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I could be completely wrong here but if you listen to mollys Instagram stories, it sounds like a voice in the background on the video of grace and molly doing shots saying “THAT is disgusting, that’s why Ell...” and then it cuts off.

Anyone have better hearing than me and can clarify? 😂
My hearing is shocking but I agree definitely sounds something like this 👀
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Code 'Sydandell' on latest stories... honestly this is just exhausting and it feels a bit scammy in my opinion can they just issue a statement? It's like giving a band money via sponsors and discount codes when they've broken up, it's false pretences really for people who use the code to support the duo. I wonder if any brands have been contacted
Am I going mad, or was it for the vitamin brand? Because Ell has just posted this, notice her discount code. Syd has deleted her story


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I could be completely wrong here but if you listen to mollys Instagram stories, it sounds like a voice in the background on the video of grace and molly doing shots saying “THAT is disgusting, that’s why Ell...” and then it cuts off.

Anyone have better hearing than me and can clarify? 😂
I don’t hear ‘that’s why ell’ at the end but I hear the that’s disgusting? I’m assuming more about the shot tbh. I just hope they’re both ok what ever has gone on must be bad for Ell to not be there
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How do we know that Ell wasn’t invited? She could’ve made the choice not to go. Syd has always posted every aspect of her life on her stories
I don’t disagree with you, but if she chose not to go there’s obvs a reason with everything going on so she might feel like an outsider since syd and molly have been doing everything together
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Chatty Member
where is this i can’t see it
here’s the link, u may have to delete the first two slashes for it to work


just spotted that there is also another bad review for syd 😳
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I can’t help but feel this might be some kinda publicity stunt to get the Instagram likes/views up? Maybe they both don’t wanna do YouTube anymore and wanna focus on Instagram but they need more interaction so they’re doing this to build up their algorithm
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Honestly, even if we picked sides it wouldn’t matter to the girls. They are still lying to their fans, acting like their still besties for money (their new collections dropping etc) and need to address what’s happened even though it’s obviously happened behind closed doors, the people who support them shouldn’t have to be blocked for liking a comment wondering whether they’ll be seeing each other for Syd’s birthday or something as small as that. They’ve already basically admitted somethings happened as first Syd said they were “fine” and is now saying “they’ll address the situation when they feel ready” so no one can really say nothings happened and if we ever get a proper explanation then we can “pick sides” but right now we’re all still waiting on that and just coming up with things that could of happened. Either way, seems at the min as long as the girls are getting money they don’t care how money subscribers/followers they lose, I know if my bestie had argued with and basically dropped me/ told me our duo was over - regardless of contracts - I would not want to have a clothing collection and photoshoot with them at all. There’s ways around the things, they could of done the photos separately etc. At the end of the day as well, even though they both might read here, we don’t know them irl so I don’t think they’d care about who’s on who’s side 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I feel like Syds personality n how she comes off in videos n online is so fake. She seems like she’s definitely cry by herself. She’s definitely gonna miss Ell. She can try n replace her all she wants but 15 years is a long time she will always feel Ell missing.
Oh yeah definitely! But she’ll portrayed this Im better off and I’m living a great life when it’s all fake to make ell feel like she’s missing out

I feel like Syds personality n how she comes off in videos n online is so fake. She seems like she’s definitely cry by herself. She’s definitely gonna miss Ell. She can try n replace her all she wants but 15 years is a long time she will always feel Ell missing.
Oh yeah definitely! But she’ll portrayed this Im better off and I’m living a great life when it’s all fake to make ell feel like she’s missing out
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Feel sorry for Ell after Syd and molly went to rhat psychic reading without her. They are actually actually like mean girls in high school, and the audacity to post about it, really shows how syd wants to rub it in her face. It’s so childish
How do we know that Ell wasn’t invited? She could’ve made the choice not to go. Syd has always posted every aspect of her life on her stories
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Yeah that’s all well and good her being an MUA but how’s she gonna afford this apartment then?…she isn’t just renting it, she’s bought it.
She’ll still do brand deals. That’s what brings in the big money. Much more so than Adsense.
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