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There are more, I’ll see if I can dig them out when I have the time.
It’s actually so mental. In what world is filming a child in bed and sleeping over with them not completely inappropriate. Before you even get to the literal grooming that took place before them meeting. Although Amelia is an SNP supporter which is a party rife with sex pests, explains a lot
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I absolutely despise this little creepy AGP goblin and I’m so glad he’s got a thread now.

He bitches and moans about every single thing yet loves throwing around “Karen” as an insult.
An example I remember is he said Hello Fresh were encouraging underage drinking because he got a free bottle of beer in his HF delivery. He said kids could be ordering HF to get booze without their parents knowing. People in the comments were rightly pointing out you have to be 18 to order HF in the first place, it’s pretty expensive and if kids want to drink they’re just going to drink what their parents already have in the house instead of ordering a weeks worth of meal prep ingredients to potentially get a free bottle of beer, but he still kept doubling down 😭

He films himself 24/7 either through cameras in his house or car. Really creepy.

He’s a really dangerous driver. He filmed himself using an auto parking technology he has in his car whilst faffing about with getting his wheelchair into the front seat - paying no attention to his surroundings! And when he got called out he had a litany of excuses about how safe his car tech is 🙄

Don’t get me started on his dodgy nonce tendencies claiming he’s friends with under 18s “with their parents permission” when he’s a fully grown adult.
I think she’s lying about not having money I think she does have money but not any new money coming in. She’s spending way to much for someone who can’t work.
She also keeps posting about periods I get that she’s possibly trying to raise awareness but I don’t think that’s her reasoning for posting I think it’s attention she almost like she resonates with us woman.
It’s fellas like him that are responsible for us women being referred to as “people who menstruate” instead of just WOMEN in a lot of women’s health discourse
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Chatty Member
Filming herself driving again… yet we’re the ones that police need to investigate?
Incredibly selfish and stupid thing to do.
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She also is making a huge assumption no one here commenting is trans. I know my trans friends are just as sick of seeing people behave like this. They just want to live their life like any human does. I don't tip toe around any of them either.

Although they arent dating minors and also are very careful about who they do enter relationships with as they are prone to being fetishised or put in danger.

Like I said before, her identity or what genitalia she has makes no odds. It's a drop in the ocean compared to what she has done.

Amongst it all, she puts people in danger every time she gets in that car. It was her who broadcasted in public spaces about having a seizure. If she runs over and kills some one is she going to blame that person for being transphobic?

It's the real world, if she seriously does have the mentality of a child she needs to be in supported accommodation. Personally I just think she's an adult so out of touch with reality
And to add, as for saying she can't respond to any of this, alot of it she should of responded to publically way before now. Not that that excuses her behaviour what so ever because dating a minor is always wrong but atleast people could see she'd acknowledged it was a mistake

I don't think she also realises we aren't 14 year olds and aren't as easily mislead even if she could comment. Alot of it is black and white wrong, not sitting on the boundary or just morally wrong.
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The stuff “she” posts is really concerning - especially telling people to “go off themselves” if they are transphobic. I’m not really educated in this topic and never mean to cause offence but I can’t get my head around her saying she doesnt ever want surgery but considers herself a lesbian woman?
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those screenshots, absolutely harrowing. typical groomer behaviour, trying to rationalise actual peadophilia. I think the police were never involved or it wasnt pressed further/charged as I do understand the young girl was very distressed at the time with all the vids/rumours
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She unfortuately is very bubble wrapped with not enough life experience to really properly understand politics. Like i said, very privilidged, private school educated, alot like Rishi with his lack of Sky.
It’s the way she goes on and on about the English for me… you are English, Amelia!!! Your whole family is English. You aren’t Scottish 😂😂 Your silly little bought title doesn’t make you Scottish in the slightest.
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Is there actual proof of this cancer diagnosis/treatment? Given this persons history.

*I have only briefly looked at a few videos it was enough to put me off for life so I don’t know this persons full history 😂
Yeah it was a specific type of lymphoma. It did sound really shit, obviously not a diagnosis you want when you’ve just moved to a new country to start an apprenticeship in cybersecurity.

