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She really speaks to her daughter like crap doesn't she 😔
I watched it for a minute and couldn’t bare her tone towards her! The interaction was really hard to watch and how she is able to treat her children so differently is beyond me.
Posting “content” (I use the term very Fuking loosely given the quality) about her daughter preaching it’s ok to be different doesn’t show love, support and compassion in real life. Take your head out of your own for 5 seconds and do better!!!!!
She also referred to herself an an influencer on the live last night then quickly corrected herself to someone with a large following. Whilst repeating - JEWLS will I do a video, JEWLS do you have enough brush cleaner for me to do a video, JEWLS I’ll do one tonight will I? I’ll get on it tonight JEWLS. fuck off!!!!
She is a great source of entertainment and our group chat is thriving when she’s live 😂😂
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I’m sorry, but Stephanators still absolutely creases me. Surely only she could call them a name THAT cringe?

Also came here to say a video of her filming her poor wee boy post meltdown just came up in my FYP. I think it’s so disgusting to do that to the poor kid. He can hardly give his consent for shit like that, so why does she think it’s ok for content? VILE
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Every time she posts a dancing video it just reiterates how much she needs smashed over the head with a pan for me.
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Ok so we know she’s reading here as there’s been a response to some of the comments which admittedly almost put me off sharing this however it would be wasted if I kept it to myself! It’s the over use of the word “absolutely” within her extremely limited vocabulary.

I ABSOLUTELY love them, max ABSOLUTELY loves them, every verb must be given an ABSOLUTELY before it’s pronounced. In some videos she uses it 3/4 times 😂

It’s tickles me, it’s ABSOLUTELY tickles me
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Imagine not wanting your child to attend mainstream nursery/primary. Imagine pushing for him to be further labelled and socialising with kids far worse off than he is.
A lot of autistic children need role models. Role models being in a mainstream setting, setting examples of good language, communication etc, in the hope of bringing ASN children on. This is what they will be trying to explain to Prinny but she just wants him in a council nursery 8-6 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Absolutely no need when she doesn’t work during the week.
Just wants someone else doing all the work, she will be telling everyone it’s in his best interests. Children need their mothers, not nurseries. They are in nursery far too long these days, it’s all to suit parents and not the needs of the children, ASN or mainstream. But these days parents get their own way, regardless.
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To be honest i thought the fizzy sweet video was one of her best of recent times. It was genuine and not staged and credit where credit is due if you click on the shop her video has resulted in hundreds of sales. Due to the stephanators she will be getting a percentage of sales so no wonder she doesnt need to cut hair! Also does anyone know if she has experience in fashion? She is working on her fashion line and just wondered if anyone know if she has done this before. Someone mentioned that she had modelled before?
Welcome back Steph!
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How would she have pissed them off? Steph has always supported small businesses on tiktok. Bet she is making these companies alot of money off the back of her fame! I remember she was promoting make up brushes and the owner personally thanked her for the business she got from stephanators.

I am loving stephs content at the moment. You go doll! She obviously has had it bad with the hubby (and she knows what people want to watch) good on her i say! I just hope she shares more when the time comes about dating again etc especially as she is now questioning her sexuality according to one of her latest tik toks. How great would it be is she met another influencer from tik tok! How long did she wait to date after her first husband? She maybe just needs some time but i hope she moves on sooner rather than later as she is still at angry stage xx
Since you’re so far up her vag, can you let Steph know that she needs to stop using the term ASD when referring to her autistic child? It’s INCREDIBLY ableist and offensive to the Autistic community as it implies it’s a disorder. They absolutely hate it, so please let her know, thanks ☺

This is coming from someone who has an Autistic child and I come from a ND family too. Although I know she likes to think she’s the only person in the world who has to deal with anything 🥴🙄
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She has posted a story singing the song and she actually sings the N word… new low.

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The woman needs to get some dignity.

Your ex doesn’t want you, so what good would sending him that video do? 😂 Honestly, I’ve never EVER given any man the time of day who’s proved that he doesn’t want me. I’ve got more pride than that.

