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I’m going to court funnily enough the same week against my ex for DV, if that’s the case Aaron wouldn’t be allowed unsupervised with his children nor would he be allowed them if he was on drugs. To actually make something up like that is absolutely vile, she is genuinely trying to drive that man to jump off a bridge. Poor Romeo man I can only imagine what she does to Maddox and I dare even say Oakley. It doesn’t even bare thinking about. Evil evil human being
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Aaron can you stop doing this on a Tuesday when I'm on a beach with no signal taking my kid to surf lessons. I do enough for the kid as it is.
Could you please do it on a Wednesday next time cos they are with their dad then? XOXO

Off to catch up! Literally had the day from hell. Thanks for making it better aaron 😜🤣
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Jodie and her chinions really think that she’s being clever / getting one up on him / proving a point

Didn’t allow him to see Maddox on his birthday - “but he was ill……yet I still went out and left him with someone other than his parents”

Alleged that she’s laid hands on the kids - “weird how drugs and alcohol can make you make things up” yet you’re INSISTING that they stay with this horrible, abusive man for a minimum of 3 days a week

Can she not see how stupid she is making herself look?
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This could explain why oakleys in hospital for months on end, due to a SS investigation?
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Cucumber and eggs

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Trigger warning : suicide

Someone I worked with, her brother ended his life when he was refused access to his kids. They split because she cheated on him and although hurt, he remained amicable for the 2 children they had together. Everything was fine until he moved on and found himself a new girlfriend. She stopped contact, she moved to a new area and put kids in a new school without telling him, made accusations against him and his girlfriend which we're untrue. He went through courts and was awarded access but she would mess him around such as not being home or answering her phone when he would collect them, she would pick them up from school early on the days he was meant to collect them so he couldn't have them, really nasty spiteful woman she was. This went on for a few years where she would let him have access one week for a few hours and then the next week she said he couldn't have them, always on her terms and he went along with it to keep her happy and for wanting to see his kids. He went months without seeing them, was back and for to the courts and even sold his house and downsized to pay for solicitor fees. In the end she mentally and emotionally broke him, the final straw was being made redundant and feeling like he had lost everything. Any woman or man who uses there child as a weapon against the other parent are just evil! I'm sorry but every child deserves a relationship with both parents unless there are reasons such as dv etc. She's not spiting aaron it's those poor kids I feel sorry for stuck in the middle of these childish petty games over who can out do each other first
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I have reported her instagram. She canny be saying stuff like that which is so triggering for a lot of people because she wants to fight dirty 🤬 No wonder she has rotten teeth with the amount of shite that comes out her mouth!!
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Chatty Member
Those tears were genuine, that much I believe. But I think it's more because she's nervous for the outcome of the hearing rather than not having the kids. She's been far too happy up until now, if that was me I'd be holding back tears constantly not whooping and going out and getting make up done. I was holding back tears going back to work after mat leave because I wasn't allowed to see my kids for 8 hours because work said I couldn't take them in 😂(rude if you ask me but I digress). Something doesn't sit right with either of them after last night, they've both made some heavy accusations and although I believe one slightly more than the other I do think there may have been embellishments from both sides tbh.
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Where is her clarifying she doesn't hit her kids??? Sorry if someone accused me of that I'd be shouting from the rooftops that it's not true. Shes quick enough to defend herself against other bullshit but we're is the explanation of child abuse. Why are your kids with Aaron if he's a piss head and on drugs Jodie?? You seem quite happy for them to be in his care if that's the case you absolute trallop. Her minions are just as bad can they not critically think for themselves that Aaron wouldnt come on and accuse her of that surley if there wasn't any truth to it or at least if the kids hadn't said it
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So she was cheering at the end of her video last night regarding what was happening today … and it’s a fucking court case because she’s been stopped seeing her kids supposedly 😳! Why the fuck would you cheer for that?! 🐊
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So just to get this straight, she’s saying he’s a domestic abuser on the drink and drugs and she has waved her children goodbye and into his care for 4/5 days???

Something not adding up here supermum!!
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Why can’t she just shut up? She HAS to have the final word. She reminds me of a yappy dog. Those fuckin annoying chihuahua types
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Aw Aaron stop now mate it must be hard but don't stoop to her level keep the higher ground
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Jodie doesn’t give a fuck about those kids. No matter the circumstances when splitting a family, cops renting is fucking hard. Having to hand over the kids on birthdays/Christmas/Easter etc is shit. But WHY deprive them from seeing their dad when you CBA to spend the day with them?!

Those children are going to grow up resenting her and her fucking chin. I hope Aaron can continue as he is currently, spending quality time with them (and Oakley when he’s home) and that they at least feel a sense of security and love when they’re at daddy’s house
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You’d better believe if my I was in her situation and my ex partner was violent there is no way I’d leave my children with him. That’s how you know she’s talking bollocks. And if she’s telling the truth and he is violent and she’s happily handed her kids over to him for five days, whilst winding him up deliberately to get him in a strop where he will take it out on his kids, then she’s even more of a disgrace than I thought
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