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VIP Member
Has anyone seen her stories? I wonder whats happened - seems to be something serious with the whole “bye for now” thing
But also weird as she is still on about shooting content next week (odd that its not with her go to Kaye Fordtography; surprisingly there isn’t a thread on her) - then again if last minute Kaye is probably booked up
Has she deleted stuff? I’m not seeing any stories from her


VIP Member
Aside from the fact that I doubt "everyone is looking" at her (and if they do I'd say it's not because she's black,fat and on a solo trip but because she's an ~influencer~ constantly filming herself),she makes that entire trip sound like she's miserable!

It seems like she doesn't even leave her room other than for going to breakfast/dinner; I mean it's a MASSIVE resort with so many different areas and she barely has shown anything. And where are the photos of her in bikinis? She made a HUGE fuss about the River Island thing and a point to share photos of herself and other fat babes in bikinis, which was great. But she's on a holiday now and there's no photos of her in nice bikinis or outfits in action, only of her in her room posing on the couch.

I get it can be awkward to take pics when you're by yourself but GIRL. You're on a PR Trip at a 5 star resort, WHY are you not enjoying the pool! Instead, she's filming the activities from her balcony. WTF? I also found it hilarious that she pointed out in her story that 4 year olds were swimming in the sea. It's SUPER common in Europe, I was swimming in the sea by myself (with parents watching) at that age as well. It's really nothing special? Like, it sucks she can't swim but given that she loves to travel, why not learn to swim now? Why would you not want to enjoy the beautiful sea and pools?
Yes I didn't understand the comment about the children. How it is relevant ?

Here children had/have swimming classes at achool so we all get the basics at least. But a friend of mine in her forties, who grew up in a huge cereal area of inner Turkey (no rivers or swimming pools around), is currently taking classes to learn how to swim. It's never too late.

Tbh she tends to complain about the whole ‘staring’ thing whilst in foreign countries and I feel like maybe she just doesn’t understand that it’s cultural differences. Staring is really rude in british culture and is considered confrontational behaviour, but it really isnt considered rude in many other european countries and people tend to do it more often.
In regards to the whole airport security thing, I don’t want to diminish any experiences but again she is complaining more non-verbal communication between a group of foreigners so who knows.
She also complained a few times about being stared at or touched whilst in London in the tube or bus (but by 'white' foreign people if I remember well).
I reckon sometimes her self-consciousness amplifies irrelevant events. We've all been there I guess.
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Chatty Member
So she finally acknowledged why he didn’t join her on other trips by saying he only gets two weeks holiday a year.

So is that him done for trips for the year now? And presumably she will fly there and see him after work/weekend trip.

Gosh that doesn’t feel sustainable long term!
Ah that’s a fair explanation, plus this means he must be gainfully employed full time too. Only having two weeks off and flying over here to spend them with her is a pretty decent indication of seriousness on his part. Normal Americans don’t generally fly overseas as casually as we do in the U.K. either.
I'm not sure how much to say about this because mental health is of course very real and I want to be sensitive to people that have genuine issues. But this fraud has danced around this issue many times when she has been called out and/or is sad fishing. It happened when she was dropped for anti-semitic remarks she made. It happened over the tax bill and it has happened again when she got unsolicited remarks and questions around the very obvious weight loss.

As many of us have said, commenting on people's bodies is not on. However....... when your sole raison d'etre, income and lifestyle is totally focussed on your body then you better believe people are going to be curious. What's more, yes you do owe people an explanation when you have been giving terrible advice for years, shouting like a banshee about acceptance and the minute you take the magic pill you start yelling at people to mind their own business or else you'll kill yourself. This woman is completely toxic, the 'body positivity' movement is toxic and utterly depressing and clearly doing a lot of damage. These people are frauds and they're trying to dupe you and take your money. There is nothing remotely 'positive' about this person. She needs to be cancelled.
🎯 I feel terrible to add Grace Victory’s name to the list because she genuinely went through some of the worst birth & medical trauma I’ve ever read of, but she was the most delusional and dishonest of the set back then. She’d share things like how she’d had these non existent cancer scans (I’ve had it, so I know!) and midwives told her to eat more burgers and she’s not high risk (her BMI alone classes her as such) and then found herself in that horrific position. I think she’s grown so much since then and I actually enjoy reading her content now and am so glad they survived/thrived as a family unit, but I can’t help but think if she wasn’t part of/enabled by this delulu crowd could she have fared better? Like she’s very nearly a legit casualty of this school of thought.

And fwiw I genuinely don’t believe any of them are on Ozempic, I just think they’ve started exercising and where most of them were larger to begin with the weight really does fall off? I’m not big but if I’m good and regimented with my Peloton routines I’ll notice a change within the month 🤷🏻‍♀️