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Sorry to bring this up again …

And I hope people don’t come for me because I’m not trying to make her look bad but does anyone else think amber is wanting a diagnosis, so that her kids behaviour doesn’t look like a reflection of her parenting?

don’t get me wrong there could be more to it with B but even dating back to the first seasons I’m sure he was under 2 and she couldn’t control him and would cry constantly. Let him drink coke and eat sweets because he cried for them and then would question why he’s so hyper.

Leaving him with the dummy for years not really maintaining boundaries and discipline until he was bigger (even then they showed her doing the naughty step once or twice and ever since she tells him stop, he doesn’t listen and she sits there stressed); I feel like he’d be her scapegoat and even the way she’s saying Hudson is copying Brooklyn rather than maybe I should put stricter boundaries and structure in place, use the dummy less, better diet, tackle misbehaviour.

I feel like it’s easier to label the older son a ‘problem’ or give him a condition if that makes sense? I mean obviously as parents we have to explore if it could Be more and I commend her for doing so; but if there isn’t anything there or even if there is I still feel that a better home life and stability and consistently following through on boundaries would make a lot of difference. I hope her and Ste make changes to the way they raise them as she’s not a bad mum but I do think she’s overwhelmed & could do with parenting classes (and Ste too).
Didn’t they have a lady come in and try to help? They also went to couples therapy didn’t they?
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I'm aware this will be an unpopular opinion but I don't really see what Maggie said that was "so brutal" to Mia. Maggie's a dick obviously we all know that, but in the instance of the first ep fair enough. I know the whole "introducing kids to your partners" thing, fair, but the way Mia tried to compare it, I do actually get what Maggie was saying but with a nuance. Erin's Aalayah's mum, Marliya will always have known her as her sister's mum so it isn't quite the same as say Mia introducing her boyfriends. Not team Maggie in any way but just my 2p.
Definitely not an unpopular opinion on my part as I do get what Maggie was saying even though she plays both sides. But definitely having children especially a girl child you cannot be introducing your current partners until your certain the relationship is going some where
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you can sit functional skills whenever you want when you feel ready x
I know that. I wasn’t on about functional skills I’m on about general GCSEs. When I did my English gcse we were under a Welsh board for it so we sat that on a different date to everyone doing their English gcse with the standard English board
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Off topic but Chanelle on ex on the beach screaming in Zahida’s face like an actual wailing baby whilst everyone is like “wtf was that” is one of my favourite reality tv moments ever
Omg and that Harriet (I think that what she was called) basically went am I fuck getting Inbetween those two physcos 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Very off topic but does anyone else find it really sad how Megan’s son always poses like this? Like he’s obviously copied it from men she’s been with/hung around, just let him be a child! He’s not a mini road man 😭
Never seen lads do that pose before yeah I’ve seen them giving the finger not this. I assume it’s just a lads thing like my nephew use to do poses that he seen off cartoons like the Simpsons or what not. I’m not saying he isn’t getting it off people megs been around I just wouldn’t assume it’s bad because hopefully he’ll grow out of it
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In regards to Brooklyn and ASD, I have a nephew who has it and when my brother and his ex were on bad terms his behavioural issues were so heightened; but in school he would model other childrens behaviour (and that’s what coaxed him to talk as he was non verbal and delayed with language) so it IS possible they behave very differently in school but I do also agree the lack of structure, boundaries and arguments constantly can have a knock on effect to the ‘acting out’.

I’m sure if his school teacher watched an episode of when he had meltdowns they might be shocked so it’s not always the schools fault, they have to report what they see. That’s why when a child starts acting out they ask “is anything happening at home?” Because home life has a detrimental impact to learnt behaviours as that’s where they are most of the time.

