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I actually can’t believe that people actually give a shit what way a beautiful, funny, intelligent and talented woman chooses to style her hair?!?
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Spot on. James has well and truly put himself on the strictly blacklist. Pros like Vincent are still dancing with the Strictly theatre company and the Cliftons hang on , possibly due to their association with Shirley.
And Ian Waite spent years listening to Zoe Ball talk absolute bollocks on ITT and is now back as a pro in Australia.
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Is the guy the pro?
I literally could not tell which was the pro - and not in a Dianne-style ‘it’s literally like dancing with a professional!’ way - they were both pretty cack.

I can’t believe the Italian audience sit through FIVE HOURS of this! Someone alert the UN - it’s a human rights violation!! 😬
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This could have ALL been stopped in its tracks if like most of us, they had acknowledged that his stint had came to its natural end after Richie and politely moved him on in last year's off-season.
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I never got ‘bolshy’ from Amanda while she was on the show (I don’t follow her on socials so maybe she has a different personal online). At first I perceived her to be full of her own self importance and that she took the whole thing entirely too seriously because of the way she would waffle on. I changed my mind quite quickly though and I felt like she was actually very ill at ease and acting out of nerves.

We don’t know exactly what went on with her and Gio but if she went to the bosses with concerns and they weren’t addressed then that’s a problem. I imagine it can be quite a toxic environment behind the scenes and not just for the celebs. Then there’s also the obvious meddling by production, emotional manipulation and ever growing list of injuries each series. The show needs shaking up from top to bottom.
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I like Neil and the Waterloo road girl. The rugby guy is 🥰jowita is so lucky. Wasn't keen on gorka and sugababe
Danny is total cad, or certainly used to be. Strictly curse would be a certainty. Rugby’s equivalent of Gary Lucy or Pete Wicks to be honest. Let’s have all three on the show together and create complete havoc.
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I’ve wondered all along if perhaps she approached the producers and asked to be given a new partner and they refused, gave her the bye to buy time and try and persuade her to stick it out and she had to choose between quitting or sticking with Gio. If she did go to them for help and was able to present a strong case (which it sounds like she did have if she wants the footage to prove it) then that’s a serious question for the producers to answer to
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I’m a little bit in love with Ellie tbh, I think it’s because I can really relate to how she (I think) felt this time last year, e.g rubbish about herself (she has said this btw, I’m not just presuming 😂😂) and seeing the total glow up she’s had not just outside but inside has really inspired me….now I just need to find a Vito to spend 3 months with and win a glitzy show to boost my career…
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I think there's a lot of layers to this:

- The show is too intense and expects far too much from the celebs and pros

- Gio probably is a bit of a dick

- He's skated by in the past because some of his partners have either also been dicks (Laura), somewhat irritating (Ritchie) or not bothered by his nonsense (Michelle, Rose)

- Amanda was not in the headspace to be on the show in the first place, let alone be partnered with someone who is maybe not actively malicious but is not a warm and caring sort of person, she may have done better with one of the other boys.

- There's also the weaponising of mental health you see now, especially on SM, and some people will cry trauma and PTSD just from someone looking at them funny once, which means she may not be taken seriously regardless of what happened
fully agree with all of this 👏🏻👏🏻

i think, like you say, they really need to put more time into considering personality matches rather than chucking any old pairings together. on paper, an emotionally fragile person like amanda was never going to gel with someone like gio, who has thrived with partners who either aren’t scared to push back with him or are able to just roll with it.

plus, as others have said, what’s the point of the bench if you can’t swap out partners?! gorka is a great teacher and able to adapt to most people, and was available at the point that amanda had her bye week.

from a HR perspective (for want of better phrasing!) a shake up is needed on a lot of fronts.
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Boring Monday

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I can understand why the pros try to capitalise on their moment in the spotlight for as long as they can. They’re in the odd position of being famous because of actual talent - unlike so many celebs pushed onto our screens - but they also know that that fame has a time limit on it before they’re replaced with a younger professional and the only media opportunities open to them will be alongside ex-Love Islanders. Strictly is a machine and there’s always a talented, younger pro waiting in the wings to join the cast.

It must be scary when injuries start becoming more common and taking longer to heal from. Gio definitely didn’t seem to be supporting Vito but, being sympathetic to him for a moment, it must be difficult to see a new Italian pro dancer coming in and storming into two finals, winning the glitterball and gaining a large fanbase when it was only a few years ago that Gio was the hotshot new Italian pro. Now obviously a decent person would be able to check their ego and support a fellow colleague but I can at least understand that it would be difficult to see yourself being replaced and knowing the peak of your career is almost certainly behind you now.

It can’t be long before the show lets some professionals go especially on the women’s side where Lauren felt like a much needed fresh face after too long. I’d keep Lauren, Katya and Jowita and could happily see the rest replaced.
As has been said before, Strictly is a machine that just keeps on rolling. One minute you are James Jordan, the new bad boy in town cocking a snook at the old, favourite pros who have been relegated to the first new dance troop and then fast forward 8 years and you are the one throwing the teddy out the pram with not even a dance troop to cool your heels in. All you have left is Twitter and your wife accidentally spilling milk down her bib in front of a fortuitous photographer … while the cocked a snook at favourite old pros who kept a smile and their bridges intact are still employed by the franchise.

Because that’s the other thing about Strictly … it is actually very loyal to those who are loyal to it. I would imagine that any of the current pros who leave not under a cloud will probably be seen somewhere the franchise in some capacity should they want it. Heck, even after Jamelia Tristan judged 2 series of DwtS in Australia.
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I’m guessing the other pros except Lauren as she’s his leading lady on his tour will keep their distance from him for a while.
The fact that they all wished Amanda well, including Claudia and ignored Gio spoke volumes about how the show as a whole viewed it.

It must have been so odd for Amanda to have dinner with Ellie comparing stories and realising that she got to have a nice lunch break and in Ellies own words 'a kind and patient teacher' whereas Amanda was sneaking oat cakes and stressed about training.
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i would love for jamie b to do the main show! he came across so well and has a lot of potential.

overall the most enjoyable christmas special in a looonnggg while.
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Fanny Muchmore

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Unacceptable! Only happy ever after I want Nikita to have is with me...and Vito and Carlos in a quadruple. 😆
I would love Nikita for myself but I'm realistic enough to know he's never gonna look twice at a 44 year old who is the doppelganger of Olive from Off the Buses
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If you compare Amanda and Annabel … both ladies in their 50’s with a history of childhood ballet and still fairly active … one was given the series of a 1000 Viennese Waltzes and the other was told to be an acrobat from early doors.
One had a partner with a history of being compassionate and supportive to partners who always appears to be gracious and humble.
The other had a partner who is very focussed on winning and thinks he is bigger than the show as evidenced by his perfume and the amount he charges for his solo tours.

Gio and Jojo are polar opposites.
I suspect that as Amanda had this bolshy persona they thought she would be able to put Gio in his place like Michelle Visage did. Interesting that most of Gios former partners are also on Amanda’s social media too 🤔
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