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VIP Member
Jason seems likeable. I'm glad that they picked someone with a good personality to be the token retired sportsman this year even if he is lesser known. Having James Cracknell & David James being dragged around the floor with no enthusiasm last year was painful to watch and it was obvious both were in for a pay check.

And he may have some dance potential. 4 NFL players have won DWTS, 4 have made 2nd place, 2 have made 3rd place and a few others have also made it far.
Yeah Jason seems sweet from what we've seen so far.

OMG it was pure cringe watching James and David! You could tell they didn't want to be there! At least Chris Ramsay for not being a great mover at least gave it his all.

Is Jason the first american male contestant on strictly? I mean Ashley Roberts and Michelle Visage suffered from low votes later on in the competition (I know Ashley also had the factor of being 'too qualified' as a dancer) and a lot of that was put down to British people don't tend to vote for Americans on British reality TV.
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I did think those without a partner this year kinda got a really cushy deal! Work done, payment given and now they don’t have to be away from their family and potentially isolate on their own. Win win!
Yeah, I just thought who will dance with the singer/s? Or do you think "sunday nights show" will be very different?
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VIP Member
Might have mentioned this before (my memory is rubbish on this sort of thing) - what do we think of SCD having people with past dance experience on the show?

Last year was mostly an all beginner series with the exception of Karim and I think that contributed to it being a bit of a dull year. I like that they seem to have a few with actual experience this time. The likes of Chris Ramsey & Alex Scott may have had journeys but I didn't enjoy either of their dancing (and same for Joe Sugg in 2018). I guess I prefer the absolute crap and the absolute brilliant rather than the middle ground on this show.
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I've been digging through Twitter - that is definitely a fake/troll account, it was under the username @CherylKeeneyMP prior to a few weeks ago. Definitely not legit.
Yeah defo a troll; was also going to add the point that surely the runners would already know the partnerships anyways as the pairings were filmed prior in VT's.

The official spoiler will probably be out later tonight through the normal spoiler twitter account.
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VIP Member
The Daily Mail already have pap pictures of Nicola and her partner :rolleyes: we'll probably know all the pairings before the launch show 🧐
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VIP Member
I've just read this entire thread. Very excited to see the pairings.
AJ has just been announced for I'm a Celeb. Is that what he meant by Ant and Dec I wonder? Somehow I don't think so.
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I feel quite bad for Neil, I think he seems like a nice person. The attention seeking behaviour doesn't help him image though.

This year's line up doesn't look that exciting. I will probably watch it anyway.
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VIP Member
Of all SCD pros, I'm surprised we never saw James Jordan in the jungle. Brendan & Kristina as well to a lesser extent although they both actually do seem to have a bit of a career post SCD as opposed to being a professional keyboard warrior.

I wonder if AJ's attitude changed a bit after the attack in the nightclub a few years ago. Maybe he took on more of a "life is too short" attitude and wanted to do something other than Strictly as opposed to sticking around on a show he didn't really enjoy doing after the honeymoon period was over. Just a shame he couldn't have conducted his decisions in a better way but being born and bred into the UK dance scene, I'm going to guess that he doesn't have much real life experience and is a bit immature as a result.
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He also recently said he wasn’t allowed to go public at the time that Amy had missed training for nearly 2 weeks due to a secret injury and he had to train with someone else.
That’s interesting. I wonder why he wasn’t allowed to go public. What would they have done if he had?

I can’t shake the feeling that the producers are a bit sketchy to be honest
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VIP Member
For the first time in a very very long time, I think they've put Tess in a lovely dress! I really liked the pro performance without an audience, it was so nice and quiet without constant cheering. Can't wait to see Kelvin perform later 😍
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VIP Member
Amy joined strictly straight from competition world and she owns her dance school so she probably has competing on the brain unlike some of the other pros who left the competing world years before they joined strictly.

She might chill out if she did win but then may just leave after she lifts the glitterball. Na didn't miss Kevin at all; it's not like I hate him or anything but the whole 'always the bridesmaid never the bride' quote he placed on himself before he won left a bitter taste.

I don't think she was angry or upset with the fact that JJ was her partner but I think its the fact she knows already she's not going to get as far in the competition. I think she's had a taste of doing great dances and reaching the final with Karim that for the future if she gets a partner who will be less likely to do that she will be grimacing unlike say Katya or Dianne or Johannes with whoever they get they have pure smiles on their faces.
I don’t think Kevin meant anything bad by that it’s just a statement ... he got to the semis I think was it four times? I can’t remember. But I think all the pros would like to win it means a lot to them so I can’t really blame any of them for wanting to win?? Wouldn’t you want to win
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And on the men side, the 2 celebs closest to being a ringer was a 58 year old egomaniac (Danny JJ) and Lee Ryan. The manipulation that year was blatant. At least winning finally got Kevin Clifton out (I think he may still have been on the show otherwise).
Yes exactly!

That's why I can just feel they're trying to edge towards a female winner this year.

Of course it's down to the public at the end of the day so we just have to wait and see where the chips fall this year 🤔