edited to add: I’m not saying asd itself is acting out I’m talking about extreme out of the ordinary behaviour - especially when it’s so different at school. Every child with ASD is completely different although there are some common traits and characteristics. my main point is if their home life is stable then you would be able to differentiate whether he has picked up on their behaviours, or if he is on the spectrum or both possibly but it’s been toxic for years and he’s been privy to it all sadly.
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Didn’t she have an Instagram page for her kids too? I can’t remember what it’s called to even check.
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I don’t think Brooklyn has adhd. There’s a test you have to do for this first, the Woodcock-Johnson test which is a bit shit tbh but it’s the first port of call after a doctors referral. If this graph doesn’t show the traits in so many areas or settings then the assessment can be continued with a psych depending on where they are in the country (diff doctors etc). To me, Brooklyn shows some of the typical traits of adhd (the stereotype traits) however if he’s passed the graph test they would be unlikely to continue down this avenue. It’s possible he is on the autism spectrum which I know less about apart from I do suspect that myself and my daughter are on there somewhere but I know nothing about diagnosing it. It does annoy me when people excuse their childrens bad behaviour as adhd because it’s actually quite hard to get a diagnoses. My daughter was assessed for 7 years back and forth before being diagnosed as severe. Brooklyn (IMO) displays the stereotypical traits of adhd on screen so in that case his graph scores would match up and produce enough evidence to progress with assessments. So either he has been dismissed for adhd or Blackpool CAMHS is very poor which is also likely, for the amount of time it’s been going on. Amber says she waiting for this and that, if it were me I’d be badgering them all the time if I had the time (no job). I do think Amber is depressed and this is probably why she isn’t pushing and why she’s not really bothered about the house etc.
I wouldn’t say Blackpool is very poor. In my work the department for ASD and adhd has a two year waiting list in general and it has gotten long since lockdown. We’re lucky though because the kids that are under Camhs for other stuff like depression, anxiety etc due get prioritised but we have lower services such as charity services that do 6/8 week parenting course for the parents waiting for their kids to be accessed.
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Sorry didn’t mean it like that, there’s been so many complaints about CAMHS and personally in my area they are brilliant. It was just looking at all options, if people are on waiting lists etc. i didn’t mean it was likely Blackpool was poor although it looks like that 🤦🏻‍♀️ I meant the services are so stretched maybe Amber is just waiting on them. Bad choice of words on my part.
It’s completely fine, I’m not sure if they work the same way as we’re I work as I know here the adhd and ASD departments are separate to CAMHs so I’m assuming it’s the same in Blackpool. Amber only mention during one of the lockdowns so it’ll probably be likely if he doesn’t get assessed in the series he’s probably due it end of this year start next year that’s if there waiting list is similar to the service in my work and the referral was only done during the lockdowns.
I know the girl I went to school with her little lad shows clear signs of ASD and she’s been waiting since before lockdown to get him assessed and he was only assessed last week
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Sorry if it’s already been asked but I’m trying to avoid the recent posts cos of spoilers - has anyone got any idea why the new episodes aren’t on the mtv play app? Where are people watching the new series without mtv?
Paramount + you get a free trial only for a week though
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Oh my god, Amber driving with Brooklyn in the front seat of the car, no booster seat, puffy coat, AND THE SEATBELT IS GOING UNDER HIS ARM NOT ACROSS HIS SHOULDER 😳😳😳 I paused it multiple times to check because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How could they put that on tv?!
To be fair if using a seatbelt it’s fine to wear a coat - it’s only a safety risk when using the harness I checked with Britax when I needed to remove the harness when my so reached the weight limit… also my sons 6 nearly 7 and still in the backseat in a high back booster that’s at the correct height for the headrest (look at Mia’s clips from last week) and he’ll be using it until he’s too big… just not worth taking the risk
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Remember a while back when Dylan and Ree split up (one of the many time) he posted a pic of him and a girl on a sofa I think it was? With a pile of clothes next to them…do we reckon that was this girl who he apparently loves after being with for all of five mins? He had cheated with Ree for a long time before they actually got together if I remember correctly so it wouldn’t be the first time.
Oh yeah! That’s the one he showed in the underwear then I’m guessing? 😕
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Hang on though how does anybody know what date she meant when she said she’s sitting it? Thought the show is recorded like a few months ago or whatever rather than now? Either way she is taking the piss with it, stop deluding yourself Chloe we all know you’re never gonna go to uni…imagine her on a midwifery course😂
It was an Insta story
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Wow that’s a long time. I live in the north east and we waited weeks before my daughter was assessed. She wasn’t text book so was assessed twice in one town over 4 years, and twice in another over the following 3. CAMHS here deals with adhd so I assumed it would be the same nationwide. I’ve got a long timeline of my experience for a child that isn’t textbook, it’s so frustrating. I’ll bet Amber is end of her tether
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