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VIP Member
You really think she'd want a girl purely for that reason? 🤣

They won't have more after this baby. I don't think anyone has a baby with someone they know they'll split from just say 'I gave you everything.'
Yes 100%! How often on her stories she’d post and hint about having a girl. Purely so she’d be the one to give him all his children so if in the future he moved on she’d be that bitter ex/baby mum.
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Thing is if she’s facilitated the break up then she will be the one to leave. If she doesn’t then Aaron will just come home to the house. Technically if it’s only in his name (and they’re not married) she doesn’t have any rights unless she’s gone through court all ready. It takes ages for these kind of matters to go to court if she’s trying to stay in a house in his name. Not saying it’s morally right but unfortunately if she wants a quick break she will need to leave. But yeah if he had an ounce of decency he would say he will stay somewhere else whilst they figure out a long term plan.

I don’t think she’s moving south with her mum as she’s asked for companies to move within Newcastle.
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Oh my god 😲😲 did he really put her address up? Can’t believe I missed this! Did anyone screen shot it? Holy fuck!

I literally said in a previous post… they are absolutely still together and still as toxic, they will be back being aggressive with anyone to messages about Oakley and my god they really did!

They need to get themselves off social media they’re actually dangerous ⚠
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Chatty Member
Anyone heard of Apert Syndrome?
This is what I think he may have as well or Crouzon Syndrome - from what we have seen he does display some of the physical characteristics, doesn't affect heart or respiratory systems.
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VIP Member
I’m thinking of starting a family soon and I’m not gonna lie or terrifies me that the baby could be born with something like this without any prior knowledge. I don’t follow talia or Aaron long enough to know why they’re problematic but I can imagine that would be a huge shock for your baby to be born with something wrong and you had no idea. Is there anyway you can test or what not for what their baby has? Xx
There is no specific test for Apert syndrome. You have your blood tests after your 12 week scan for screening of Down syndrome and I believe it covers some other abnormalities (I may be wrong) but not everything would show up on scans or tests. If they did spot something in a scan they would usually refer you for more specific tests (Nipt etc) but again not everything shows up. Sometimes the tests aren’t accurate as well, my friend was told she was high risk of Down syndrome but baby was actually fine.
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I do have a level of sympathy for her, but they are both coming across as total twats. He’s deleted precious family photos because they’ve had a row, and she’s posting pics of her in tight clothes and with cleavage, alongside quotes and rants. The man is a bellend, but it hasn’t stopped her from knocking 3 kids out back to back despite him leaving her on several occasions. I hope for the kids sake that she’s finally cut the cord and told him about himself, but this seems like another end of Coke binge argument that will result in him sobering up and apologising and her taking him back
“End of a coke binge argument”…..dying 😂😂😂😂
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Active member
She’s definitely reading these, someone said further up about having an app that can remove the emoji so she’s now scribbled behind it. I can’t even deal 🙈 she’s probably loving all the speculation of people wondering what’s wrong with him. I hope the poor little man is ok though ❤
I’m sure the scribble can also be removed not just the emoji’s if someone wanted to do it they could, I feel very sorry for her but the emoji’s or scribbles are just pointless
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Well-known member
Does it hurt? I have been debating it myself but same time a big wuss 😂
They use a really good numbing cream. The pain is minimal. My partner came with me this time and he called me a psycho because I didn't even flinch 🤭🤣
The only advice I'd give is research the person you're using a lot! Make sure you see lots of their work. I'll only use a registered nurse to do it not any old body who has done a 2 day training course.

It can be done so nicely, not like you see on insta. I have a really thin upper lip which ive always hated and I love the results ive achieved.
Go for it!
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Well-known member
I went for a scan and was referred after it to the bigger hospital for a foetal medicine scan and they said not everything is diagnosed by scan and I’d have to have a needle in the stomach to to the proper test to diagnose any issues. So it possible they went for the scans but didn’t have the more in-depth tests to diagnose a condition before birth?
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In all honesty if it was me i would of posted baby been born along with date time weight ect then left it at that no one would of been none the wiser if they took a media break after having the baby.
The constant drip feeding information along with the partial photos all the stuff about wanting to spread awareness but without showing him or saying what’s wrong that contradicts wanting to spread awareness.
They need to take a social media break spend time as a family help each other and their kids though this.
Family before ads, fame and gifting end of
Very well said 👏🏼
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Her posts are screaming attention, I don’t like either but Aaron has really set the goal seriously low! Even for him.
I have absolutely no doubt they’ll be loved up by next week. She’s not moving, it’s all to scare him. If I was her I wouldn’t budge if I’m honest, why should she move her children out of there own home. Rinse the 🔔end for the pennies he has left 😂
But she won’t because it’s all for the gram and they’ll be lovers again next week.
If its his house, surely she has to leave? If her name isn't on it?
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Defo feel how ever I don’t agree with most she does regarding her Instagram usually I can’t deny I fee for her having been in a toxic relationship with children and now a poorly baby, it’s so easy for me to say leave etc but we all know not always that easy but I hopeeer she sticks it this time and kicks him to the curb I mean it sounds that way as she’s moving and prob alone not together!
I was hoping she would go back down south but with hospital appointments and sienna setted in school I be she’s stuck! I literally can’t imagine the stress
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Don’t understand why his family is doing fuck all!? Oh Yeahh forgot they don’t like eachother 😂😂 at least tailas mum puts her feelings aside when it comes to kids! They both hate each others family’s but just shows her family is more supportive! He won’t stick around and she knows that! But more fool her to try and keep him when it’s obvious this is not the life he wanted!! Kinder sad!!
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