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Her facial features are large (esp nose and eyes) and so her face looks much prertier at a smaller size .
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All, Not a warning but a request to keep to the thread topic, thanks
I agree, I think my viewpoint missed out that I put on significant weight during lockdown so my reference point is before when I felt better in myself in most of those different aspects. As someone with joint issues too, this weight has made them exponentially worse, and so to me it’s a direct health impact. I also know it can impact infertility, which is on my radar. Not the same for everyone I agree, but I felt and looked better when at a lower weight so it annoys me when those things are seemingly disregarded.

I 100% agree that we have been conditioned by the media, diet industry etc to believe that skinny is where we should aim for and that we should all work towards accepting our bodies for what they are and not putting so much pressure. I feel like the body positive movement let's itself down by is denying there is a difference between being able to let go of very restrictive dieting and exercise and gaining significant amounts of weight which have all sorts of health implications. It shouldn't be the dirty little secret of the body positivity movement that just weight loss can have terrible health implications so can weight gain.
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She wasn’t as popular as her other ‘fitness influencer’ friends on Instagram (Alice liveing, Zanna etc) a few years back and she clearly wasn’t able to adopt the healthy lifestyle in a sustainable way (she was essentially always dieting and stuck to strict macros, teaching multiple spin classes in addition to her own workouts etc). It wasn’t until she jumped on the ‘bashing diet culture’ bandwagon that her Instagram followers really started to grow, and that was the time when the whole ‘self love’ movement was gaining popularity on Instagram. She simply saw this an opportunity to rebrand herself to better fit her personal aesthetic and make a more successful career out of it.
I don’t know much about zanna, but Alice liveing’s thread here is entertaining - she’s also not as “skinny” as she used to be when she was clean eating Alice and displays huge insecurities due to body image.
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Just saw her post where she is dancing on the blue leggings and white top... Try it without sound i dare you 🥺😳😳

So - your bloke proposes (as a surprise, apparently) but you basically tell him the ring is shit and you want it completely remodelled from a classic solitaire that shows off what is clearly a very lovely stone into a completely different metal, completely different shank and set with loads of other diamonds. “We” made some changes my arse. Do we think Hottie Jack actually has a massive intuitive thumb print on his head??? 🤔🙄
The ways he's progressing it might not even fit her by the time the wedding comes ....🥺🥺
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Chatty Member
I vaguely remember her saying something about needing an osteopath for her back!?!
If that is the case then as a fitness professional she should know to be following her rehab programme and not just rocking up to her besties and doing whatever she fancies. Either way its a shockingly bad post.
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It's also another example of tone-deaf promoting. Everyone I know is currently in the process of limiting all unnecessary costs, I don't know anyone who currently has the money to splurge on a VR headset (£400) and to the best of my knowledge she has shown no prior interest in gaming at all either. It is all just so vacuous.
Idk the economy is struggling but it doesn’t mean people aren’t spending money. I work in marketing and not everyone is being restrictive. It would be silly for any luxury product to seize advertising in the run up to Christmas. People with higher incomes likely follow Tally. Her retreats are pricey, her lifestyle isn’t exactly budget friendly and her views on Wellness are pretty privileged.
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I think especially with the governments plans to emphasise healthy eating etc that a few more people will be turning away from the bopo movements…it’s only because it’s the woke thing to do that people are doing it. But like what’s said above, it’s all okay now until you’re in your 40s and it’s starting to affect you in other ways…
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That’s also not just a new pair of leggings in that bag. I love my SB leggings but this just puts me off. I didn’t even see which ones she said had a hole in them, I could probably tell how old they are by the pattern 😂
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Chatty Member
This is where Tally's offering becomes problematic because people like your friend with disordered eating would benefit a lot more from something like counselling or CBT as others have suggested, and not someone with vague, flimsy-sounding qualifications, if you can even call them that, in intuitive eating. She's not a psychologist and I don’t think she's best placed to be helping someone with orthorexia etc, which a lot of her audience could have. Imagine if someone with bulimic tendencies signed up, does she even check for things like this first? As for the fees... yep, take your money elsewhere.
I 100% agree and as someone who has contact with young adults I am very aware of just how suggestible some people can be. I know that with the internet making everyone accessible it is tough but I very much think that this type of service should have to be regulated.
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Chatty Member
She is just an awful, fake influencer these days which is really sad.
A proposal should be a beautiful thing not something to drive her social media engagement. 🙄
Pity because he seems like quite a nice, 'normal' guy too.
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They are pretty sensible, I assume they are renting until they know the area they want to be in.
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Do you know what his parents do? I was so shocked to look through his Instagram stories of moving family homes and it was bloody enormous !!!
I know his sister (not very well) and there is family money from the dad’s father who owned businesses (not sure in what though). Jack’s dad was an investment banker. His mum died and his dad has remarried. The family home literally looks like a country manor doesn’t it?!
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