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Donna, the woman he's referred to as his "second mother."

He has not shut up for a second about the stupid two storage units he "accidentally won." I haven't paid much attention but it sounds like - wait for it - a metric fucktonne of crap.
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I tapped out when he put a poll up about whether fish should be in tacos bc I got tired of listening to him go on and on and on and on about not liking fish. Guy, we get it. You don't like anything. Fine, but stop shitting on people who do. It sounds so aggressive.

Jumped back in later to hear they were going to see the drone show. Be ready to play defense, female CMs in that area.
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Did anyone see what Steve has been doing in his bedroom? 🤣 No fear, it's not Rated X.

Watching Dadbuildz' stream from last night - they start off with Steve just doing his puzzles, but apparently his adhd has him into paint pouring now.
I've seen many videos on how to do this with resin, but it's messy. This guy sets up a huge bathtub sized tote with a couple of flimsy dowels on top to hold the canvas. He's begging for a huge mess. Sets my nerves off.

I can only imagine how much he wasted on all that paint, the tote, dowels, canvases... and his "art" looks like shit, but no one will tell him so.

ETA: just heard him say he's 6 years from 50... so he's 44.
All this is going on in the Meyer’s house? If so, how rude and inconsiderate of him.
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I pulled up the start and I had it wrong - he states AK is his Favorite park, he just never gets a chance to go due to the hours.
He has a ridiculous way of defending what he does. Hello? Weekends? He could even tag along with Jeff and his crew.

Claims he watches Jeff, but doesn't seem to actually watch and absorb much of anything Jeff does. Claimed the peacock was new, and he'd never seen it before (Jeff seeks out Alfred almost every sunday).

He met up with Lee Ann Sherbet after the Safari. Not sure, but it might be one of his moderators.
It is LeeAnn Scherbik.
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I think Jeff has 9 with him so it's a party of 14 :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I heard that after. They were going to get a table of five and a table of nine together, but then couldn't, but then could maybe? I don't know, who cares LOL. He seems happy now, so hopefully no cast members were harassed in the making of this meal :)
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He's brought a backpack home with him to go through on stream. He's wearing latex gloves to open it, so doesn't want to touch anything, but it's okay to have it in his bedroom.

So far it includes: a pencil case full of used paint tubes and brushes; half a bikini (I think top, not sure); some sort of ugly old sandals; a book (you have to thumb through all the pages in case the original owner hid money in it); some shit with fake feathers that is shedding everywhere; somehing called "ugly butter" that contains nicotine; some sort of cologne called "Insurrection"; a Star Wars COVID mask. So yeah, super lucrative.

He found a diary full of handwritten entries and letters and said he was going to give it back to the original owner, along with some clothes. So he's basically like here's your worthless shit, you can have this back. Meanwhile, I'm going to sell the rest while you struggle on financially.
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I tuned in briefly last night. He almost lost it because the waitress was taking too long with his Rice Crispie Treat. "I don't think I'm getting my treat", in his complaining voice.
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VIP Member
Did anyone see what Steve has been doing in his bedroom? 🤣 No fear, it's not Rated X.

Watching Dadbuildz' stream from last night - they start off with Steve just doing his puzzles, but apparently his adhd has him into paint pouring now.
I've seen many videos on how to do this with resin, but it's messy. This guy sets up a huge bathtub sized tote with a couple of flimsy dowels on top to hold the canvas. He's begging for a huge mess. Sets my nerves off.
YES! SAME! When I was doing this years ago, it was in my basement because it was SO messy, no matter how careful I was. When I saw him doing it in the bedroom he rents in someone else's house I felt bad for the owners who were going to have to replace his flooring at some point. Guy, you have at least one storage unit, go do this shit there.

Paint pours can look beautiful, but it takes a lot of time, effort, practice, materials and creativity. Otherwise you've just spilled cheap paint on a Hobby Lobby canvas.

ETA: I think Dadbuildz seems like a really nice, genuine good guy.
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Well-known member
Steve is on an annoying number of Cory streams.

He finally got a job, first a temporary one (someone said it had to do with coin collecting?) then a real one. This current position takes him on trips to train people... so I'm not sure what he's doing. He's not working with with Cory who's in the hospitality industry. There is nothing about Steve that speaks "hospitable".

Steve still only streams on Monday (usually eating pot roast for most of the stream), but apparently he's in the parks nearly every day. Sounds like Josh.
And I absolutely hate that Steve is on so many Cory streams, bc he's one of the streamers that when on his own, I can leave the sound up for the whole broadcast and be ok.
Steve ruins that with his constant arguing and bitching.
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Found the one in which he announces he's moving - April 12 2021. So it was during the pandemic he moved. Holy crap, the Meyers have a disabled son (teenager) and they invited this jerk into their home during a pandemic, putting their son at risk? Says a ton about how they feel about the world. I thought they'd have been smarter than that.

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Long time no 'tattle.'
Firstly I agree with everything that’s been written so far.

One thing I don't think has been mentioned, is the conversation while waiting to ride ASS.
Someone in chat asked about his parents moving to Florida. He said, his Mother was keen to
move, his Father not so much, but they were 'working' on him.
He stated, and obviously don't know if this is his idea or family thoughts, however, the idea is to buy a plot of land and build their own home. Meanwhile, they would live on the land in a trailer, can't remember exactly what he said. Also to have some sort of structure there, whereby he can store all his 'stuff' from his house in Indiana, as he's currently paying, and I'm sure he said this, even though I couldn't believe it $600 a month for his current storage unit.

Re. his current living situation. Does that room have a window, cos I don't think I've noticed one. I'm sure there must be aircon, right. It's just that I had a theory about why he sounds so manic at times. Maybe the fumes from the paint he uses, has 'addled' his brain! Obviously no clue if there are fumes, just thought I'd throw it out there.

