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Doesn’t look like a child who needs 12 hours of care a day from an outside agency. Also, if Oakley has special medical needs, how come the nurse that the tax payer are paying for isn’t administering his meds? It makes me so cross that her and Aaron have essentially got a babysitter paid for by the state whilst she’s swanning about and he’s in the gym. They totally take the piss. I know so many families who are on their knees caring for children with special needs and they get zero help. Jodie and Aaron are disgusting.
I don’t think Aaron’s had a say in the matter tbf.
He’s openly admitted he doesn’t need them
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She doesnt need a nurse 12 hours a day at all, at most she needs a child minder so they should be funding that themselves. Weve all seen children with more complex needs and their parents would be lucky to get one night a year rest bite. It must infuriate those parents.

My thoughts are shes got this because she's said she couldn't have him otherwise. We will never know but thats what I imagine it to be. Even aaron said it wasn't needed, from videos he's done it sounds like it makes him comfortable. At the most she should have a hour on a morning to take her kids to school and a hour on a afternoon. But then you see she kids around with him perfectly fine so why should she not have to take him on the school run, thousands of other parents have to struggle.

And if that friend of hers is a carer to Oakley and being paid, should she not be in a appropriate uniform. Seen videos of talia post her on her phone. Well she certainly shouldn't be on her phone during her work hours. Its a total joke, they both want reporting.
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I wouldn’t want Jodie’s friends in my house if I was Aaron. Imagine how awkward it would be if they’re all just sitting around together when Oakley doesn’t actually need any help.
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Wonder how her course is going. Jodie, any chance of an update on your course? You’ve not mentioned that in a while.
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Chatty Member
She was parading around the metrocentre again today with her chav mates.
You couldn’t miss them.. kids running all over.. she’s strutting around with cotton shorts on with tatts on her legs. Looking rough as fuck .
Didn’t see which kids she did or didn’t have as was walking past at same time 🤦🏽‍♀️
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No wonder she’s been so smug lately.

Aaron does have a point that why is Jodie’s mum allowed to look after them all without the carer but him his actual father can’t.

I hate to say it but I’d imagine all this has undone his sobriety and dare I say it’s starting to show in tonight’s videos and she will use it as her justification on withholding his access 🫣
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Chatty Member
I think she’s in for the shock or her life as Oakley gets older, he’s like a baby now easily transported etc, but as he gets bigger his little feet look like he may not be able to walk fully or far so his mobility needs will be a lot, changing/bathing a bigger child will require more effort & therapies he needs will become more demanding. These aren’t jobs for full time carers though so she will be required to do it for herself. Plus her other “babies” will be independent by then so she can’t use that as an excuse for help! She’s got away with bloody murder for a short while but let’s hope someone reports her change of circumstances now & they take away the babysitters. And no this isn’t unfair on Oakley; he doesn’t need them!
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Considering she don't go out alot she's doing well, isn't this 3 weekends on a trot she's been out now
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About time! Good on Aaron though. Jodie is basically saying then she has carers as she needs a spare pair of hands. Tick tock Jodie. Your time will soon be up and you’ll have to actually care for your own children!

The burning question is what additional needs aside from the stent and peg does Oakley have? You can see she’s rattled responding to “someone”. She’s basically said that the carers are there to support her to support Oakley. Selfish greedy cow. I hope they remove the care package, she doesn’t deserve it.
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Hilarious that he’s using the videos Jodie has sent him as ammo. Aaron needs to get a real job. I remember him saying ages ago he’d do anything to put a roof over the boys heads and food on the table and is now setting up some dodgy site after selling raffle tickets like he’s in the PTA.
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As much as she doesn’t deserve the carers, I’d hate to see Oakley suffer by not having them because it’s clear she doesn’t give a fuck and isn’t capable of looking after him
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I know for a fact via the local grapevine that she was initially refused care at that level as Oakley does not qualify for it. He doesn’t have a tracheostomy or complex needs that far above an average child, she was offered 3 hours a week respite via the community nurses. She essentially refused to take him home without help! As I say. RAT.
What pieces of crap they are! I think we’ve said all along Oakley doesn’t need the amount of care he’s receiving. Maybe it was cheaper to pay for carers rather than Oakley being in hospital. Maybe they’d struggle to find foster carers but I hope at some point, they remove the ridiculous amount of cash she’s getting for carers for a child who doesn’t need them. I say that as a parent with a severely autistic child who also has medical issues. I also have other kids and work whilst that child is at school. She’s a lazy cow who doesn’t want to care for Oakley but will use him for content. Though doesn’t look like Aaron was stepping up to take care of his son, so he’s not much better. Happy to let his son be sat in hospital. Selfish man pig.
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I would’ve thought there would be a separate carer given the history between them
Knowing her she probably hasn't allowed that to happen, I presume when he goes back to court he could ask for that if its the only way to see them. I Can imagine her an her mate now planning this shit laughing away when the ONLY people who really suffer with bitter baby mom's is the children! I've been the child in this situation and as much an I love the bones of my mom and we still speak I will never forget or forgive her for purposely taking me away from seeing my dad just because she was bitter. These kids will feel the same way if it continues.
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Good to see that Oakley didn't need any of his hand full of godparent nurses whilst they was all out or the morning after when they were all hung over
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Can’t wait for her clarification video ‘thanks for the messages guys *eye fuck* it’s been sent to the relevant people’
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