She’s honestly so cringe
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I think some of the comments are seeped in jealously! Not the ones where people are remarking on things she has done or said. But the comments about her looks i think is defo jealousy.

so seriously wasnt gonna post anymore due to the hatred i have received on here for sticking up for steph, but just wanted to say to all the haters that as i said before she is the one winning from all this- new ad with one of the largest baby manufacturers in the world? Good on you doll get the pay check! Can i ask all of stephs loyal fans who are always brown nosing her on tik tok to actually speak up for on this platform? Maybe drown some of the negAtivity out? Steph fans aka the stephanators can you hear me ladies? Xxx or are you lot all the ones brown nosing on tik tok and being two faced and bitching on here?
What in the actual DWP is going on here? This sites no for you pal.
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One shoe magoo

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Whyxus she always barking stuff at that poor wee boy. She gives him no time to process what she is saying. In my opinion and as being an autism momma for 8 years now the very 1st thing that was said to me was don't keep repeating things say it once , let child digest and process what's being said. Don't keep saying same thing over and over. An I know ever child is different but that's common sense. Say once clearly and in language the child can understand. Maybe time to start teaching him Makaton? It helped us tremendously with being non verbal. There's no such thing in my area as a special needs nursery. All mainstream and we started learning it in nursery. Even small bits help so much and releases some frustrations and pressure of not being able to communicate. But by barking at him like you do a puppy shouldn't be done
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yeah, I think it’s harsh to say that’s she’s a bad mother.
yeah, her morals may be different to yours and I. I don’t agree with what she does and I wouldn’t do it myself. However I don’t think what she does makes her a bad mother. Her child has a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, food in their bellies and she clearly loves them and they do her…
She’s hardly Britney Spears dad!
although I have watched her since probably 2 month befoe announcement of divorce, I’m confused what she means by she’s trying to raise autisim awareness. People know what the need to know about autisim already; Ijust think that ride has sailed… it’s not like depression, which can effect anybody. So people aren’t going to learn about it and the things to look out for. I just think she will hit so many followers and then she’ll just drop. People won’t be interested, she’s not going to get over a million followers. It’s just not substantial amount of income to make. Might aswell quit now whilst your ahead because Steph it is a wAste of time.

What’s with the slow cooker meals?! Because her micro meals was mocked? Jeez just be real! Also, a slow cooker is basically like a casserole dish in the oven for hours on end.
You are mean to add a surface colour to meat and onions, peppers etc by frying them then adding to the slow cooker, then liquid ingredients.
Dumping it all in is very lazy cooking and is not how it should be used!
Disagree completely. A kid can have shelter, a full belly, clothes on their back and still have a shit parent. Those are the bare minimum things you should be doing as a parent. Exploiting your children online does not make her a good mother, it makes her a terrible one. No child should have their personal live blasted all over the internet. The line should have been drawn at max has autism but no. The whole world now knows his whole medical history. She’s publicly slagging off his dad and he was also a big part of her teenage daughters life. Can you imagine being a teen and going into school and the whole school knows your business? They know where you stay, they know your mums getting a divorce, they know all about your brothers disabilities, they see your mum being a total bitch about her ex’s and just men in general. Her daughter is old enough to consent to being filmed so I suppose there’s that but max is not.

In this world nowadays I actually don’t know why anyone would want countless videos and photos of their children on their public social media accounts. There is only one reason - money!

Max may be a sensory seeker but she’s an attention seeker. The sooner she realises she’s not all that the better.
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‘Guys, it’s not an offensive word. It’s my absolute favourite word. 10 out of 10. I absolutely love it. Amazin. So good’
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New thread

Separation and desperation give me adoration while I use the kids for exploitation
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She’s full of shit yet again. Does she try and co parent with lily’s dad?? No, she slags him off to anyone that’ll listen. Also I actually don’t think Petr ignored Lily and was abusive, she said he wouldn’t let her put on lights, pointed out her cellulite, and said/done all the other things (there are loads). I’d say she made it all up to get views. She’s an absolute crank that needs sectioned. She is a compulsive liar (as you can see by her TikTok) she forgets what she says then posts something complete the opposite. I feel sorry for Lilly, she’s growing up thinkin that its ok to jump from relationship to relationship and put your whole life on show for everyone. If and that’s a BIG IF Steph is telling the truth about Petr ignoring Lily aswel then what the hell is that showing that wee girl. Och it’s ok if anyone treats your kids like shit, just forget about it. I’d never be on any good terms with someone that had done that to my other child. My brain hurts thinkin about the shit she says. Yes her and Petr can be civil for max but the haircut is taking it too far. Did he speak to lily when he was there doin it or just ‘ignore’ here again. I smell shite!!!
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