have several ott parties and make self centred speeches about how wonderful they all are. They will make an unnecessarily big deal out of any inconvenience, such as Cory being away from home for a short period for ‘work’.

Maci will strengthen her bond with Jen and Larry, showing compassion for what Ryan has put them through. Jen will cry thick mascara tears and Larry’s face will turn red every time he’s been near the wine bottle. Ryan will probably not be seen at all because last season he was claiming to have finally been enlightened over his additions and now can’t show his face for shame. Bentley will also likely not be seen or barely, Maci and Taylor will try to push back mtv on filming asking him sensitive questions…they’ll focus on showing him playing sports etc if they are pushed to involve him.

Ashley will be pissed off at everyone else, and refuse to engage in any type of peace arrangement, egged on by her mother and sister, put on thick makeup and give the camera some black girl from the projects attitude. She will be separated from Bar, but then randomly reconcile for no reason.

Brianna will make her storyline about a new boyfriend, wanting another baby etc, just because she has nothin else to film. She’ll alienate Luis further by shit-talking him on national tv again and then he will show his face for 5 seconds to pass Stella a gift as a lame attempt to try to rectify his public reputation and she will look at him like he’s a stranger. Devoin will walk around dressed like a gangster with expensive trainers and gold bracelets, Brittany will sit in the corner making withering comments, and Roxanne will take sides with Devoin/Luis not matter how shittily they treat her granddaughters in vain hope that history doesn’t repeat itself as she’s never gotten over being left to raise her.

Amber will sit on the couch, talk to the producers because no-one else wants to film with her and cry about how she is too lazy to have custody of her kids. Leah will reach some milestone like having her first boyfriend and Christina will do all the relevant parenting work. Gary will wear his ‘dad bod’ t-shirt.

Farrah will make a surprise appearance because the rating are falling and she loves a cash grab. She will complain that she is too good for the show and be rude to her mother who wants more than anything to be a reality star in her own right, blame the loss of Daddy Derek for all her problems and burst into tears, Michael will stand by waiting for instructions, then Farrah will quit because someone brought her a cold coffee, but not before trying to push Sofia into the limelight because making her a social media/reality star would be good income, Sofia will use the opportunity to plug her new band she’s just joined even though she, like her grandmother, has no musical talent.

Leah will be concerned about the girls’s being woke enough, fly some pride flags and start wondering if it’s time for them to talk about transgender issues, forget that Ali is supposed to have been writing a book..and that she was supposed to have trained as a realtor, get bored and wonder if she should have stayed married to either of her husbands and declare that she doesn’t need a man, while also constantly telling everyone that she is single. Corey wont be seen because Miranda doesn’t trust mtv not to embarrass them, and Jeremy won’t be seen because Addie loves him more than her mother and Leah won’t want the public to realise that.

McKenzie will return, her husband will have disappeared, the school will raise concerns that her kids are feral and emaciated. She will put the kids on a milkshake diet and become its brand ambassador. If she runs out of things to film, she will thank the lord she is still alive and lament the loss of her mother, but not to worry the lord is looking after her as well. MTV will regret bringing her back, due to it being like watching paint dry and bring her in for crisis talks with producers.

Jade and Sean will continue to make good life progress, while being dragged down by her parents. If they have no real issues, they will move house or Kloie will get behind at school to give them something to talk about, everyone will fast forward their segments.

Reunion time with Dr Drew, and Nessa will say ‘got it’ after every answer given by her interviewees in a dismissive tone. Drew will claim the show has single-handedly reduced teen pregnancy in the USA by some unrealistic percentage, while ignoring the fact that all the show actually promotes is that teenagers can become millionaires and never have to do a real days work in their lives if they get pregnant then apply to reality tv.

Off camera:
Chelsea will be happily satisfied that she made her money from the show and got out at the right moment, she won’t comment on anything or may not even bother to watch it.

Kailyn will watch every second, scrutinise every word said, then bitch about the other women on her podcast, particularly Brianna, while simultaneously claiming she doesn’t care about the show, the people and doesn’t want to be part of it.

Jenelle will continue to be pissed off that David got her fired, and hope to rejoin the show, which won’t happen because mtv know the audience only watch her segments for Barb who will say no because everything with Jace is so sensitive and she won’t want him on camera, so Jenelle will get high high high while waiting for CPS to arrive, but still make time to create a quick Tik-Tok to tell everyone how she’s been crying all day.
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what makes me laugh the most is when Cory goes off to the challenge and they act like he's drafted into Afghanistan, all crying and big emotional goodbyes like hello??? its some shitty game show? he's not off to fight for his country or do any kind of proper job
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Chatty Member
I know Barbara yelled at Jenelle and made plenty of parenting mistakes…but I don’t think she can be accused of not caring about either Jenelle or Jace or not constantly trying to doing things to the best of her ability.