But she seems to think that along with being trans means she’s exempt from any criticism whatsoever which isn’t the case.
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Looks like we are all
Gonna get arrested 😭🤣🤣

she’s so weird??? And now she’s pulling the mental health card grow up Amelia, just because you’ve been caught out doesn’t mean you can go “ooo I don’t wanna be alive now”
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Most care systems now are adapted to work with the ptsn shut off. She had the care alarm way before she started messing around with landlines. I've not had a land-line since I moved out from my parents. For some one who cannot work I am suprised she wants any additional costs
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I am so greatful some one did finally post about her though. Been driving me crazy for months! I don't want to mention the young girls name as I know she was very upset when YouTube videos were posted about it - but the reasoning Amelia gave for if being 'ok' was that it was non sexual so it was 'fine' they still often bring her up in discord as I believe some of the younger lot are still friendly with her.
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Jesus wept. How many times does she mention dyspraxia as a reason for her getting a flat tyre?? I am dyspraxic myself and never ever have I blamed it for such bs. Again showing her lack of reality and understanding.

In a car park wearing a hi vis but gets in a car after a potentional seizure.

She's been reported by her friends - however when I had it with a family member it was quite slow. The licence was immediately revoked though once it came through
When her license is revoked she’ll be screaming on social media about it 😂 can’t wait to see it.
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He’s a typical AGP groomer - he is known for and is open about his online relationships with children and he knows exactly what he’s doing putting his OF references into his content when he knows he is mostly followed by similarly impressionable young teens. I remember on his old account he was called out for his “friendship” with a 15 year old girl and made up some story about how their mums had spoken and it was okay 🤢 he’s a grown adult and his autism is no excuse for interacting so much with kids. I’m sure he’s got a discord too which he no doubts speaks inappropriately to kids on.
He was called out for being obsessed with the giraffe girl too who he claimed was 16 but she was more like 13. He still occasionally posts stuff taunting her because she ghosted him aka after he went to meet her in real life her parents realised he was a massive predator and made her block him.
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They also went through a stage of posting very distressing phone calls or messages from younger people who had been dragged through a 'disciplinary' which were clearly a young kid not understanding it at all. If some one is breaking rules in a game, just ban them, dont make a kid sit through an recorded phone call and post it online.
The people who arent kids in that game come across as very vunerable adults - she has a PA who changes every few months, probably because she leaves the work to them and they quickly get overloaded.

The game itself seems to be up for a month or two then goes offline again for an extended period.
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The lesbian thing does confuse me. Does she want to be with a lesbian woman because if she’s not going to ever have the bottom surgery I don’t understand how that works?
It doesn’t matter if he gets “bottom surgery” or not, you cannot change your sex. He will never be a lesbian woman. He will always be a straight man. He uses his gender identity to justify his creepy relationships with children.
I honestly hope she can get some help and start moving on from the cancer. If the Scottish NHS is as brilliant as she claims she can surely get some therapy to help her start processing it and getting past it.

It’s a shame because she’s only young and yet has seemingly decided wheelchair life with constant 111/pendant calls and parasocial relationships with young kids is all that it’s worth having.
It’s hilarious because the Scottish NHS is objectively shite (I live here). The Scottish Govt has missed its key NHS performance indicators (cancer treatment waiting times, outpatient waiting lists, A&E performance etc) year on year that the SNP have been in charge. But they compare the NHS to England, where their performance is worse by those same measures, but not really directly comparable when you consider population differences and how it’s run, so they use that heavily in their spin. The SNP have literally just cut £100m from their Primary Care MH funding too so good luck Amelia getting any help for your clear mental illness.

Where Amelia lives, Forth Valley, their NHS Board was placed into special measures from Nov 2022 right into 2023 because it was being run so poorly, despite only having a population of 300k people.

Amelia may have gotten his cancer seen to quickly but he’s in for a fucking shock with the rest of it - that’ll be why he’s constantly calling NHS 111 and going to A&E cos he gets seen quicker and he gets more attention.
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Well-known member
Jesus wept. How many times does she mention dyspraxia as a reason for her getting a flat tyre?? I am dyspraxic myself and never ever have I blamed it for such bs. Again showing her lack of reality and understanding.

In a car park wearing a hi vis but gets in a car after a potentional seizure.
I wish I could report her to the DVLA, between the ‘seizure’ and the texting and driving she’s an absolute danger on the roads. Selfish knob
She's been reported by her friends - however when I had it with a family member it was quite slow. The licence was immediately revoked though once it came through
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