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Here we go .. Jizzie on IG again ...

Why do people mock victims who have been sexually abused online Jazmin ??? You have done that .. please tell

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I can’t STAND when people get called out for their deplorable behaviour and pull the old “you wouldn’t be saying that if I killer myself” card. It’s such a cop out and gets used so much these days that nobody seems to ever just own up to their actions. She really needs to just fuck off socials forever but she won’t as the only way she knows how to make money is online flashing her gash for cash.
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Irritating voice time ..

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She makes out like shes some mafia dons wife visiting him in prison! Hes a fuckin disgusting perv who throws you round like a rag doll for likes and shoves all sorts up his backside. not to mention why hes in the nick in the first place!
Id wind yer neck in love if i were you, your in no position to be dissin anyone👊🏻.
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I’m confused why they’ve only just kicked off now he’s been sentenced.. when he was FOUND GUILTY what did they think was gonna happen? Why suddenly protesting the innocence once he’s been sentenced 😂
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No doubt Stephen Bear was a pain in the arse from a very young age. Maybe instead of excusing and enabling his behaviour, if his parents had actually disciplined him when he was younger and taught him to have some respect for women and girls, he may not be in prison now for committing such a despicable crime.

I have to say, had someone done that to me and plastered it all over the internet, I would feel that my life was ruined forever - so good on Georgia for having the guts to waive her anonymity, go public and get this cretin sent down - she's one very brave lady.

He's done now, finished. It'll be interesting to see how he makes a living when he's released. And that girlfriend of his is just as despicable as he is.
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Also can confirm;
- credit goes on a Friday after they order canteen on a Saturday. he more than likely won’t have had a canteen sheet unless they gave him an emergency one on his arrival, however since he has been shipped, this canteen will arrive at his previous prison and he will still be charged. credit will just go straight on his pin however sometimes there’s issues with the pins transferring over moving between prison

- her emails he will be able to write a written reply to, in my prison anyway the OSGs on post monitoring will type the reply up and send it or sometimes if they’re monitored post (which he more than likely will be) it will go to the post room to be typed and then emailed (I feel sorry for whoever monitors her post because I can only imagine the photos she’s going to be sending in of herself 💀)
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Chatty Member
I wasn't a chinmate during the Maldives thing. Did they flee the country in the end? I think I read in the press that they claimed they were on a private island but were actually in the most populated part.

Yes, they did this then scarpered
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Sex work is a job as any other.

But Jiz applied to be Bear’s missus Spring 2021, after his arrest in January 2021 for this crime.

Bear made an online appeal for girls to DM him with pics to apply to be his girlfriend.

Jiz’s sex-worker mates all warned her off him in their group WhatsApp Chat. But she ignored all the warnings.

She has piggybacked on his fame for her own notoriety. Jiz has capitalized on this crime with her shitty prison sex videos. She has mocked Georgia on social media, and mocked the police for the work they have done to convict Bear.

All the whole she has been telling Bear how amazing he is, encouraging him, financing him. Jiz has been complicit in the ill treatment of pets that have had.

Now she is full of self-pity. I don’t think she is that stupid, she is calculating. Jiz will capitalize on this new status of her life too. She is driven by fame and money, recall how she mocked those of us in 9-5 jobs and how rich she is?

Sympathy? She deserves none. Sympathy goes to the crime victims of similar cases this case has set a precedent for. Well done to the police and the Justice system, also to Georgia.

Bear has a lot to think about, he will never admit blame though. He can go back to roofing when he is released, Jiz can keep getting her surgeries and continue her sex-work as long as she can.
I have nothing against sex workers at all. However when your all over twitter licking a sex offenders ars. That's not sex work that's pure filth. She goes for the shock factor to get more money the explicit photos. To encourage more perverts. I know a few girls on of and im sorry there content is not like jizzys. She a disgusting human being I hope she's crying every single night. She's encouraged bear and has to take responsibility she's added to the narcissistic behaviour. She's a dirty enabler. I'll never support either of them. Just need to disappear scum x
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Two hours ago Hayley shared this on Instagram.

I get family loyalty, and she takes some blame for enabling him. But he made his choices in life whether she was there for him or not.

What’s the promise to make things right exactly? Justice has been done, facts scrutinized, punishment carefully deliberated over. Bear had ample opportunity to share his argument, instead spent a few years mocking his victim and capitalizing from her.

Best Hayley could do is visit Bear in jail, support him and get him to recognize his wrongdoings.
Fuck me Hayley, he ain’t dead, he’s in prison for being a sex offender 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I am absolutely convinced Honest Football Fanny is a relative or Jizz. I remember Charlotte Crosby saying his family made accounts to troll her when they split so wouldn't be surprised at all
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Enjoying this being the first thing you see when you google chinny.

No “reality star”, just a participant and that he’s been jailed 👍🏼
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Chatty Member
Jizzle seems to have dried her tears .. looks like she's living in his house for a while ..

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You know what’s gross? I genuinely think she’s loving the notoriety of being Oddnobs bit. She seems like she has that mindset that any publicity is good: if I didn’t think she was so thick, I’d think she’s almost glad he’s gone inside as it means she can live rent free in his house, get traffic to her showmyflaps page, and have people talking about her.
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I genuinely hope Georgia goes all out in suing him, not just legal costs but loss of earnings, emotional distress & if she can prove that his actions caused her mental health to suffer (which I'm sure it did) then she can have him on personal injury as well according to the CAB website. He'll be looking at a 6 figure judgement most likely, which he will no doubt default on paying. Much as I hope he never gets TV work again I'd deffo watch that episode of "Can't pay? We'll take it away!" Would be hilarious to watch the bailiffs trying to value all his knock off aliexpress shit haha.
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I have severe ADHD plus comorbid depression and anxiety. So far, it hasn’t caused me to commit any heinous sex offences 🤔
I also have severe ADHD and anxiety, and I have always struggled with depression on and off. Not once have I broken the law, harmed somebody, etc. I know it’s not the same for everyone as ADHDers all experience it differently but to try to pin what he’s done and how he’s consistently behaved for years, on any of these things is a total pisstake and incredibly offensive to the rest of us just trying to get on with life and finding it really hard.

Having ADHD/depression/anxiety does not cause you to be a narcissist or a sociopath, being a narcissist and a sociopath does.

I think they tried to rely on the impulsiveness symptom to get him an easier ride - but clearly the entire video process was planned, not impulsive. He ensured they were positioned clearly infront of the camera, he looked at the camera, he put on a “performance” according to Georgia. He then took a memory card out of the camera, uploaded it to his computer, posted a “sneak preview” of the video and posted the full thing HOURS later. That’s NOT impulse, that’s planned.

Showing up to court every day in his porno gangster outfits was not impulsive, it was planned. He even asked people the night before what outfit he should wear.
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