Anyway, it's been good to 'tattle,' but hard to type with all the ads. obstructing me.
Hi LittleDollywotsit! Good to have another tattler here. This guy is so much more messed up than he presents on first hello.
There is no way the Meyers knew what they were getting into with him when they invited him to rent that room.

Does anyone know if his parents got a chance to meet Kelly & Ivone? Seems to me it would be good to have a team of people keeping an eye on Steve.

My theory on what makes Steve sound nuts is a combo of ADHD & Level 1 Autism. There are numerous behaviors he engages in that back this up: sleep patterns, aversions, inability to control his special interests, volume control when talking, persistence, lack of common sense... the list is long and keeps going.

This, of course, is not a formal diagnosis, but I'm going off what I know of these issues as seen in my own family and life.
I thought the same thing. I can't stand it when people are profiting from someone else's hardships. And the crap he went through last night while I was watching, including the stuff he thought was going to make him a profit, was mind-boggling. What a shitload of work going through everything, filling up his landlord's trash with most of it, and then having to list it on Ebay or whatever. For what? A few extra hundred dollars?

Speaking of his landlord, I wonder how they feel about him dragging old storage unit junk into their house. Will Steve's rent for that little room cover the pest guy spraying the whole house once or twice for bedbugs?

Poor dad. Steve's mom is probably his enabler. Someone in last night's chat said his mom stated on Monday's stream that Steve was a hoarder. Last night he got a huge pile of worthless comic books in his haul and mentioned all the other comic books he had in storage back in Indiana, so I don't doubt his storage unit is large and costly. I've always considered storage units to be a very temporary thing - do people keep them forever? If you have to buy a plot of land to build your own personal one, it's time to see a therapist. I get the feeling that if he doesn't get his parents to execute his plans soon, he's going to have to move back in with them in Indiana. I don't think you side hustle storage units if your financials are good.

I think there's a window. His mania though is probably coming from some dopamine hit he gets from spending money on whatever - storage units, puzzles, Disney stuff, etc.
At one point I recall Steve sounding a bit dejected saying they're still working on getting them to move to FL (what happened to his "it's happening soon"?), I had not heard the bit about his M&D renting a trailer while they built. That's a very dangerous proposition if done at the wrong time of year, being any time in the summer or fall with the hurricanes building up.

His parents seem to be nice people. Interesting that even his own mom says he's a hoarder to perfect strangers. We've suspected it, but now it's confirmed.

I agree with you, someone in a good financial state would not be buying up other people's leftovers from their lives. He thinks he's going to get rich quick by finding a bundle of gold in a locker. People with that kind of cash don't put their valuables in storage lockers.
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I think I heard Jordan remind Steve that he had warned him he couldn't guarantee he'd get their table that night.

Jeff was doing a really good job of trying to get Steve to calm down and understand that it wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I'm trying to be understanding about Steve wanting to take his parents to a place that's special to him, but it's hard to get my head around why that would be the place and, if it was so important, why he couldn't take them on a different night when he wouldn't be streaming it. Earlier in the vacation would have been better in case it didn't work out the first time like he wanted it to. It just feels like an "I'm a big deal" move to wait until the last night of their stay.
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I had not heard the bit about his M&D renting a trailer while they built.
I don't recall anything about this either. Previously he was waiting to buy his own house until interest rates went down and his parents were definitely moving down into their own place like imminently. I hate the thought his dad doesn't want to go and he's being 'worked on.' I also wonder if mom is also a hoarder.

Funny this trailer idea seemed to come up at the same time his friend Shep from that other channel he does is doing the same thing - selling his house and living in a trailer until a new one is built. So is Steve going to go in on the plot of land and new-build with his parents? Or is he going to keep living in the Meyers' spare room and only his parents will be living in the trailer? Is he still going to buy his own house and just use his parent's land to store his hoard? And if so, why doesn't he just buy a house and let his parents live with them while their new house is being built?
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Here is your first thread for Steve's World. Feel free to talk about all of the reasons he's a single, CM harassing, constantly complaining moron.

Someone feel free to do the recap please.
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And thus we begin Steve's Tattle Life: Welcome All to this happy place.

(your answer is highlighted)


Steve is a 40-something year old dude who acts like a grumpy 80 year old who just had his petunias run over by the neighborhood kids on bikes. Grump^infinity and beyond. He complains about everything.

Lived in Indiana, broke up with his fiance, brags about how he basically quit his job and moved to FL overnight, no plan - just "living under a bridge" or living out of his car. Keep in mind this guy is huge. He's like 6'4" with a belly and broad shoulders. You'd think he'd have had some kind of plan.

Meyer's and the Mouse took pity on him in and has been renting a spare room to him for years now, since before the pandemic in 2020.
Keeps saying "When I get a house" but makes no gains toward saving up for one as he's constantly spending it on expensive forms of entertainment (golfing, movies every week, eating in Disney, purchases like a $30k DVC membership.)

He cannot stand the texture of food that isn't something your average 4 old would like. Seafood in particular, but the list of things is too long.

When Steve first started streaming and had no job he was a likable, humble guy. He hung out with Cory a lot. That's how I started watching him. Over time his true self started coming out and he'd fight Cory on so many subjects. Viewers were laughing at him, but he mistook it for laughing with him. His ego grew 1000x and so did his attitude. Now days no one can hold a conversation near the dude without him starting an argument.
Thank you for the intro! I only know Steve from what I've seen of him when he hangs out with Cory Meets World. But the dumb jokes about trying to get Steve to eat fish wore on me fast, so I quit watching Cory and never watched a Steve stream until the drone show last night. Does he still not have a job? Or has he become one of these "streaming is my full time job!" clowns?
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