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Well-known member
I dunno. I saw this as a mum having fun with her kids , getting into party mode and spending time with them. I’d probably be the same. Kids love it when their parents get involved and have fun and let loose with them …..
Had this been anyone else and videos different, I'd agree. My family is huge. Outside all of us, only two cousins and I don't have children. One cousin and I are childfree, other cousin is childless for now. We all love and adore children and are very involved with our little cousins. We just had three separate birthday parties in 11 days. In every single party, these and until now, excluding those with infants that have to be carried, my other cousins (parents) never overtook their children's moments like this. They participated in taking out cake, lighting up candles, singing the birthday song, someone filming the moment kids blow the candle lights out. They played with their children, helped them with gifts. Never did they, or any of us attendees, rip their mic out or only made their birthdays about ourselves with constant filming of self. Childfree cousin is on tik tok, and she films sometimes with the kids and appropriate sounds for them. She doesn't post it, but also doesn't make herself the center of the video all the time either. You're right kids do love when their parents and family get involved, but Sass looked so down when Tammy tried to take her mic. It isn't the first time she looked miserable with Tammy in the shot, or was ignored by Tammy.
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I thought the pose photo looked familiar. Wish she kept the likes open, so we could see how much she fell off in the last 3 years engagement-wise (I'm not just talking about Matt's). Zucchini looks like a grown toddler whose mom never ironed his clothes. At least Poole knew how to dress. The story she put out made me laugh. Tammy, girl, you're the one constantly 'in your feelings' and have been hateful for the last 7 or so years. To anyone with a pulse near your exes. Funny how she can dish it but not be able to take it. It isn't surprising she's only okay with the comments crawling up hers and blindly hyping every move of hers. I can't wait for this to come around when they inevitably break up, I wonder what her excuse for the breakup will be.


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I'm just sick of people thinking it's others job to discuss it!? Yes, it's fucking horrible. No, we don't all have to post about it.
Whilst I think everyone should be helping to raise awareness… I think influencers in particular considering that is their job - influencing their audience should focus on bigger issues rather than influencing us to use their discount code it’s literally their job so why not do some good with it
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Tammy looks so different when others (make up artist) take a photo of her and she's not editing and posing.
It's hard to color match her hepatitis colored skin on her decolletage to her face 😆
But man, looking past all the recent lip filler and botox, she looks old and run down.
Didn't realize her face was actually so long. She hides it well with her poses, probably why it's always on the side.
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Does she see her sisters much anymore?
They're pretty much in each other's stories everyday. They just did a big Christmas party at Tammy's this week. Yes, that's right - a Christmas party in the middle of November.
Sleazy Matt Z was there too.
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Well-known member
Anyone have screens shots/screen recordings, i didnt see it & it sounds like a hot mess.
That TikTok I was talking about?
It was just them all sitting in the hotel room drinking and doing some voiceover trend about trying to find time in between appointments to see each other. Tammy looked really wasted but remember this bunch were her party drug crew (missing Ruby Tuesday Matthews) from years ago before Matt. During the time Ruby flexed she was doing coke and coffee for brekky.
I wonder how Tammy was towards Matt's girl?
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Well-known member
Gizelle was in stories with Tammy while Emilee was away skiing. So obviously Tammy was babysitting.
Maybe Tammy passed on Gizelle to someone else so she could stay the night in the hotel with this random and didn't tell Em??????
I'd be fully pissed if my sister did that.
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Active member
Agree completely, I’m also in the industry and the fact she has her head down while the makeup artist is bent over trying to do her face is so rude. The fact these clothes are on them is 🤯🤯🤯 to me. I also really get the feeling that Amy and Tammy are not as close as they used to be.
The look Amy is giving Tammy on the phone (on Emilee's story) is hilarious.
I'm wondering why Amy hasn't followed Tammys new Matt? I see she has refollowed Matt Poole.
Both Ava and Star follow him.
Do you think the sisters have had words to Tammy about him? Esp Amy? She can be over protective over Tammy, bringing down their name.
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I reckon she'd be such high maintenance. Having tantrums eg. Ditching him at the airport. She clearly can't maintain a relationship as it would have to be all about her and what she wants, all the time. She'd be such hard work. Also the tagging and untagging every time they fight is so immature.
He also would have alot of meltdowns having ADHD, which I think she'd be unsympathetic too. He would have been triggered by flight delays and mix up. I remember her calling Pooley a "baby" when he didnt eat hot chilli.
I'm not sure if he is medicated but if he is, he needs to be very careful with his pills as they prescribe Ritalin, a well known miss used pill people take off label to get energy and lose weight. It has opposite affects on sufferers of ADHD
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Active member
He's already announced he's in love with her 😁🤨 And she was complaining about dating just a month ago 🤔
He's a lap dog. She's going to milk this as much as she can
Can't wait to see family snapshot next week in matching muted tones 😂
Why is Star staring at them like a creep?
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Well-known member
ankle basher suit pants with white nikes is an ICK
But that's his style. I went and checked him out and ankle freezers are his go to.
I can't get over the pink suit though. He looks like Jim Carey in the Mask.
Can not imagine Tammy hooking up with him one little bit 🤣 Him I can understand because he sleeps with anything 😁
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Well-known member
WTF is wrong with Tammy 😡😡😡😡😡😡
What mother would upload a baby TikTok with these lyrics?
I am so mad. I just know when I comment, I'm gonna be blocked but I'm doing it.
This is the most disgusting piece of child exploitation I've seen from her.
And look, it's not even about Posy like she captioned, its her thotting herself with that mouthy mouth and waving her hand around.
Fuckin hell, I hope Matt sees the video. I'd be furious seeing my baby dancing to those words

"Yeah, you wanna lay the hands on me (yeah)
But you should see the way she dance on me
Yeah, wishing I ain't had no pants on me"
You know what is the saddest part of this for me? Aside from just plain exploitation and oversexualization of the child, to an extent.

It's the way Posy just hit one recently and she's been conditioned to know where the camera is, was looking for it for a few months now. These babies got cameras pretty much in their face from the moment they start coming out of their mother's body, and throughout life are coached on where to look, what to say, how to act for the camera. So moms and dads can post it to earn extra engagement and dollars. It's so sad. There's a ton of things Posy could've been doing with that phone, like dancing to proper music from it and without being filmed for mom's social media. Or watching a show appropriate for her age and development. Wolf also has been looking moody and down in the last pics, I presume the older kids are tired of constantly posing for Instagram. If they even have a concept of where their photos are going.
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Well-known member
Keeping it PG? Is that why she uploaded this to her Instagram then? Thanks Tammy, I'd never known you're in a love bubble if it wasn't for this completely unstaged video. She's really losing the usual narrative and control she has over every boyfriend, the need to prove this new 'love' is strong with this guy.

She got the tattoo at a White Fox boutique event in LA last month. The women there teased her about it saying she got the tattoo after knowing Zucchini for a short time, it was posted on this thread.
Might as well do Only Fans
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Chatty Member
Look at the bloody filtering she's been using.
Literally painted her top teeth white and forgot the bottom.
And another one of her "obsessed / best ever" new designs 😜
So far, every release she's said that.
Do people actually wears this shit at the gym because I know when I went, they didn't.
And some gyms actually ban stuff like that.
This looks like someone forgot to add the other strap. I wonder how her crap is selling, or not, selling, as she is flogging it with massive discounts. The same for her rip off fitness crap-app.
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