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Chatty Member
Can someone please tell me what WHAT is her accent? Why does she talk like that? Does she over-pronounce her ‘Ls’? I can’t figure it out? Does she have a transatlantic twang? Aarrgghh
She seems to do something different with her mouth when she talks in the video clips of her podcast. Odd.
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What is this bollocks now about not downloading My Fitness Pal and she wouldn’t recommend anyone else to either. Just because it didn’t work for her, why is she assuming that everyone else *will* have the same experience? For most people looking to lose some fat, calorie tracking is perfect as they usually have no idea how much they’re consuming. For most people it doesn’t become obsessive and for most people, they generally move on to true ‘intuitive’ eating afterwards. That means they understand roughly how many calories are in different foods and are able to make sensible decisions without having to track everything. It doesn’t mean gorging and piling on weight because ‘your body tells you to.’ Anyone who’s listening to her advice, and even worse paying her money for this absolute nonsense, needs their heads checking.
I mean I get the whole follow a workout plan to look like the the personal trainer *cough* Courtney Black. But when it comes to diet it’s definitely about having balance and making sensible decisions .
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Well-known member
She is just an awful, fake influencer these days which is really sad.
A proposal should be a beautiful thing not something to drive her social media engagement. 🙄
Pity because he seems like quite a nice, 'normal' guy too.
Why do people have to open up every bloody detail! What I’ve learnt is not to post too much otherwise people get nosey!
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Chatty Member
How come the original weren't affiliate? (I don't know how it works).

She looks bigger in her latest picture today?
She posted the original links as a 'heres my stuff' thing and then has either realised herself or been told/advised to repost them as #afflinks so that she can earn some money from anyone that clicks and buys.
  • Sick
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Chatty Member
It’s those pink and blue leopard ones that everyone was buying, they will be a year old at least. They’re also the powers, so slight compression eg wear the size up even if the smaller size fits….I’ve just pulled a pair of my sweaty Betty’s on for the gym and found a hole in the pocket, may tag them for freebies 😂
Fabletics are good but remember to cancel so they don’t keep charging you that ridiculous subscription they have!
SB always seem to be in dale at the moment, since they sold the brand on to a US company and couples with the fact most people can’t wear leggings all day anymore I think they’re struggling.
If you want to get some bargain ones you can shop virtually at the Bicester outlet store. Only issue is that you can’t get a refund if they don’t fit only credit and you have to get it back to them
Have you done the virtual shopping at Bicester before? What is it like? I’ve heard about it but I’m a bit nervous how it actually works!

I love Lululemon leggings - they are a bit pricey but you can get some good deals when they go on sale (or look on eBay/Depop/Vinted as you can find things NWT or barely worn!) I have leggings that must be 6 years old still going strong 😊

I’m pretty sure Tally said she lives in LLL leggings.. but who knows when influencers are being genuine or just trying to get more freebies!
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Active member
I’ve been wondering about this. Could she just have a higher “set point” for her weight? I don’t know if that’s quack science tbh so maybe not? I don’t know.
I would say that’s exactly what it is. A lot of people would never put on that much weight by not exercising / eating a little unhealthy for a year or two. The years of dieting probably wrecked her metabolism. Her sister is a very similar to shape to what she is now isn’t she?
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VIP Member
I’ve been wondering about this. Could she just have a higher “set point” for her weight? I don’t know if that’s quack science tbh so maybe not? I don’t know.
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Well-known member
If you're on a budget, I've ordered some decent leggings from the Reebok outlet. Really comfy fit and they've lasted for ages. I think they were under £20 with the discount

Finally unfollowed Tally after that SB story yesterday. Genuinely a bit gutted as she used to be a really good fitness account - just sensible advice and good workouts. Now it's all beige cushions and baby hairs
Thanks for the recommendation!
I was looking at my old saved posts on insta the other day and saw I had loads saved by tally of her doing exercises when she did those free 4 week plans, I really enjoyed those and it was valuable content. Unlike anymore!
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VIP Member
I have to admit my plain black SB power leggings are my favourite, they pull me in like no others I’ve found! I also find it annoyingly hard to find leggings with a pocket. They are expensive but as others have said the outlet stores now have quite a few (although last time I went they had 2-3 size medium or large’s in the whole shop, and she said they basically just get the extremes of the size charts sent to them).

Otherwise I’ve found sainsburys, born nouli and M&S have lasted a long time and stood up to the squat test!
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Chatty Member
Super cringe.

Def seems to have hopped on the body po bandwagon to get her bills paid.

Been with her boyf for ages too… wonder if there will be a proposal anytime soon?
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I haven’t researched in depth into intuitive eating or HAES. But what I will say is I don’t think it’s as bad as people are making it out to be.

I spent years shaming my food choices and disliking my body and not doing enough exercise. I had some sketchy periods of extreme dieting when I was a teen and then since then never really dieted again but felt ashamed of my body and food choices. Then I discovered lots of body positivity Instagram accounts in the pandemic, saw women who had bodies that looked like mine who I still thought were beautiful and I read about intuitive eating as well. And it was only then when I started to actually like my body and stop shaming myself that I started looking after myself properly.
I’m not the most active person in the world but I now run, cycle and lift weights and eat a much better diet. I don’t weigh myself at all but I have gone down a couple of dress sizes. I wouldn’t say any of this was a planned or conscious thing but it is just the result of no longer shaming myself.

So what I’m getting at is maybe a lot of these movements don’t talk about weight gain being unhealthy because actually feeling shame or like your current state isn’t good enough is not a good motivator and will not inspire you to look after your body if you currently hate it.
I mean I get it like the clean dieting era of 2015/16. In my twenties I would punish myself for eating nice food! But she clearly is on the verge of gaining more and more unhealthy .
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