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I'm a trans-inclusive feminism, but womb carriers is sooooo gross. What a way to reduce people to their reproductive organs, which is the exact opposite of what trans people want. Simply saying 'people who can get pregnant' is better.
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I’m sorry but I can’t believe she recommended Las Ramblas to people visiting Barcelona. This is the literal equivalent of Leicester Square in London. Las Ramblas is one of the *worst* places to go to when in Barcelona- it’s sooooooooooooo touristy, there’s pickpockets on every corners and everything is overpriced!!!! Wtf! She calls herself a travel blogger?!
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The accounts:

2022 she had a sizeable £160k cash at bank, I’m guessing as a result of the pandemic/brands being more inclusive post BLM so more work in. She owed out £48k, the majority of which would be tax (corp tax, NI, VAT, etc) as that’s how it tends to be. No way of knowing. Which would suggest a reasonable take home for her, again impossible to tell but high 5 figures/low 6 figure (eg £120k not multiple hundreds of thous!) would be a safe estimate which aligns with her lifestyle too - single person renting a nice flat in a decent area in London, the interiors spending, etc.

Looks as if she then had a shit 2023 and ended up in a reverse ponzi situation where she didn’t have another year of high income to backfill the overspend. If she’d had stayed in line she’d have just had to tighten her purse strings a bit, but it’s snowballed and there’s likely no way to climb out now. The influencer thing is a sinking ship, the economy is fucked, super high interest rates so hopefully she’s not got personal credit card debt on top.

Re HMRC - they can send ppl to prison it’s the one person you do noooot want to owe money to! 🫠
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I missed what she said but looks like she’s still up to her old tricks
Love it when she gets pulled up on her crap and she tries to gaslight people who call her out. She needs to stay off twitter it never works well for her

How is saying "embarassing to be American" going to help those millions of women who didn't fucking ask for this? She's a dickhead
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View attachment 2541378

this popped up today and i just...... don't really get it. If influencers get gifted products and invites to events isn't "free promo" the whole point? Brands arent doing it out of the goodness of their heart. If you want a monthly salary then get a salaried job??
Tiniest violin for the woman who has literally chosen not to have a monthly salaried job. Maybe shouldn't have got sacked from your magazine gig dearie.
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She honestly seems like one of the most performative ‘activists’ on social media. What has she actually done to forward any causes? The best she’s done is shown up at events and complain online that they’re not inclusive. She’s recently been taken to vomiting out right wing tropes about ‘living within your means’. She’s such a sham. She is inherently pushing capitalism and consumerism on an audience in the guise of activism. Utter bullshit.


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and she can only really pull off one look which is kicking her legup in giant balloon dresses

She never ever posts going out socially? It’s always blogger events.
I don’t think she has any friends tbh, just fellow influencers/bloggers as acquaintances she’ll chummy up with at an event. You never see her out with mates at the weekend, going for a meal or hanging out etc. When she recaps her weekend it’s always that she watched Netflix or created content, not I went out for brunch with friends or had a night out. Shes almost always out by herself.
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Maybe I’m too cynical and jaded from being too online but there’s something off about this girl. I barely believe a word she says
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View attachment 2384363

Sorry I refuse to believe any 'influencer content' is worth 80k
exactly!! And Sorry but I don’t know anyone who has booked a holiday off the back of an influencer’s sponcon…

junior docs and nurses: we’re working long hours due to staffing gaps and low pay and we’re worried about patient safety as a result

train station staff: they want to close all ticket offices at stations and we are worried that elderly/disabled passengers will suffer as a result, as well as if leading to job losses

Steph: they want us to do reels on our free 2k holidays
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It’s also so cray cray to me that she is on her dream trip to her honeymoon hotel and hasn’t taken her beloved. Why would you take your mum to a honeymoon destination? The whole thing is so suss as fuck
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A doctor prescribed her some meds that were bad for her due to having asthma which she posted about on her stories. Fine. The way she posted about it did come across a little anti doctors anti NHS so somebody messaged her about it and this was her response.

"I am not some political tool to prop up certain industries."

Industries??? Its not an industry ffs. Its an essential public service that is being torn apart by the government. Yesterday it was announced nurses will be striking in their biggest strike ever because of the dire state the NHS is in and there has been a lot of bashing nurses for that decision on social media. Clearly now is a really bad time for her to be ranting about the NHS on such a large platform without mentioning anything at all about her views or support for the NHS or striking nurses.

She's so so so self obsessed.


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Chatty Member
what happened to her fan meet up?
She’s back on the uk so I presume no one showed up - the second hand embarrassment!! Also - my takeaway so far is…. Looks like she was in a hotel again so homeboy isn’t putting his gf up AND she’s been there twice in about four months but he hasn’t come to visit her. Presumably it’s just the cost of a flight because surely he’d be staying with her?
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Thing is, Stephanie was so desperate for a boyfriend; she would literally accept crumbs.

Quite unusual to see a partnered influencer get a gifted trip and repeatedly not travel with their so called boyfriend.
This! The way she hyped up this relationship makes it even weirder. Like what is the arrangement there exactly? I personally don’t believe in long distance relationships unless there’s a serious level of commitment on both sides and a concrete plan in place to eventually bridge the gap. But this relationship seems so wishy washy and all the effort is on her side. She always has to fly directly to his city in order to see him. He hasn’t come to the U.K. once and when she went to NYC he wasn’t even bothered to catch a flight across his own country to see her?

Steph annoys me in a lot of ways but I actually feel bad for her. She’s a pretty woman imo, making good money with an established career, there’s no logical reason for her to accept this situation. I think she needs to do some serious inner work and acknowledge how her ways of thinking/interacting with the world around her is hindering her romantic options. Because this guy does not seem serious at allllllll. I hope she isn’t financially supporting him in any way. I bet he fills her head with all sorts of lovely romantic sounding rubbish whilst stringing her along and wasting her time.
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I appreciate Stephanie raising awareness/reminding people about how problematic Australia Day is. But Holocaust Memorial Day happens and not a peep.
she is a certified jew hater so I’m not surprised she didn’t mention it. She made the Holocaust the butt of several jokes and openly tweeted saying that the Holocaust was nothing compared to what has happened to black people over the years.
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She’s ranting about influencer criticism on Twitter again, ‘not all influencers’ and pretty privilege etc etc.

She had no self awareness to understand the balanced arguments people are making. The fact is influencers are not really a force for good in the world despite their own beliefs. Their job is to sell shit nobody really needs to others. That’s it. And they often do it by creating a fake image that the follower is meant to try and obtain - they just need to buy x, y or z to do it. It’s an industry which preys on people who feel insecure/unfulfilled in their lives and makes them think buying more stuff will make them happier. But Steph seems to think it’s just like a mate recommending something to another mate.
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I don’t know if my ego could take telling people I have no friends and managed to have 15 people drop out of my birthday dinner
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