Something I really do like about Barbara is that on Teen Mom, she comes across as completely honest not doing a single thing for the airs and graces whatsoever, if she’s not happy with her daughter’s behaviour she going to shout about it, and if she’s not convinced she can be a good mother she’s not giving up custody…that was apparent from the very beginning and she stayed true to that all the way through, plus she gave every one of Jenelle’s boyfriends/husbands the chance to prove themselves before she would fall out with them over things that she was in the right about. That’s why I would side with her over Jenelle anyway in a question of which one of them is more capable or more truthful.

Also, if you listen carefully, amongst all the arguments, her intention was always to transition Jace over to Janelle for fully custody at a point where it became appropriate. During earlier series Barbara tried to do it with him staying with his mother at weekends, but Janelle wasn’t happy…wanting him full time…but Barbara wanted it done slowly to ensure the stability was there and it didn’t backfire, especially because Jenelle was living in a different school district so it would be a lot of upheavals for Jace if the main custodian kept flip-flopping. Yet Jenelle proceeded to try to get her way via court action rather than proving herself slowly.

It also must irk Barbara that she has spent most of her adult life working in Walmart to raise her kids, and Jenelle, who left her mother in a position where she had to make the decision to raise a grandchild while still working, dossed about smoking weed then hit the jackpot with a reality tv paycheck.

As an aside, I think if Barbara had ever found herself the right type of man, she would have had the support to learn how to react differently and deal with stressful situations appropriately. When she did have a husband/partner, he seemed to lurk quietly in the background and although I can understand him not involving himself with Jenelle directly, he never talked Barbara down or offered her tea and sympathy either. She comes across to me as someone who needs to have someone lead her away to another room and be told to take some deep breaths before things escalate…because Jenelle was only ever going to escalate as well, so as the parent Barbara needed to learn not to react to her, and to instead put in place calmly considered consequences, rather than yelling at her every time she behaved in a way that prevented her being a mother to Jace.

One thing that also stands out, is that for all the things over the years that Barbara did for Jace, including looking after him while Jenelle was in jail and couldn’t have cared for him even if she’d had custody…she never got a thank you or any kind of praise, not from Jenelle and possibly from no one else either.
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I must have missed the part where Barbara made her use a feeding tube, made her think she couldn’t walk and shaved off her head to make it look like she was going bald 🙄
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Amber is a liability. She’s a spoilt brat who uses her illness as an excuse to dip in & out of parenting. She’s one big pity party. 🥳
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So apparently the scariest thing that happened was that someone tried to break into Jenelles house on Sunday night. So either it’s David trying to get back in, or she’s gonna say she needs David there for protection. The girl is such a liar I just can’t. Really dislike her more than ever, at least when she was younger she could claim being young and stupid making mistakes but her and David are dangerous calculated people
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Make It Stop

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Poor Jace, that childs been through so much trauma - I really hope he doesn’t end up a troubled young man?
Unfortunately I feel the odds have been stacked against Jace right from the beginning. His story saddens me the most due to the rejection, neglect and dysfunction. Poor boy never stood a chance 🥲
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Barbara did right by Jace but she's also extremely emotionally volatile and her own kids grew up ,from the sounds of it ,exposed to severe domestic abuse with Barbara's own partners.

She's obviously not DeeDee Blanchard but I can see how she Jenelle ended up with problems regulating her own emotions and choosing low life's , which is the cause of a lot of her problems.
The thing is maybe I see it differently because I grew up around violence and bullshit and so have a lot of people I know.. I have a safe steady home now and have been a good parent who always puts my child first. I get people have reasons for things but there’s plenty of people who grow up in situations and become good parents. I don’t think having a shit mother is an excuse to be one yourself. If anything you learn the things not to do. She has exposed her son to so much trauma from day one 😢
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Make It Stop

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Find it so weird Janelle revels in Jace’s bad behaviour when he’s with Barb and seems to really gloat about it when he also ran away from barbs.. how is she completely oblivious to the fact poor Jace is messed up solely because of Janelle’s actions when he was younger!! If anything Barb prevented him being even more messed up by going in the care system! How can she not see that 🤯

It’s that video of him as a child singing in the back of a car about rainbows and sunshine while she cries over the latest loser she’s picked to breed with, heartbreaking 💔
That was a horrible scene, her crying to her young child about Nathan treating her like shit while he was trying to comfort her by telling her he was there. She was so fucking self absorbed she couldn’t see that poor little boy cry out to be valued by her. I hate her. Poor Jace he has been rejected by her so many times in his life.
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Not meant to be a hateful or nasty post but does anyone else think Kail’s Issac is 🌈 .. Maybe I’m just stereotyping because of the pink nail varnish and because he speaks so feminine. Maybe kids are just more relaxed and expressive than when I was younger?
I think it’s 1 thing Kail should be applauded for. There are many parents who wouldn’t allow their child to freely be themselves and present however they want to present but Issac is clearly happy and able to be him/themselves
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Javi and Lauren are engaged and expecting too
This is what the “big” news was the tt was talking about a few weeks ago. It can’t even explain how much I do not give a 💩 about Javi 😂 Lauren is a fool for getting with him the first place never mind taking him back
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They’ll lose all the kids and David will only have Jenelle to take out allllll his anger on. I can genuinely see him killing her, he’s 100% got it in him
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