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Chatty Member
And thus we begin Steve's Tattle Life: Welcome All to this happy place.

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Steve is a 40-something year old dude who acts like a grumpy 80 year old who just had his petunias run over by the neighborhood kids on bikes. Grump^infinity and beyond. He complains about everything.

Lived in Indiana, broke up with his fiance, brags about how he basically quit his job and moved to FL overnight, no plan - just "living under a bridge" or living out of his car. Keep in mind this guy is huge. He's like 6'4" with a belly and broad shoulders. You'd think he'd have had some kind of plan.

Meyer's and the Mouse took pity on him in and has been renting a spare room to him for years now, since before the pandemic in 2020.
Keeps saying "When I get a house" but makes no gains toward saving up for one as he's constantly spending it on expensive forms of entertainment (golfing, movies every week, eating in Disney, purchases like a $30k DVC membership.)

He cannot stand the texture of food that isn't something your average 4 old would like. Seafood in particular, but the list of things is too long.

When Steve first started streaming and had no job he was a likable, humble guy. He hung out with Cory a lot. That's how I started watching him. Over time his true self started coming out and he'd fight Cory on so many subjects. Viewers were laughing at him, but he mistook it for laughing with him. His ego grew 1000x and so did his attitude. Now days no one can hold a conversation near the dude without him starting an argument.
Thank you for the intro! I only know Steve from what I've seen of him when he hangs out with Cory Meets World. But the dumb jokes about trying to get Steve to eat fish wore on me fast, so I quit watching Cory and never watched a Steve stream until the drone show last night. Does he still not have a job? Or has he become one of these "streaming is my full time job!" clowns?
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Chatty Member
Wait, Steve just unscrewed the pepper shaker and dumps a load of pepper on his food? Is this his thing?
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Chatty Member
So has anyone heard the full story on what happened to steve with his (last) breakup, selling the house and moving without a home to move to?

To me it sounds like he was in a tailspin and replaced whatever life he had in Indiana with fanning on Cory and other streamers. He got lucky when he ran into the ones he did and has manged to make a friend group, but I feel like he's still not back on his feet (emotionally). I wonder if that's part of the reason he's been a jerk.
I'm curious, too. I wonder if him becoming an entitled jerk and the timing of the breakup is more of a chicken/egg question. Did he turn into a jerk because of a bad breakup, or was he broken up with (again) because he's a jerk?
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Clicked into Steve's stream to see what he's up to and if he has any fun folk he's with (lord knows he's a buzzkill) and of course the entire stream so far is him sitting down eating. He's shoving his fingers in his mouth and choking up phlegm as he eats.

Who wants to watch this crap?
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VIP Member
I can't believe Angie caved. What? There could be all kind of bugs in that pile.
Steve will not have that out of there within a week. No way.
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VIP Member
Now they're upset about the possibility of the Peter Pan ride scene with the Native American stereotypes being taken out. Lots of mediocre white people whiting tonight. One of them said "I HATE THIS COUNTRY!"
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According to Jeff (Dis our Dream) there's something about Steve ending up in the back of a police car recently.
Jeff said to watch Dadbuildz live tonight for the story, this might just be a way to drum up viewers for Chris.
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I saw the part where Jeff, his wife and kids and a bunch of other streamers were all dancing to the band La Calla taking their "zumba class" 🤣 .

Steve of course did not participate and got totally obnoxious after they were done yelling at the top of his lungs about 20 times over that La Calle was a horrible choice to put there in the evenings and it can't stay. That it won't bring in the crowds... blah blah blah.

What an idiot. He doesn't see that it's temporary, it goes with the Encanto show which is also temporary. It's amazing - people were having a ton of fun with it.

Once again Steve proves that if it's not something HE likes, then in his mind it's no good.
He really lacks tact sometimes.
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VIP Member
Ruhroh, trouble with pot roast night at 50's Prime Time. Steve is maaaaaaad.

"Next time, I will definitely talk to the seating arranger. It's very hard to be polite."
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VIP Member
He keeps saying his parents are planning on moving to Florida soon. I wonder if he's just riding it out in that one rented room until he can move in with his parents.
Those are my exact thoughts too.
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VIP Member
I went to watch the bit as they were waiting to be seated. Steve is ridiculously upset and acting entitled. He was chatting with Jeff who was discussing a very difficult dining situation Jeff's family had in which Yak n Yeti put too many people at one table, and when they asked to be accommodated at a table meant for 6 just so they had room for the dishes they were escorted to the front to wait more, they had already waited a long time before that... so they left.

What I heard in that story was Jeff gently trying to persuade Steve to consider going to a different location to eat. Everyone was starved and hot. Steve just crouched down on the railing and continued with his meltdown, insisting they HAD to eat there. He tried to play it off as his parents needed to eat there, but we all know it was him who couldn't change up what he wanted to eat.

Steve apparently called Jordan and asked him to be their server. Jordan changed his shift to be there, but the location had no idea what had been planned outside of the company.
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VIP Member
What’s he throwing a hissy fit for?
He's going with a party of nine and had asked the restaurant a while ago for a table in Jordan's section and there's been an issue with it tonight where they either need to wait an hour past their booked time for that, or sit nearby each other on two tables, or nearby Jordan's section but not in it. I don't know, but he should have just invited Jordan to eat with them on his night off instead of insisting he serve them all.
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VIP Member
I was wondering where Donna was during that meal on Monday night. He really forgot to invite her? That's awful.
Steve has had his head stuck up his backside, not paying attention to reality, but living in a fantasy of multiple dimensions. Painting, betting on storage units and being argumentative were all more important than thinking about friends or family and what they'd like to do/who they'd like to see.

The other day Cory was trying to tell Steve that for Give Kids the World Fundraiser in December, he has someone else to take over the auction part of the event. Cory has been trying to grow the event team and would like Steve to focus on one aspect which he does well: the production.

Steve had a near meltdown on camera as he told Cory there was no way he was giving up the auction, that it's his baby and he's too invested into it.
Cory again insisted, and once again Steve threw a tantrum.
By the third or fourth time, Cory calmly and factually said "It's my show. I'm running it and I have the last say." to which Steve did a childish giggle, clearly thinking he has the power to do what he wants to do.

I think Cory is right to make sure he has someone else in these roles, at least as a backup because the way he's acting, who knows what Steve will be like in December.
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