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Chatty Member
Don’t forget her work gave her time off due to this as well whilst she’s sat at her old house having a cuppa and a bath
From social services point of view, when Sam moves back in with her, which WILL happen, they’re going to see this as her not safeguarding her child from domestic abuse. All because she lied and said there was DV.
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Charlie just admitted Sam begged her to just take Jasper home last night and that he would leave and go elsewhere.

I wonder if she told the council this…
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It’s quite concerning that she is screaming that it’s a DV case now yet she will happily show her location, happily show part of her hotel room and let’s be real it’s not hard to work out which hotel it is. Then you’ve got her messaging her ex practically trying to get a reaction so she can then post it all over social media and play a victim. That I read about her child in the screenshots further up is actually also very concerning the way she openly speaks about that to a bunch of strangers on the internet. I think that should be looked into if I am honest. She said she’s deleted it now, but once something is out there then it’s out there forever. I hope that she can sort her self out for her child’s sake as he doesn’t deserve all this. Children pick up on the slightest things and I bet he’s really struggling with the change and the upheaval from what he’s known. Yet she seems much more interested in trying to get money and sympathy from strangers. It’s odd behaviour. That and this tattle thread had been extremely quiet until she popped it on her TikTok, which was so she could get the interaction and get more sympathy. She knows exactly what she is doing.

oh and I am 32 years old so I wouldn’t really class myself as old, and I have a husband that I’ve been with since I was 16 so I ain’t sex starved either and certainly ain’t lonely 😂
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Homeless and fleeing DV but has time for a quick Costa and a purple hair dye 😂 give me strength
It's a wig, I bet it's the signed for parcel she had to go and get from sams that she bought with her donations 🤣🤣
Starting to understand the obsession with clowns considering she's a fucking massive one
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Chatty Member
Anyone can find this, her discord is her place to share things about her son this is outright vile that’s why.
She shouldn't be saying private things about her son on any kind on forum. Once you put it online it's there forever. How does she know there's not parents from jasper's school on there who will tell their kids that and then the poor boy will be bullied and laughed at cos his mum thought getting a few likes online was better than protecting her son. It's sick and you're just as sick defending her
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I’m glad she has SS involved. They’re talking about calling the police about tattle because the hotel was mentioned - I didn’t mention what hotel or what town or even what country it’s in. I’m sure the police would be more interested in hearing how the hotel they paid for, for her safety, she has been prancing around showing everyone it and the town she’s in. If you’re in a refuge you’re not even allowed on social media in there. They’d also be interested in the clear safeguarding issues.
“Hello police, someone said where I was online even though I posted where I am over 20 times on a public platform where I have over 80,000 strangers following me”
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Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s the abuser and he was reacting - she comes across volatile and reactive to me not to mention an attention and drama whore. I mean it was reactive for him when his kicking his door in to his home that she had no rights to lock him out of!! Like she is partly responsible for what’s happened let’s not forget - she decided to let it escalate to that but anyway she sounds like a complete dickhead, if it was so bad she should’ve left ages ago. She’s a bellend and a waste of resources for people in genuine need. Hope someone informs the council and SS that she’s dossing back at the house she had to ‘flee’.
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Just watched her tiktok 😵💫
Claims her discord was her and her friends talking about things and she didn't want to share what she'd said their about Jasper publicly and has been forced to because of Tattle.

Then in the same video she invites everyone to join her discord andsays she's deleted the messages which "solves the [safeguarding] issue from her end"

... so she agrees sharing that info was a safeguarding issue? Or not?

All the while Jasper is in the background of her video, milling around listening to his Mum's drama.

If you're reading this Charlie your video is evidence that you don't understand the safeguarding risks.

1. Your discord wasn't a private chat between you and friends. You don't know whose there or what their intentions are.
2. You don't solve the problem by deleting the inappropriate comments whilst doubling down that it was fine and inviting more strangers to talk about your son.
3. You're literally filming videos about this whilst your son is in the room with you! Why should he hear this? Why aren't you keeping your drama seperate from him.

If this is the surface level stuff god knows what else has been going on. Children shouldn't be bit parts in their parents lives. They're not their to be content. She can have an online presence, she can be a sex worker, she can make content about being a young Mum/single Mum and still protect her son and keep his life private. The first video on this new tiktok says follow for Strawberry and Jasper content. Just unbelievable!
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Chatty Member
Its sad people are commenting they are in a hotel or a room for months how did she get a flat so quickly and she's just being so smug about it
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unfortunately I feel like you see this archetype far too often. being a young mum is almost advertised as an alternative career path these days, with ‘free money’ (ie UC) and a ‘free’ house being almost glamourised and flexed online. what motive is there to work or pay your own way? granted some people are housed in terrible conditions, but certainly in my area it’s big new build houses with big gardens. i’m very early twenties and I’d say 65% of the girls I went to school with are now single mums. these girls then have soo much time on their hands that they lead such turbulent and drama filled lives, to the detriment of their child/ren.

the point i’m making isn’t in any way intended to be classist or bigoted and I hope no one takes offence to it. my point is that so many children are now born to young, emotionally immature and generally ‘unready’ parents under the premise that they’ll receive a better life for having the child. of course everyone should be entitled to a roof over their head, but seeing people like Charlie having the audacity to try and pick and choose what she wants, and then flex it online is just crazy behaviour. I worry so much for the children born into these situations, and can only think that for many of them the cycle will just be perpetuated. it’s totally unfair for children to be mixed up in these lifestyles of instability
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That’s he son to safeguard her way but to post about his genitalia and toileting issues on the internet is gross
She ISN’T safeguarding him, PERIOD, and hasn’t since posting him in the public domain to begin with.
SHE is posting about HIS genitalia and toileting issues. Why don’t you understand that?
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Tattle gets a bad rep but it genuinely raises valid points. There are so many influencers who lie/deceive their followers and it really needs to be called out
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Chatty Member
So your kid has had a massive upheaval from his ‘normal’ surroundings and settings. He couldn’t go 2 school and learn because apparently it wasn’t good for him as he was upset but yet he’s now been dumped so she can go out and party! This poor kid needs stability. Cheap tart, drinking everyone’s donations up the wall! Absolute waste of a woman if you can even call her that 😂
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Her broadcasting every little detail is going to end so badly for her. (No Charlie, that isn't a threat before you say anything, but the stuff your posting can be used against you in terms of council, support etc) 😬
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Chatty Member
Read this about 4 times and can't make sense of her point. It's literally word vomit. How can you not be given a legal tenancy. I'm also sure housing association don't tend to get involved in private properties? Anything unpaid will just go to a debt collection agency no? Hate landlords at the best of times but she sounds like a fucking NIGHTMARE
She acts like she knows what she's talking about cos she puts on a bit of confidence and chucks some big words around but really she knows fuck all. To the people that are more educated in areas she talks about, she makes herself look like a total fool
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To be honest when she made out with Sam's dad and then told him and didn't look for somewhere else then speaks the most volumes. Yes Sam is wrong for throwing them out, but let's not pretend this whole situation wasn't a ticking time bomb.
I’m sure I read it was actually Sam who called the police, he’d been locked out because of him drinking, police decided it was best one of them leave the property to resolve it but because she’s not on the tenancy she was the one who had to go.
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Chatty Member
So I was in the wrong for posting screenshots on here of what SHE said on a public server with other 2000 people in

But it’s ok for her to then post a video to 80,000 followers about said screenshots and direct them here to view them
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That discord is the weirdest thing ive ever read in my whole life, it’s like the whole of set 4 in school have come together 🤣
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